Luke let out a stupid laugh.

“Are you saying my grandfather lied?”

“You must have lied when you said you had no debt. Tsk tsk, even then the debt wouldn’t go away.”

The village chief smoothed his beard with a pitiful expression. Perfect acting that anyone would have mistakenly thought that his grandfather lied.

But to Luke, it was a lie. In fact, isn’t it a sentence that says, ‘I’m going to lie, so accept it kindly’.

‘Ah, I remembered.’

Come to think of it, the same thing happened before the regression. The village chief came and tried to cover up the debt he didn’t have, and Luke, who couldn’t stand it, rebelled and had a long argument.

In the end, the village chief broke first and left the hut, but after that, he drove the villagers and threatened them to admit the debt as a group.

However, in the meantime, a second person from the Bernstein family came to meet them, and it was over.

‘That day must have been today.’

If that’s the case, then you don’t have to live with it any longer. A sharp smile formed on Luke’s lips.

“What, what? Why are you smiling so much?”

“hahahaha, no big deal. Anyway, are you saying that I really owe you money?”

“That’s right! How many times are you going to make me say it?”

The village chief was startled for a moment, but confidently insisted on laying the steel plate on the road. There was no shame anywhere on his face.

“indeed. If so, there is nothing you can do. Let’s talk outside for a while.”

“No, why all of a sudden…?”

Despite the village chief’s question, Luke got up, opened the front door, and went outside. Bewildered, the village chief followed Luke.

Luke went outside and picked up a wooden stick lying next to him.

“Chief, what does this look like?”

“It’s a wooden stick, what is it?”

“well. I look a little different. Doesn’t it seem like a good stick to beat up an old man who is talking nonsense about having debts that he doesn’t have?”


The village chief stopped for a moment, not understanding what he meant. After a few seconds, the village chief, who understood what he was saying, went pale.

Luke’s ferocious grin was too vivid to pass off as a joke. Only then did the village chief, realizing the situation, stepped back and waved his hand.

“Wait, wait. Calm down.”

“I am in my true state.”

“Luke, let me explain everything. In fact, things like debt don’t matter at all.”

“What do you mean? It’s very important. If you talk nonsense about debt, beatings are forgiven.”

“Listen to me for now!”

I’m sorry

The village chief, who was hit in the side by the club he wielded, rolled on the ground. It seemed like a light blow, but it was a pain that penetrated to the bone.

It is an extremely painful stick that hurts even though you moderately control your strength. It was a skill acquired through experience before returning.

[Experience increases due to accurate hits. ]

[Current blunt skill level is ‘beginner’. ]

“Oh, bonus.”

Luke smiled at the message he heard. It is said that the power was perfectly controlled as he wanted.

Luke decided to practice over and over again like before. It’s too bad that it’s over soon because it’s a mistake, but you won’t get any experience points.

“Wait a minute! You’re doing something like this!”

[Experience increases due to accurate hits. ]

“Forgive me if you stop now!”

[Experience increases due to accurate hits. ]

“I was wrong! In fact, it’s like a debt!”

[Experience increases due to accurate hits. ]

Luke continued swinging his stick as if he were dancing. Even though I didn’t use the blunt weapon well, wouldn’t it have a place to use it somewhere if I put it like this?

It wasn’t because of the thrilling taste he felt every time he swung the club.

[Experience increases due to accurate hits. ]

[Experience exceeds a certain amount and the grade rises. ]

[ Blunt skill level has been changed to ‘Expert’. ]

“Whoa, cool.”

Luke wiped the sweat from his forehead with a fresh face. It was a smile as if a rewarding field work had been completed.

Anyone would have seen it that way were it not for the village chief wriggling below and the bloody club.

“Sah, save me…!”

With the village chief’s swollen face, he prayed with both hands. It’s been a long time since I threw away the confidence and shamelessness of earlier.

The thought that I could really die at this rate was full of thoughts in my head.

“Okay. Is there any reason I need to save you?”

“If I die, the villagers won’t stand still!”

“I don’t think I will be alone even if I save her. Aren’t you planning to gather people and attack the village as soon as you go down?”

“Oh, that can’t be!”

The village chief flinched as Luke hit the point. It was because, if they managed to survive, they would immediately come in droves and attack the hut.

Luke smiled and poked the village chief’s forehead.

