An old belief in the north was ancestor worship. It is more like serving a hero or great person of the past and asking for their strength and wisdom.

However, as the empire was established, ancestor worship received a stinging glare from the church. In response, the northerners voluntarily destroyed the shrine and completely turned to the goddess faith.

The only exception was the warrior’s mausoleum.

“Heh heh, I never thought I’d come here in my lifetime.”

Exhaling white breath, Viscount Thorburn looked up at the magnificent building. Even though it had been neglected for many years, it was as clean as if it had just been cleaned.

“Is it ancient magic, it’s amazing.”

“There’s nothing strange about it, considering the years it was built.”

“It was once a sacred place in the north… … .”

Everyone swallowed empty wind at someone’s murmur. It was a taboo word to say that the warrior’s mausoleum was an old holy place.

The nobles sent glare at the person who spoke in unison.

“Be careful what you say, Ball.”

“What would you say if you heard it in the church?”

“M-I’m sorry.”

As the speaker shrank, Ragnar clicked his tongue. There was deep contempt in his eyes.

“You are afraid to even call a holy place a holy place. The spirit of the wolf is gone, leaving only a tamed dog.”


“It is the tomb of a great ancestor. Aren’t you ashamed in front of old heroes? Instead of paying respect, it’s like servilely crawling.”

At Ragnar’s blow, the nobles blushed and shut their mouths. Any northerner had to do that. The value of the name of the warrior’s mausoleum was so great.

Luke quietly looked up at the mausoleum, ignoring the scuffle between the two sides.

‘It must have been the place where ancient heroes were buried.’

Heroes who remain as legends and whose existence is not even known. Most of them have been weathered, leaving only traces, but the North is an exception.

The warrior’s mausoleum was a sacred place for those who made the north home, and any hero wanted to be buried in the warrior’s mausoleum.

The dragon slayer who slaughtered countless dragons, the hero who tried to stop the evil god from descending, and the hero who sacrificed his life to save countless people. All were buried in the warrior’s mausoleum.

‘That’s why I couldn’t even touch the church.’

To destroy the mausoleum was to insult the heroes of old. I had no choice but to end the act of ‘worship’.

Ironically, thanks to that reluctance, the Dragon’s Heart was safely kept inside the mausoleum.

“Hey, let’s stop arguing here. I am not here to fight.”

The one who broke the uncomfortable air was Viscount Thorburn again.

“We have gathered here for the election of a king. Let’s not engage in unnecessary arguing and get right to the point.”

“If you want.”

Ragnar shrugged and approached the entrance to the mausoleum. At the entrance, a Valkyrie statue was holding a small bowl with both hands.

“King candidates, come here and shed your blood.”


“Yes. It’s a test to get the dragon’s heart. The path to the dragon’s heart is not open to those who do not offer blood.”


Some aristocrats stared at the statue awkwardly. Isn’t it like a demonic ritual? Recognizing his gaze, Ragnar clicked his tongue.

“Since they seem pitiful.”


Ragnar cut his finger with the dagger without hesitation. Blood dripped and dripped onto the bowl. When enough had run out, the next person came out.

“I will do the second one.”

It was Loghain, another candidate from the barbarians. Loghain also offered blood without hesitation, and a sneer formed on Ragnar’s lips.

“This is the end for the two of you. What about the rest of the candidates?”

“Of course I should.”

The third time Luke stepped forward, Ragnar’s eyes twitched slightly. Luke offered his blood, followed by Bjorn. The rest of the candidates also shed blood.

After waiting for a while with the blood of the seven people in it, Valkyrie’s eyes flashed open.

-Those who came to get the dragon’s heart, do you want a test?


“The statue speaks!”

When the surprised nobles couldn’t react, the statue moved again.

-Answer me. do you want a test?

“Yes! I, Warchief Ragnar, will take the test to obtain the dragon’s heart!”

