Ouyang Nana follows behind Bai Chen

"Master, I can give you a massage when you are tired, give you water when you are thirsty, warm the bed when you are cold, ahem, I made a mistake... I can give you cotton-padded clothes when you are cold!"


Bai Chen is preparing to wash the dishes.

Ouyang Nana immediately grabbed the dishcloth,"Master, you rest, I will wash the dishes!"

Bai Chen looked at Ouyang Nana who grabbed the dishcloth and started washing the dishes and couldn't help but look to the side and snickered. Reba


Reba, who felt Bai Chen's eyes, immediately stopped her smile, blinked her big eyes, and looked at him, as if to say that this has nothing to do with me.

At this time, Teacher He and Huang Lei also came over.

"Yo, look who's washing the dishes."Teacher He looked at Ouyang Nana with a smile on his face and said

"Nabi is so diligent! How about I leave this bowl to you from now on?

Huang Lei said with a smile on the side.

However, there were only two bowls in total, and Ouyang finished washing them in those two times. When Huang Lei said that he wanted to wash all the bowls for her, he immediately panicked:"

Huh?" No, no, I'm afraid I won't be able to wash it clean"

"It doesn’t matter if it’s not clean, just wash it a few times and it will get better." At this time, Bai Chen made up for it lightly.

Ouyang Naina suddenly had a bitter look on her face, but then she smiled slightly, showing her sweet dimples and said:"Since the master asked me to wash it, then okay, I will wash it!"

"master?"He Jiong looked at Ouyang Nana and Bai Chen in surprise.

"When did you become master and apprentice over breakfast?"

"Just now!"Ouyang Nana said with a proud face.

However, Bai Chen immediately came up with a set of denials:"No, you are not my apprentice, don't talk nonsense!"

Ouyang Nana:"……"

"You obviously agreed, sister Reba, testify for me!"Ouyang Nana turned to Reba for help.

Reba looked from Ouyang Nana's face to Bai Chen, and then said:"Bai Chen didn't seem to agree just now."

Ouyang Nana didn't expect that Reba, who was originally in the same camp as herself, wouldn't help her.

So she looked pitifully at the camera lens:"My lovely audience friends, I know you are the best, you can testify for me. ?"

"Haha, Nabi, it seems she really wants to be our Xiaochen’s apprentice."He Jiong smiled as he watched Ouyang Nana liven up the atmosphere.

"Not really, but really."Huang Lei answered from the side.

At this time, the audience watching the live broadcast was also amused by the pitiful Ouyang Nana.

They all wrote on the barrage, 'Nabi, I will testify for you!'

However, these None of the people at the barrage scene could be seen.

"Okay, we are all here today"

"There are quite a lot of things going on today, let’s allocate today’s tasks!"

Everyone came to the pavilion, Huang Lei took charge of the overall situation and said

"First, let’s allocate it to the guests, okay?"

"Okay, first the guest then the host, first the female then the male."Teacher He nodded and agreed.

"Reba and Nabi, how are you collecting honey?"

"I...I'm a little afraid of bees."Ouyang Nana said weakly

"Then you catch eels?"

"This is acceptable!"Ouyang Nana said with bright eyes. In her opinion, catching eels is a fun thing and there is no danger.

"Sister Reba, can you do it?"

"I can do either."Reba smiled and nodded.

"Next up are Xiaoxiao and Jieqiong. Do you dare to collect honey?"

"We...can!"The two people answered with a little less confidence, but after all, it was the first time to participate in such a popular variety show, and they wanted to leave a good impression on the audience, so they agreed.

"Okay, now comes the slightly more difficult task."

Teacher He looked at Wang Zitao, who was dressed in a concert outfit.

"Zitao, how are you doing with the rice transplanting?"

When Wang Zitao heard He Jiong's question, he obviously wanted to ask him to plant rice.

Planting, that's impossible!

"Teacher He, I don’t know how to plant rice."

"So, you make this earthen stove?"

"Is this... made of mud?"


"Forget it, is there anything else?"

Zizitao picked up and down, but there was no one he was willing to do.

At this time, Teacher He and Huang Lei both looked a little ugly.

Chen Xiao and Zhou Jieqiong on the side, although their faces were calm, they were already worried in their hearts. I feel a little disgusted with this guy who also debuted in a South Korean group. Why is a man so pretentious if he doesn’t know how to do it?

"Hey, what can you do?"Ouyang Nana is a straight-tempered person. She chuckled and said with a somewhat contemptuous tone.

Wang Zitao replied with a proud face:"I am a star. I can sing and dance. I don't need to know these things. And So dirty!"

At this time, the viewers watching the live broadcast were extremely disgusted with this Wang Zitao.

"Wang Zitao, please get out of this show!!"

"dirty? Dirty your sister! What the hell are you eating? Farmers who don’t farm, you’re going to shit in the pond!!"

"Fortunately, I was still a fan of this person before. I feel sick!"

"I, a fan of Wang Zitao, said that I will stop being a fan from today on!!"



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