“Hey, Chief. Actually, I’m about to leave town now.”


The village chief shook his head inwardly. How could you dare to do something like this if you were going to stay in the village?

“You have two options.”


“first. I go down to the village like this and quietly stay at home. Reflecting on the things that betrayed my grandfather and me.”

“Me, what about the other one?”

“second. Just like I thought before, I’m going to call the villagers and attack them. And you pay the price later by shedding bloody tears.”

At Luke’s words, the village chief let out a sigh of relief. If that’s the case, then you’re saying you’re going to save me.

But at the same time, anger welled up inside.

‘cost? This cheeky kid…!’

A little boy with no blood on his head talks about paying the price to himself, the village headman. As I thought, I wanted to tell them not to talk nonsense.

But now, getting out of here was the priority.

“Definitely the first. If this happened because of my fault, how can I blame you? I thought this was all the payment for the usual bad karma.”

Tears welled up in the village chief’s eyes as if he had sincerely reformed himself. It was a performance that anyone would be fooled by.

Luke, who was staring at the village chief, nodded lightly and pointed at the village with his club.

“Okay, believe me. I’ll save you, so go quickly.”

“Oh, thank you! The Goddess will bless your merciful heart!”

The village chief bowed his head to Luke several times and ran to the village. The moment he moved away from the hut, the village chief’s expression changed.

Tears drained away, revealing a demon-like face full of anger.

‘Let’s see, bastard! Let me kneel down in front of me today and pray!’

The village chief disappeared over the hill, gritting his teeth to the point of making a loud noise. A cold smile formed on Luke’s lips as he watched.

“Did you choose the second one? Then you have to pay the price.”

Returning to the cabin, Luke explained the situation to Roderick in detail. It was because the soundproofing was good, so I couldn’t hear the contents from the basement.

“These ripping and killing bastards!”

After hearing the circumstances, Roderick was enraged. Even if you have real debt, taking a lot of interest is a vice in itself.

But I thought you were trying to create a debt that didn’t exist and tie it up forever!

“I will never forgive these guys!”

“Calm down, Lord Roderick.”

“How can I calm down!”

Even Luke’s dissuade did not calm Roderick’s anger.

“Aren’t you the kind of person who acted too hard even if you beat him to death right away! But even though the young master sent me away without touching a hair, he threatened me that I would regret it later!”

The more I think about it, the more I hate it. I expected it from the time I was attacked, but isn’t the whole village rotten from the root?

Unlike Roderick, who was angry, Luke, the person involved, only smiled bitterly.

“I’m fine, but I’m worried about the wonder. The village chief is not the kind of person who says things he doesn’t mean, so there will definitely be a problem within today.”

From noble mtl dot com

“If the old man comes with the others, I will fight!”

Roderick exclaimed excitedly. It was the determination that it would be better to die fighting than to let the master’s lineage suffer.

But Luke shook his head.

“Stop it. Kyung is not my guest? Please protect the sutra according to the customs of hospitality. Otherwise, how can I see my mother’s face when I die?”


Customs of entertainment. One of the sacred traditions is that when a guest is received, the host must do his best to treat and protect it.

Failure to do so would be a disgrace. However, there were few people who properly followed the customs of hospitality.

Even aristocrats who value honor often catch and serve customers when a powerful person threatens them to serve them.

The common people have nothing to say at all. It was a case of being robbed even though Roderick came as a guest right away.

‘But, to think that someone who grew up among commoners keeps the tradition so thoroughly.’

How honorable is this? It was a virtue that was hard to find even in a decent number of nobles.

“All right. But if you’re in danger, I’ll be there too. It is my duty to bring the young master safely.”

“If you block that, you will be forcing disloyalty, so there is nothing we can do about it.”

When Luke gave permission, Roderick clenched his fists. If the village chief really came to visit me again, I would not let him go.

Even though he said he was beaten to death, he calmly sent him away, but he himself is not a very merciful person.

Then Roderick’s eyes caught a wooden stick in the corner.

“Bocchan, what are you using that wooden stick for?”

“Oh, it was used to chase wild animals. Never mind.”

Luke smiled and pushed the wooden stick into the corner. Roderick looked bewildered in the direction the wooden stick had disappeared.

Judging by the blood on the surroundings, did he chase after the fox-like bastard when he came down?

‘For something like that, it seems like they just buried it…?’

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