"Lose money!"

Zhou Jieqiong:"……"

"Brother Bai Chen, is it so unpleasant?"

"This is not unpleasant to listen to, it is simply unlistenable."

"No, this is a work specially created for me and Xiaoxiao by our music and lyrics teacher Mu from Lehua!"

Although Zhou Jieqiong herself feels that this song sounds a bit problematic, in general, she can accept it.

However, if Bai Chen's words were heard by 'Teacher Mu', he would probably be furious.

"If you don’t believe it, you can record this song and then release it."

Bai Chen has always felt that words are useless. Practical actions and results are the best way to test the pros and cons.

"Um...Brother Bai Chen, do you think this song can still be changed?"Zhou Jieqiong asked

"No change."Bai Chen replied simply.

Zhou Jieqiong replied with a 'sad' expression.

Bai Chen thought for a while, and then replied:"Well, I happen to have an old song here, and I think the style matches... You two are a good match. I will send you the lyrics and music later."

"!!! Brother Bai Chen, your lyrics and music? Wow! I'll tell Xiaoxiao!"

From those exclamation marks, you can tell how excited Zhou Jieqiong is now.

In the previous life, Chen Xiao and Zhou Jieqiong could only reach the second line if they fought hard, otherwise the third line would basically be over.

However, Bai Chen is now just Because I had a pretty good impression of the two of them, I thought it would be okay to help.

There were many songs in Bai Chen's mind.

Is it girl group, sexy or cute?

Bai Chen finally picked one from home and abroad."Gee" is a very popular girl group song.

The most important thing about this song is that it catches the listener's ears as soon as the intro appears. Then the melody in the middle is easy to remember, and the lyrics and music of this song are relatively simple.

Most of the lyrics of the song are in English, and a small part is in Korean.

Bai Chen only needs to adapt the Korean part into Chinese.

This is an easy task for Bai Chen, who has studied lyrics and music. Not to mention that he also had 'god-level music skills' to assist with revisions.

After all the revisions, Bai Chen hummed it himself and felt it was okay. After all, it was a popular song in his previous life.

Then, Bai Chen sent the lyrics and music to Zhou. Jieqiong.

After a while, Zhou Jieqiong replied to Bai Chen’s WeChat message.

"Brother Bai Chen, is this the song? It feels like a good fit for us!!"

"You record a 'demo' first and listen to it. If it works, you can continue."

"Brother Bai Chen, how much does this song cost?"Zhou Jieqiong asked anxiously

"Let me give it to you."

Zhou Jieqiong immediately handed the message from Bai Chen to Chen Xiao who was standing next to him.

"Give it to us? That's not good."Chen Xiao said

"Do not want? So I refused?"Zhou Jieqiong said that she was about to reply to the message, a smile flashed in her eyes.

"Oh~ you……"Chen Xiao hurriedly held her hand

"How about I respond like this?"

Zhou Jieqiong took away Chen Xiao's hand that was blocking hers.

She typed:"Brother Bai Chen, Xiaoxiao said I asked for this song in vain. You must want something!"

Chen Xiao nodded, indicating that the answer was good.

However, the next sentence that Zhou Jieqiong sent immediately made Chen Xiao go berserk.

"Xiaoxiao said that she had nothing to repay, so she could only pledge herself to him.……"

Chen Xiao snatched Zhou Jieqiong's phone away and immediately clicked withdraw.

Then, he threw down his cell phone and pushed Zhou Jieqiong to the ground.

"Ah~~Chen Xiao killed someone~~Help!~~"Zhou Jieqiong shouted"miserably"

"Not only will I kill you today, I will also give you to OOXX!"


Before Bai Chen had time to read the latest message, he found that it had been withdrawn.

However, he didn't need to look at it to probably know what the 'super-class' words were.

Bai Chen looked at the time at this time and saw that it was almost early morning.

So I turned off the computer and went into the bathroom, ready to take a rest after washing.


At this time, Chen Xiao and Zhou Jieqiong were still fighting inextricably on the floor of the dance studio.

"What are you two doing?"

A woman in her thirties came to the door and asked, looking at Chen Xiao and Zhou Jieqiong on the ground.

"Sister Zhou, who does Chen Xiao want?……"Zhou Jieqiong came up with the idea of 'the evil one should complain first'.

The person Zhou Jieqiong calls Sister Zhou is their manager

"Okay, okay, you two, stop making trouble and record the song that Teacher Mu gave you tomorrow."

"Go tonight!"Chen Xiao and Zhou Jieqiong said in unison.

"Um? It’s so late, but you’re still going, do you like this song so much?"

Sister Zhou asked doubtfully.

"No, we are going to record another song!"Zhou Jieqiong said, looking up at her delicate chin.

"Another song? What song is it? Who wrote it for you?"

"This is kept secret for now!"

"Jieqiong, Xiaoxiao, say"

"Sister Zhou, this song was written by a friend. We don’t know how it will turn out. We will record it for you when the time comes."

Chen Xiao and Zhou Jieqiong maintained the same idea this time

"friend? Can it be better than Teacher Mu’s? Could it be that some unsavory guy wrote it for you?"

Sister Zhou looked at the two of them suspiciously.

"of course not!"Chen Xiao and Zhou Jieqiong answered in unison again.

Seeing their attitudes, Sister Zhou couldn't help but frowned and said

"You two, I need to tell you that the company spent a lot of money to get this song by Teacher Mu, not to mention the favor. No matter how good your friend’s song is, this song by Teacher Mu , you must record it well, the company will send people to listen to the demo (song sample) tomorrow!"

After Sister Zhou finished speaking, she turned around and left. When she reached the door, she turned back and said

"Teacher Mu, the company wants to see you release this song���If it doesn’t work, it’s very likely that you two won’t get any resources in the future!"

Chen Xiao and Zhou Jieqiong looked at each other, and their faces became much more solemn.

Stars who have not yet become famous and are in the third tier or below have no say in front of the companies they sign with.

Even some second-tier artists have to watch The attitude of the agency.

If an artist cannot get promotion resources from the agency, then to some extent, he will lose his temper.

"Let's go record a song!"

"We can do it, come on!"

Chen Xiao and Zhou Jieqiong hugged each other and encouraged each other.

"I also believe in Brother Bai Chen’s songs!"

After the two of them finished speaking, they got up and went to the recording studio...

After washing, Bai Chen felt a little hungry, so he went to the kitchen and cooked a bowl of noodles.

As soon as he finished cooking, there was a knock on the door.

Dong Dong Dong……


Bai Chen walked to the door, and there was a woman's voice speaking English outside the door.

Who is this?

The voice is a bit familiar, but the one speaking English...who is it?

And he came to the door in the middle of the night.…….._To read the novel without underline, please download Feilu

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