The Science Fiction World of Xueba

Chapter 383: resident Evil

Looking at the back of Wang Yuexin leaving, Pang Xuelin shook his head helplessly.

He was a bit envious of Mochizuki Shinichi and Perelman. They are now bringing their students to study the topics they are interested in. Life is quite comfortable.

I can't do it like this.

As many titles have been added, Pang Xuelin's responsibilities have become increasingly heavy.

The current Pang Xuelin is more like a scientific research manager, with many project teams under him.

For example, the Flying Nano Materials Project Team of the Carbon Nano Research Center, the Graphene Materials Project Team, the Carbon Nanotube CMOS Materials Project Team, and the Jinlong Battery Project Team of the Electrochemical Center, and the Superconducting Materials Project Team in cooperation with the University of Science and Technology of China.

In addition, Pang Xuelin had to worry about the construction and development of Jiangcheng Advanced Research Institute and Qiantang Laboratory.

He doesn't have much care and energy to do research.

Apart from that, the project of simply searching for room temperature superconductors and clarifying the superconducting mechanism is mainly carried out by Cao Yuan. Specific verification research is now being done. Pang Xuelin can only give certain suggestions and guidance in theory and experiments according to his own ideas. .

"I don't know when the next adventure world will arrive?"

Xi Pang Xuelin sighed secretly.

六个 It has been more than six months since the last return from the interstellar world.

Pang Xuelin hopes to go to a more comfortable world where he can devote himself to scientific research and do his academic work well.

In the night.

After a fierce battle, Pang Xuelin picked up the frail Qi Xin and took a bath together. After drying his body with a bath towel, he put on his pajamas and was about to embrace the girl and sleep.

The system's voice suddenly sounded in Pang Xuelin's mind: "Host please note that the" Resident Evil "world will open in half an hour. In order to avoid the host being unconscious for too long in the real world, which will cause the system to expose risks, the real world and the plane are now The world time ratio is adjusted to 1: 100,000. After the adjustment, the host will not be able to bring people or items from the real world into the plane world ... "

Pang Xuelin couldn't help it.

"Alin, what's wrong?"

Qi Qixin saw Pang Xuelin look a little lost, curious.

"It's all right, sleep!"

Pang Xuelin smiled, kissed Qi Xin on the forehead, and turned off the light with a click.

Qi Qixin squinted his eyes and curled her whole body into Pang Xuelin's arms.

Qi Xin had poor sleeping habits. After waking up often, the whole person leaned back and forth, and the quilt didn't know where she was kicked.

But after experiencing that crisis in the United States, Qi Xin now likes to shrink to sleep, especially when she is curled up in Pang Xuelin's arms, making her feel safe.

Xi Pang Xuelin didn't sleep at all.

He did not expect that this time he needed to enter the world of adventure, turned out to be the "Resident Evil" world.

初始 The initial version of "Resident Evil" in the world should be derived from the stand-alone game launched by the company in 1996.

After that, on the basis of stand-alone games, different versions of movies, anime, and novels were derived.

Of course, the most well-known is the "Resident Evil" series starring Milla Jovovich.

This series of sci-fi thriller movies, combining beautiful female heroes, handsome fighting and thrilling atmosphere, has achieved great success worldwide.

Compared with the narrative aimed at the heroine Alice in the movie, the Resident Evil game has a very large and complete overhead historical worldview setting, and its story background runs through the entire series of works.

时期 During the 18th century, an explorer named Henry Travis discovered an indigenous tribe, Dubai Asian Tribe, during an African expedition.

The Dubai Asian tribe is a survivor of the ancient West African ruler, the Dubai Asian Kingdom. There is a legend circulating among their tribes that their leaders have a long life span, and their bodies are unusually strong and impenetrable. The way in which the tribal leaders inherited is still adopted by the primitive tribes. The referral system, and the candidate must become the leader of the tribe through a ceremony called "Sun Ladder Ritual".

