The Sacred Ruins

Chapter 960: The old road of the old days

The stone fox that has been quiet for a hundred years, such a scorpion suddenly shouts out, let Chu Feng directly smash, slamming, throwing it to the ground, decisively quit.

The little Suzaku was red and bright, and the palm of his hand was standing here. He was standing here, feeling sad and rubbing in the big eyes of ruby.

Now it was frightened, screaming, fluttering with fiery wings, falling out, stopping in the distance, stunned, scared, and scared.

"Bunny scorpion, do you want to slay me?!" Shihu was angry and felt that Chu Feng had just moved it up. Is it really necessary to throw it into the depths of the forbidden land?

The most annoying thing is that he finally fell directly to the ground.

Chu Feng looked serious and said: "Predecessors, you know, I saved you once again, you owe me a big cause and effect!"

This is a typical wicked sue, and he is desperately trying to make a difference.

Chu Feng told the lame Tianzun, if it wasn’t for himself to wake it up, Shihu’s life would be long and silent, and he would never wake up again. It’s already dead.

If Shihu is not a statue, he wants to look at him with his eyes, and then give him a fox paw to let him know why the flowers are so red.

Little Suzaku with tears in his eyes, crying and laughing, said: "Predecessors, fortunately, Chu Feng wakes you up, you have been dead for a hundred years, we all thought you were seated."

If the stone fox has flesh and blood, it will definitely be convulsed and convulsed. Fortunately, the kid? It’s all right to wake up by him!

It is very eager to say that he has not died at all, he has been alive, but he does not want to take care of Chu Feng and save his spirit in sleep.

"I didn't think of it, you, the little king, the eight lambs, the heart is black and hot, actually want to poison my hand, throw me into the deepest part of the forbidden land!" It rebuked Chu Feng.

Chu Feng suddenly smiled, he always suspected that this old guy did not die, after all, is a Tianzun from the Yang, how could it be so easy to fall.

Moreover, it is a huge estimate of death.

With the character of this stone fox, most of them will not die, and it will not be reconciled to see how it looks like on weekdays. How can one sit silently?

In general, it’s still kind to look at the lame, but there must be a lot of bad water in the bone marrow, and it hasn’t come out yet.

"Predecessors, take the handle, go to the forbidden land to help us take a few builds!" Chu Feng opened, please help.

"If I can shoot, will I be physically and petrified, who is willing to stay in this world without hope." The sighs sighed and shouted, in a word, could not help.

"You don't have to shoot, I am studying the field, and now I am stepping into the peak of the holy division. I am touching the field of the teacher. After my thoughts in the lonely and lonely years, I finally developed a method, but I need people. Coordination, it seems that your immortal body of Tianzun is the most suitable, blocking it at a key node in the forbidden land and helping us stop the robbery..."

"Don't say it!" Shihu looked gloomy. This is to take it as a sack, block the gap on the energy dam, and meet the impact of the order flood.

"Do you agree with this?" Chu Feng took a look of courtesy.

"When you go, look at you and you will be black!" The squatting Tianzun refused, and he did not agree with life and death. He directly said some terrible things. In the forbidden land in the Yang Dynasty, he did not die. He saw it with his own eyes.

"If you are such a big skill, it will be enough for me to be a shield to stop a dozen times of robbery, to ensure that you are innocent!"

Although the squatting Tianzun was petrified, it was obvious that the face was black, and it was not possible to block it once. It was still more than a dozen times. It wanted to spit Chu Feng and look at the golden lotus mouth.

Look at it face black, Chu Feng and further persuasion, said: "I have done experiments, once smashed a half-sword-level knife, you have forty or fifty knives on your body, you are not responding, did not wake up, body There are no scratches."

"I shot you!" The stone fox swayed violently, and he couldn't fly up and give him a slap. Is this Wang Ba Lazi actually moving a knife on it?

"I am not malicious. I just check it. How hard is your body in this day? It turns out that it is okay to have twenty-eight knives on your face. It proves that you are unparalleled in your body and will certainly be competent to help us block the forbidden land. Killed several times."

Chu Feng tempered, told Shi Hu, he used the field method to measure the past, blocked the several times of robbery, you can get some good things in the forbidden land, are big creation!

"The old man has killed you!" Shihu slammed, and the whole body gave off a faint light, rolled over and slammed toward the Chu wind.

At the same time, it has black stone markings on its face, saying: "I want to use me as a meat shield, and also say that my face is strong, are you satirizing this day?"

In the end, Chu Feng invited people to fail. Under his repeated clarification, Shi Hu loved to give him some advice and gave him some suggestions. If he could enter the realm, he still had hope, otherwise he would not want to enter. Forbidden land is nine heavens.

Chu Feng sighed, silently turned to practice, there are still eight months away from the 100-year time node, the time is really insufficient, the most effective shortcut to become God is to obtain the **** nuclear in the forbidden land!

It is a pity that this road will not work and it will depend on himself.

He stuck in the peak of the reflection for some years, just like the rushing into the holy level of the year, and it was a window paper from the break, but it was never able to break through.

In these years, his killings in the forbidden land are not too small, and the amount of divine particles absorbed is enough.

