The Sacred Ruins

Chapter 945: Live arrival

Chu Feng is very tired. