The aristocratic system has existed in the West for many years. Those aristocrats may have been ruffians and scoundrels, but they were also the bravest group of people.

Raising money, risking their lives to explore unknown lands, plundering wealth, and killing dissidents, in exchange for more resources and land for their country, and thus their aristocratic status.

While enjoying all the respect, they often need to be at the forefront during wars, leading the battle and mobilizing momentum.

In the chaotic fighting place, strong war horses and sophisticated armor could not completely guarantee their lives.

But it is their duty to show off their power, or in other words, apart from showing their majesty to the outside world, the nobles do not need to care about other things.

As time goes by, the nobles who enjoy luxury are no longer brave, and their external dignity gradually becomes internal, so they naturally lose the value of their existence.

Of course, these are some situations related to Mu Hua's previous life.

But in today's world, those nobles are largely the same as Mu Hua's previous life.

In the dark ages when the Federation was ravaged by monsters, nobles were the leaders of mankind. They needed to make people realize that even poor and weak humans could fight against monsters.

In that era, the mortality rate of nobles was actually quite high.

And as the monsters retreated from the human world and the courtyard came, the nobles here also began to live a luxurious life of being deacons when they had something to do and deacons when they had nothing to do.

Then the nobles lost power. . .

The reason why the aristocratic system has not died out is that some nobles retain the institution of the ancestral knights. They have connections and reputations, have the responsibility of guardianship, and also have a certain symbolic meaning. And among those powerful adventurers, there are actually many remnants of noble blood.

When it comes to fighting monsters, the strategy team has taken over the leadership role of the nobles over the people to a certain extent.

But let alone the strategy team, even the brave ones, if a strong adventurer extends an olive branch to them, most of them will join the world of adventurers without hesitation.

This is a bit funny.

In other words, what is the greatest significance of a brave man’s existence?

Attack the courtyard? Don't make trouble. . .

Isn’t it just to make the settlers who screw the screws think that we are also awesome? Isn’t it just to allow the settlers to have stable offspring and live and work with peace of mind?

You jumped directly into the arms of adventurers. What does this mean?

Especially the problem of reproduction. Cloning and test tubes can cause reproduction deterioration, but they cannot cause magical adaptability. The settlers don't give birth to babies, how can you still expect the adventurers to survive?

Rather than carrying on the family line and having and raising children, adventurers are probably more willing to think about their own life transitions and invest resources on themselves.

Even if there are adventurers who regard the continuation of the family line as their responsibility, you will see whether there will be more lives or more deaths. . .

Therefore, the brave man can be useful within a region, but he is not very useful. Just shoot some video movies about fighting and killing, making love, going out to pick up artifacts, and saving the saint when you get lost.

When it comes to a more formal and big scene, some people who can represent the settlers still need to appear.

But at this time, the nobles who had territory and enjoyed taxes were pushed to the front again as if they were unwilling to give in.

But there is a small problem here, that is, the nobles have been reduced in power, and they are now very careless about such things.

The final result was that when there was a situation that required negotiation with the owner of the courtyard, and when the settlers needed to respect powerful adventurers when they saw them, Nick, a bureaucrat who was more inclined to the democratic party, was pushed to the front.

"You said this star survey meeting was initiated by Otis?"

In the clothing store, Nick put on decent clothes. When Mu Hua paid the bill, he asked Nick.

"It's not that he initiated it, it just happened that his proposal passed the review." Nick corrected.

The clothing stores in Fiona's community naturally don't sell any off-brand, high-end clothing. They have no defensive effect at all, but the prices are extremely expensive.

Nick almost ran naked to Qiao's house without even bringing a space prop.

Nowadays, Mu Hua is not intolerant of this kind of luxury brand, but it is enough to let Nick be a big player. From his own words, it is obvious that he has not yet formed this consumption concept.

"Of course, Otis is still very energetic. I didn't expect Webster to give you the position of Inspector General." The two left the clothing store, and Nick curiously explored.

"Webster is quite arrogant. What's going on with him? He actually made it difficult for you to use Otis's team. Does Otis have any objection?"

"Some small questions, maybe we are more compatible." Mu Hua didn't say it clearly. Nick was thoughtful, but didn't ask any more questions.

"The scale of this star survey meeting may be quite large. I heard that Daryl's deep submarine fleet has been invited."

"Since you are the supervisor of the Otis team, it seems that you also have to attend. Let us brothers take care of each other. I hope that the master of the courtyard of 375 can be more peaceful." Nick patted Mu Hua on the shoulder, his tone was like a couple Brothers in distress.

