Bai Chen and He Jiong went out after packing their things. The town was some distance from the mushroom house, so they drove there. Bai Chen and He Jiong didn't talk much in particular along the way. Anyway, they wandered into the town.

Bai Chen and He Jiong parked their cars and arrived near the market. Although it was already afternoon, there were still many people and the whole market was lively.

"Xiaochen, what do you think we should do?"He Jiong said while wandering around the market with Bai Chen, he saw a few acquaintances and said hello.

Since Mushroom House moved here, basically a lot of people have paid attention to this place.

Of course. To a large extent, it has to do with the program team, because sometimes it is necessary for some related businesses to move in, so that there will be a good ecology around the mushroom house, so that Bai Chen and He Jiong will not be able to buy anything when they come out.

"Well, let's find a store that collects dry goods and ask. If it doesn't work, I'll go paint again."Bai Chen nodded and walked into a store with He Jiong.

The final result of the discussion was to sell some of the dried bamboo shoots inventory in the past few days. Except for the little that Xu Zheng and the others took away today, the rest was It only weighs less than a few kilograms.

"This money is still not enough to buy a tank of gas. Bai Chen shook his head and stuffed the money into his pocket.

After walking around the street for a long time, Bai Chen and He Jiong finally found a new way to be mascots!

"Haha, Teacher He, you……"Such a cold person as Bai Chen couldn't help laughing when he saw He Jiong helping the owner of a stall to sell ducks.

He Jiong, while acting as his mascot, said to Bai Chen:"Xiao Chen, don't laugh at me, and don't laugh at me as a pork seller."

"Ha ha……"

After three or four hours, Bai Chen and He Jiong finished their work and received 200 yuan. Together with the remaining money from selling dried bamboo shoots, they could basically buy a can of gas.

Originally, I still had money left over from the previous days, but after adding today’s money, it’s almost the same.

"Oops, I still have a little backache after standing all afternoon."He Jiong smiled, got into the car and said

"My legs hurt when I stand. It’s really not easy to make money. Bai Chen said after taking a sip of water.

"Teacher He, do we have guests coming tomorrow? Bai Chen asked

"Yes, this show should be broadcast live for two episodes, but I don’t know what guests will come tomorrow. If someone like Director Xu Zheng comes, it will be over. He Jiong couldn't help complaining:"That's much better than Xu Zheng.""

"Well, that's the best, but it doesn't matter who comes, I can't wait to try our gas stove."Bai Chen said

"Don't worry, after we go back, Teacher Huang should be almost done. Just give the fat director money."He Jiong said.

When the two returned to the mushroom house, the sun was almost setting. Bai Chen saw that Huang Lei had fixed all the connections for the gas stove, and Huang Lei had already cooked all the food.

"Xiaochen, Teacher He, are you back?"

Huang Lei's old fans He Jiong and Bai Chen came back and asked quickly

"Wow, Teacher Huang Lei, have you started firing? How about it? Is it easy to use?"He Jiong asked with a smile.

"Tsk tsk tsk, I think the most correct thing we have done during this period is to help me solve this major problem. Huang

Lei said while cooking.

"Well, I think so too."Bai Chen nodded, took out 400 yuan and handed it to the fat director. He didn't say anything extra, but he took two steps and asked strangely

"Fat Director, didn't you say that a special guest is coming tonight? Why is there no one there yet?"

"Ahem, it's almost over. We're still on the way. Huang Lei already answered the phone just now."The fat director explained

"Um. Bai

Chen nodded, went back to the room, changed his clothes and came out to help Huang Lei. While working, he asked:"Teacher Huang, who is the special guest?" mysterious"

"Oops, I can't tell, but I think this guest is going too far. He actually asked you to sing for him by name."

Huang Lei chattered to Bai Chen while cooking.

"Based on my years of experience, this mysterious guest is probably a girl."

Bai Chen:"……"

No matter what, you'll know it when you get here. Bai Chen cleaned up the garbage and then piled up the chopped firewood.

He kept thinking about Zhao Liying who was leaving. Anyway, the camera was not on his side, so Bai Chen didn't pay attention. Suddenly he heard the phone ringing. Bai Chen took it out and saw that it was Reba's phone.

After talking to the fat director, Bai Chen came outside the mushroom house and answered the phone.

"Hey, what's up?"Bai Chen asked habitually.

Reba on the other end of the phone was obviously stunned, and she still couldn't accept Bai Chen's way of speaking.

"Can't I come to you if I have nothing to do? snort."Reba said deliberately angrily.

"Can. Bai Chen smiled and said,"I guess you should come to me if you have something to do."

Reba was surprised and said to Bai Chen,"How did you know?" Hee hee, are we on the same page? Bai

Chen grinned and did not answer Reba's question. Instead, he said,"I originally planned to go back today." But the program team changed their mind temporarily and will have to stay for a few more days."

"Hehe, I know, I watched your live broadcast this afternoon. Reba said with a smile:"You and Teacher He are so interesting. One sells ducks and the other sells pork. Haha, there is no idol baggage at all. I saw that Weibo is all praising you, and I feel happy.""

"Ha, there is no way, the rules of the show crew are like this, and I don’t want to sell pork. Bai Chen smiled and said,"Are you okay?""

"Well, it's okay, actually I just miss you a little bit. Reba pouted, lying on the bed and said to Bai Chen,"Well... Sister Mimi talked to me yesterday."

Bai Chen nodded and asked,"What did she say?" Don't be afraid, you are my woman and I will protect you.

Reba's heart warmed, and she muttered on the phone before saying to Bai Chen,"Your attention is rising sharply now, so are you interested in finding a brokerage company?""


Is this the case again?

Bai Chen frowned. Most likely, Yang Mi asked Reba to beg him for this matter behind his back.

Reba would not worry about things like the agency, because she knew Bai Chen was fully capable of making his own decision.

Suddenly an unknown fire arose in his heart, and Bai Chen lowered his voice and said to Reba.

"You don't have to worry about this, I won't join any company."

Reba was stunned, not knowing what Bai Chen meant by this._To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu

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