Bai Chen handed Zhao Liying, Li Muya, and Song Zuer three sets of fishing rods and baits. After everyone got on the boat together, they basically divided into two waves. One wave was led by Teacher Huang Lei and belonged to fishing. group, and the other group was led by Bai Chen and belonged to the fishing in troubled waters group.

Bai Chen directly carried the basket on his back and jumped into the fish pond. The water depth only reached the top of Bai Chen's thighs, not too deep. Bai Chen was more experienced in catching fish. After jumping into the fish pond, he stretched out his hand to stir the fish pond. In the water inside, I saw many small fish emerging from the water and starting to breathe.

Bai Chen saw the right moment, slammed down the backpack in his hand, and then stretched out his hand to take a look. There it was, but it was just a small fish dozens of centimeters long.

Xu Zheng and He Jiong, who were also in the water, were in a worse situation. Xu Zheng caught fish two or three times with a small basket, but the fish sneaked away. Seeing Bai Chen catch a fish, he couldn't help but feel envious.

"Xiaochen is really an expert at catching fish. He caught a fish with just one shot. It’s really amazing."

"Director Xu, catching fish also requires skills. It should be your first time to catch fish, and you will become familiar with it after a few more experiments. Bai Chen said with a smile. The fish nearby had disappeared after being alarmed by Bai Chen, so Bai Chen had to change places to continue catching fish.

Zhao Liying and Song Zuer didn't have any thoughts. While fishing, although he held the fishing rod in his hand, his eyes kept staring at Bai Chen's figure. He saw Bai Chen throwing fish into the boat one by one. Every time he got something, he applauded Bai Chen.

The time passed by very well. Quick, in the blink of an eye, Bai Chen has already caught five or six fishes

"Brother Bai Chen, what kind of fish is this? Is it grass carp?"While Bai Chen was resting, Zhao Liying quickly asked Bai Chen

"Oh, you are talking about this one, right? This is carp, and it tastes best when braised in braised sauce. Bai Chen wiped his face and said to Zhao Liying

"oh. Zhao Liying stuck out her tongue and said to Bai Chen:"Brother Bai Chen is still amazing. He caught so many fish in such a short time, unlike Director Xu who didn't catch a single fish." Bai Chen laughed dumbly, turned his head and glanced at Xu Zheng, who was fighting with the fish in the fish pond. He looked disgraced and shouted quickly:"Director Xu, come on.""

Xu Zheng heard Bai Chen talking to him, laughed, and said:"Oh, catching fish is really a technical job. I just managed to catch a fish, but it turned out that this guy was too slippery. As soon as I touched it, it was gone in the blink of an eye. Slip away, no, I have to catch one today"

"Then Director Xu, you have to work hard!"Zhao Liying and Song Zuer said naughtily to Xu Zheng

"Okay, okay, I get it."Xu Zheng smiled awkwardly.

Seeing Bai Chen going into the water again, Song Zuer also started to poke and prod, and quickly said to Bai Chen:"Brother Bai Chen, can you also teach me how to catch fish?"

"Can you get in the water? Bai Chen subconsciously saw Song Zuer's face blushing, and said:"Well, if you want to catch fish, put on the special clothes so that your body directly touches the water.""

"Well, brother Bai Chen, wait a minute, I'll put on that outfit right now. Song Zuer said with a smile.

This kind of clothes is one piece, and the water in the fish pond is not particularly deep, so if you wear it, at least you will not be directly touched by the water in the fish pond.

Zhao Liying and Li Mu Ya was also a little envious that Song Zuer could fish with Bai Chen, but she looked at the water in the pond and thought about it.

Song Zuer got dressed, but she didn't dare to jump off the boat and watch from the side of the boat. He was a little hesitant to drink the water in the fish pond. Bai Chen was about 1.8 meters tall, but Song Zuer was not that tall. The water in the fish pond could only reach Bai Chen's thighs, but Song Zuer might be able to Directly to the waist.

Seeing Song Zuer's hesitation, Bai Chen was speechless. Just now, he had talked so boldly that he wanted to go into the water to fish, but he got cold feet when he saw the water. This Song Zuer is really cute, and it doesn't look like her. Landlubber.

Maybe the fish pond is special. After all, it is different from the swimming pool.

After thinking about it, Bai Chen stretched out his hand and said to Song Zuer:"Zuer, just relax, I will hold you. The body will not lose balance"

"Yeah, yeah, I know, thank you, Brother Bai Chen."

Song Zuer received Bai Chen's encouragement and simply jumped off the boat and landed in the fish pond with a splash, causing a splash of water.

"Be careful Zul, don't be afraid, stand up."

When Bai Chen saw Song Zuer almost falling, he quickly held Song Zuer's arm with one hand. After Song Zuer stood firm, he gave Song Zuer's arm

"Thank you."

Song Zuer felt the strength on Bai Chen's arm, and suddenly he felt a very, very safe feeling in his heart. He couldn't help but glance at Bai Chen secretly, and found that Bai Chen was also looking at him. His face turned red and he whispered.

The problem is The accompanying camera crew also gave Song Zuer and Bai Chen a close-up, which immediately caused a sound of ghosts crying and wolves howling in the barrage area.

"Wuwuwu... It's over. Song Zuer also fell under Bai Xian's offensive.……"

"Red and fiery, in a trance……"

"Song Zuer is so cute, and Bai Chen is also very gentle. He knows that girls can't get into the water easily, and even asked Song Zuer to put on clothes."

"Song Zuer and Bai Chen match well together……"

"Nonsense, aren't Bai Chen and Reba in love?……"

As the parties involved, Bai Chen and Song Zuer naturally didn't know what happened in the barrage area just now. The two of them walked nearby one after another, looking for fish as they walked. In fact, the water in this fish pond was very clear. Basically, You can see the fish nearby just standing.

Seeing a group of small fish swimming around, Song Zuer asked Bai Chen:"Brother Bai Chen, how do you catch fish? Do you sneak up on them and then snap the basket down? This way you can catch the fish. Huh?"

Song Zuer saw Bai Chen doing this just now. It seemed so simple, but when he started catching fish, he felt a little at a loss.

"More or less, let's muddy the water first and then catch the fish, they will come out of the water. Bai Chen smiled and said to Song Zuer

"Oh, I understand, this is called fishing in troubled waters, right?"Song Zuer understood immediately. No wonder Bai Chen had been groping around in the water with his hands just now. It turned out to be muddying the water.

"That’s right, it’s fishing in troubled waters. Bai Chen smiled and said to Song Zuer

"Hehe, Brother Bai Chen, I must be smart."Song Zuer smiled sweetly and said to Bai Chen._Fei

Lu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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