"Come on, young man, let's go back together."

The old man happily invited Bai Chen to go to the dock with him, and stopped to wait for Bai Chen to pack his things.

"Hey, Lao Litou, you got a good harvest today? Look how happy you are."

The old man on the ferry was obviously familiar with the old man fishing. He started to say hello even before he walked in.

Old man Li said with a smile:"Oh, it's just three of them, just take care of yourself."

Bai Chen followed Old Man Li obediently without interrupting, and silently boarded the bamboo raft together.

"Ouch, you said you are so good at fishing, why don’t you fish more?"The old man on the ferry stretched out the bamboo raft with a pole and said while paddling.

"You have to leave some for others to catch. What will they eat if I catch all the fish?"Old man Li suddenly misappropriated what Bai Chen said just now. Bai Chen raised his eyebrows when he heard this and looked at old man Li with a strange expression.

The old man on the ferry laughed:"What you said is quite knowledgeable."

Lao Litou waved his hands repeatedly and said:"I didn't say these words, it was what this young man said to me just now."

The old man on the ferry couldn't help but look sideways, took a deep look at Bai Chen, and praised:"What a good young man!"

Bai Chen scratched his head in embarrassment.

Under the continuous praise of the two old people, the bamboo raft reached the shore smoothly. After Bai Chen said goodbye to the two old people one by one, he returned to the mushroom house happily carrying the bucket.

"Teacher Huang, we’ve finished catching the fish." Bai Chen shouted loudly as soon as he entered the door, showing off his feelings clearly.

Huang Lei stuck his head out of the kitchen wearing an apron and sleeves, with a look of shock on his face:"So fast?

Bai Chen raised his face and walked over arrogantly and put the poke in front of Huang Lei. Huang Lei glanced at the bucket and was shocked:"Ouch!" So big!"

"hey-hey."Bai Chen rubbed his nose

"You shouldn't care about what others take, right?"Huang Lei looked at Bai Chen suspiciously. You must know that Bai Chen set out just over half an hour ago, and the journey back and forth took about ten minutes. It only took him ten minutes to catch these two fish?

Bai Chen rolled his eyes at him:"how come?

Huang Lei chuckled:"I just said casually, hey, leave the fish to me. You can take out the mung beans that Teacher He exchanged for corn with the villagers some time ago to dry, and then break off a few pieces and put them inside." Deworm.

Bai Chen's eyes suddenly lit up:"Are you going to make mung bean paste for lunch?""

"right. Huang Lei glanced at Bai Chen approvingly, and said with a smile:"On a hot day, it's a good idea to relieve the heat.""

Bai Chen nodded vigorously and quickly ran into the house to find a jar for storing mung beans. The cool and delicious mung bean paste is one of Bai Chen's favorite foods. It's no wonder he is so happy.

Huang Lei looked at Bai Chen in high spirits. He smiled and shook his head, then turned around and picked up the bucket and walked back to the kitchen. After Bai Chen poured the mung beans on the dustpan and sorted them, Yixiao and other girls' crop tour group also came back. At this time, they each held a cup in their hands. A handful of vegetable ingredients, obviously just picked."Hey! Brother Bai Chen, good morning."

As soon as Li Jinming saw Bai Chen, he ran over brightly and greeted her warmly.

Bai Chen glanced at her angrily:"Why are you early? It's almost noon."

Li Jinming stuck out his tongue playfully. At this time, Deng Jiajia also came over. Seeing Bai Chen playing with the mung beans, he asked curiously:"Do you want this for lunch?

Bai Chen nodded and said with a smile:"Well, it's a relief from the heat."

Seeing Bai Chen's cheerful look, Deng Jiajia couldn't help laughing and said,"You love to eat?""

Bai Chen looked at Deng Jiajia. Deng Jiajia's heart beat faster when Bai Chen looked at her."Why...why are you looking at me like this?""

"Can I eat you?"Bai Chen said suddenly.

Deng Jiajia's pretty face turned red:"……"

"Haha, just kidding. Bai Chen said with a smile.

"……"Deng Jiajia looked depressed and rolled her eyes at him.

Lou Yixiao put all the vegetables into the vegetable basket. When she looked back, she saw that Deng Jiajia, Li Jinmingzheng and Bai Chen were talking and laughing. She suddenly felt a little disgusted. Why was he so cold to her and smiling so happily to others? ?

"Hello! Come wash the car! Lou Yixiao shouted directly at the three joking people.

Li Jinming shrank in fright, and Deng Jiajia smiled at Bai Chen and said softly:"We went over to help.""Then he pulled Li Jinming, who was looking back reluctantly, towards Lou Yixiao.

Bai Chen looked at the backs of the two girls and shook his head helplessly.

After a while, Teacher He came back with Chen He and others. Four grown men The man came back panting, pushing a pushcart with four or five baskets full of corn.

"Wow!"Seeing so much corn, Li Jinming screamed again in shock.

"What's wrong?"The cry alarmed Huang Lei in the kitchen. He rubbed his hands with his apron curiously and walked out. When he saw a cart of corn, he couldn't help but trembled:"Ouch! Good guy, are you surprising me like this this morning?"

"Oops, I'm so exhausted. Come on, come on. Let's take a rest. We'll take stock later."Teacher He was wiping his sweat and panting as he greeted Chen He and others.

In fact, there was no need to say hello. Chen He and Sun Yizhou had already walked towards the pavilion like zombies, and immediately slumped down on the chairs, not wanting to move..

Huang Lei quickly went over to give He Jiong and others some tea and water, and Lian Sheng comforted him:"Thank you for your hard work, hard work.""

"Oops, I'm so thirsty. Thank you, Teacher Huang."Li Jiahang, who was late, walked straight to the pavilion, took the cup that Huang Lei handed to Sun Yizhou, and drank heavily.

"you! Sun Yizhou was so angry that he pointed at Li Jiahang. When he saw He Jiong in the middle, he endured it and did not curse. He politely took the tea that Huang Lei poured again and thanked him repeatedly.

Huang Lei smoothed things over with a smile:"Don't worry, it's all there. Bai

Chen looked at the scene in the pavilion with a smile and sighed in his heart,���Jiong's majesty is still there. He went to the corn field with them. It is estimated that Chen He and others did not dare to be lazy. He glanced at the five large boxes of corn and secretly estimated that it was not four hundred but three hundred. After all, it was calculated like this , if we work harder in the afternoon, the debt of one thousand corns can be paid off directly!

"Teacher Huang, what are you having for lunch?"Teacher He put down his cup and asked curiously. This question caused several other young people sitting next to him to raise their heads and look at Huang Lei.

Huang Lei just smiled and pointed at Bai Chen without saying anything.

"Is Bai Chen the chef? Will he come for lunch?!"He Jionghui misunderstood, but it made Lou Yixiao and other young girls' eyes light up with anticipation in their eyes.

Huang Lei just smiled and said nothing. Bai Chen couldn't stand it anymore and said quickly:"Yes. Mung bean paste."

A few people suddenly realized and said"Oh", and then they all felt pretty good.

"Well, Bai Chen, wash the selected mung beans for the girls, and you go make a bowl of ice."Huang Lei immediately began to give instructions.

After Bai Chen heard this, he poured part of the divided mung beans into a basin and gave it to Deng Jiajia._Fei

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