“Don’t back down! If you show your back against the enemy, I will slit your throat!”

The soldiers flinched at Bjorn’s cry. The hesitant body stopped, and the ranks that were about to collapse were restored. But the fall in morale was unavoidable.

‘Even if I say fight, the opponent is a dragon.’

‘Damn it, am I going to die here?’

Even if there is a chance, can those who stop the dragon from the front survive? Aside from the terrifying flames, look at that gigantic body.

A situation where the battle line would collapse just by striking with the front paws and striking with the tail. The soldiers’ gaze was young.

‘Why are only us commanders ordinary human beings?’

The other troops now holding back the dragon were managing to suppress it without much damage. It was thanks to the commanders who were not like humans.

Luke, Bruno, Rey, Ragnar. The four superhumans had enough strength to compete with the dragon, and the troops under their command were enough to support them.

But not Bjorn. Since they cannot face the dragon alone, they will have to fight to the death on their own.

“Is this my last battlefield… … .”

Someone’s quiet murmur echoed like thunder. At the same time, the dragon tilted its head back. The soldiers’ complexions turned pale due to the overflowing red aura.

“Woe, flames!”

“I knew it would be like this, I knew it would be like this!”

“Wives, boys… … !”

It was when everyone was shouting like that in agony. Bjorn suddenly ran forward and threw an axe.

“this guy!”


– Kreuk!

The thrown ax flew and hit the dragon’s head. However, there was not a single wound on the dragon’s scales. It wasn’t even that the flame attack stopped midway through being shocked.

The annoyed dragon just moved its gaze towards Bjorn. Noticing that the target had changed, Bjorn widened his eyes.

“Back off… … !”

– Kyaaa!


As soon as Bjorn’s cry was over, the dragon’s flames spewed out. Because it only aimed at Bjorn, the flames did not go towards the soldiers.


“Rain, Ball Bjorn!”

The soldiers’ screams and the knight’s astonishment echoed at the same time. Although the flames did not reach, the scorching heat was felt here as well.

A flame that would melt a human’s bones in a matter of seconds.

“Ahh… … .”

Even the last remaining hope was dashed by the commander’s death. Fear ate away at the hearts of the soldiers, and even the smallest courage was gone.

It was when the dragon felt the atmosphere and smiled in satisfaction.

“Don’t laugh, lizard!”

– Kreuk!?


The dragon and all the soldiers were frightened by the voice that came from within the flames. Bjorn jumped out of the blazing flames and plunged his ax into the dragon’s head.


– Kyaaagh!

A blow struck with all its might. This time, it pierced the scales and wounded the dragon. The dragon screamed and twisted its body in all directions.

Bjorn jumped back, widened the distance and laughed.

“It’s cold! Do you even breathe fire!?”

“Uh, how… … !”

One of the knights muttered with his mouth wide open. As if in response, Bjorn raised an axe.

“No flame can harm me! Soldiers, fear not! I will be in front of you!”

From noble mtl dot com

“Ahhh… … !”

There was hope in the eyes of the soldiers. Traditionally, scams depend on realistic hopes and an atmosphere that lights a fire in the heart.

The appearance of the wounded dragon perfectly satisfied the former, and the appearance of Bjorn surviving intact in the flames perfectly satisfied the latter.

“Fight, sons of the North! I will lead the way, follow him!”


Loud cheers responded to Bjorn’s words. Bjorn, with a confident smile, thought as he held on to the one remaining axe.

‘Whoa, I was nervous.’

If the dragon had struck without spitting out flames, Bjorn would have been knocked out. As a result, morale would have fallen to the bottom and ranks would have collapsed.

But luckily, the first attack was flames. It was a perfect situation for Bjorn, who had the artifact Luke gave him.

‘But this won’t last long. When the number of casualties starts to increase, you will see the reality.’

Before that happens, you must somehow kill or defeat him. It is a bonus to act as if you can win without showing any fear.

‘Well, it’s not very difficult.’

The person he enshrines as his lord, the two other vassals under his command, and even the person who competes for the position of king are doing even worse than that alone.

It makes no sense if the person who wants to be king is not even this good. Bjorn exclaimed with a thin smile.

“let’s go! We will rewrite the legend of the North today!”

“Long live Prince Bjorn!”

“Goddess, take care of us!”

With the knights’ response, Bjorn’s troops clashed with the dragon.

* * *

– Kyaaa!

“turn around! Stop them from flying!”

“Uh, what should I do!?”

“Even if it’s an arrow, hit it! If you aim for the wings, even if you can’t break through, the shock will go!”

Bruno shouted at the knights and soldiers and jumped up. The dragon’s forepaw and Bruno’s sword strike collided as they were.


“It’s great, it’s numb!”

With a wry smile, Bruno straightened his posture. The dragon also frowned and stepped back. The battle itself was a whistle.

The sight of humans and dragons on equal footing made the soldiers stunned and busy. It was because they were the ones who went to the underworld the moment the dragon escaped from that superhuman’s range of attack.

– Kruck!


“Again, I’m about to fly again!”

“Shoot! Shoot wildly!”

The sight of the dragon flapping its wings frightened the soldiers and fired arrows at them. The arrows did not pierce the scales, but impacted the wings and prevented takeoff.