The "Sun Ladder" is a relic of the ancient kingdom of Dubai, a large poisonous plant of the genus Asteraceae. The "Sun Ladder Ritual" requires candidates to serve this highly toxic plant. Only the one who survives can become a tribe. The leader, meanwhile, he will have a life span and strength far beyond ordinary people.

Henry Travis witnessed the whole process of this ritual and was fully recorded in his book "History of Natural History". However, due to the social background at the time, this book was not recognized by the academic community. Henry Travis Spencer also ended his life in gloom, except that part of the Natural History Survey was taken back by the Travis family, and the rest were kept in the hands of the Spencer family.

The time has come to the 1960s. The Natural History Survey was inadvertently pulled out by the current head of the Spencer family, Oswell Spencer. After reading the contents of the book, Spencer described the " The "Sun Ladder" flower has generated a lot of interest, and he told his friend Edward Ashford and his classmate James Marcus that James Marcus, a doctor of biology, felt that the "Sun Ladder" flower There may be some substances that can mutate the human body. It is proposed that the three go to West Africa to look for flowers and study them, and the other two readily agree. Subsequently, a group of people with the help of the armed forces expelled the local sub-Indigenous Dubai, controlled the altar where the "Sun Ladder" flowers were located, and began to sample and analyze the "Sun Ladder" flowers.

Soon after, James Marcus successfully extracted the material components of the "Sun Ladder" flower and found that it contained a new type of RNA (single-stranded structural genetic material) virus. He named it "the progenitor virus" "The progenitor virus" is the prototype of all the viruses in the biochemical crisis series in the future. The famous T virus and G virus are developed or mutated based on the "progenitor virus".

发现 This discovery made James Marcus extremely excited. In 1968, he and the powerful family members Edward and Spencer formed the Ambrella United Pharmaceutical Company (Inc), which is known as the umbrella company.

The umbrella company is a pharmaceutical company with abundant financial resources on the surface, but it is actually engaged in the research and development of viruses behind it.

Luan Ambrella has set up three research institutes in the "Sun Ladder" shrine, the Akure Mountains in the United States, and Paris, France. It is worth mentioning that the Akure Mountains are where the Raccoon City is located.

In the same year, Edward Ashford died of accidental infection with the "primordial virus". His son Alexander Ashford succeeded the owner and took over his father's research.

Spencer was dissatisfied with the slow R & D progress and planned to take a different approach and secretly launched the "Wesker Project". He collected a large range of children with high IQs, instilled their values, and changed their surnames to Wesker, of which Two of the most outstanding subjects were Alex Wesker on the 12th and Albert Wesker on the 13th.

The research work on "Progenitor Virus" has been progressing slowly for several years. Until 1977, the increasingly crazy Dr. James Marcus tried to fuse the mutant strain of "Progenitor Virus" with the DNA of Leech and got a certain effect. At the same time, In the "Wesker Project", Albert Wesker and talented researcher William Birkin were transferred to the Ambrella Cadre Training Institute to personally teach them the theory and knowledge of the virus.

In 1978, Marcus's research on viruses was finally successful. He developed a brand-new virus called "T virus", where T is the first letter from the word Tyrant.

It was also the same year that Marcus had previously secretly used company students as human experiment samples. The secret was learned by the board of Ambrella. As a result, Marcus was swept out of the company, and his former cadre training facility was also removed. All The research materials and data were transferred to the Akure Institute, and two students of Marcus, William Birkin and Albert Wesker, became the principal researchers of the institute.

Because of the accidental death of Edward Ashford before, Spencer was in this position within Ambrella, and Spencer, who was dazzled by power, felt that Marcus's existence was no different than a time. bomb. So one day in 1988, he sent his subordinate William Birkin, along with Albert Wesker, who was then the undercover of the Raccoon City Police Department, to secretly kill Marcus in his home and abandon the sewer. .

