Bai Chen was walking to the edge of the rice field when he suddenly sneezed.

I couldn't help but turn around and saw Reba and Ouyang Nana not far away discussing something.

Reba's words came to Bai Chen's ears clearly.

"He liked to wear girls' clothes when he was very young, and once he put them on, adults couldn't tell whether he was a boy or a girl, because he was so beautiful.……"

"Yeah? Master still has such embarrassing things, hahahaha!!"

Just when Reba and Ouyang Nana were laughing wildly, they heard a roar


When Reba heard the sound, she immediately lowered her head and began to pretend to look for the eel.

Ouyang Nana also hurriedly imitated Reba and lowered her head to look for the eel, and then asked in a low voice:"Sister Reba, was your name called by the master just now?"

"It's the last name. Reba corrected.

Ouyang Nana looked at Reba curiously and asked:"Sister Reba, how old did you and the master know each other?" And, it seems like you guys have a story?

Reba smiled bitterly and shook her head:"It's nothing~ Let's find the eels quickly~" Ouyang

Nana looked at Reba's expression and knew that there must be some hidden story between her and her master!

After all, It was also live broadcast at this time, so she didn't ask again.

At this time, although Ouyang Nana didn't ask anymore, the audience's gossip fire could not stop burning.

"No more guessing! Bai Chen and Reba are childhood sweethearts!!"

"It's very possible. Even Bai Chen knew that he wore girl's clothes when he was a child. The relationship must be unusual!"

"I didn’t expect our Bai Xian to wear girls’ clothes when we were young. It must have been super cute!!"

"I want to have a son as beautiful as this, and I will dress him up as a beautiful girl!!"

"233...Have you ever considered your son's feelings?!"

"Add some white fairy to my house every day"


《"Longing for Life" is a live broadcast, so the hot search topics appear in real time, and the frequency of hot searches on Weibo is very high.

When Bai Chen and Reba didn't know it, their names had been trending on Weibo unknowingly.

【What is the relationship between Bai Chen and Reba?]

In addition to this hot search, Bai Chen also has a hot search with Ouyang Nana [Nabi forced her to become a disciple of Bai Chen].

In addition to the above two, Wang Zitao is also on the hot search. However, his hot search It’s a hot-searched program that lost fans [Wang Zi Tao’s bad conduct].

Because of the hot searches, more people will watch it. As the number of viewers increases, the popularity will also increase.

At this time, in the director's room backstage

"Director Su, the number of viewers backstage has surged again! Will we still adopt the method of dividing live broadcast rooms next?"

"No thanks for now. Cut the shots more accurately and try to avoid those embarrassing shots. Others should pay attention to the guests’ movements.……"

Sophie calmly gave advice in the background.

Meanwhile, by the rice fields.

Chen Xiao and Zhou Jieqiong, two people who had never done farm work, were a little stunned when they looked at the rice field, which was about an acre in size.

"Brother Bai Chen, can we finish it in one day?"Chen Xiao walked to Bai Chen's side and asked.

She had slowly eliminated her fear of Bai Chen's iceberg temperament.


Bai Chen said calmly.

"ah? Can we really?"Zhou Jieqiong said without confidence at all:"I think even if Teacher He comes to help us later, he may not be able to complete it."

"Hmm, I think so too."Chen Xiao pouted slightly and blinked his big eyes, which was a bit cute.

Before the two of them finished speaking, Bai Chen walked back towards the mushroom house.


Chen Xiao and Zhou Jieqiong looked at Bai Chen's handsome back in confusion.

"Did Brother Bai Chen feel that he complained to us too much and then left because he disliked us?"

Chen Xiao said with a little self-blame on his face.

"No, it can't be... we just can't finish talking.……"Zhou Jieqiong is not sure either

"Let's start quickly. Maybe Brother Bai Chen will come back later."

After Chen Xiao said this, the audience watching the live broadcast can feel that this girl has a good personality, and naturally has a good impression of her.

At this time, the blasting army that was specially designed to deal with Bai Chen had not been able to attack Bai Chen before. The black spots had been lurking for a long time. Now, when Bai Chen stopped working, they immediately emerged and began to set the pace.

"Tsk tsk, look, this Bai Chen is no better than that Wang Zitao!"

"He asked two girls to plant rice seedlings and went back by himself. Bai Chen's character was ruined!!"

"I like Chen Xiao, he has a great personality! Also, is Brother Bai Chen really going back to be lazy?"

"Those who criticize my Baixian, please step aside! This lady is a brainless makeup fan!!"

"Add some white fairy to my house every day"


Just when the audience was still chatting with each other, Bai Chen came back with a hoe in his hand.

"Brother Bai Chen is back! Jie Qiong, what did I just say?"Chen Xiao looked at Bai Chen and smiled sweetly, as if he were looking at his boyfriend's expression.

"He's really back~~ But Brother Bai Chen, what is he doing with a hoe? We are planting rice seedlings, not digging fields……"Zhou Jieqiong asked with a puzzled look.

This is not only Zhou Jieqiong’s doubts, but also what all the viewers don’t understand.


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