The Science Fiction World of Xueba

Chapter 368: Shura Field

After listening to Qi Xin's description, Pang Xuelin was thoughtful.

Ten days after he was in a coma, WikiLeaks broke the news that the CIA had stolen Qi Xin, and there were even testimonies and video materials of CIA agents.

How did this happen?

It should be known that he and Tomoko had specially checked the confidential files of the US side and did not find any related videos and text files at all.

Is this what Tomoko found later?

But it is not possible to think about it. If there is such information, with the ability of Tomoko, it should have been discovered long ago.

Pang Xuelin couldn't figure it out. After a moment of groaning, he wondered: "Xiao Xin, how do you know that the person who saved you is Wang Zhi?"

Qi Xin pouted and laughed: "Sister Wang Zhi took the initiative to find me. At that time, I was placed under house arrest by the FBI. At midnight, Sister Wang Zhi suddenly sneaked in through the window, which scared me. She said it was you I sent her here, and she also taught me how to deal with FBI inquiries ... "

Then, Qi Xin described the scene from that night to Pang Xuelin.

Pang Xuelin couldn't laugh or cry. Before entering the interstellar world, he gave Qi Xin the full power to Zhizi to deal with. However, he did not expect that the other party would be so reckless and went directly to Qi Xin.

But now that Qi Xin returns safely, it also shows to some extent that Tomoko's actions are correct.

"What about Wang Zhiren?"

Qi Xin shook her head and said: "Sister Wang Zhi is still helping you to run Starring Technology. After I came back, I only saw her ... Alin, isn't Wang Zhi an ordinary person?"

Pang Xuelin nodded and was about to speak, only to hear a click, the lock on the ward was twisted.

Qi Xin was startled and quickly pulled his hand out of Pang Xuelin's hand.

Pang Xuelin sat on the bed and saw Yao Bingxia holding the food container and pushing in the door, saying, "Sister Xiaoxin, Aunt Mei has prepared meals for you at home. I brought them here, and you should eat something quickly ..."

Before he finished speaking, Yao Bingxia noticed Pang Xuelin, who was awake, with a surprise on his face: "Xiao Lin, you are awake!"

"Shh!" Pang Xuelin quickly put his finger in front of his mouth, signaled Yao Bingxia to snoring and said, "Xiao Xia, I'm fine, don't startle the doctor first."

"Oh!" Yao Bingxia nodded slightly, nodded, and carefully closed the door, then lifted the food container and said, "Brother Xiaolin, when did you wake up?"

"I just woke up not long."

Pang Xuelin looked at Yao Bingxia and looked at Qi Xin again, with a guilty conscience.

Just woke up before, he hadn't considered that much about Qi Xin's appearance in his ward. Now Yao Bingxia is here too, and he suddenly feels uneasy.

Two girls, shouldn't they fight later?

But soon, Pang Xuelin was relieved.

I saw Yao Bingxia taking out the packed meals in the food box one by one and said, "Sister Xiaoxin, you have to eat first. You have no appetite for the past two days. Now that Brother Xiaolin is awake, you can eat more ... "

Qi Xin laughed: "Xiao Xia, trouble you ..."

"What can be troublesome? I rushed over without dinner just now, so we ate together."

Yao Bingxia smiled and opened the lunch box. It turned out to be two boxes of rice, a box of cola chicken wings, a box of corn and green bean fried shrimp, and a piece of seaweed egg soup.

Yao Bingxia opened the rice and served it with Qi Xin.

Seeing the harmonious appearance of the two girls, Pang Xuelin was surprised and curious: "Xiaxia, hasn't my mother come?"

Yao Bingxia said: "The company has a lot of things during this time. My uncle couldn't do it alone. Aunt Mei used to help. And Xiaoxin also came back. In the past week, I, Xiaoxin and your secretary Zuo Yiqiu Three people take turns to take care of you ... "


Pang Xuelin nodded, maybe he smelled the smell of the food, and his stomach made a cooing noise.

Qi Xin couldn't help but said, "Ah ... Xuexi, would you like to eat together?"

Yao Bingxia quickly stopped: "Sister Xiaoxin, don't get used to him, this guy has been lying on the bed for twenty days, causing us to worry about it for so long, we should give this guy a few more hungry meals, otherwise God knows him How big an appetite will become in the future ... "

After speaking, Yao Bingxia gave Pang Xuelin a glance, his eyes faintly felt aggrieved.

Pang Xuelin froze slightly.

What does Yao Bingxia mean? Big appetite? Can't do it ...

