
Looking at the prey that had become a rag, the hydra laughed. Today was a very nasty day. It is because dragons from other realms crossed over to their own territory.

In return, he tore him to pieces, but his resentment did not go away. In addition to that, there was a prey that gave off a strangely unpleasant aura.

However, when he looked closely at his prey, the discomfort dissipated like snow.

– sniff sniff.

The hydra gasped and smelled its prey. It still smelled unpleasant, but there was a sweetness mixed in between.

I knew it instinctively. it is nutritional I’ve smelled this sweet smell a few times before. And every time you eat nutritious food, you evolve.

Bigger, more powerful.


The nine reptilian heads laughed in unison. You can be so lucky. I had never even smelled such a strong smell before.

It’s probably the most nutritious thing I’ve ever eaten. A sweet smell was coming from the bottom of the neck, from the beating heart.

– Jjoeok.

All five heads opened their mouths in unison. These nutritious foods should be eaten with care. There is a lot of energy that disappears in vain when the nutrient bag is torn.

Remove the limbs, drop the head, and swallow the body whole. Then the heart will be slowly digested in the stomach without any damage.

And he will evolve into a more powerful being. When the hydra approached cautiously as if cooking precious food.


-… … ?

The hydra narrowed its eyes. Something flashed before my eyes. what? While looking around with nine heads in bewilderment, Hydra realized one thing.

one head was missing The neck, which had been cut cleanly, did not even feel the pain because it was cut so quickly.



The hydra roared as the severed head fell to the ground. A beat later, a burning pain came over the amputation.

– Kiik, Kiik!

who the hell what kind of guy Even after diligently looking around, there were no predatory creatures. Instead, it was a small whisper.

“It’s a dragon.”

-… … !

The hydra’s heads all turned to where the whispers came from. It was the prey that I had just made out of rags.

In the prey’s hand was a slender, thin skewer. Could it be that he cut his throat with that? Dare to the prey theme!

– Kyaaa!

Eight heads, excluding the cut throat, howled. It was a prey that could not use its hands or feet in the previous attack. I will attack you the same way this time.

However, the hydra had no choice but to stop along the way.

“A dragon is a dragon, even if the species are slightly different.”

– Key, key.

The prey, muttering something, flashed its eyes. The hydra’s heads, which became chills for an instant, all at once pulled back. Something is strange.

Is the thing in front of me really the same prey as before? different. This is not the spirit of prey. It is a predator. A predator that eats dragons.

“then… … .”

The predator in the form of a prey held a skewer and whispered.

“… The dragon must die.”

* * *


– Key, key!

After Luke came to his senses, the battle continued as before. The predator’s restless wave attacks and prey in a hurry to avoid.

Only one thing has changed. It’s just that the position of the predator and the prey has completely changed.

– Kyaaagh!


One of the heads attacked Luke for an opening. An attack from a position where it is difficult to react at once because it is the corner of the field of view.

But Luke swung his sword towards it without even looking.



A solid vertical line was drawn on the hydra’s head, and a fountain of blood spewed out. Thanks to its regenerative ability, I managed to attach it, but if I had approached it a little more, it would have broken into two pieces.

– Kyaaa!

Shivering with chills, the hydra continued to attack. To be precise, I couldn’t help but attack.

Every time the prey in front of me swung that skewer, I got an unusual wound. That power even though it wasn’t properly applied.

What would happen if you wielded it with all your might? One more head might not be blown off, but the body might be torn in half.


-Kieek! Kiek!

“Are you incapable of learning? Or do you enjoy the pain? What a strange guy.”

Luke clicked his tongue as he repeatedly cut off the rushing head, whether he knew it or not. The pupils of the hydra tearing in anger as if the contempt had been transmitted.

However, Hydra also had a strategy. If you continue to tire him like this, his power will decrease. Then I will corner him and kill him.

And an hour passed.


-Kie eh eh!

With a scream, the hydra retreated. why? Why doesn’t this little guy in front of me get tired?

If it’s another beast, it’s already exhausted and moving big enough to die. After reading the hydra’s thoughts, Luke laughed.

“You look tired first. Seeing that it doesn’t play well.”

Jjii profit

As soon as he finished speaking, the wound on his head that was about to be put back opened again. At the same time, the body suddenly lost strength and became hungry.

They lacked nutrition and lacked stamina. Only then did Hydra’s face rise in fear.

-Ki, Kii.

“Are you a little scared now? But it’s too late.”

A bleak smile formed on Luke’s lips. The hydra turned one head to stare at the other. You have to run away.

The ability to move that you have had since you were born. Although there is a limit of three times a day, it was possible to move most of them within sight.

I used it once when fighting Yeomryong and once when I came here, so there is only one left. You have to use it to run away from the guy in front of you!



-Kie eh eh eh!

