"thank you. Bai Chen could hear the sincerity in Li Jiahang's words. He smiled faintly and said,"It's okay. Let's go and rest for a while.""

Li Jiahang nodded and walked towards the pavilion. Looking at this figure, Bai Chen felt inexplicably sad. He smiled bitterly, shook his head, and began to chop wood.

"Who will meet?"

Huang Lei poked his head out of the kitchen and began to ask for help.

"Let me do it."Lou Yixiao looked for a while and found no one responded, so she spoke, and then gave the half-washed vegetables to Deng Jiajia. She walked into the kitchen and planned to help.

When she passed by Bai Chen, she glanced at Bai Chen with a complicated expression. Chen, but Bai Chen was concentrating on chopping firewood and didn't notice.

After a while, He Jiong went to wash the pots and pans, leaving Sun Yizhou and Chen He who were bored, and Li Jiahang who was resting to regain his strength. sitting in the pavilion

"Are you embarrassed?"Li Jinming couldn't stand it any longer. He walked over with his hands on his hips and pretended to be scolding his juniors:"Others are busy working, but you gentlemen are just sitting here."

"What's there to be embarrassed about? We didn't do anything shameful."Chen He said plausibly.

"Yes, and there's nothing to do now……"Sun Yizhou echoed

"That……"Li Jinming looked around and his eyes lit up when he saw Bai Chen's figure:"Can you go and help Brother Bai Chen? Look at how much firewood he has chopped."

At this time, Bai Chen stopped and supported him. The firewood ax was panting. He had just chopped several pieces of firewood in succession and had to stop and slow down.

This scene happened to be seen by Li Jinming, who thought Bai Chen was tired.

"Okay, okay, I'll go, I'll go."Sun Yizhou didn't tire of it, and quickly got up and walked towards Bai Chen.

Li Jinming smiled, ignored Chen He who pretended to look at the scenery, and ran back to Deng Jiajia to continue washing vegetables. She didn't know what Deng Jiajia made fun of, she was so shy He secretly glanced at Bai Chen and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

"Bai Chen, let me give it a try?"

Looking at Sun Yizhou walking next to him, Bai Chen raised his eyebrows, looked at him suspiciously and said,"Can you do it?"

Sun Yizhou shook his head unabashedly and said without changing his expression:"No. Bai Chen couldn't laugh or cry in his heart.

He sighed helplessly and said,"I'll teach you.""

Then he briefly explained the key points of chopping firewood, including the grip, strength, and height of holding the axe.

Sun Yizhou nodded as if he understood something, and at Bai Chen's signal, he chopped the axe.

He was delighted to see it hit. Chai was motionless on the pier. He only shook slightly when he was shaken and did not fall down.

"Hit it harder and adjust the accuracy without lifting."

Bai Chen pointed out Sun Yi's right point. Sun Yizhou took a deep breath, calmed down, felt a little embarrassed, and got ready to do it again.

Finally, after splitting the air four times, Yizhou finally found the trick and successfully split. After a while, Deng Jiajia and Li Jinming came to the pavilion and poured themselves a cup of tea.

After washing the dishes and taking them to the kitchen, Huang Lei also sat in the pavilion. The group of friends who had already become familiar with each other began to chat and laugh.

Lou Yixiao and Wan Mian came out and saw Bai Chen sitting there without saying a word. She seemed out of place among a bunch of chatting and laughing people, and an inexplicable light flashed in her eyes. She quickly walked over and sat down in the empty seat next to Bai Chen.

"Have you...debuted?"After thinking for a long time, Lou Yixiao couldn't think of a topic, so she said something casually.

Bai Chen shook his head.

Lou Yixiao's eyes widened in surprise, although she had learned about it from He Jiong and Huang Lei in the past two days. I learned something about Bai Chen, but I didn’t know that Bai Chen was actually an amateur. An amateur participated in this popular variety show nationwide as a regular member. Bai Chen’s background made Lou Yixiao curious.

"So what did you do before? Lou

Yixiao asked pretending to be casual. His eyes were unnaturally evasive, but his ears stood up.

"unemployed. Bai Chen said lightly.

Lou Yixiao glanced at Bai Chen speechlessly and cursed in his heart:"Will you die if you say a few more words?""

Obviously, Bai Chen's attitude of cherishing words like gold prevented Lou Yixiao from obtaining any key information. She could only guess on her own, maybe Bai Chen's family was in a better position, so she didn't have to work and she didn't have to worry about food and clothing.

Then why did he come back to participate in this kind of event? What about shows that suffer hardship?

"Then why did you come back to participate in this show?

Lou Yixiao asked directly.

Bai Chen did not answer, but glanced at her. His eyes seemed to say,"Are you here to check your household registration?""

Deng Jiajia saw that Bai Chen ignored Lou Yixiao and said,"Hey Xiaoxiao, don't bring trouble to yourself. This guy is aloof and has nothing in common with ordinary people like us."

These slightly mocking words made Bai Chen look sideways, but after seeing Deng Jiajia's non-hostile eyes, he sneered in his heart:"A clumsy way to provoke generals.

Then he turned his head, looked at Lou Yixiao and asked,"Then why are you here?""

"us……"Lou Yixiao rolled his eyes, pondered for a moment and then said:"We are here to promote the movie!"

Everyone almost spat out the water in their mouths when they heard this, and looked at Lou Yixiao resentfully, muttering in their hearts:"Although it is true , but isn’t it good to say it so directly?"

"If it were not a movie, would you come if you accepted the invitation from the program team?"Bai Chen asked again.

This time everyone's eyes turned to Lou Yixiao. Lou Yixiao felt uncomfortable being stared at by everyone, but he said without hesitation:"Of course I'll come back. La!"

You're kidding! Why don't you come to the most popular variety show in China?

Bai Chen just smiled faintly and said nothing.

This smile made Lou Yixiao's heart tremble. She seemed to have guessed something, and showed a look of realization.

It turned out that he was not herself. She wanted to come, but she was invited by the program team! Then, why did the program team invite an amateur? She was puzzled as she found one question after another, and her curiosity was almost bursting. Got it

"Hey, brother Bai Chen, I heard that you can also cook! I heard the craftsmanship is pretty good."Li Jinming saw that the atmosphere was a little low, so he found a topic to talk about.

Bai Chen cursed in his heart:"Who leaked it?

He shook his head and said:"I only know how to do it, and I will help Teacher Huang with the rest. I will get better at it after seeing more.""

Li Jinming said"Oh"._

Fei Lu reminds you: three things about reading - collect, recommend and share!

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