Pang Xuelin couldn't believe it, and quickly sneered: "Xiao Xia, eat it, I have been hungry for so long, my stomach has been empty, and for the time being it is not suitable to eat these greasy things ..."


Yao Bingxia turned around and did not answer.

However, even though Yao Bingxia said on the surface, half of the meal, he still filled the remaining half of his rice with a few tablespoons of seaweed egg flower soup, and then clamped some shrimp and corn and green beans, and handed it to Pang Xuelin: "Well, don't eat too much. I will go to the doctor after eating."

"Xiao Xia ..."

Pang Xuelin was touched and guilty.

"Hurry up and eat quickly, or the doctor will not be able to eat anything in a short time."

Pang Xuelin took the lunch box and quickly wiped out a small bowl of rice.

Pang Xuelin returned the lunch box to Yao Bingxia. When he looked up, another small box of rice appeared in front of himself.

Qi Xinqiao blushed, but still courageously said, "I can't eat that much. You can eat the rest."

"This one……"

Pang Xuelin was a little bit embarrassed and turned to Yao Bingxia involuntarily.

Yao Bingxia gave him a white look and said, "Let's eat it, since it's from Xiaoxin, you eat it quickly."

Pang Xuelin smiled awkwardly, took the lunch box from Qi Xin, and ate in a big mouth.

Yao Bingxia and Qi Xin glanced at each other and smiled.

After eating, Yao Bingxia packed up the chopsticks, and then informed the doctor that Pang Xuelin was awake.

Soon, the ward became a flying chicken again.

Two hours later, Pang Xuelin, who had completed the various tests, was returned to the ward.

At this time, although it was 12:30 in the morning, the intensive care unit was crowded with people who came to see Pang Xuelin.

People around Pang Xuelin, Pang Yongnian, Mei Yuqing, Yao Bingxia, Qi Xin, Zuo Yiqiu, and Zhou Chen need not say ... Leaders of Jiangnan Province and Jiangcheng City, new leaders of Jinlong Group, colleagues from Jiangda University Colleagues in charge of preparing Qiantang Lab, rushed over the night after learning the news.

At the same time, the news about Pang Xuelin's wake-up was released immediately and quickly made headlines on major websites.

Xinhua News Agency: "Twenty days after being unconscious for unknown reasons, Academician Pang is awake and is currently in good health and is undergoing further examination."

Tencent: "Tianyou Zhonghua, Academician Pang woke up smoothly, and the Jinlong battery project will not be affected."

Sina: "Academician Pang awoke, and the cause of the coma has not yet been identified."

Pork Network: "The academician Pang Xuelin has awakened, Qiantang Lab and Jinlong Battery Project will continue to advance."


While major media reported one after another, on the Internet, the news of Pang Xuelin's wake-up also triggered another upsurge of discussion.

Although it was late at night, the top spot on Weibo was once again dominated by Pang Xuelin.

"I have been praying for Academician Pang during this time. Now I am very happy to hear that Academician Pang is awake. I hope that Academician Pang will be peaceful and no longer have any physical problems."

"I'm very happy to hear this. As an academic, in the past two years, Academician Pang can be said to have significantly raised the ceiling of the Chinese scientific community. From an academic perspective, Academician Pang Xuelin's achievements have stood in the contemporary mathematical world. Zenith, even if you look at history, is at the forefront of existence, not to mention the invention of Jinlong Battery, which is enough to change the entire human energy structure. I sincerely wish Academician Pang to recover his health as soon as possible. "

"The backbone of a great country, Tianyou Huaxia, I hope that Academician Pang will be discharged early ..."


Pang Xuelin naturally did not know what was happening outside. It was almost two o'clock in the morning after he had dealt with relatives, friends, and colleagues who came to visit.

At this time, only Mei Yuqing, Yao Bingxia, Qi Xin, Zuo Yiqiu, and Zhou Chen remained in the ward.

Mei Yuqing said: "Xiao Xia, Xiao Qi, and Xiao Zuo, Xiao Zhou, you have worked hard these past few days. Let's go back to rest today. I can just watch here at night."

"This one……"

Yao Bingxia saw that Mei Yuqing had something to say to Pang Xuelin, hesitated, and nodded, "Let's go, Aunt Mei, then we go first, Brother Xiaolin, we will come to see you tomorrow."

Qi Xin was reluctant to glance at Pang Xuelin, but still nodded: "Aunt Mei, then Xiaoxia and I will go first."

As soon as Qi Xin and Yao Bingxia left, Zhou Chen and Zuo Yiqiu also tenderly resigned.

