Bai Chen picked up a pen and paper and wrote down what the other party needed to eat, and then said to the phone:"Is there anything else? By the way, how many of you are there in total?""

"Hee hee, there are two of us. Seeing that you and Teacher Huang are working so hard, just two dishes are enough."

The other party said with a smile, but the sound of the voice changer and the other party's coquettish tone really gave Bai Chen goosebumps all over his body.

"Hey, why don’t you know me, He Jiong?"

Bai Chen answered the phone on speakerphone. When He Jiong passed by with his rice bowl, he happened to hear what the other party said and couldn't help but complain.

"Ah...Teacher He? Thank you for your hard work, Teacher He. I’m sorry, I forgot about you, hehe."

"It's okay, are you two girls? Yes or no?"

He Jiong asked into the phone

"Well, two girls."The other party said

"Well, will you come in the morning tomorrow? Bai Chen smiled and said

"Yes, but I don’t know the specific time."The other party replied.

Bai Chen touched his chin, nodded, and said,"Okay, see you tomorrow."

"Well, brother Bai Chen, Mr. He and Mr. Huang, see you tomorrow."

After that, the other party hung up the phone.

"Xiaochen, what did the guest order just now?"Huang Lei saw He Jiong and Bai Chen walking out of the house talking and laughing, and asked while drinking tea.

"Well, there should be two girls coming tomorrow. Bai Chen took out his notebook and said:"The dishes are quite simple, and they don't embarrass us. One dish is cold pig ears, and one dish is braised pork ribs.""

"This is really simple, haha, I just like such obedient guests, like Xu Zheng who eats big dishes as soon as he comes, it is simply unbearable." Huang Lei complained.

"Yes, especially director Xu Zheng for not working hard enough."He Jiong also complained.

"Okay, I don’t know if there are any other guests."Bai Chen smiled and continued to eat.

It was already dark by this time. He sat in the pavilion, ate a bite of vegetables and drank a sip of soup.

The day couldn't be more beautiful.

After eating, Huang Lei volunteered to feed Bai Chen some food. Chen doesn't wash dishes, so the job of washing dishes falls on Teacher He Jiong.

"Teacher Huang is the backbone and the chef, and Teacher He is responsible for the logistics. Your Mushroom House is really a top team, with a clear division of labor."

Zhang Jie smiled and followed Huang Lei and Bai Chen around.

"Hey, Zhang Jie, what you said is wrong. In fact, I can't do it anymore. The current person in charge of our mushroom house is Xiaochen. He is handsome and has many talents. He can draw, sing, and act.……"

Huang Lei thought for a moment and then added:"There is really nothing this boy can't do."

"Oh, is it so? Zhang Jie glanced provocatively at Bai Chen and said to Huang Lei:"Teacher Huang, in fact, Sophie specially invited me here to be a temporary guest this time. I was called here while I was still at the concert in the morning." Bai Chen was too lazy to speak. He only heard Huang Lei ask again:"Special guest, is there any special event in the mushroom house?" Xiaochen, do you know?"

Bai Chen rolled his eyes. How can I know something that even Mr. Huang doesn't know?

After what happened last time, there was an unclear relationship between Sophie and Bai Chen. Bai Chen didn't bother to ask, and Sophie was vague. You can guess the words

"Maybe...making money?"

Bai Chen shook his head, not sure.

"Hmm, is it a concert?"

Huang Lei blindly murmured, and patted his forehead. Maybe it was true.

Farm work is actually just that much, and it's almost enough if you do it slowly. But the mushroom house costs so much, so you must think of something unique.

"Teacher Huang, why don't we roast the lamb tomorrow? You see, this little bit has collapsed the stone next to the sheepfold."When He Jiong came over to pour water, he couldn't help but say

"Ha, Diandian is so cute, how can I eat Diandian? Bai Chen smiled and said:"Actually, I heard that dog meat is better for the body.""

Little H and little O who were rolling near the pavilion heard the news and ran away along the door.

Bai Chen actually kept thinking about them, which was terrible.

After Huang Lei fed the chickens, ducks and Diandian, he took Zhang Jie went to look at Zhang Jie's room. Huang Lei had cleaned it in the afternoon.

Bai Chen heard the phone ringing in the room and went in to answer it.

This time, the guest came. Without using a voice changer, Bai Chen could clearly analyze the male and female voices. The voice sounded like that of a young man, and his voice was of the vicissitudes type.

"Hello, is this a mushroom house? I am the guest you are hosting tomorrow. Can I order some food?"

The man said as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Well, what do you want to eat?"

Bai Chen picked up a pen and paper and asked

"So what specialties do you have here?"The other party said

"specialty? Bamboo shoots, loach, eel, grass carp, honey."Bai Chen thought for a while and said a few words casually. If the other party is not satisfied, there is nothing he can do.

"Well... let's do it. It's my birthday tomorrow. I want Teacher Huang to make me a birthday cake, okay?"The other party said calmly.


This was the first time Bai Chen heard of a man coming to Mushroom House to eat cake. He thought about it and said to the phone:"Okay. Wait a moment. I'll ask Teacher Huang if I can do it."

"Okay okay."

The other party also agreed.

When Bai Chen looked up and saw Huang Lei and Zhang Jie upstairs, he asked:"Well, Teacher Huang, a male guest tomorrow asked you to make a cake. Can you make a birthday cake?"

Huang Leizheng and Zhang Jie introduced the scenery near the mushroom house and other things. When Bai Chen asked, they went downstairs with Zhang Jie and said,"Okay, okay, it's just eggs and flour, but I need it tomorrow. Let's set up an oven, okay, we can cook it"

"Um. Bai Chen nodded and said into the phone:"You heard it, right? It can be done. Is there anything else you need?""

"Okay, no more, see you tomorrow."

The other party said with a smile.

Then Bai Chen hung up the phone, clapped his hands and said to Huang Lei:"Teacher Huang is late, but it's still early. What should we do?"

"Then play cards, chat, or you and Zhang Jie can sing, but I heard that Zhang Jie’s dolphin music has been on the hot search recently."

Huang Lei said with a smile because he was just watching the excitement.

Before Bai Chen and Zhang Jie expressed their opinions, He Jiong walked in and said to several people:"Well, Teacher Huang, I and I just said The fat director communicated that our Mushroom House will have a show tomorrow night, it seems to be some kind of party."

Huang Lei and others were stunned, and Bai Chen asked He Jiong:"Do you charge for the tickets?"

"Haha, you must charge money for the tickets. This is just an idea. The tickets only cost one yuan, and then it will be used as funds for our mushroom house. What do you think?"

He Jiong said with a smile._To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu

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