In the afternoon of the next day, He Jiong, Huang Lei and Bai Chen arrived at the Mushroom House

"Xiaochen, long time no see!"When He Jiong saw Bai Chen, he immediately gave him a big hug.

"Xiaochen, you seem to be in much better spirits this time."

Huang Lei and He Jiong, when the gossip about Bai Chen and Reba was exposed before, these two people stood up to speak for Bai Chen behind Ouyang Nana.

Therefore, in this meeting, the three of them They all feel much closer

"Hey, the fat director has a nice hair style today!"Huang Lei looked at the director who was behind the camera and said. The fat director was shaved with the word 'xiang' in the last show. After the show, he quickly shaved his head.

"The fat director is so handsome with his bald head! He Jiong said with a smile.

Bai Chen sat aside at this time and poured a cup of tea for Huang Lei and He Jiong.

"When I come back here, I feel much better! Huang Lei said after taking a sip of tea.

"Me too."He Jiong nodded.

After he finished speaking, He Jiong thought of something again. He looked at Bai Chen and asked,"By the way, Xiaochen, can you make noodles?"!"

"know a little."Bai Chen replied

"What does it mean to be a little fluent! Teacher Huang, have you watched the edited video of Xiaochen making noodles?"

"Um, no, what happened to Xiaochen making noodles? Huang Lei asked doubtfully.

"According to classmate Ouyang Nana, the noodles made by Xiaochen are super delicious!! This is also the reason why Ouyang Nana calls her Master Bai Chen, just to eat noodles!"He Jiong said

"I know Ouyang Nana called Master Xiaochen, but is there such a thing as face? Huang Lei asked a little confused.

"It was the first morning when Reba and the others came! Xiaochen is making noodles there alone!"He Jiong reminded

"Oh~~ Then I remembered it!"

Huang Lei then looked at Bai Chen with a smile like an old fox.

"Xiaochen, why don't we two old people have a taste of your craft tonight?"

"Teacher He, you are walking around just because you want to eat noodles, right?……"Bai Chen revealed He Jiong's thoughts with one word

"Ahem...can't you give me some face? Don't tell me!"He Jiong replied with a smile.

"Okay, I'll make noodles today, and the two old people can just drink tea, enjoy the wind and admire the moon. Bai

Chen said and stood up.

"Xiaochen, when you say this, it seems that we are here to provide for our retirement."

"No, no, I have to save my image as a middle-aged family man."

Huang Lei stood up and joked.

"Well, I won’t steal Teacher Huang’s limelight."Bai Chen immediately sat back to his original position.

He Jiong looked at the stunned Huang Lei and couldn't help laughing.

"Haha~~Teacher Huang, why are you doing this? You have to guard the kitchen"

"I can’t let Teacher Huang’s character collapse, so I’ll leave it to Teacher Huang for dinner. Bai

Chen said humbly.

Huang Lei:"……"

"Xiaochen, let’s do it together, and let Teacher He and I have a taste of your craftsmanship! Huang Lei said while looking at Bai Chen.

Finally, Bai Chen and Huang Lei entered the kitchen in the room together.

Huang Lei fried some spring bamboo shoots and a few vegetables, while Bai Chen made a large bowl of noodles.

One Many hours later, the three of them were sitting in the pavilion, chatting while they were eating, when the phone in the room rang.

"Who doesn't know how interesting it is to fight at this time?"

"I'll pick it up."

Bai Chen had almost eaten, so he walked inside.

"Hello, this is the mushroom house."Bai Chen said.

As soon as Bai Chen finished speaking, a girl's crisp voice came from the other side of the phone.

"Hello, I’d like to order some food!"

It's really straightforward to order as soon as you arrive.

"Um... tell me, what do you want to eat?"

"Snow falling on the Flame Mountain"

"? ? What dish? Say it again"

"Snow falls on the Flame Mountain!"The girl repeated

"What kind of dish is this? What ingredients are needed?"

As a man with the skill of 'God of Cooking', Bai Chen did not have this dish name in the knowledge world of God of Cooking.

At this time, Huang Lei walked in and asked:"What's wrong? What problems did you encounter?"

"Here's someone who ordered 'Floating Snow on the Flaming Mountain'’"

"What? Snow falling in the Flaming Mountains?"Huang Lei was also confused.

Bai Chen lowered his head slightly at this time, thinking about the Flame Mountain, what kind of food is red?

"Okay, okay, I won’t tease you anymore, the falling snow in the Flaming Mountains is just tomatoes~"

Bai Chen:"……"

Huang Lei:"……"

"Okay, this guest, you have been blocked by us. Goodbye."Bai Chen said and was about to hang up the phone.

"No, no, no, I haven’t finished ordering yet!"

"Stop ordering. Come tomorrow and I’ll give you a dish."

"What dish? ?"The girl asked in confusion.

"Unparalleled twins."Bai Chen replied

"? ? Unparalleled twins? What dish? Or that TV show? Hua Wuque and Xiao Yu'er?"This time it was the female guest's turn to look confused.

"Okay, that's it, goodbye."

Bai Chen hung up after saying that.

"Xiaochen, the two most beautiful people, what kind of food do you want? Huang Lei asked curiously.

"I can’t say now, but this guest is probably watching our live broadcast. Bai

Chen said with a smile.

When Bai Chen just finished speaking, the phone rang.

"Someone's here again.

Bai Chen directly pressed the speakerphone and said,"Hello, this is the Mushroom House.""


What came out of the phone was a rough voice that resembled a man's, but was not a man's.

This was a voice changer.

"Are you a man or a woman, a human or a demon? Huang Lei said from the side

"Why are you bullying your customers?"At this time, He Jiong happened to come in from outside. Hearing Huang Lei's words, he couldn't help but say

"That is, if you bully your guests and they come all the way to visit you, can't you be gentler?"

It's a rough voice, but the idiom is used by girls.

Obviously, this person should be a girl.

"Come all the way, where are you from?"He Jiong also sat next to the phone and said

"I'm... very far away, you wouldn't know even if I told you, by the way, I'm ordering food!"

After talking for a long time, I finally remembered the business.

"Order it"

"Can I ask someone to do it for me?"


Huang Lei agreed. Anyway, he has always been a cook. Now he wants to personally ask who cooks. Maybe he can take a rest.

"Is Bai Chen here?"

"exist!"He Jiong responded in one breath.

"Just order it!"Huang Lei echoed.

These two middle-aged men were obviously watching the fun and not taking it too seriously.

"Then I want to eat, sweet and sour pork ribs, Australian bone-in veal tendon, lemongrass prawns, braised trotters……"


Bai Chen was about to press the hang up button immediately.

"Hahaha~~"He Jiong laughed and leaned back and forth.

"Bai Chen, so be it, then you can make me a bowl of 'We'll never see you again'."

There is no date for the reunion?"

Huang Lei and He Jiong were confused when they heard the name.

What kind of strange dish is this?

At this time, only Bai Chen's eyelids suddenly twitched.

It's her!!

…….._Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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