The layout Luke suggested was simple. Luke entrusts the 1st unit, Ragnar the 2nd unit, and Luke’s vassals Bruno and Ray entrust the 3rd and 4th units.

The remaining candidates divide the remaining units to take on the role of maintaining public order, protecting local residents, and assisting in urgent situations.

“Everything else is fine, but can I entrust the troops to a single knight?”

“Are you dissatisfied?”

“A unit that fights the dragon head-on. But we don’t even know their skills.”

One of the northern nobles said with a slight frown. In a word, it was about how to trust an article with no results.

It’s a bonus that all the balls the two of them set up become Luke’s balls. To the noble’s displeasure, Bjorn stepped forward.

“I will vouch for the skills of the two of you.”

“No, even if I guarantee it… … .”

“They have a chance of winning even if they fight the warchief head-on.”

“… … !?”

At Bjorn’s words, the nobles swallowed the wind. What did you say? Is there a chance that monster will win?

“Heh heh, that’s a gross exaggeration.”

“No exaggeration. Isn’t that right, Warchief?”

Ragnar’s face frowned at Bjorn’s words. It was something I didn’t want to answer, but I couldn’t lie.

“I have never fought. Don’t be presumptuous.”

“Then tell me otherwise. Are you confident that you can fight both of them at the same time and win?”

“… … .”

I tried to avoid the boulder, but a lump of metal came flying. Ragnar shook his head without answering. The way he evaded an answer said it all.

The northern nobles felt a chill run down their spines.

‘That monstrous guy predicts defeat even with a 1-to-1, and is inevitably defeated with a 2-to-1?’

‘Apart from his own skills, he had such vassals under his command.’

‘Luke Bernstein, what the hell are you talking about?’

A few nobles swallowed dry saliva. It was terrifying to see something constantly popping out. Luke shrugged his shoulders and passed it lightly.

“Anyway, it seems to have been guaranteed. Are you satisfied with this?”

“Yes, yes.”

Even though he didn’t see his skills, that warchief is a knight who can’t recklessly guarantee victory. There could be no complaints about such knights confronting the dragon head-on.

“Then let’s start by dividing the troops. You never know when they might change their minds and attack you.”

* * *

After the meeting, the candidates dispersed. It was to check each of their units and prepare for their roles.

Among them, someone grabbed Carol as she was about to leave with an exceptionally leisurely pace.

“Come over here for a second.”

“… It is.”

Seeing the marquis’ face turned white, Carol nodded. The Marquis dragged Carol roughly and headed for the warehouse.

The Marquis let go only after dragging Carol to the corner of the warehouse where light could not reach.

“You, you bastard… … !”

“Please calm down.”

Carol smiled leisurely while facing the Marquis, who seemed like she would eat it at any moment. The Marquis took a deep breath and suppressed his anger.

“What the hell have you done?”

“What are you doing?”

“A dragon!”

“I don’t know why you ask me that.”

The Marquis’ hands trembled at the natural attitude. If I had the sword now, I might have accidentally cut the head of the two in front of me.

“You said then. Let’s lure the dragon into ruining the exam. They say that destroying the king election itself is the best way.”

“I can’t remember.”

“I never really thought it would be possible. I thought it was a madman’s bullsh*t.”

“Dad, this has nothing to do with me… … .”

“I will deprive you of your right to succeed.”

“… … !”

Carol’s face, which had been relaxed until now, hardened. The Marquis shouted at Carol while pointing his finger roughly.

“Did you think that even after doing this, you would retain your position as heir?”

“The estate is safe. The dragons attacking this place… … .”

From noble mtl dot com

“Shut up! Do you think you can become a god!? You cannot control all variables!”

The reason why the dragon was brought here must have been because of some method. I don’t know what that method is. However, the Marquis also knew one thing.

‘If there was an easy way to control a dragon, I’d use a dog or a cow or a dragon.’

Rather, in history books, there are too many people who died because they failed to control dragons while trying to summon them. Some behaviors may be elicitable, but there are limits.

The confidence that Carol showed in front of him was nothing but groundless arrogance in the eyes of the Marquis.

“Your sophistry has become. Tell me what caused the dragon to come here!”

“Do you think that I, who has been deprived of the position of successor, will speak?”

“Do you want me to take you to the torture chamber?”

“… … .”

Carol looked at the Marquis with a stunned face. I never imagined that the sound of a torture chamber would come out. But the Marquis did not blink an eye.

“Do you think you can’t?”


“The reason I adopted you is to carry on the family name! It’s not because you’re pretty!”

Carol stepped back at the Marquis’ growling words. It was unusually powerful even at an old age.

“This place, called the Pearl of the North, is my city! I have done it and I have built it up! You have pushed my feat to the brink!”

“that… … !”

“Shut up! Whatever the reason, the scope for me to forgive you has already passed!”

The Marquis glared at Carol and said.

“You are not my heir. Whether this situation can be reversed or not.”

“… … !”

“But if you don’t tell me when you know the way, you’d better be prepared.”

Carol kept her mouth shut. The face was terribly distorted. It is not because of the declaration of deprivation of the successor of the marquis. It’s because I read the intention inside.

‘Did my father want it to end beautifully?’

