The woman on the balcony who was respectfully called miss and had a queen-like temperament looked directly at Bai Chen.

There was a hint of scrutiny in her expression, a hint of coldness, and a hint of...arrogance.

At the same time, Bai Chen is still immersed in his painting skills. When a person opens the door to a new world by himself, the wonderful things inside always make people forget to leave.

From the moment Bai Chen started writing, he felt as if he was in his own world.

He won't wake up until the entire painting is completed

"Have you finished painting?"The woman asked with a smile.

Bai Chen nodded, and then handed her the painting in his hand.

"Thank you, the painting is really good, 500 is really cheap!"The woman praised sincerely.

Bai Chen didn't say anything, just smiled.

"Bai Xian, can you draw a sketch for me?"A girl next to Bai Chen asked excitedly.

"I want it too, I want it too, I am your iceberg fan, Bai Xian~~~"


There were more and more people, and Bai Chen felt that the price he had set was a bit low.

However, Bai Chen did not raise the price next, and stayed at the previous price of 500 per painting.

Time passed so quickly.

The sky is getting darker and today's live broadcast has reached the second half.

At this time, He Jiong and Huang Lei were at the hotel they went to before.

Huang Lei initially wanted to work as a chef in this restaurant for a day to make money.

However, they were rejected because all chefs in other restaurants need to hold a 'health certificate' before they can work, and where could Huang Lei have such a certificate...

After Huang Lei's idea fell through, he and He Jiong had to think of other options. method.

But in the end, the hotel manager offered the two a job as 'special waiters'.

Their main job responsibility is to take photos with customers.

On this day, the two of them earned a total of one thousand yuan!

"Teacher He, the two of us only have one thousand... what should we do with the other nine thousand?"After Huang Lei and He Jiong left the hotel, they walked on the street to discuss.

"It’s nine thousand one hundred! Xiaochen still owes the program team a hundred dollars."

"Alas~~I wonder how Xiaochen and the others are doing?"

"Let's call them first to ask them what's going on, and then we'll talk to see how much money is left in total."


Teacher He nodded, took out his cell phone, and called Bai Chen first.

But no one answered.……

"Xiaochen didn’t answer the phone"

"Then call someone else first."

Teacher He changed his number and called Reba and the others this time.

Immediately, Reba's clear voice came from the other side of the phone.

"Teacher Ho"

"Reba, how are you doing now?"

"We're okay, now we're in a western restaurant"

"Have you found a job in a western restaurant?"

"Well, I play the piano and Nabila plays the cello."

"So how much money did you two make?"

He Jiong had just finished asking, and Ouyang Nana's voice came from the other side this time.

"two thousand!!"

"Then you two are awesome!"

"Nope~ Teacher He, where are you? How much have you earned?"Ouyang Nana asked curiously

"Ahem...a thousand."He Jiong replied a little embarrassed.

Just when He Jiong was embarrassed, Reba changed the topic and said

"Then Teacher He, let’s meet up first?"

"Okay, by the way, do you know what’s going on with Xiaoxiao and the others?"

"Xiaoxiao just called us, and it’s over with them. After Reba finished speaking, she hesitated and asked,"Teacher He, do you know the situation at Bai Chen's side?""

"No one answered the call. I'll call him again later. Let's get together first."

"Oh~ OK."

Reba replied with little enthusiasm.

Half an hour later, He Jiong, Reba, and Chen Xiao all met up.

"Sister Xiaoxiao~~"

"Nabi, sister Reba"

"Teacher He, Teacher Huang."

After everyone said hello to each other, they said as they walked

"Xiaoxiao, Jieqiong, how much money did you make?"

"two thousand."

Chen Xiao and Zhou Jieqiong happened to meet the anniversary store of a large shopping mall in the center of the square.

The two of them found the person in charge of the business one by one, explained their mission, and then donated to the library In the end, the person in charge of the shopping mall asked the two to be responsible for the final performance.

This is definitely a profitable thing for the merchants.

"Now our total is 5,000 yuan, and we still have 5,000 yuan left.……"

"No one answered Xiaochen’s phone, and I don’t know the specific situation."

"It's not of much use knowing that, five thousand, he can't earn that much by himself, not to mention that when he first started, he owed the program team a hundred yuan"

"Let's go find Xiaochen. The director team told me his location."

He Jiong said with his cell phone.

Everyone set off to Bai Chen's location.

At this time, after Bai Chen had just finished painting a painting, the weather had gradually darkened, and it was no longer easy to paint his forehead at this time.

"Hello, sir, are you still painting?"

A crisp and gentle voice sounded beside Bai Chen.

"Sorry, it's dark and the light is not good, so the effect of the painting will not be good, so I won't paint."

Bai Chen replied without raising his head.

"The light here is not good, we can change to another place."The girl said in a soft voice.

At this time, Bai Chen couldn't help but look up at the people around him.

"We can offer double the price."The girl said


Bai Chen looked at her doubtfully.

"Um...yes, my friend likes your paintings very much, and she wants you to draw a sketch for her."

The girl hesitated and said.

Bai Chen didn't reply. His expression seemed to be thinking about something.……..

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