That's what he said, but while having a brainstorm with Zhou Dongyu, Ma Sirei's eyes kept lingering on Bai Chen.

Bai Chen was amused when he saw the two people fighting. He took them to the room, put down their things and said,"Go down and have breakfast. Teacher Huang should have finished preparing it."

Ma Silei's pretty face was rosy, just looking at it Bai Chen made her heart beat faster. This invitation was like asking her to go on a date. He grabbed Zhou Dongyu's hand and followed Bai Chen closely.

When Zhou Dongyu saw Ma Sirei's appearance as a little girl, he couldn't help but touch her head and joked:"Just tell her if you like her, otherwise she will be taken away by others.""

"You are still talking nonsense!"Ma Sirei's face turned red to the base of her ears, and she got into trouble with Zhou Dongyu again.

The camera also moved over at this moment, and the audience saw Ma Sirei and Zhou Dongyu having trouble, and the barrage was flooded again.

"Ma Sirei is so cute!"

"I like Zhou Dongyu's character even more. She is actually a guest in this episode. I always like her!"

"Tsk, none of them are as good-looking as me, Bai Xian, Bai Xian is so handsome!"

The barrage is flowing wildly, and the popularity is also rising crazily. Bai Chen's plain expression has a hint of depth, and his every smile makes the female fans in the live broadcast room excited.

"Come on, come on, Xiaoyu Xiaoma, came over early in the morning. I made millet porridge and sat down quickly."When Huang Lei saw Bai Chen coming down with Ma Sirei and Zhou Dongyu, he immediately stepped forward and shouted.

Zhou Dongyu and Ma Sirei also passed quickly, especially Ma Sirei, who looked at Bai Chen with big eyes after he sat down. , moved her little steps to stick to him, and sat next to him, with a dignified look, which was really annoying.

Zhou Dongyu saw through it without saying anything, sat next to Huang Lei and said with a smile:"Teacher Huang, I want to do it again. Please cook for us."

Huang Lei grabbed a fried dough stick and drank the porridge. He almost spat out the porridge when he heard Zhou Dongyu's words:"Xiao Zhou, aren't you kidding me? Our mushroom house is dedicated to receiving you. What's the trouble? Come and have something to eat."

As he said that, Huang Lei grabbed a thick, big and long fried dough stick and put it to Zhou Dongyu's red lips. Zhou Dongyu's character was already very open and happy, so he grabbed the fried dough stick and Huang Lei started eating it like brothers.

"I really like Dongyu’s character! I love you, Dongyu!!!"

"What are you doing in a daze? You are all posting barrages for me. Boss Zhou is the most handsome!"

"Fuck you, Bai Xian is the most handsome, Bai Jiajun is up!!!"

Bai Chen sat on the side, holding the dough sticks and eating lightly. The camera would give him handsome close-ups from time to time.

Ma Sirei sat next to Bai Chen, putting her two small hands on her closed thighs and struggling back and forth. She She originally wanted to get you dough sticks for Bai Chen, but as soon as he sat down, he started eating without paying attention to the person next to him.

For a while, she sat here alone. She originally wanted to sit with Bai Chen, just like she imagined in her head. She fed him fried dough sticks like that, but reality hit her hard.

She pouted her little mouth, and when she looked at Bai Chen's handsome and charming face, the depression in her heart suddenly disappeared.

"Xiao Ma and Xiao Yu, you two are the guests in this issue."

At this time, a confused voice came over. Zhou Dongyu and Ma Sirei looked over and saw He Jiong, who was wearing pajamas, walking out and sitting lazily in his seat.

"Yo, are you awake? Would you like some porridge to refresh you? Huang Lei saw He Jiong coming over and shook the spoon on the table.

He Jiong waved his hands and looked listless:"My shoulders are still sore. Xiaochen, you did a lot yesterday. You are fine." Bar"

"fine."Bai Chen simply answered. He didn't do much yesterday. Those little things shouldn't make him feel too tired.

Bai Chen's every move made Ma Sirei's heart flutter. He Jiong finally drank a bowl of porridge. , the spirit was almost recovered, and the fat director also appeared in the sight of several people. As soon as he saw the fat director, Huang Lei couldn't help but shove his slipper directly into his face. He had not settled the matter with him yet.

The director also felt a little guilty and had a little cold sweat on his forehead, as if he had some special mission this time. He stood there without saying a word for a long time.

"What's wrong, Fat Director, are you scared by me? I haven't lost it yet."Huang Lei retracted his legs and said.

But they all have thoughts in their hearts. Under normal circumstances, they will probably be asked to do something again. They have not been participating in the show for only one or two days. In this situation, their hearts I still know each other well, but I don’t know what the program team will arrange for them this time.

"If you have anything to say, just say it."Bai Chen said to the fat director, his tone was gentle, but in the eyes of the people in the live broadcast room, he became a cold CEO!

"Wow! Bai Xian is really cool, everything he says is so aura"

"If you have anything to say, just say it. Those words are awesome. You are worthy of my husband Bai Xian."

"Pooh! Bai Xian is obviously my husband. Yesterday night he was on my bed and he was holding me to sleep!"

The barrage exploded again. Sophie in the background monitored every movement, and then said to the intercom:"Tell them."

The fat director had a serious face with a guilty conscience, and there was cold sweat on his forehead. After knowing Sophie's plan, he was a little afraid to do that.

But Sophie was the boss, and in the end the fat director was still angry. Several people said:"There is a special event today, if it is completed, each person will receive 500 yuan."

As soon as these words came out, even Bai Chen's expression changed. What's going on with the production team? Five hundred yuan per person? The three of them together have a thousand and a half. If you add another hundred yuan, you can buy four cans. Gas!

But the better the reward, this special event will definitely not be simple. Huang Lei did not directly ask what the special event was, but said:���Why are special events suddenly added? We already have plans for this."

"Don’t worry, it won’t affect your plans, and I didn’t add this special event.……"The fat director was sweating profusely, but he still moved Sophie out from behind. Anyway, Sophie didn't say that they were not allowed to know who was responsible for this special event.

As soon as everyone heard that it was not arranged by the fat director, they knew it must be Sophie. Who else could order the fat director like this besides Sophie.

After knowing this, Bai Chen couldn't help but frown. He had chatted with Sophie before, but that chat was not particularly pleasant. They both needed each other. Sophie herself said that this time Even if special events are specially set up for him, they should not make things difficult for him.

On the contrary, it might be set up to help him increase traffic, but he was not sure what Sophie was going to do until the fat director said it.

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