A star patrol meeting is no small matter. It is a negotiation between humans and monsters. This process is usually carried out in new courtyards.

It is said to be a meeting, but in fact it is also a demonstration by humans against monsters. Through a display of strength, it shows that humans have the ability to flip tables.

In this way, the owner of the courtyard can make more concessions and restrain some powerful monsters so that they cannot ambush and kill humans wantonly.

This kind of demonstration usually requires the coordination of multiple parties. After all, humans have limited high-end combat capabilities and it is impossible to take care of every courtyard.

The 375 Courtyard in Xiongzhu Town has been around for two or three years, but it has never been approved by the Star Patrol Meeting.

Even though it was a proposal, Mu Hua did not expect that Otis could actually organize something of this level.

"I just heard about the star patrol meeting from a Goblin general yesterday, and today you actually told me that I also need to participate?" Mu Hua resisted as he swatted Nick's arm off his shoulders.

"Ha, you dare to provoke the Goblin General? Don't worry, since the other party has agreed to negotiate with humans, at most it is just some mischievous provocation. In the event of a war, monsters of the level of Demon Generals will not end up." Nick. He joked that he didn't take the so-called star patrol meeting too seriously.

"But..." After changing his voice, Nick looked at Mu Hua strangely.

"I just saw you staring at the shopping guide girl with gleaming eyes. Are you sure Debbie didn't cast any curse on you?" Nick asked Mu Hua.

"The curse has no effect on me." Mu Hua shook his head. There was Tuesday in his body. He was a cursed spirit. Even if a curse was placed on him, he would be eaten by Tuesday.

However, as Nick asked, Mu Hua looked up and down at Nick thoughtfully.

He needs to find some girls to study body art, and the Nick in front of him seems to be the right size and length, so he should be familiar with this aspect.

"Nick? Do you know where there are many girls? The kind that are more open-minded." Mu Hua asked implicitly.

"Huh? Of course. Do you need Uncle Nick to show you the adult world?" Nick raised his eyebrows and, quite unexpectedly, teased Mu Hua.

"Well, I mean a place with more people, higher quality, and more privacy." Mu Hua added.

"How much? How much do you want? Or, can we have a party? I have a villa on the east coast, how about we go there?" It was rare for Mu Hua to show such demand, and Nick was quite interested.

"Well, I need to study some girls' bodies. It's best to find something that I can look at carefully. Well, maybe I need to look at more, the kind where I can take off their clothes..." Mu Hua explained with a dry cough.

"Huh? You...?" Nick was stunned.

"Man, are you okay with your health?" Nick asked carefully as he looked Mu Hua up and down with a strange expression.

"No, okay, I'm researching magic life and plan to try to create it. I need to know more about the girls' postures." Mu Hua was discouraged. There was no good excuse for this matter, so he simply explained it to Nick.

"Ha! Magical Life? Mu, there's nothing wrong with liking dolls. Many people like them."

"Don't worry, I won't discriminate against you in this regard. Studying magical life? Hahaha." Nick was stunned for a moment, then laughed teasingly.

Even though Mu Hua was talking casually about magical beings, they were existences that even demons recognized as living beings.

Even in this world, magical life is very high-end, and Nick does not believe that Mu Hua can create magical life.

He only thought that Mu Hua wanted to create a bionic puppet that suited his heart, or at most, he wanted to find a workshop to customize a magical life form.

Many men have longed for this kind of existence when they were young, but most of them gave up because they were worried about the eyes of the people around them.

Nick didn't expect Mu Hua to be so young and fresh. When he was joking and joking, seeing Mu Hua's serious face, Nick's expression became hesitant again.

"Mu, you can't do this. I don't want people to misunderstand that I have a problem."

"How about I introduce you to a pimp, and you go and talk to the girls yourself." Nick resisted, thinking that a group of girls would secretly laugh at his physical and mental health problems.

"Stop talking nonsense, just go to your villa. Now, contact me, I'll pay." Mu Hua grabbed Nick who wanted to avoid him, with a rich and willful attitude.

Studying body art is a good thing, but if you are eager for quick success, it is a bit like a pervert. . .

Mu Hua is also a bit reluctant to let go in this regard. Nick happens to be accompanying him, so how can Mu Hua let him get away?

Well, the girls this guy usually interacts with are also of high quality. It's better to have him help find someone than to look around blindly.

Mu Hua didn't feel bad about spending the money. The worst he could do was cover his face. Nick could play whatever he wanted, just watch. . .

Well, take a look. . .

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