But what they didn't know was that as a Marcus experiment sample, the Minamata Queen infected with the T virus crawled into Marcus' mouth after they left ...

Soon after, William Birkin, who took over the research of "T virus", successfully created a super-living body "Tyrant (Tyrant)" according to the original idea. Tyrant is different from ordinary virus-infected humans. The attack ability is both higher than that of ordinary humans. It is powerful and abnormal. The disadvantage is that it has very low intelligence, it can only complete simple attack commands, and it has a simple limbs and developed minds.

At the same time, the French branch of Ambrella is working on a research project called "nemesis (nemesis)". "Nemesis" is a genetically modified parasite that can be significantly strengthened when implanted in the brain. The host is intelligent, but most creatures can't withstand the transformation process of "nemesis" and will die in a short time.

William Parkin saw the hope of creating a perfect tyrant here. After receiving the approval of Spencer, William Parkin was despondent to inject "T virus" and "nemesis" into a large number of experimental samples at the same time. George Trevor's wife and daughter Lisa were not spared.

The experiment ended with the death of a large number of subjects, and Lisa was lucky to survive. Previously, she had been vaccinated with the "primordial virus", so that any new virus developed based on the "primitive virus" was in Her body was successfully fused and mutated, and she even absorbed the "nemesis" in the brain. This phenomenon attracted William Birkin's attention. He extracted substances from Lisa's body and developed a new virus. "G virus".

In 1998, Marcus, who had been dead for ten years, was resurrected in his youth by the parasite of "T virus" and the Minamata Queen, and vowed to revenge Ambrella fiercely.

He first damaged some of the facilities at the Aklay Institute and the Raccoon City Underground Institute, causing a virus leak, innumerable staff and experimental organisms being infected, and a batch of B.ani organic biochemical weapons) Helldogs from Akure The foreign house where the institute was located escaped, attacking and killing several citizens and tourists in a short time.

Uh ...

This is the background setting of Resident Evil's game world view, which is not directly shown in the movie.

Whether it's a game or a movie, it's all about a T virus leak that infects humans.

But only one raccoon city in the game is destroyed, and the movie's T virus destroys the world.

As for the specific plots of movies and games, that's even worse.

The protagonist of the movie version, Alice, was newly created by the producer. In the movie, only some characters appearing in the game are added, such as Claire, Chris, Jill, Lyon, and the villain Wesker.

Uh ...

But for Pang Xuelin ~ ~ It doesn't matter to him whether it is the biochemical crisis of the game version, the biochemical crisis of the movie version, or the combination of the two.

Anyway, whether it is a game, a movie, an anime, or a novel, he has basically seen it once, and the plot of the opposite side is clear.

His attention at this time is more focused on the rule change that the system says.

This time the system actually changed the time ratio of the plane world to the real world to 1: 100,000.

That is to say, if I sleep in the real world for one night, the plane world is equivalent to a hundred years.

Another important change is that people or objects in the real world cannot be brought into the plane world.

In this case, I am afraid I cannot summon Tomoko or MOSS in the plane world.

无疑 This undoubtedly increases the danger of Pang Xuelin's future adventures in the plane world.

Fortunately, Pang Xuelin has undergone a systematic transformation. No matter his physical fitness or nerve reaction speed, it is far beyond the level of ordinary humans. Even if he ventures in some of the more dangerous plane worlds, he has the power to protect himself.

I just don't know why, Pang Xuelin faintly felt that this time, the system changed the time ratio of the real world and the plane world to 1: 100000, and at the same time prohibited people or things other than Pang Xuelin from entering the plane world. I am afraid there is no small connection.

But this kind of thing is not what I need to consider now.

Xi Pang Xuelin closed her eyes and waited patiently for the final moment.

Twenty-five hours later, the system's voice was in Pang Xuelin's mind again: "Host please pay attention, the biochemical crisis world is about to open, countdown, ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one ..."

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