"You are too eager to seek success, but the speed is not up, the more you want to break through, the more order you are in the midst of suppressing your own movements, you can't comprehend the final step of becoming God." Shihu pointed.

This time, Chu Feng was quiet, listened carefully, and looked like a humbly.

Then...nothing, Shihu did not say that it was the law of God, and there was no desire to preach.

"Predecessors, you are playing me." Chu Feng despised it.

Shihu said seriously: "The celestial gods of the past, the power before the ancient times, have never heard of the need to give pointers when breaking through the realm, preferring to be stuck at a certain level for a long time, and will not give up the opportunity of their own enlightenment, that is the opportunity, That is to fight with the sky, to capture the fragments of the heavens and the earth, are you willing to give up?"

Chu Feng sighed, he just wants to become a god, there is a lot of gray smog in his body, and he is born in the wild, he did not want to take the lead in this world, no need to be perfect at this stage.

"I am just trying to become a **** and improve my combat strength. Time is really not much."

"This kind of quick success is not good, don't be blinded by hatred, and destroy your own future." The lame Tianzun solemnly advised.

Chu Feng sighed and said: "I am doing revenge, but I am also practicing. I have prepared a path for myself and found a way. In the handbook that you gave me to mention how to cultivate the strongest genius. There are records."

Shihu thought, and then moved, said: "You are talking about the road to the road of defeat, one year old and one glory, and ultimately the decline and prosperity?!"

It was really shocked, and naturally understand how difficult this road is, it is simply a dead end, very rough, extremely rugged.

"It’s not easy to get to this step, but I missed the golden evolution road after all. It was a stage, I have lost it, and I have a strange substance. In any case, I want to be the strongest. I have too many crickets at this stage. Only the road to distress can make me rise."

This road is prepared for those who have regrets in the early stage and missed the evolution of the golden age. In the runaway, they recreated the true self and made a new life.

The premise is that you can afford it. This road is too difficult, and you will lose yourself and die forever.

Even the handwritings are warned that from ancient times to today, there are few successful people. If you don't have great determination, you will give up, or you will find death.

Shihu sighed and said: "This is actually a kind of incomplete method that my master has recorded. It is not complete. Of course, you can use it in your current realm. After all, you are far from Tianzun."

"Residual law?" Chu Feng made a fuss.

Looking back carefully, this is like a law with imperfections. It has the temper to rise after it is broken, but he vaguely feels that there is something missing.

"Have you studied it carefully, did you really realize it?" Shihu looked at him and said: "This method treats itself as a foreign land, and buryes a seed in the core of flesh and soul. The original you will What is the cruel process of continually ruining and waiting for the birth of a new one?"

At the same time, it is more serious to tell, the separation between the old and the new, the kind of opposition, the kind of abandonment and cultivation, too contradictory and painful.

The growth of my new life will be joyful, but the oldness of my death is full of great sadness and despair. It is the original soul that is dry, like a strange land, and sacrifices itself.

This is a cruel road. It is not a smooth sailing. Some people are torn into two people. One is a god, the other is a devil, and they are innate opposition and confront each other.

Some people died in the process of splitting, and the infinite fire caused by this anti-sky move was burned to ashes.

Some people even have the advantage of "old me" and killing new ones. It seems to prove that this road is wrong, and it is defeated and defeated. In the end, it also kills the old self, completely disappears from the heavens and the earth, and the reincarnation is never visible.

"Ultimately, a fetus was cultivated, flesh and blood and soul light were all there, but it was struggling from the old and weak, and I watched the old self withered, died, turned into old skin and bones, how cruel. ”

Lame sighs and sighs, even it feels that this road is not normal for people to go, so many days have passed through the ages, but few people have taken this road.

After listening to Chu Feng, there were some big heads. The things he learned from the strongest handwriting were not so much. Now it is a bit dazed.

"There are not many roads I can choose. I didn't feel too terrible at first, so this naturally became an important road. And I saw that this law has a clear record, can completely remove the strange substances, and never fear the fog!" Chu Fengdao.

It is one of the important reasons why he chose this road.

At the same time, once this road is successful, it will be extremely powerful. It can be seen from the words in the handwriting that even the master of the lame-shoulder--the power is amazed, and the words are highly respected. Kind of fruit, hate can not go on.

The handwritten book was written by the stone fox's master. Among them is the method of cultivating the strongest genius from the various places.

"You have to be careful!" The lame Tianzun repeatedly warned, reminding Chu Feng, this road is too difficult, no different from suicide.

At the same time, he also mentioned that this method is not complete at all, and it is suspected that there is no corresponding Supreme Breathing Method, because the original pioneer was too arrogant, and his breathing method was more than half the effort.

"What kind of road is this run-down? Who is the first person to come out?" Chu Feng seriously asked.

"It is suspected that the old road of the Emperor." Stone Fox said leisurely.

"What, this is what you created in the history of the Emperor of the Sun?" Chu Feng shocked.

"No." Shihu shook his head and said: "It is the remnant law in the prehistoric years. Some of the heavens and the earth have existed high above, even if they disappeared, and the remaining traces prove the glory of the past. Hey, and we are still only witnesses on the road, along their way, to find farther roads, farther, we are not strong enough, can't see where the end of some roads is. And broken."

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