While regretting the success of his youth, he decided to accept the king kindly. The reason was obvious. For him, who is dying, the prosperity of his family is only his last regret.

As far as I know, they look alike. The Marquis was satisfied with what he had enjoyed so far and was about to end it. I didn’t think about the fall in the status of the successor, Carol.

What was the difference between him and Carol, who wanted absolute authority even if that would destroy the feat of the marquis?

‘Maybe it’s the family history.’

It’s the idea that as long as you’re good, the rest doesn’t matter. It was a truly terrible family history. Carol smiled bitterly and moved on.

“Where are you going?”

“I’m trying to do as my father wishes.”

It was a truly amazing coincidence. The reason why the dragon came was hidden in the warehouse where the Marquis led Carol.

Carol, who carefully brought something wrapped in a cloth, put the cloth away.

“Big eggs? I hope you… … !”

“It is a dragon egg.”

“Such a madman!”

The Marquis felt his mind wander. What have you done?

“How can this… … !”

“The warchief gave me the location. There was one Dragon Habitat left that no one went to during the second test. We sent people there.”

To be honest, I just sent it as a gamble. I tried to entice and ask them to come this way, but I never thought that would be possible.

However, whether it was the sender’s luck of a lifetime, or the great courage, he stole the egg. Not even one, but among the hordes of dragons.

“It was truly a help from heaven.”

“It must be the devil’s help! Do you know what you did?”

“Of course I know. Something to do in the future.”


Carol raised the egg high into the sky. The Marquis barely suppressed the screams that were about to burst out.

“I can’t quit!”

“It’s late.”


Eggs that fell to the floor were broken. The fluid of the dragon, which had not yet grown, was crushed and died.

“you you… … !”

“It is said that dragons can know the life and death of their cubs from hundreds of miles away.”

“… … !”

“Hurry up. The dragon will attack soon.”

The Marquis ran out without hesitation. Because I had to prepare for the dragon’s attack as soon as possible. Even a second of being angry at Carol was a waste.

Carol coolly looked at the back of the Marquis, who was moving away.

“Please try to stop it, Father.”

If the Marquis survived this battle and testified to everything, it would be Carol’s defeat. However, if the Marquis died and the election of the king collapsed, it would be Carol’s victory.

In the meantime, the damage to the territory might be enormous, but it didn’t matter.

‘Anyway, isn’t oneself the most precious thing?’

Carol bit her lip as she recalled the teaching her adoptive father taught her at the end.

* * *


Unfortunately for the Marquis, the dragons immediately noticed that the offspring were dead. It’s because the connection of life that felt fine was cut off.

The problem was the timing.

“Yo, dragons are strange!”

“what? Why now?”

Luke shouted in an absurd voice. I don’t know if it was intentional or accidental, but the situation was so bad.

“The deployment isn’t over yet!”

The worst thing to do in battle is to break ranks. If attacked in that situation, incomparable damage occurs when the ranks are intact.

And the fact that the deployment is not over yet means that the formation has collapsed from the beginning.

“If you are attacked now… … !”

It wasn’t until Luke finished talking. One of the four flame dragons flew into the sky.

Perhaps it was a sudden action, the other dragons did not respond. Rather, the guys seemed to be perplexed. It was fortunate that there was no response, but it didn’t make a big difference when I got to know it.

‘If I show myself collapsing here, those guys will come running at once!’

I had to somehow stop the dragon from coming and stop the others. However, it was obvious that they would join in if they managed to block it or if there was a confrontation.

An overwhelming room was needed. Luke took a deep breath and gripped the scabbard tightly.

“What are you doing!? Fight alongside your vassals!”

Ragnar, who was just about to leave, stopped and yelled at Luke, who stood there. Bruno and Ray were also embarrassed.

“Master, what shall we do?”

“… … .”

Luke didn’t answer Bruno’s question. Ragnar shouted even louder.

“I mean calm down! Who should be the one to fight the most… … !”

“noisy. It’s coming.”

Luke, who made Ragnar shut up with a short rant, looked inside. A power I’m not used to yet. A skill left behind by the memory of the invitation.

‘Like the time when it was consumed by memory, I bring it out with maximum reproducibility.’

A few days passed and the memory was gone. But the body still remembered. Then the movement of muscles, how to deal with power.

kill the dragon

My heart beat loudly. The body was being dragged into the memory.

Kill the dragon!

Resist the urges that flow out of your body. He maintains his ego and brings out only technology. Movements and memories of reality are coordinated and unified.

– Kyaaa!

“Ahhh… … .”

A dragon’s roar and soldiers’ screams could be heard nearby. It felt far away, as if it could be heard from far away. At some point, it came this close.

It’s not just the voice. The world in front of me also started to slow down. I could see the dragon slowly tilting its head back.

“Dragon flames… … !”

“no… … !”

Ragnar bursts with astonishment a step too late. The dragon opened its mouth as if it was already too late. A soldier collapses with his legs loose.

Contemplating all of that, Luke drew his sword. While everything slowed down, strangely, the speed of pulling out the sword was the same as usual.

At the same time as the magic sword cut through the air.


“… uh?”

The dragon that could not breathe fire was split vertically.

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