When Wang Zitao came over.

Bai Chen's soup has been prepared. All he needs to do next is the next step and it's done.

"Yo, what's down there? Is the noodles cooked?"

As soon as Wang Zitao came, he started to speak in a weird and arrogant way.

"Next, give me and Reba a bowl each!"

After this guy finished speaking, he shamelessly sat across from Reba.

"Reba, what a coincidence. I didn’t expect to meet you on the show. How have you been recently?"Zhitao looked at Reba with a flattering expression and said.

Reba's delicate eyebrows wrinkled slightly, but instead of answering him, she stood up and walked towards Bai Chen. She actually ignored herself!!

Even if she ignored him, she still felt disgusted. He ran away!

At this time, Wang Zitao's face was ashen and his expression was extremely ugly!

If it weren't for the live broadcast, he would definitely overturn the table in front of him.

But after all, Wang Zitao is in the entertainment industry. I saw him smiling at the camera, but this smile was really uglier than crying.

Then he turned his attention to Ouyang Nana and tried his best to be gentle and said:"Nana, you seem better than last time. Much more beautiful when she is.

Ouyang Nana was still angry at being bullied by Bai Chen. When she heard Wang Zitao's words, she couldn't help but raise her face arrogantly and said,"What do you mean?" Implying that I used to be ugly! ?"

"No, I'm not saying you were ugly before……"

"Does that mean I'm ugly now?!"


Wang Zitao couldn't explain at this time, and he was so angry that he had nowhere to vent his anger.

I originally wanted to regain some confidence from Ouyang Nana, but I didn't expect that Ouyang Nana would retaliate as soon as I said a word.

He was a bit doubtful whether he had been possessed by evil spirits today. In the past, those female celebrities were all flattering to him, but today, all of them seemed to have a grudge against him!

He turned around again and saw Reba helping Bai Chen pour the soup.

Judging from the skilled movements of the two people, it seems that they have done this thing N times.

"You go sit down. Bai Chen glanced at Reba beside him and said calmly.

"I……"Reba wanted to say something else, but when she looked at Ye Bai's eyes, she stopped for a moment, and then sat back next to Ouyang Nana.

At this time, when Wang Zitao saw Reba sitting back, his face suddenly lit up and he was about to speak.

A tall and upright figure enveloped him.

Bai Chen held two bowls of noodles in his hands and walked next to him

"Ha, the noodles are here! Come, let me serve it to Reba. Put my bowl of noodles here."

Zhi Tao said with a master look on his face. He stood up and wanted to take the two bowls of noodles from Bai Chen's hand.

Bai Chen couldn't help but look cold when he looked at Zizitao at this time.

At this time, the two looked at each other, Wang Zitao Under Bai Chen's eyes, Tao's smile disappeared, and his hands raised in mid-air were awkwardly unable to place themselves.

Bai Chen's two sharp eyebrows frowned slightly, and a cold chill suddenly came from his star-like eyes. It rushed into Wang Zitao's mind like a god of death!

At this time, Wang Zitao's face turned pale and cold sweat broke out.

His legs were shaking uncontrollably and he left the table consciously. , moved to make room for Bai Chen.

The originally tense atmosphere was resolved.

Unexpectedly, after Wang Zitao and Bai Chen looked at each other for less than three seconds, Wang Zitao, who always had his eyes high above his head, actually looked weak. Giving up the position.

This was really beyond everyone's expectations.

Everyone was curious about how Bai Chen did it.

Bai Chen didn't look at Wang Zitao anymore, but said to Ouyang Nana who looked surprised.

"You, trade stools with me"

"ah? What?"

"Change stool"

"Oh~~I won’t change it."

Ouyang Nana didn't know why, she just wanted to argue with Bai Chen. She was obviously a little afraid of Bai Chen.

"You... sit here with me."

Reba said, and took the initiative to sit on a long wooden bench with Ouyang Nana.

Bai Chen did not continue to argue with Ouyang Nana, so he sat on Reba's original stool.

At this time, someone on the side had already left. Bai Chen's eyes were filled with fear, but his face turned pale.

He drove me away, and he didn't want to sit on the stool he was sitting on. Is it fun to bully you



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