Count Leonard recalled the events of the past year. When I first saw what Luke was doing in the West, I thought there must be something wrong.

Because the scale of work was too large.

– It must have been inflated with other people’s achievements mixed in the middle.

These are not articles that will lie. However, isn’t the possibility that the person concerned misunderstood and reported it?

The report about Luke was considered one of those errors.

-When Luke, the person in charge, comes, I’ll have to listen to the proper story then.

It’s an inflated achievement, but if he had become this famous, he would have done something unusual. I wanted to hear from myself what kind of performance he had.

It was fine until there. The real problem started after that.

-what? Join the fight for the northern throne?

-yes! He ate a dragon’s heart in the ruins and slashed three dragons… … .

– Anyway, shouldn’t I say something that makes sense!

Dragons are hard to see once in a lifetime. But kill five dragons? What about the dragon heart that was kept in the ruins?

– It’s certain that there is someone making up reports in the middle! Search all over and catch them!

Earl Leonard was furious, but all those who were summoned were faithful knights. The knights all expressed their resentment at the count’s suspicions.

– I swear we never lied!

-How can your Excellency doubt our chivalry!

The Count was speechless at the sight of the knights who were genuinely resentful. Even in their own eyes, they were never the kind of people who would lie.

So, is it just an exaggeration of rumors? It was too big for that. This was a difficult level even if someone decided and instigated it.

– Examine it closely again. It’s not rumors or false rumors, but really proper information to investigate!

Not an intentional operation, just a simple mistake. It was when the count, who made that judgment, ordered a reinvestigation. Before the investigation team even departed, a visitor came from the north.

– Meet the descendants of the great red dragon. This time, I visited by order of His Highness Bjorn, who became the King of the North.

– It’s really nice to see you. Please tell me that I sincerely congratulate Your Highness on his coronation. But what happened to the East… … ?

-Ah, it’s because of the hydra that Sir Luke brought. Since it is an achievement worthy of being known forever, I have come to deliver the proof of that, the head of the hydra.

-… … !?

Count Leonard was horrified to see that the giant hydra had nine skulls. One head was bigger than most beasts of prey.

When everyone in Count Bernstein’s family was at a loss for words in shock, the nobleman who had come as an envoy bowed his head with an apologetic expression.

-sorry. Actually, I was going to drag out at least one of the six flame dragons that he personally killed, not Hydra, but I couldn’t afford it… … .

– Now, wait a minute. six? That Luke cut down six flame dragons?

-Did you not know? I thought you already knew.

– I’ve heard that there are three of them.

– There are six of them. If you include this hydra, you have hunted seven dragons. Rumors have been reduced too much.

At least the count was so startled that he nearly collapsed to his knees. I managed to stop him from showing rudeness in front of the guests, but I couldn’t help but be stunned by the words that followed.

-The six flame dragons that Lord Luke slashed will be put together and displayed later. If you happen to visit the North someday, please come and see it.

-… … .

Other than that, the envoy said that there was a damaged part while peeling off the weight to reduce the weight, and that he was sorry for not preserving it perfectly.

The count managed to recover his spirit, held a welcome party, and sent the envoy away. And at the same time, reports arrived from those who ordered a reinvestigation.

A report with more details than before.

* * *

“Whoa, I don’t know what to say.”

Earl Leonard sighed and put the report down. Now it’s hard to tell if there’s even the slightest bit of exaggeration, or if it’s all the truth.

“To be honest, I still can’t believe it. If it wasn’t for that hydra skull, I’d still be suspicious.”

“Neither do I.”

who wouldn’t Even killing a dragon is an achievement that will be handed down from generation to generation. But Luke killed seven dragons.

Among them, the hydra was not at the level compared to the other individuals, and six fire dragons were cut to pieces while fighting one after another.

If anyone hears this for the first time and believes it, I would definitely like to see it.

“What the hell happened to such an epic adventure?”

“Mister Luke will be back soon, so you can ask him yourself.”

“It should be. Honestly, I’m going crazy.”

I was also overwhelmed by the great feat. As a father, he also had a genuinely happy heart. But now, as a single man, pure heroism was expected.

I wanted to hear from the person concerned what the hell happened to this young hero.

“I’m still glad.”

“yes? What do you mean?”

“There is nothing more surprising.”

Seeing the bewildered knight, the count smiled.

“Hasn’t it surprised me so much in one year? I’ve been surprised by all the surprises in my life, so I don’t think I’ll be surprised for a long time.”

“hahahaha, that’s right.”

“Bae, Your Excellency Count!”

It was when the master and servant burst into laughter at the count’s joke. Gordon, the butler, jumped in with an urgent face.

The Count blinked at the unfamiliar appearance of the head butler, who always kept his composure.

“What is it? Let’s catch our breath and talk.”

“Eh, an envoy has come from the elven principality.”


Let’s say it’s because the northern part belongs to the same empire. Even though elves have recently started trading, aren’t they a completely different race or country?

You even came all the way to the East from the edge of the West?

“No, what on earth did you come to our family for?”

“He said he came because he had something to say about the engagement between Master Luke and the elf princess… … .”

“… … .”

