At the Count’s words, everyone put on a bewildered expression. Valthor’s demon slayer? What does this mean?

Luke calmly accepted the Count’s words.

“If you are talking about helping the saintess in Balthor, albeit in a small way, then I am correct.”

“her! Then really… … !”

The amazed Count took another look at Luke. If the previous transfer was a product evaluation, this time it seemed to be looking at a treasure that had already been verified.

In the meantime, Damian, unable to contain his curiosity, opened his mouth.

“Excuse me, Your Excellency, could you please explain to us? Valtor’s demon slayer is a title I’ve never heard before.”

The sons of the other three families, as well as Leon, nodded. Leone hadn’t heard what Luke had done before either.

The Count looked around at the children of other families and said.

“Have you guys not heard yet? The story that two demons appeared in Bernstein Estate in the East, and both were exterminated.”

“yes? Is it really?”

“That’s right. Thanks to that, the empire was buzzing for a while. I’ve heard that Bernstein’s family head cut off one of them, and his son killed the other… … .”

When the Count’s gaze turned to Luke again, Luke smiled and lowered his head.

“It is not something I have done entirely on my own. It was thanks to the help of the saintess and her wonderful retainers.”

“A great vassal. Yes, I did hear it in my bard’s song. I heard that there are heroes called Storm Lord and Flame Lord under his command.”

“These are undeserved articles for me.”

The count’s mouth twitched at the answer he readily acknowledged. It seemed like he was trying to suppress his happy expression, but he couldn’t hide the corners of his mouth that kept rising.

“I heard that you came as an assistant to the Winslow family… … .”

“My knight, who is called the Lord of Flames, is from the Winslow family.”

“Huh, was it?”

The Count’s gaze flicked back to Leone. The Count quickly approached Leone, who flinched, and patted him on the shoulder.

“Why didn’t you tell me? It would have been better if they had told me that such a great knight was from the Winslow family.”

“No, that… … .”

“Hey, what does it matter? It’s something I wish I knew by now.”

“Go, thank you.”

Before Leon could answer anything, the Count was delighted with his own conclusions. Leon didn’t say anything and just hung his head.

Because I couldn’t figure out how the hell it was going. Leaving the others bewildered, the Count exclaimed cheerfully.

“We have guests from the far East, so how can we not celebrate? I want to arrange a banquet, albeit modestly.”

The eyes of everyone except Luke shook at the Count’s words. Since they asked for reinforcements, they said that it was half the war situation.

However, in this situation, a banquet is held. It’s something you can’t do if you don’t think the other person is important.

While the others were confused, only Luke answered with a smile.

“I will gladly participate, Your Excellency.”

* * *

That night, a modest banquet was held at the count’s castle. Due to the circumstances, it was not grandiose, but alcohol and meat were generously provided.

It was the troops of the other four families that benefited from the sudden banquet.

“Hey, what kind of rice cake is this? Even though I made it hard to breathe so that I wouldn’t look ugly normally!”

“That’s right. There are days when I get treated like this at Count Herning’s house.”

No matter how much it was a banquet for Luke, there were only four people in Luke’s party. The rest had no choice but to go into the mouths of the troops who naturally dragged them.

Thanks to that, the soldiers were able to lose weight, and the knights couldn’t hide their smiles either. However, the successors who commanded them were uncomfortable.

‘Until now, we’ve never had a banquet before.’

Actually, that was natural. I came as a reinforcement, but what kind of banquet is it in a wartime situation? It’s hard to expect unless you’re a very rare guest.

The problem was that such a banquet was held as soon as Luke arrived.

‘How the hell did he treat me like that!’

Damian gulped down a glass of wine as if to cool off his irritation. Stefan was no different.

I couldn’t even taste the taste of the chewy meat. This grandiose treat was just something I wanted.

Except for Leone next to Luke, only Walter enjoyed the food in peace.

“Well, if His Excellency held a banquet, you should know how to enjoy it. You don’t know if it’s a banquet or a prize.”

Stefan’s face distorted at Walter’s words.

“sh*t! Walter, don’t you have a belly? You eat well.”

“Then what do you mean? Will the prize be overturned?”

“I’ll have to get rid of that bastard’s falsehood and open His Excellency’s eyes!”

Stefan answered harshly and glared at Luke. Luke was right next to the Count receiving a drink.

The sight made my teeth clench again. To sit at the top of the table, right next to the count!

“Your Excellency must have misunderstood something. Or maybe he cheated.”

“Can’t it make sense to be a demon slayer at the age of 16 otherwise?”

The two of them shook their heads, then met eyes and got up from their seats. From their point of view, Luke was a kid who had been fortunate enough to become an idiot.

Even a little bit of detailed questioning will reveal the bottom. At that time, the Count will open his eyes and treat the impostor as he deserves.

“Your Excellency, I have something to tell you… … !”

– aaagh!

The moment Damian opened his mouth, a scream heard from nearby echoed through the sky.

A messenger came panting from a distance toward the frowning Count.

“Go, Your Excellency! It’s a big deal!”

“What’s going on!”

“Elf! Elves have invaded!”


At the words of the messenger, the count stood up with his flagship. Elfranie! Why are they here who should be hanging around in the woods by now?

It was just when the soldiers began to murmur and stir.

Cheer La Rock.

“Eh, elf!”

A soldier shouted in fright when he saw the shadow invading the plaza. As the soldier said, the twenty shadows were elves.

Their armor was as thin as cloth and engraved with runes, and they were equipped with a few simple weapons along with twin swords.

“Stop! Never beat them up!”

