After everyone greets each other.

Teacher He said:"Reba, Nabi, please put your luggage first."


Nabi responded and followed Teacher He.

But at this time, Reba's eyes fell on the tall figure beside the stove in the corner.

The morning sun just shone on the side of Bai Chen's face, that delicate The perfect outline and serious expression immediately fascinated Reba.……

"Sister Reba, come quickly!"

"Oh, right away!"

Reba agreed, and gave Bai Chen a last reluctant look before following in. Huang Lei, who was behind Reba, looked in the direction she had just gone and couldn't help but smile.

Reba and Ouyang Nana After the two went upstairs, they happened to meet Chen Xiao and Zhou Jieqiong who had finished cleaning up.



The two groups of people greeted each other and introduced themselves.

"Reba, Nabi, you clean up first, we will go down first."

After Teacher He finished speaking, he went downstairs with Chen Xiao and Zhou Jieqiong.

"By the way, Xiaoxiao, Jieqiong, have you two had breakfast?"

"Thank you, Teacher He, we have eaten"

"That's good, we didn't prepare breakfast either."Teacher He said with a smile.

After a while, Reba and Nabi also went downstairs.

This time the four girls stood together, and the camera swept away, which was pleasing to the eye.

"Let's go to the pavilion outside first."

He Jiong, as the leader in the hosting world, took on the task of controlling the scene at this time.

Everyone came to the pavilion to sit down.

Only Bai Chen was still busy with his own food.

The program team was divided into two live broadcast footage, which satisfies audiences with different tastes.

【Bai Chen’s cooking show divided into live broadcast rooms] Popularity: 8682835

【Longing for Life General Live Broadcast Room] Popularity: 9253458.

At this time in the director's room, the director asked in disbelief:"Director Su, we haven't improved Bai Chen's live broadcast popularity, have we?"

Sophie remembered that Bai Chen pinched her face and made fun of her last night... She couldn't help but said coldly:" Are you going to pay for him?"

The director shrank and didn't dare to speak anymore.

The reason why the director was surprised just now was because Bai Chen's popularity was only a few hundred thousand lower than the popularity of everyone there, and Bai Chen's popularity is still soaring!

You know, there are two first-tier stars and two second-tier stars there. Bai Chen is just an amateur and has not yet entered the 'Celebrity Rating Network'.

It’s really amazing to be only a few hundred thousand popular!

The people sitting here in the pavilion

"By the way, I have been curious since last night and wanted to know who ordered the 'chili' dish from us!"Teacher He's eyes were mainly on Reba and Nabi.

"What we ordered was not chili~~ I was hung up before I could finish my sentence. Ouyang Nana said with an aggrieved look:"What we actually want to order is chili fish and shrimp fried eel noodles!""

After Nabi finished speaking, she remembered Bai Chen, the culprit, and began to search everywhere.

"Ha ha~~"

"Hahaha, I knew it just by looking at Nabi’s pitiful look."

After Teacher He finished laughing, he noticed the look in Nabi's eyes and immediately knew who she was looking for.

So he reminded:"Our Xiaochen is making breakfast over there."

"breakfast? By the way, Sister Reba hasn’t had breakfast yet." Nabi said

"Has Reba not eaten yet? I forgot to tell you, so Reba, why don't you go to Xiaochen's place and see if he has done more?"Teacher He knew that at this time, he couldn't get rid of his sponsor's rice.

"Sister Reba and I will go and have a look!"

Nabi said, pulling up Reba, and the two walked towards Bai Chen.

Bai Chen just finished processing the handmade noodles at this time, and then started to make noodle soup.

Is a bowl of noodles delicious? Apart from noodles, noodle soup is The most important part.

As the fire temperature increases, the aroma of the noodle soup gradually emerges.

"Wow~~it smells so good!!"

Nabi walked halfway and smelled the fragrance, and immediately ran to Bai Chen first.

"What are you doing It smells so good!"

"Is it noodles?"

Nabi asked looking at Bai Chen, but Bai Chen seemed to be obsessed with the world of making soup, without even raising his head.

"Well, little brother Bai Chen~~are you making noodles?"Ouyang Nana immediately changed her tone at this time, walked to Bai Chen softly, and asked softly.

Bai Chen only raised his head at this time, glanced at her, then said 'hmm', and then continued to make soup....

Ouyang Nana:"……"

The audience who saw this scene couldn't help but laugh out loud

"My Bai a bit too aloof, isn't it? But why do people like it so much!!!"

"Husband, please continue to maintain the iceberg temperament of keeping women away!"

"My husband's cold eyes almost made me... ahem"

"Fairy Bai, I don’t want to talk to you, and I just rolled my eyes at you!"


At the same time, a notification sound suddenly sounded in Bai Chen's mind

【Ding! If you find that the host is not talking to girls, you will be punished with a 'charm boost' halo!】


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