The Count had to cancel his words within a few minutes. There were so many things to be astonished about in the world. At least in regards to Luke.

* * *

“You worked hard to come all the way from afar. We welcome you as the head of the household.”

“I don’t know what to do since the red dragon of the east greets me directly.”

Although it was an elf delegation, it was not made up of pure elves. More than half of them came from the Herning family in the West.

“Actually, we only came here as guides. Those who actually want to see the Count are those from the principality.”

“I guess so. I understand.”

Well, what would happen if the elves, who had been living in isolation for a long time, came out naked to the empire. Prior to the conflict between the two races, the lords would not have given way.

That’s probably why the number of humans outnumbered the envoys with errands. You have to outnumber the elves so you can watch them one by one and intercede.

“By the way, who is the representative of the elves? I would also like to talk.”

“Please wait a moment. There is still a part of me that is not familiar with human etiquette.”

The Herning family envoy approached the head of the elves and whispered something. It seemed that he was explaining human etiquette.

As if he had heard it over and over again, the elf representative nodded his head with an expression of annoyance, then came forward and bowed his head.

“Greetings to the owner of the Bernstein family. It is called Hellion, who was appointed as the representative of the emissary in the elven principality.”

“Nice to meet you. welcome you.”

“It is an honor to be welcomed by a savvy descendant of the anti-dragon Lachesis.”

Earl Leonard blinked at the name he had never heard of. A half-dragon, Lachesis?

“Sorry, but I think you misunderstood something. The father of the Bernstein family took the name Leonic.”

“you’re right. He had the name Leonic as a human and Lachesis as an ancient dragon. It seems that another name has been erased from human history.”

The Count was taken aback. I knew that the founder, Leonic, was a famous figure. But I didn’t know that the reputation would be known to the elves.

To know even a name unknown to posterity.

“Are you really the same person? Didn’t you misunderstand something?”

“I heard that he has brown hair and purple eyes and owns a sword that glows red. Legend has it that not a single hair was lost in all fires, including the dragon’s flames, but is Leonic different?”

From noble mtl dot com

“… … .”

right. Leonic’s appearance passed down through the family was just such a description. Brown hair and purple eyes could look at Luke and the Count and hit them roughly.

However, the tradition that Leonic’s blade always glowed red and that he was not hurt even by the dragon’s flames is a story that only family members know.

“Huh, I couldn’t believe that the ancestor would be known that far.”

“There are many very famous stories. There are no records, only word of mouth, but if you want, I’ll organize everything.”

“I would really appreciate it if you would do that.”

The count’s expression softened when the elves raised the family’s ancestors. Hellion, who quickly caught the hint, brought up the main topic.

“The story of the ancestors takes time, so I can’t tell you right away. For now, please accept at least the gift we brought.”

“It’s a gift.”

When I glanced back, I saw several boxes with colorful intaglios. What was inside were items with a mysterious aura.

The highest level magic tools that even elves rarely make. However, the Count said with a rather calm face.

“Sorry, but I won’t accept that.”

“yes? May I ask why?”

“Receiving a gift is an acceptance of a marriage contract. Luke hasn’t even come yet, so how can I decide to marry my son alone? I don’t know if it’s a gift, but I can’t accept a gift.”

“… … !”

Hellion looked at the Count with a surprised expression. Whether it’s a human or an elf, if you’re an aristocrat, the wedding of your offspring is also one of the springboards to revitalize your clan.

When a good opportunity arrives, it is common to decide it arbitrarily and notify after the fact. But to ask the child’s doctor first.

‘Are dragons not born from dogs?’

Even Hellion did not know about Count Leonard’s abilities. However, in terms of personality, I could see that he was a more noble person than most elves.

Understanding the situation, Hellion quickly changed his words.

“It seems I made a mistake. This is a gift, not an offering.”

“Didn’t you just say it was a gift?”

“It looks like my tongue is twisted because I’m not used to the imperial language. Please accept it as a genuine gift for your visit.”


Still, when the Count showed hesitation, Hellion added a sneaky word.

“By the way, Luke has already finished talking with His Highness the Grand Duke. He didn’t seem to like it either.”


“I swear by the name of the Highness Arathion, the Grand Duke of the Sword.”

The Count nodded his head at the boastful words in the name of his master. If I said that much, I could believe it.

“Okay. If that’s the case, there’s no way I wouldn’t accept it.”

“I really appreciate you taking into account the situation.”

Hellion smiled and bowed his head. This was not a bad start for a wedding.

* * *

– An envoy came from the elven kingdom, and they said they were trying to marry the Bernstein family!

One news shook the whole East. What kind of race are elves? Aren’t they the heirs of ancient magic and a race that possesses magical tool making skills?

Because of his unique arrogance, he is called a goblin, but he is like an existence above the clouds to the marriage partner. That elf proposed marriage first?

“Huh, the already strong Bernstein looks like he has wings.”

“How the hell is it going? Who are you going to be with?”

“Can’t I contact the elves separately? If only trading could be done… … !”

Various reactions came out in the aftermath, which was not small. The more violent the family was geographically closer to Bernstein. It’s an opportunity to make contact with none other than the elves.

However, it was Luke’s two half-brothers on the inside who suffered the most intense aftermath.

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