A knight came to his senses and terrified to shout, and a fountain of blood spurted from his neck. The elf approached before I knew it and cut my throat.

The female elf, who seemed to be the leader, looked everywhere and shouted.

“S-Devan! Lugar van Baja!”

“… … ?”

Everyone frowned at the incomprehensible sound. I’ve never heard of an elven language, so can you figure out what they’re talking about?

Seeing that reaction, the elf clicked his tongue and quickly glanced around.



The gaze of the elf, who seemed to be the captain, turned to the count. Realizing that he had been targeted, the Count’s complexion turned pale.

The knights also guessed the situation by the atmosphere and ran out. Sure enough, the elves galloped towards the count.

“Stop! Don’t let them go!”

“No, no weapons!”

“Damn it!”

The knights gnashed their teeth. As a knight, weapons are as precious as life, so he always carries them, but he was not a commoner soldier.

All weapons were stored separately for the banquet. The article had no choice but to come out as soon as possible.

“These guys! Where is this place, kuck!?”

“be careful! These guys are not normal… Whoops!”

However, the knights were terribly wounded and fell down as soon as they rushed. It was a speed that could hardly be seen unless it was a knight.

“You bastard!”


At that time, a knight aimed at the gap and swung his sword. A position that can never be avoided. The moment I thought I had caught one.



The knight’s sword bounced back. Subtle runic letters were shining on the arm guard that blocked the sword.

“Magic tool! Oops!”


Before the knight’s astonishment was over, the elf’s sword slid past his neck. Eventually, the elves almost reached the count.

“Don’t let them go!”

“Protect Your Excellency!”

Instead of knights from other families, knights directly belonging to Count Herning appeared. It was when the elf swung his sword as if it were annoying.

Tung, the elf’s sword bounced off with a sound. The same runes as the elves were engraved on the knight’s wrist guards.

“Kuh, you guys aren’t the only ones who use magic tools!”

“… right there!”

Sparks flew from the elf’s eyes on the triumphant knight’s face. It was too much anger to simply block the attack.

“Okay, from now on counterattack… uh?”

– Beep.

It was a time when the knights were about to shout out loud. The elves whistled in unison. Everyone stopped at the erratic behavior.

What is that doing in the middle of a fight? The question was immediately resolved.


“Eh, magic tools… … !?”

The light began to fade from the runes carved into the whistle. Eventually, after a few seconds, the magic tool degenerated into just an ordinary tool.

“Se-garan Baro!”

“This, these, keuheouk!”

Having neutralized the magic tool, the elf rushed more fiercely than before and slaughtered the knights.

When the obstruction disappeared, the elf who seemed to be the leader approached the count. The Count hurriedly searched for the sword, but his waist was empty.

“this… … !”

It was when the elf’s sword flew towards the bewildered count.

I’m sorry.


The goblet flew in and smashed the side of the sword. The elf, who lost his balance, landed staggeringly, then glared in the direction of the obstacle.

“I’m sorry, but that doesn’t work.”


Seeing Luke, the elf with a distorted face rushed at him. But faster than that, a thick fist came out from behind Luke.


The elf snorted and lifted the arm guard. It seemed that he intended to slash the head of the intruder after it was bounced off.

It was the moment when the fist, which seemed about to bounce lightly, touched the wrist guard.


“Damn it!?”

The female elf flew backwards with a tremendous shock. Perhaps because of the magic tool’s anti-elasticity, it rolled further even after flying over 10m.

Everyone who saw that scene opened their mouths with a disgusted look on their faces. To blow something that couldn’t even work with a sword with their bare fists?

After punching him, Bruno loosened his shoulders and grumbled.

“It’s a long time since I’ve been treated well, but I’m disturbing you and making a fuss.”

“Shut up!”

The elf stood up with a look of indignation, glaring at Bruno. It didn’t seem to be broken thanks to the magic tool, but the pain seemed severe.

“Devan-Ra… … !”


Just before the elf shouted something, another shadow came out from behind Luke. Red hair fluttered like flames and approached the elf.


“… … !?”

The female elf, who met eyes with the enraged Ray, was startled. As the other elves came running in surprise and threw their swords, Ray’s sword swung like lightning.

blah blah blah.

From noble mtl dot com


“… … !”

Close to seven elves were blown back by the sword that was swung in all directions. Among them was a female elf who managed to block Ray’s sword.

The elves all looked at Ray as they rolled on the ground with stunned eyes.

“Swinging a sword at the lord! Get you guys right now!”

“for a moment! Don’t kill them, capture them alive!”

Ray, who was about to swing his sword immediately, hesitated at Luke’s words. After hesitating for a moment, Ray nodded and fixed his sword.

Bruno, who was behind him, also stood beside Ray, brandishing a spear standing next to him.

“It’s easy to share this time too. Twenty people, so let’s take ten each.”

“I can do it all by myself.”

“No, I can’t get rid of it.”

The count frowned as he watched the two knights block the elves. No matter how great the knights are, just two people stopped twenty elves.

It’s not even just 20 people. Aren’t they armed with magical tools and skilled enough to infiltrate this impregnable castle?

“Sir Luke, is there any need to take a risk? Just kill me.”

“Is it dangerous?”

“Yeah… … !”

The Count was speechless. It’s no wonder that capturing is more dangerous than killing.

It’s something I can’t even dream of if it’s not a dizzying difference in skills. Luke laughed and said at the count’s question.

“Take a good look. What danger are you talking about?”

“… … ?”

The Count’s eyes shook violently as he followed Luke’s fingers. At the location the finger pointed to, a storm and flames swept through the elves.

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