Seeing Ragnar screaming loudly, Luke clicked his tongue. That bastard is using dragons to get attention. Are you thinking of writing an epic in which you are the main character?

– Only one person agreed. Are the rest like that? answer

“Luke Bernstein agrees with him.”

“Bjorn will agree.”

“I-I agree.”

“Me too!”

As Valkyrie asked, Luke and Bjorn continued to answer. Subsequently, other candidates also expressed their agreement with a slightly hesitant expression.

As everyone agreed, Valkyrie’s eyes lit up once more.

-good night. Then, under Godfrey’s name, the trial will begin.

“Godfrey? Godfrey!?”

“Could it be that demon slayer!”

Everyone, including the royal candidates, spat out in amazement. The strongest mortal who was once feared even by demons. A hero close to being in a fairy tale, let alone a legend.

I could never have imagined that the legacy of such an existence lay dormant in the mausoleum.

“It’s understandable that the church couldn’t touch the mausoleum.”


It was a time when the nobles were nodding their heads. With a groan, the floor of the mausoleum was pushed away, revealing a hidden space.

“This place… … !”

-Those who want a test, set your turn and come in. Each person will be given a day’s time, and those who receive Godfrey’s approval will obtain the dragon’s heart.

After those words, the light disappeared from the eyes of the Valkyrie statue. The assembled people were staring at the scene in front of them, half stunned.

dragon heart. Godfrey’s legacy. A hidden stone chamber in the mausoleum. And even far-off ancient magic.

‘Your authority has risen too high. This is no longer an assortment match.’

‘If the rest of the exam is like this… … .’

‘Is the king really ascending the throne? in the north?’

In the silence, a dry spit could be heard. If this test is known, even if the lords reject it, the people will rebel and support the king.

Unlike the lords who sweated in cold sweat, the Wang candidates had their eyes shining on the contrary. Because I saw the hope that he could become the true King of the North.

“The test is as I just said. You go inside one by one and spend the day. In the meantime, if you get the dragon’s heart and come out, you’ll pass.”

“Wait a minute.”

One of the candidates stepped up to Ragnar’s explanation. Karl Leiningen. He was the nephew and adopted heir of the Marquis of Serge.

“Isn’t that the way everyone is tested and given to the right person? It sounds like you just have to go in first and find it.”

“Yes. The ritual of offering blood is only to prevent the indiscreet from entering. As for the dragon’s heart itself, whoever finds it first wins.”

Everyone’s expression hardened. So, isn’t it better to go first? Ragnar, who read that worry, smiled.

“I will go in last. So, you decide your turn.”

“Kuhm, if that’s the case.”

The candidates did not refuse the favor. It was Ragnar who brought this test from the start. It’s okay if you already know how to pass the test.

‘But the story is a little different if it’s first-come, first-served.’

‘I just have to go in first and get the dragon’s heart.’

Greedy eyes flashed back and forth. Meanwhile, Ragnar snorted.

‘Sometimes, try dancing well, clowns.’

In order to obtain the dragon’s heart, a corresponding homage is required. There was no way the power-hungry candidates would pay the respect they deserved.

‘The moment you all fail, I’ll show you that I am a vessel for a true king.’

Around the time Ragnar was twisting his lips. Luke also raised an eyebrow while glancing at Ragnar.

There is nothing more enjoyable than stabbing the back of the head of someone who is convinced he has won.

* * *

The order was decided simply. Carol is first, and the other two candidates are second and third respectively. And then Bjorn and Luke, then Loghain and Ragnar.

‘Would you like me, who is from the outside, and the kids from the savage tribe to go back and eat with the northerners first? I can see everything inside.’

Luke laughed to himself. It was to the extent that it was cute to see the jansujak-eul.

“Keuheum, then I will go in first in turn. Everyone wait.”

From noble mtl dot com

Carol cleared her throat and headed into the stone chamber. After descending the stairs and eventually disappearing from sight, the door to the underground stone chamber closed with a groan.