– Kyaaagh!

“Don’t look away, lizard!”

The moment the angry dragon’s head turned, Bruno jumped up again and fired a sword strike. The sword penetrated the scales and left a scar.



Writhing in pain, the dragon threw Bruno away. Bruno rolled on the ground with a fall and took a road stance. Seeing the dragon in agony, Bruno grinned.

‘The master’s strategy seems to work properly.’

Luke’s first strategy was simple. The superman holds the dragon, and the surrounding soldiers support it. It attacks when attacked by a large number of people and loses concentration.

-Only stop flying and sparks. If you seal those two things, the rest is relatively easy.

The dragon’s flame has a limited capacity and number of times. Even dragons know that, so they try close combat first, and if it doesn’t work, they fly and spit out flames.

Therefore, when he walked in close combat, he never missed it and advised him to hold on to the ground.

‘Fortunately, the soldiers are following the master’s strategy well.’

Perhaps she gained courage from the performance of a superhuman, she reacts quickly to instructions while being surprised at every moment. Thanks to this, the dragon has been stomping its feet while being tied to the ground.

Ray and Ragnar’s troops were also maintaining the front line similar to Bruno’s.

“It doesn’t matter if it’s an arrow or a javelin! If your wings flap, throw them and see!”

“Do not be afraid of the flames! I’ll stop you, so attack from behind!”

The cries of Ragnar and Ray reached my ears. The other side seemed to be working out pretty well too. You don’t have to knock it down. You just have to keep it like this.

‘Because there is a master.’

Bruno glanced in the direction of Luke. And he smiled bitterly. You never know what you’re thinking.

Still, in terms of power, it was comforting that he was not a monster, but a normal human level.

“… Now even the force has become a monster.”

A dejected voice came out of Bruno’s mouth. Luke was overpowering the most powerful dragon.

* * *

– Kill the dragon.

A constant impulse surged in my heart. The emotions and memories of others that he had never experienced before eroded his mind. The feeling of being assimilated to someone other than yourself.

To be honest, it was pretty unpleasant. If it was just that, I would have been annoyed and yelled at him to turn it off. But now Luke was happy with this urge.


A skill imprinted on Leonic’s body. The emotions I put into making the sword ceremony. And above all, the combat experience that was in my memory.

And with every bite of it all, Luke was becoming what his impulses wanted him to be. A dragon slayer in the true sense of the word.


– Kyaaagh!


Luke swung his sword at the deafening roar of the dragon. The Leonic in my memory whispered. don’t knock it down Move your body like you’re turning.

Luke did not reject the whisper.

Cheer La Rock.


Sword energy wrapped around the dragon’s neck like a whirlwind. It didn’t touch any bones, but it wasn’t even a small wound. If you make the power stronger, at once… … .

‘No, that’s not it.’

I ignored this whisper. The optimal power that can be used in the current physical state of the sword energy that has just been poured out. If you increase the power beyond this, an aftershock will come.

‘I’m sorry, but let’s take only useful things.’

The first awakening only inherited memories and skills. The second awakening was unable to control the power and hurt the body. And this is the third time.

Luke was sure. In the present age, where dragons are rare, there is no fourth. This is your last chance. If that’s the case, shouldn’t we suck up the essence as much as possible?

“So give me your memory.”

A memory that fits the current situation. A movement that extracts maximum efficiency with minimum force. In response to Luke’s response, memories flooded again.

Recreating the movement in his memory, Luke kicked the ground.

Cheer La Rock.


Wounds are carved all over the dragon’s body. With each blow of the sword, the wings, neck, legs, stomach, and back were stained with blood.

At first, the battle was established, but it was gradually turning into a one-sided game.

“… … .”

“… … .”

The knights and soldiers watched with blank expressions. He must have come out to support Luke, but when he came, there was nothing he could do.

‘If you go in, you die.’

Not by the dragon. I could see that I was going to die by the black magic that was tearing that dragon to pieces. When the knight didn’t budge, Luke stepped back and said,


“Yes, yes?”

“I don’t think we need any support here, so help Bjorn.”

“Ah, I see.”

There were no complaints about whether it was particularly dangerous there or that there was a command problem.

Just feeling that he had to fulfill Luke’s words, the knight immediately shouted at the soldiers.

“Move! I am going to support Prince Bjorn!”

“… … .”

“These guys! I mean wake up and move!”

“Yes, yep!”

At the knight’s command, the soldiers began to move. The knight who turned his eyes away from the battle of myth returned to reality and measured the current situation.

‘If we go on like this, Sir Luke will definitely win. It’s also very good where the other commanders are. I can beat them without much damage.’

Certainly, the armed force was frightening, to the point of feeling fear, but on the other hand, it was reassuring.

This fight has already been won. It was a time when the knight, who was preparing for great damage, was relieved. A soldier shouted loudly.

“Yo, dragon! The dragon flew!”


The knight exclaimed involuntarily. When I turned my head, as the soldier said, the dragon was flying into the sky. Luke’s request echoed in my ears.

-Only stop flying and sparks.

The knight’s complexion turned pale at the sight of the dragon that had soared out of reach of the attack.

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