Reba looked at Bai Chen:"You, did you take my... stuff?"

Reba originally wanted to say, 'Did you take my Nene?' 'But halfway through, he changed his tune.

"Will I take your stuff?"Bai Chen asked with an upright and great face.

"Really do not have?"Reba asked again

"Why don't you come and search inside the quilt?"Bai Chen said, lifting the sheets and standing up.

"Ah ~ you~~"

Reba looked at Bai Chen standing up, immediately blushed, turned around and left Bai Chen's room.

Reba stood at the door of Bai Chen's room and spat lightly:"You actually took someone else's……’

But then I saw the corners of her delicate lips rising slightly, with a hint of pride.

"Sister Reba, why are you at the master’s door?"Ouyang Nana walked up from the first floor and saw Reba standing at the door of Bai Chen, so she asked curiously

"This is what you have in your hand……"Ouyang Nana looked at Reba with a shocked face this time, and then looked at Bai Chen's room.

"Nabi, it's not what you think! Reba hurriedly put Wen Yuexiong in her hand behind her and said,"I forgot to take it in the bathroom last night.""

"Yeah?"Ouyang Nana approached Reba with a look of disbelief.

"If you don’t believe it, there’s nothing I can do about it."After Reba finished speaking, she walked to her room.

Ouyang Nana looked at Reba's back, then looked at Bai Chen's room, and couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

After a while, after Reba finished washing quickly, she took Ouyang Nana with her. Yang Nana went downstairs together.

After Reba went downstairs, she went directly to Huang Lei, who was drinking tea and chatting with He Jiong.

"Reba, morning."He Jiong greeted Huang Lei.

"Good morning, Teacher He, Teacher Huang, by the way, do we have fish heads, water tofu, bamboo shoots, mushrooms, mustard, eggs, etc.? Reba said skillfully

"Do you want these to make soup?"Huang Lei is indeed a cook. As soon as he heard these things, he roughly knew what Reba was going to do.

Reba nodded.

"We have bamboo shoots, eggs, fish, and we even had one alive yesterday! There is no water tofu or mustard!"

"Reba, can you still make soup? Don't you want to make a healthy breakfast soup for all of us? He Jiong looked at Reba and asked with a smile.

"Soup is really good in the morning! But is Reba going to do it for us? Huang Lei said thoughtfully.

"Of course... of course I do it for everyone!"

Reba didn't have a good reason at first. Her soup... was not meant to be enjoyed by everyone.

But at this time, He Jiong and Huang Lei gave her a perfect reason.

"I just said it was made for us, Reba, just wait while I get you the water tofu and pickled mustard!!"Teacher He said and immediately stood up, planning to take action.

"Haha, Reba, look at Teacher He, if you just said you weren’t doing it for everyone, Teacher He probably wouldn’t even move!"Huang Lei joked

"Reba, do you think I am that kind of person?"He Jiong said with a serious face, but he couldn't hold it back and laughed the next second.

At this time, Chen Xiao, Zhou Jieqiong, and Ouyang Nana all came over.

"Let's do this. Teacher He, you take Xiaoxiao and Jie Qiong to the village to buy or change the water for tofu and mustard. When you come back, I'll take Nana to dig bamboo shoots and see if there are any mushrooms on the mountain."

Huang Lei quickly assigned the tasks.

"Yesterday's tasks were basically completed by Xiaochen alone. Let him take more rest in the morning."

"OK! Then let's split up! Try to have soup an hour later!"

"An hour...I'm afraid it's a bit difficult! But the main ingredient is the fish head, so the hotpot can be cooked first, and the rest will be cooked in the next ten minutes. Don’t worry, let’s hurry up. One hour is really about the same. Huang Lei said seriously

"Then Reba, the house will be left to you and Xiaochen."

He Jiong smiled and looked at Reba and said.

After Reba watched everyone leave, she immediately walked to the stove.

She frowned and looked at the stove, a little confused.

Reba had never used this kind of Making a fire in an earthen stove is a huge problem.

She immediately opened Weibo and posted a message:"Omnipotent netizens, please tell me the correct steps to start a fire in this stove! Waiting online is urgent!"The text was accompanied by a picture of a clay stove.

After Reba posted on Weibo, she put down her phone and prepared the main ingredient, the fish head first!

When the audience watching the live broadcast saw Reba's skillful handling of the fish, they couldn't help but like it.

"Awesome, my goddess!!"

"From Reba’s first move, I knew it was ‘Lao Jianghu’’!"

"Not only is Miss Reba so beautiful, she is also so good at cooking! How can we other girls live like this?~~"


After Reba processed the fish, she put the fish and other auxiliary ingredients into the soup pot.

After doing this, the next step is to make a fire.

She opened Weibo and found that she had accidentally become a hot search topic!

【Reba asks for help on fire-making tips on Weibo]

She clicked on the first hotly searched post on her Weibo, and it already had over 100,000 comments!

She read the first few hot comments carefully.

Then he selected one of the comments with the highest number of likes and seemed the most reliable to start the actual operation...

At the same time, Bai Chen fell down again after Reba left the room...

Every time he woke up after being drunk, His head would be very dizzy, and he would get up only after calming down for a while.

After Bai Chen washed up, he went downstairs.

I found that the house was empty, and no one was seen in the pavilion outside...

Where has everyone gone?

Bai Chen left the house in confusion, but as soon as he left the house, he saw smoke filling the stove, like a fairyland.

Is this making a fire or setting off a smoke bomb?

Bai Chen walked over and saw a familiar figure, who was busy blowing fire.……


Reba suddenly stood up and left the stove, covering her mouth and coughing. At this time, she saw Bai Chen looking at her.

But she was surprised to find that Bai Chen was looking at her with a look on his face that was holding back a smile.

"what? Do you want to laugh or not? Reba asked in confusion.

At this time, the photographer hurriedly gave Reba a close-up.

Suddenly, all the live broadcasts changed to '666’

"Hahaha~~Tabby cat face, Reba!"

"6666, I give Reba full marks for this cat face makeup!!"

"666, is the cat-faced Reba so cute?"

"screenshot! screenshot! Souvenir!!"


Reba seemed to have reacted at this time. She hurriedly picked up her phone and turned on the camera. After seeing the person on the screen, she immediately closed her phone.

"Don't shoot me~~"

Reba covered her face with one hand and said.

At this time, a white towel was handed to Reba

"Give. Reba looked at the towel handed over by Bai Chen and couldn't help but pursed her lower lip, with a happy look on her face.

However, Reba didn't take the towel.

Instead, she took a step closer to Bai Chen, and then raised her head slightly. Face.

Reba wanted Bai Chen to wipe it for her...

Bai Chen originally wanted to refuse, but looking at Reba's cat-like face, he couldn't help but apply his hand to wipe her lips. The horns couldn't help but rise slightly...

The barrage at this time was full of sour smell

"Woohoo~~The whole world is filled with the sour smell of love!!"

"Wow...this dog food is delicious!"

"Reba is so happy~~I also want my Bai Xian to wipe my face~~"

"Reba, you look like a white fairy, this dog food is super delicious~~"..

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