But Luke was faster than that. Luke’s sword blew off another head. Only then did he know what Hydra was.

It wasn’t that I couldn’t make a strong attack to block the Hydra’s wave attack until now. I was just watching the worm in my hand struggling.

“It looks good. This is what a dragon should be like.”

-Lord, my lord… … .

The demonic sword spoke first without my knowledge. Is the one who holds himself really the right owner? Isn’t it like being possessed by something?

Luke muttered without looking down at the sword.

“noisy. Don’t let the tool play your mouth when you’re having fun.”

– Yes, yes!

“Just like a black sword, you can help the owner. I mean like this.”

-What is that… Whoa!?

The magic sword screamed at the sensation of energy being sucked out. It was similar to the sensation of being absorbed by the saintess, but slightly different.

The power itself that was usually controlled by the demonic sword. Luke is using it as he pleases.

– How could this be… … !

The sword body trembled in response to the surprise of the demon sword. It is true that Luke can use the power of the demonic sword because he has signed a subordination contract.

But how skillfully to make the power his own? It would be an impossible skill for a human being in this era.

-Huh… … .

Of course, I didn’t ask the question verbally. I was afraid of the original owner, but the person holding him now was afraid many times more than him.

And in fact, because of the power being sucked out, I didn’t even have the energy to speak.

“Come on, let’s play!”

– Kiik! Key profit!

As Luke raised his sword in genuine delight, the Hydra let out a scream.

From noble mtl dot com

* * *

-Khi-yi-yi-yi-yi… … .

how much time has passed The hydra’s appearance was miserable. Eight of the nine heads had been severed, and the torso was full of all sorts of cuts.

In the meantime, the blue flame of the magic sword was still burning her body. The hellish pain continued, but I didn’t even have the strength to struggle.

“It’s not worth it.”

Luke looked down at the hydra with a disinterested look on his face. The last remaining head crawled and tried to escape.

It was a futile attempt. There’s no way that body could move just by crawling on one head.

“Okay, die.”

-Hey hey hey!


With a final mortification, the hydra’s remaining head rolled to the ground. The neck and body, which had been wriggling for a moment, soon became limp. It was a perfect death.


Looking at the limp corpse, Luke smiled. The weak subspecies of the dragon did not give much sense of achievement even after catching them. Still, it was worth seeing him die.

I could always feel satisfaction in my heart at this moment. That’s what mother’s… mother?

“Turn it off!”

I had a headache that felt like my head was going to explode. My stomach was throbbing and my whole body was numb. Vomiting came out naturally as my eyes were spinning round and round.


Eventually, Luke poured out a bowlful of vomit. Fortunately, after vomiting, I came to my senses a little.

“Damn it, my head is spinning.”

It’s not just the head. The whole body pulls and hurts. It seemed that the whole body muscle pain came on quite severely. Luke barely moved and leaned beside him.

With a clear head, he recalled what he had just done.

‘Crazy guy.’

A bloody laugh came out. I don’t know why I ran amok as if I became a party to a tragedy when I wasn’t even the party. It wasn’t really Leonic possessed.

His memories, his emotions, his experiences just flowed in.

‘Did they temporarily assimilate?’

When he was on Earth, his life before and after the return was less than 100 years old, Luke. Most of them were spent in vain.

It’s not a life comparable to Leonic, who has lived burning his life for over a hundred years. There was nothing strange about being momentarily consumed by that gruesome memory.

“Still, I learned it well.”

‘Injection type’ education that beats everything into the brain. Although the side effects were great, thanks to that, I was able to learn how to use power.

Luke raised his sword with his arms shaking from muscle pain.

-My lord… … ?

“Why are you calling?”

– Oh, nothing… … !

The sword blade of the magic sword trembled slightly. As if something terrifying had almost taken over. Luke grabbed the magic sword and swung it lightly.


The tree Luke was aiming for split open. I didn’t set my posture or put any special effort into it. It was a skill that was only possible because he understood the ‘knowledge’ of swordsmanship.

There are few articles in the world that can block even this simple trick.

‘It makes me feel bad.’

I could understand why the villains plotted ‘More power!’ Had I tasted even a fragment of this power, I would have been properly poisoned.


Using the sword as a staff, Luke stood up. The hydra’s torn body and nine severed heads were rolling on the ground.

“It will take a bit of trouble to carry it.”

It’s a lot bigger than a normal dragon’s head, so it’s going to be a bit of a struggle, but I didn’t want to give up. The fact that a hydra has many heads means that it is that powerful.

Everyone will recognize Luke’s achievements only if he carries all his hair.

‘… I should rest a bit before that.’


Luke’s legs gave out, and he sat down again. I felt like I would have to take a nap to move because I used so much energy.

No monster can approach a place that smells like the best predator’s blood. Luke closed his eyes while leaving the magic sword to heat.

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