In the ward, there were only three of Pang Xuelin's family.

At this time, Mei Yuqing changed her face and stared at Pang Xuelin. "Smelly boy, what should I say about you? Two girls such as Xiaoxia and Xiaoqi are so good, you provoke them and you faint. When it happened, I wanted your old lady to wipe your buttocks, and it was also because of Xia Dadu's lack of big news.

Pang Xuelin narrowed her neck with a guilty conscience, smirking: "Mom, tell me what happened during this time."

Mei Yuqing said: "What else can be, after the Yankee put Xiaoqi back, when Xiaoqi heard that you were unconscious, he got off with red eyes and ran to find you. Fortunately, Xiaoxia and I were in the ward that day. I looked at Xiao Qi and saw that your eyes weren't right, and quietly pulled her aside for questioning. This girl didn't admit it at first. If I lied to her, I don't know when you would hide it. Then Xiao Qi When my parents knew that my daughter was here, they also rushed over. During this time, I was receiving before and after the busy time ... Later, I guess Xiao Xia also saw that it was wrong. One day, I came to the hospital to see you and see you. Xiao Xia pulled Xiao Qi and whispered in the corner of the corridor. I didn't dare to approach it ... just to see how the two girls got along this time, they should have reached some kind of agreement ... "

"You say you, you do n’t know where to learn the fancy problems, but you have wronged Xiao Xia and Xiao Qi. Fortunately, these two girls are not the kind of strong and competitive temperament, the relationship is quite harmonious, there is a problem , Which certificate do you plan to collect in the future? "

Pang Xuelin felt that her mother's eyes were a bit scorching, and she shrank her head and said, "Mom, I will give each of them a wedding. As for getting a certificate, I ca n’t change my nationality. Come on. "

"Boy, you ..."

Mei Yuqing suddenly lost her breath.

"Okay, Yu Qing, I think Xiaolin's arrangement is quite good, and a bowl of water is level, but there will be no family disputes. Besides, haven't we already negotiated? The shares of Xinkai Materials Co., Ltd. People took out ten percent to Xiaoxia and Xiaoqi respectively. "

"A good bowl of water is flat." Mei Yuqing sneered, turning to look at Pang Yongnian, "I said Lao Pang, do you have any ideas?"

"Yu Qing, pitiful see, I am absolutely loyal to you ..."

Pang Yongnian quickly surrendered his hands and surrendered.

Pang Xuelin quickly said, "Mom, is there anything else besides these?"

"other things?"

Mei Yuqing sneered: "What's going on with Wang Zhi? Don't tell me you have nothing to do with her. You can put Xinghuan Technology in her hands, it has already shown your attitude, and that girl I have met, regardless of appearance They are all top-notch figures. They speak and do things without fail. They are a very powerful person. Where did you find such a person, and I also heard that she is of Chinese descent and is preparing to join Chinese nationality. "

Pang Xuelin said: "Mom, don't ask about Wang Zhi. In short, you only need to know two things. First, she saved my life. Second, she won't betray me in her life, even if Xiao Xia He Qi Xin has left me, neither can she! "

Mei Yuqing froze slightly, the questioning expression on her face gradually dissipated, worried: "Xiao Lin, when have you encountered life-threatening? Why didn't you tell us? Is it the last time you went to the United States?"

Pang Xuelin smiled bitterly: "Mom, this matter is a bit complicated, and I can't say clearly for a while, so don't ask."

At this time, Pang Yongnian on the side also said, "Yu Qing, it is better not to dig into some things. Since Kobayashi has said so, Wang Zhi should have no problem. Since she saved Kobayashi's life, she is free. In that case, you'd better come home and say thank you, there will be another daughter-in-law in the future. "

Mei Yuqing sighed ~ ~ and glared at Pang Xuelin, saying, "Small boy, apart from these girls, haven't you provoked anyone else?"

Pang Xuelin quickly raised her hand and said, "Mom, you can never find the fourth one in the world."

At this time, Pang Yongnian aside said: "Xiao Lin, besides these things, what is your coma? What can you tell us? This time is also thanks to my mother and me having the last experience. Did not make a mess of work and life. "

Pang Xuelin hesitated and said, "Dad, I can't say this, but I promise that even if I'm in a coma, I won't be in danger."

Pang Yongnian and Mei Yuqing looked at each other and said, "Okay, since you don't want to say, then we won't force you. But my mother and I also hope you can remember that you are now not the same as before If you can stay away from danger, try to stay away from danger. "

Pang Xuelin laughed: "Dad, mom, rest assured, I have something in mind."


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