When Bai Chen got out of the car.

He noticed that the Porsche had also stopped.

Then, the person Bai Chen least wanted to see got out of the car, Reba.

She didn't wear the so-called standard suit that celebrities wear when going out. She didn't wear black clothes, hats, sunglasses, or masks.

It's obvious that she doesn't care at all about being photographed by the paparazzi!

Reba looked at Bai Chen and walked straight over.

Bai Chen looked at Reba in front of him and said,"Go back."

Reba shook her head without saying anything. Her eyes when she looked at Bai Chen were full of pity.

Bai Chen frowned slightly, then turned and left.

At this time, Reba continued to follow.

Soon, the two of them walked to the downstairs of Bai Chen's house, one behind the other.

When he was about to enter the building, Bai Chen stopped, and Reba behind him also stopped.

Bai Chen looked at Reba and asked,"What do you want to do?"

Reba did not speak, but took a step closer to Bai Chen and silently held Bai Chen's hand.

This moment.

Bai Chen's heartbeat seemed to have missed half a beat...

Reba at this moment reminded Bai Chen of the time when they first confirmed their relationship.

That was also one night, and Reba was also following Bai Chen.

The two of them walked on the road to school, one behind the other. When Bai Chen was about to arrive home, Bai Chen stopped and looked at Reba.

He asked the same question:"What do you want to do?"

Reba did not answer him, but held his hand silently...

When all this happened again, Bai Chen's sealed heart was instantly revealed. Got it!

Reba took another step forward, hugged Bai Chen, and said firmly in his ear:"This time, I will not give up again."

At this moment, Reba's words completely wiped out all Bai Chen's feelings. All the pretense is shattered!

The long-dormant fire in his heart was finally ignited again.

Be together!

The consequences of going to TM!

You don’t deserve to fuck!

Get out of here, everyone!

At this moment, Bai Chen seemed to have been suddenly opened up to the Ren and Du channels, and he had no scruples!

If you can't even be with the person you like in your life, what else will it mean?!

This is what Reba is like now. She has abandoned all restraints, fame, the goddess of the nation, the future first sister... all of these have been abandoned by her like worn shoes.

At this time, what else does Bai Chen have to worry about?!

Bai Chen looked at Reba, smiled slightly, and then pulled Reba up the stairs.

Reba smiled unconsciously. Now she seemed to own the whole world again.

"Did you live here afterwards? Reba asked

"Well, what do you want to drink? I'll get it for you. Bai Chen said and looked at the hand that was still held by Reba.

Reba knew what he meant, opened his hand and said,"Don't you know what I'm drinking?""

"Forget it, after all, it’s been so long since we broke up, who would remember what his ex-girlfriend likes to drink. Bai Chen said with a faint smile.

"Yeah~~Who is your ex-girlfriend! I'm the current one! Is your current job good?!"Reba said, walked to the refrigerator, opened the refrigerator, and immediately showed a proud smile.

"Hum hum, then who, didn’t you say that you won’t remember what your ex-girlfriend drank? Reba asked, taking out a box of red date yogurt and raising it.

"I don’t remember, I bought it specially for my current girlfriend to drink."Bai Chen said seriously.

When Reba heard this, she couldn't help but smile sweetly.

Reba took the yogurt and walked to Bai Chen. Suddenly she remembered something. She looked at it secretly. Looking at Bai Chen, he then pretended to chat and said:"What is your relationship with Sophie?……"

"It doesn't matter. Bai Chen said calmly



"Then can you explain why you threw her down on the pavilion that night? What have you done?"

"Um~~ That night... I was drunk and I really don’t remember what I did. You know this."

"Oh, okay, then why did she send you to the airport alone today?"

"how do you know?"

"Huh, don't change the subject!"

"Maybe, the program team ran out of cars, so she dropped me off on the way."

"Bai Chen"


Reba looked at Bai Chen with a resigned look on her face and said,"It's polygamy now. If you really like Sophie, they won't object to it."……"

"Ahem!! That's not good?"

"Ha, man."

Reba sneered and walked into the kitchen.

"What are you doing? A gentleman talks but does not use his hands. It would be pointless for you to hold a knife!! Bai Chen said loudly

"What's the point of holding a knife? I make late night snacks."Reba looked at Bai Chen with a puzzled look.

"Khan...nothing, I thought...what?! Making a late night snack? Don't, don't, don't!"

Bai Chen suddenly realized and grabbed Reba.

He knew very well how terrifying Reba's cooking skills were!

Apart from making soup, the other dishes she cooked were simply dark cuisine!

Reba defended:"You don't believe me. ? I'm doing much better than before! real!!"

"I trust you! But let me do it! I really want to have a midnight snack tonight! Bai

Chen said and entered the kitchen first, but Reba followed closely behind.

"I'm actually doing much better than before!"

"I even learned it from famous chefs!"


Bai Chen and Reba were enjoying their world together in the kitchen.

By this time, the Internet had exploded! All kinds of news headlines flooded the entire online media for a while!

Most of the contents are shocking how Bai Chen, an unknown guy, climbed up to Reba, the most dazzling pearl in the entertainment industry!

【Shock! Reba, Bai Chen’s late-night tryst!】

【Reba and Baichen are together! Real hammer!!】

���Why is Bai Chen, a fifth-tier artist, with the 'Goddess of All People'?】

【Bai Chen climbs up to the popular goddess Reba!】

【Men are silent and women are crying, come and see! Your goddess ran away with someone!! 】

Subsequently, in less than a few minutes, the names of Reba and Bai Chen topped the list of hot searches!

And the popularity is still rising crazily!

Meanwhile, backstage at a grand movie conference.

An actress surrounded by people frowned and looked at her mobile phone

"Men are not a good thing! Hundan, where are you responsible as promised?!"

……._Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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