"Director Xu, your snoring is like a ventilator, but Teacher Huang is more ordinary."Bai Chen couldn't help but say. Fortunately, he slept quite hard, and his room was far away from Xu Zheng's room, so he was not disturbed.

"Okay, okay, let’s not discuss this anymore and hurry up the mountain. Bai Chen smiled, took out a few shovels from the trunk, and handed them to everyone,"I have to work later, so save a little energy.""

"whee. I'm responsible for helping little brother Bai Chen find bamboo shoots……"Zhao Liying said first.

Song Zuer on the side was not to be outdone:"I know how to find bamboo shoots, isn't that the pointy thing?""

"Xiaochen, have you noticed that we are going to watch the sunrise this time, but everyone else is already thinking about digging bamboo shoots."Huang Lei and Bai Chen said with smiles:"Even Director Xu Zheng carried a hoe by himself. If Director Xu yesterday, he probably wouldn't have done this."

"Teacher Huang, this is the charm of our mushroom house. It is self-reliant and allows everyone to participate in the labor without knowing it. Bai Chen said as he walked:"The working people are the most glorious!""

"Yes, yes, Xiaochen may be young, but his words are on point. Xu Zheng turned around and said:"Actually, I was quite hesitant before I came here. I thought I was going to work to death. But yesterday, I worked for a day. Although I was tired, I was very happy.""

"The charm of mushroom house……"

……When they climbed halfway up the mountain, everyone decided to rest for five minutes, but Song Zuer and Li Muya couldn't take any time off. They looked around, trying to find the little bird they saw yesterday.

Unfortunately, they both found nothing, so they pestered Bai Chen to ask what the sunrise looked like. Is it like the one on TV, where the red sun slowly rose from the horizon.

Bai Chen looked at these two curious babies and couldn't help but smile helplessly. Why don't they just watch the sunrise? They made it so mysterious and made such a fuss.

In fact, the sunrise is just like that, there is nothing much to say.

A day's plan begins in the morning, so many beautiful things and those talented poets praise the sunrise, which has led to many people being misled.

When Bai Chen was down and out, he couldn't find a job. If he didn't have a job, he wouldn't have money. If he didn't have money, the landlord would evict you.

For food, clothing, housing and transportation, Bai Chen used to get up early and work hard at night. Every time he arrived in a new city, if anyone has ever seen what every city looks like at 5 a.m., Bai Chen felt that he could say he had!

What Bai Chen saw the most was the sunrise. Bai Chen would never forget those days, it was too unforgettable.

This was all a long time ago, without the help of the system.

Bai Chen seemed to be reborn. Those things seemed to have happened yesterday, within reach but out of reach.

That's why yesterday, Bai Chen thought of going to see the sunrise. It was also a warning to himself to work hard and fight, whether it was for himself or for Reba.

"Huh, what are you thinking about so much? Bai Chen laughed at himself, packed up his hoe and mobile phone, and continued on the road with Huang.

Bai Chen rarely had such emotional moments, so when Zhao Liying saw Bai Chen suddenly stopped talking, she thought he was doing something. Then, he quickly asked:"Bai Chen, what's wrong with you? What are you thinking about? Be careful on your way. Bai

Chen smiled, looked back at Yi Liying, pulled her up the stairs on a small mountain road, shook his head and said nothing.

"Bai Chen, why are you acting weird today? You didn't speak during the whole journey, as if you were in a daze. Zhao Liying smiled, lowered her head and said to Bai Chen,"Do you feel happy if I accompany you to watch the sunrise?""

"Of course, I'm happy to have you here. Bai Chen nodded and said,"I just remembered some things from the past. It's nothing. Don't think too much about it.""

Zhao Liying rolled her eyes and snorted softly. She was a little unhappy, so she didn't say anything.

Zhao Liying didn't expect that Bai Chen would see her look. Bai Chen paused and talked to Zhao Liying. Walking side by side, he whispered in her ear:"Do you want to be punished by me? I said you are overthinking, then you are overthinking, do you understand?"

"Hum, I know."Zhao Liying said hummingly, her face a little red. Thinking of the scene in the room yesterday morning, she suddenly became uneasy.

"bully me. Bully me, you know how to bully me"

"how. Don't you want to be bullied by me? Bai Chen asked back

"I……"Zhao Liying whined twice:"Ignore you, you bad guy!"

"Ha ha……"

Bai Chen also laughed suddenly, feeling much more comfortable than before.

"Bai Chen, sister Zhao Liying, what are you talking about?"Li Muya and Song Zuer secretly ran over and asked

"Nothing nothing."

Zhao Liying said quickly. Fortunately, the genius has just shown up, and Li Muya and Song Zuer did not pay too much attention to their expressions, otherwise they would definitely find their red face.

"oh……"Song Zuer chuckled, took Bai Chen's arm and said,"Brother, why are you so talented? I secretly recorded the song you sang yesterday and sent it to Nabi. She Simply shocked"

"fine. Bai Chen didn't know what to say, so he could only smile and said,"Actually, I have always been very talented.""

"If others had said this, I would have complained a long time ago, but when Brother Bai Chen said this, I completely agree."Song Zuer chuckled and held Bai Chen's arm without letting go.

"Bai Chen, how about I become your master too? You see, it would be better to show off to me every day than to have a handsome master and say some bragging words."Song Zuer said coquettishly again

"It doesn’t matter, actually Nana and I are friends, there is no master-disciple relationship, we are all friends. Bai Chen said with a smile.

"Well, actually, I don’t want to call you master. That would not be conducive to the development of our subsequent relationship.……"

Song Zuer was outspoken and actually said what was on his mind directly. Bai Chen was so frightened that he was also surprised

"Subsequent relationship? Bai Chen looked at Song Zuer doubtfully and asked.

"Yes, the subsequent friendship relationship, hehe. Song Zuer smiled and said:"Brother Bai Chen, you are so talented, sooner or later you will be a big shot in the entertainment industry.""

Bai Chen shook his head. The entertainment industry is in deep water. He was prevented from falling in love with Reba.

But who knows what will happen next? Shouldn't we just take it one step at a time?

Even those ancient celebrities were all Like this.

But when they need to make a choice,

Bai Chen's choice is Reba.

For Reba, he will definitely become a top star in the entertainment industry. _Fei

Lu reminds you: Read! Three things - collection,

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