Reba and Ouyang Nana's eel mission was quickly completed with Bai Chen's help.

"Xiaoxiao, Sister Jieqiong, we are here to help you!"

Ouyang Nana came to the mud field and looked at the seedlings with a novel look on her face.

Reba seemed to be a little interested too.

Just after Ouyang Nana and Reba got out of the field, Bai Chen's voice came over:"Xiaoxiao, Jieqiong, you two come up, let's finish the fishing task first."

"ah? oh!"

Chen Xiao and Zhou Jieqiong looked at each other. They were actually tired for a long time. They just heard the cheers of Ouyang Nana accompanying Bai Chen to catch eels, so they wanted to go and have a look together and take a rest.

At this time Hearing Bai Chen's call, he immediately went ashore.

Then, Chen Xiao, who was on the ridge of the field, looked at Reba and Ouyang Nana who were deep in the mud with a smile and said:"Nana, Sister Reba, Then thank you for your hard work first~"

"Eh? Why! you……"

Ouyang Nana was a little stunned when she saw Chen Xiao and Zhou Jieqiong running towards her master.

"Sister Reba, have we been tricked by the master?"

"Sister Reba, do you think Sister Xiaoxiao treats the master... eh? you?"

"It's not my business? Reba replied with an indifferent expression.

But not long after, the clear laughter of Chen Xiao and Zhou Jieqiong could be heard by the small lake not far away.

Ouyang Nana was a little impatient at this time and wanted to go see Let’s see what’s going on over there at Bai Chen.

"Sister Reba, I’m so tired from transplanting rice~~Why don’t we go to the lake to see the master and the others?!"

Actually, at this time, Reba also wanted to see what Bai Chen and Chen Xiao and Zhou Jieqiong were doing over there.

Ouyang Nana's question was the perfect step.

"Ahem...Okay, then I'll go with you to take a look"

"Yes, yes, thank you Sister Reba for accompanying me’!"

Ouyang Nana specially emphasized the word"accompany me" and showed a meaningful smile.

After the two people discussed it, they immediately threw down the seedlings, climbed onto the field ridge, and walked straight to the small lake.

The water of the small lake is crystal clear, reflecting the blue sky and white clouds.

It looks so refreshing and makes you feel instantly at ease.

At this time, Chen Xiao and Zhou Jieqiong had just washed the mud off their bodies in the lake.

The fishing hasn’t officially started yet!

"Sister Reba, Nana, you are here!"Chen Xiao discovered the two people on the lake shore at this time.

"We are here to help you!"Ouyang Nana found a perfect reason

"OK~~Come on~The lake here is so clean!"Chen Xiao said enthusiastically.

After Reba and Ouyang Nana went into the lake, the lake suddenly became lively.

Bai Chen took the fish food and distributed it to the four people.

Several people sprinkled the fish food into the lake. The originally calm lake slowly came to life.

After a while, fish began to jump out of the water!

"Wow! fish!"

Ouyang Nana exclaimed as a fish flew past her eyes.

"ah! What a big one! Chen

Xiao immediately exclaimed.

Slowly, more and more fish began to leap on the lake!

"Hurry up and catch the fish!"Zhou Jieqiong reminded.

Several girls started fishing without any technical skills.

From their joyful laughter, the audience watching the live broadcast couldn't help but smile. Looking at the scenery of mountains and rivers in the background, they suddenly felt... It felt a lot more comfortable.

Bai Chen didn't catch any fish at this time, so he was responsible for spreading fish food to the four girls.

But, suddenly, there was an exclamation from behind him.

"Wow!! so big!!"

Bai Chen, who heard the sound, just turned around and saw a big fish leaping past him, but! It wasn't over yet.

Immediately, a figure rushed towards him!

Plop! A sound!

There was a splash on the lake. A huge splash.

At this time, the other three girls were stunned. What happened just now?

"Where is Xiaoxiao?"

"It was Sister Xiaoxiao just now……"

As soon as they finished speaking, they saw two people standing up from the lake together!

Chen Xiao and Bai Chen were both covered in bruises.

Bai Chen was holding Chen Xiao in his arms at this time. She had a full figure, especially her bust, which was astonishingly big.

At this time, her whole body was pressed against Bai Chen.

Both of them can feel everything about each other...

At this time, the live broadcast barrages are filled with jealousy.

"That goblin, let go of my Bai Xian! let me!!"

"hateful! Take advantage of my husband!!"

"Woohoo~ I also want my husband to hug me!"

"Add some white fairy to my house every day!"


Chen Xiao blushed, looked at Bai Chen weakly and said

"Bai, Brother Baichen, I didn’t mean it just now, I’m sorry~~"

Bai Chen let go of her at this time and said nothing.

Chen Xiao lowered his head and slowly walked back to the three girls.

"Xiaoxiao, are you okay?"Zhou Jieqiong looked at Chen Xiao with concern.

Chen Xiao shook his head and said it was okay.

On the other side, Reba came to Bai Chen's side unknowingly.

She said softly:"Do you want to change clothes?"

"Need not."Bai Chen replied lightly.

At this time, another exclamation suddenly sounded from behind Bai Chen.

"What a big fish!"

Bai Chen reacted very quickly this time. The moment he heard the sound, he hid aside.

Then he saw a figure jumping straight into the water between him and Reba!

The water splashed high!


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