Everyone fell into silence for an instant, all calculating in their minds.

A total of 517 corns were picked this morning. Including those from the previous two days, the debt was still paid off. He Jiong and Huang Lei suddenly cheered! Deng Jiajia and Li Jinming were shocked

"Debt free!"He Jiong shouted.

After receiving the director's confirmation, everyone cheered together. At Huang Lei's signal, everyone raised their glasses to celebrate and drank the fresh juice that Huang Lei had just squeezed from the remaining fruit in the salad.

Bai Chen suddenly There was a sense of trance, and I didn’t expect that the goal that I thought was difficult to achieve at the beginning was achieved in just two days.

This was also thanks to the number of guests. I remembered that apart from myself, there were at most one or two people who helped me this time, but this time there were four energetic adult boys.! And that doesn’t even include myself.

"Thank you, thank you, everyone for your hard work. Bai Chen said sincerely, raised his glass again to toast these guests, smacked his lips and said:"When the movie comes out, I will definitely go and support it!""

"Ouch! Bai Chen's words once again caused a burst of cheers, and He Jiong shouted:"I'll go too!" We all went to see it!"

In the end, I don't know who suggested taking a group photo. Everyone stood together, looking at the mobile phone lens in the hand of the staff who helped take the photos, and shouted in unison:"Love Apartment!"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

While everyone was laughing, the fat director suddenly poured cold water on him:"The previous debt has been paid off, but don't forget, you took away all the remaining funds."

Everyone suddenly smiled. With his face frozen, Huang Lei was so angry that he threw his slippers over.

Even the dog they raised couldn't stand it anymore. Little H barked at the fat director.

"Then... what should we do?"He Jiong asked worriedly

"You ask me, who should I ask? It’s not like I gave it to you."The fat director cursed and rolled his eyes at He Jiong.

At this time, Sophie in the control room saw this and quickly picked up the walkie-talkie and instructed:"Tell them to find a way to repay their debts, such as manufacturing agricultural and sideline products and selling them to the villagers, anything will do. You look at the arrangements."

After the fat director heard this, his head was full of black lines. He looked at Huang Lei cautiously and hesitated to speak.

"What bad idea did you come up with again? explain!"Huang Lei noticed the change in Fatty Director's expression, pointed at him with his slippers and shouted.

After Fatty Director heard this, Yongpang's body trembled slightly, and he had to bite the bullet and said:"Before... the ending, you have to Find ways to process the recovered crops into agricultural and sideline products and then sell them to pay off debts……"

"The ratio is one to ten, and the profits will be donated in the name of the program team to purchase books and supplies for children in mountainous areas."Sophie added.

Seeing Huang Lei suddenly make a gesture of throwing shoes, the fat director ducked, only to realize that it was a fake action. His expression was slightly embarrassed, and then he coughed lightly and relayed Su's words seriously.

"One to ten!"Huang Lei shouted loudly and threw the shoe over, but he was still happy to see it being dodged by this flexible fat man.

"Why don't you go and grab it!"He Jiong couldn't help but angrily added.

The envelope given by Sophie before was five thousand, ten times that is fifty thousand, and the retail price of these agricultural and sideline products is tens of yuan at most. If calculated in fifty yuan, then they One thousand copies of agricultural and sideline products have to be made!

This is not a matter of quantity, but how long it will take to produce one thousand copies of agricultural and sideline products. Bai Chen suddenly had an idea. Having made up his mind, he quickly stood up and said calmly:"Okay, one to ten is one to ten."

Bai Chen suddenly spoke, which shocked everyone including Sophie, and they all looked at Bai Chen.

"You are crazy! I have to make more than a thousand copies!"He Jiong said anxiously to Bai Chen. He was about to make a careful calculation for Bai Chen, but Huang Lei calmly held He Jiong's shoulder and looked at Bai Chen with sparkling eyes.

"Do you have an idea?"

He Jiong suddenly stopped talking when he heard this, showing an expression of surprise. He felt that he liked Bai Chen more and more. He always had an idea at the critical moment.

Bai Chen glanced at the camera that was taking a close-up of him without leaving any trace. He shook his head at He Jiong and Huang Lei with a solemn expression, and whispered as if he was afraid that others would hear:"Since it's all about public welfare, there's no reason to refuse."

He Jiong nodded in agreement, but Huang Lei looked at Bai Chen suspiciously. According to his understanding, Bai Chen is not someone who compromises so easily. Then he also noticed the camera.

"Alas, there is nothing we can do about it."Huang Lei pretended to sigh and made a compromise.

But Bai Chen's glance did not escape Sophie, who was staring at the screen closely in the control room. Her heart skipped a beat, and suddenly she had an ominous premonition, and she quickly picked up the The intercom gave the order again:"Tell them that the program team is responsible for sales, and they are only responsible for production."

The fat director didn't react. Although he didn't understand why Sophie arranged it like this, due to his identity, he could only relay Sophie's instructions truthfully.

"oh? Are you sure?" Bai Chen's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he inadvertently showed a cunning smile. It disappeared in a flash. When the fat director saw it, his eyelids twitched. He didn't know what other evil idea Bai Chen had come up with, which made him wonder. Sophie's instructions also aroused suspicion.

Bai Chen turned around, turned his back to the camera, suppressed a smile and asked:"What do you two teachers think?"

While talking and winking at the two of them, He Jiong and Huang Lei immediately understood. He Jiong pretended to think for a moment and said in deep thought:"I don't think it's right. What if the program team deliberately sells it at a low price?"

"Oops, Teacher He, you are worrying too much. If you ask me, I can't ask for more. It's tiring just to make these things. How can I still have the energy to sell them?"Huang Lei deliberately sang the opposite tune.

"Anyway, I feel more comfortable selling by myself. We don’t know how much they sell. What if they lie about military information?"Teacher He was completely unmoved and still insisted on his opinion.

"That... we will register it in detail, and the price will be determined by you.……"Director Fatty said in a low voice, but He Jiong and Huang Lei seemed not to hear his words and were still arguing endlessly.

Chen He and others were completely confused and did not dare to talk easily.

Bai Chen pretended to be a peacemaker and tried to persuade her, but his heart was in a different mood.

Sure enough, the quarrel between He Jiong and Huang Lei was used as a smoke bomb to successfully confuse the program team and Sophie. After thinking for a while, Sophie still couldn't imagine Bai Chen's wishful thinking.

"Tell them to stop arguing. What are they thinking when two seniors in the entertainment industry argue in front of a group of seniors until they blush and dare not speak without seeing the guests? Just tell them and let them handle the sale on their own."

_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collect, recommend, and share!

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