"Okay, the sun has almost risen now, let's go back quickly. Bai Chen smiled and said to everyone.

At this time, if you go down the mountain later, I'm afraid it will be hotter by then. If you want to work, it is better when the weather is cooler.

Everyone also sighed for a while. After that, when I saw the sun slowly climbing into the sky and beginning to emit gentle heat, after listening to Bai Chen's words, I quickly started to prepare to go down the mountain. Everyone was very full of energy. Long-cherished wish, several girls were relatively happy, and they were laughing and laughing all the way down the mountain.

"By the way, Bai Chen, how many bamboo shoots should we dig today?"Zhao Liying and Bai Chen were walking together and couldn't help but ask Bai Chen

"How many bamboo shoots should I dig? It depends on the situation. In fact, it doesn’t take too much. After all, this is a gift given to us by nature. It would not be good if we dig it all at once. Bai Chen said with a smile.

"Oh, okay then, I'm afraid that if you dig too much, I won't be able to keep up with your pace, hehe."Zhao Liying said to Bai Chen and others with a smile.

Huang Lei was still in the mood just now and couldn't extricate himself. When he went down the mountain, he almost fell over. However, after this, he also put away his thoughts and slowly talked with him. Everyone went down the mountain.

Going down the mountain was much easier than going up. However, due to the large number of people in the filming crew, it took a lot of time. In addition, when digging bamboo shoots, several girls were not very skilled and unknowingly It's already past eight o'clock in the morning

"Oops, Xiaochen, can you help me see if this is a bamboo shoot? I was so exhausted that I couldn't find a single bamboo shoot for a long time."Xu Zheng touched the sweat on his bald head, waved to Bai Chen and said

"OK, let me take a look. Bai Chen nodded, threw the hoe aside, then ran to where Xu Zheng was standing, raked his gloved hands on the ground, and then said to Xu Zheng:"Director Xu, these are bamboo shoots." , but this bamboo shoot is already old"

"Oh, that's it, then I get it. Xu Zheng laughed and said to Bai Chen,"Thank you, Xiaochen.""

"You're welcome, you're welcome."

Bai Chen also smiled back. After solving Xu Zheng's questions, he returned to his hoe and continued to dig bamboo shoots.

After getting along with each other for this day, Bai Chen seemed to have been recognized by many people, regardless of whether Everyone else would choose to ask Bai Chen.

If it had been before, they would have probably asked Huang Lei.

Although this phenomenon is not obvious, it is enough to show that Bai Chen's image in everyone's minds is already very high. taller

"Xiaochen, what should we have for lunch?" Huang Lei smiled, reached out and dug out a bamboo shoot under his feet, and then said to Bai Chen

"Teacher Huang, you can decide this, but in the afternoon, Jia will leave, so let's just make it as rich as possible, so that everyone can eat it last night."Bai Chen suggested to Huang Lei

"Okay, okay, I support it with both hands and feet."Song Zuer chuckled, helped Bai Chen throw the bamboo shoots into the basket, and then said

"Teacher Huang, why do I feel that since we joined this program group, all we have been thinking about is what to eat all day long, haha."He Jiong wiped his sweat, unscrewed the bottle cap and took a sip of water, and said to the others.

Before Huang Lei could speak, Bai Chen spoke.

"Teacher He, our Mushroom House is for other guests to experience life. No matter how we live, we all live for the sake of food. Food, clothing, housing and transportation are important things. Bai Chen said with a smile.

"That's right, that's right."Others also echoed.

It was almost nine o'clock in the morning after digging bamboo shoots. Each of the group carried a small backpack and went down the mountain. Because the journey home was not as urgent as in the morning, they did not take a car.

Along the way, they met Meeting many neighbors, it can be seen that Mushroom House is still very popular here.

When passing by the rapeseed flowers, He Jiong, Huang Lei and others walked slowly along the field ridge for a while.

"Brother Bai Chen, is that the paddy field of our mushroom house over there?"Zhao Liying asked curiously

"yes. Bai Chen nodded, pointed to a large rice field and said:"In the last episode, we had already planted the rice seedlings, and now there is basically no extra farm work. By the way, look at it, it's ours over there." beehive"

"Wow, so many bees……"Song Zuer also heard Bai Chen's words and couldn't help but be surprised.

While everyone was playing, they returned to the mushroom house. As soon as they entered the door, Little H and Little O rushed towards Bai Chen with a splash, and finally circled around Bai Chen.

"Alas, this puppy has grown up and is no longer obedient. It used to always hang around me. Huang Lei said with some nostalgia. He walked into the house and placed the bamboo shoots under the eaves.

Bai Chen smiled and went to the bathroom to wash up. There was no other activity in the morning. It was relatively leisurely at this time. Everyone discussed it. , and then went to the fish pond after taking a rest.

Taking advantage of this time, Bai Chen opened his laptop and wrote a song for Li Muya. It was not too difficult to sing, and it was more in line with Li Muya's style.

""Dong dong dong"

Bai Chen had just finished writing the lyrics and simplified music score when he heard a knock on his door. He stood up and opened the door, only to see Li Muya standing at the door holding her laptop.

"Brother Bai Chen, can I come in?"Li Muya asked cautiously.

The reason why she asked this was not because Li Muya deliberately wanted to leave a polite impression on Bai Chen, but because it was said that Bai Chen actually didn't like others entering his room. There were even no people from the program team in the room. You can go in.

That's why Li Muya asked Bai Chen carefully. If Bai Chen didn't like it, she would definitely not go in.

"What's your business?"Bai Chen frowned, but still did not reject Li Muya directly.

"Oh, didn’t I promise you to make the cover for you yesterday? I've already made that, and I'm showing it to you specifically. If it doesn't work, I'll make it again and show it to you."Li Muya smiled and said to Bai Chen

"That's it, then come in."After Bai Chen finished speaking, he stepped aside and let Li Muya walk into his room. Then he closed the door and continued:"Actually, I wanted to find you just now, but you just came by yourself."

"You mean, my song is already written?"Li Muya said to Bai Chen in surprise.

But Li Muya didn't quite believe Bai Chen. After all, no matter how talented Bai Chen is, writing songs is not a big deal. Why is it so fast?_Fei

Lu reminds you: Reading Three Things-Collection,

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