For the next day, the stone chamber will be closed and the test will proceed.

“Now, let’s wait and see. Is he really the vessel of the king or not?”

Ragnar’s sarcastic voice resonated among the nobles. Not a single noble objected to that statement.

I just waited with bated breath to see if the first tester could get the dragon heart.

* * *

The campsite to stay for a week was completed in an instant. It is thanks to the fact that the position of the aristocrats who stay is not normal, so they did not spare manpower and money.

‘Please succeed.’

The Marquis bit his lip and looked at the closed stone chamber. It is the heir who was sent out with a half-hearted gamble, but the situation has become too big.

‘If someone other than you becomes king, the whole family will bow their heads. Wouldn’t you like that too?’

Fortunately, thanks to the strength accumulated so far, I was able to take the first turn. If you only get the dragon’s heart here, the rest will fall naturally.

Although the remaining two trials remain, the reputation itself for obtaining the dragon’s heart is great.

‘So please be successful.’


“Muh, the door opens!”

“… … !”

A few hours before the end of the full day. The door to the underground stone chamber, which had been firmly closed, began to open. The aristocrats who had been waiting were startled and ran at once.

The one who appeared in the stone chamber was Karl Leiningen, who hadn’t changed much.

“Sir, how did the test go?”

“Did you pass!?”

“… … .”

Carol didn’t say anything in the midst of the buzzing people. The Marquis approached Carol with a dejected face and said,

“You failed.”


That was it. Carol went into the camp without saying anything. It seemed that the psychological shock was great inside.

The Marquis said with a 10-year old face during that short period of time.

“My heir has failed. Let the next people in.”

“Keuhm, kuhm!”

Some nobles cleared their throats and controlled their emotions. If I hadn’t, the feelings I liked would have been shown on my face.

“I’m second in order.”

A young aristocrat came out with a smile on his lips. Doris Bowden. He was a young aristocrat who had recently inherited the countship due to the death of his predecessor.

As Doris stepped forward, the door to the stone chamber opened again with a groan. Just before entering the stone chamber, Doris turned to the Marquis.

“Is there anything else you want to say?”

“Shut up and take the test.”

When he said he had no intention of giving a hint, the Marquis answered coldly. Doris shrugged and went into the stone chamber.

And another day passed.

“Next person, come in.”

Doris popped out with a hardened face. that too failed. The third candidate was no different. He just kept his mouth shut with a reddened face.

Bjorn glanced back at Luke on his turn.

“Do you have anything to say?”

“Not this time.”

“It is too much.”

“It’s noisy, go in quickly.”

With a grumble, Bjorn entered the stone chamber. And a day later, he came out with a sigh.

“To be sick.”

That was it. When even Bjorn failed, people’s eyes turned to Luke. Luke grinned and looked at Ragnar.

“Hey, Warchief.”

“… What?”

“Is it necessary to bring the dragon’s heart? For example, can’t you go out after eating?”

The moment you find it, you hear that it can be eaten. Ragnar answered while frowning in embarrassment.

“Obtaining the dragon’s heart is itself passing the test. It will be a notice to everyone, so whether you eat it or not is up to you.”

“That sounds nice.”

Everyone covets treasure when it is in front of their eyes. It’s best to swallow it first before someone else drools.

After hearing the answer, Luke disappeared into the chamber, and the chamber door closed again. Ragnar’s eyes shook anxiously.

‘… Probably not.’

As for other tests, there is no way Luke will pass this one. That’s right, the way to get the dragon’s heart is to ‘pay homage’.

To whom does that bastard who lives in great taste pay homage?

‘That’s nonsense.’

Ragnar just needs to wait patiently. Until Luke fails and his aide Logain deliberately fails and becomes the last protagonist.

For some reason, I closed my eyes, suppressing the uneasiness that welled up in me. Assuming that the intuition that comes from the ancient lineage is just a whim.

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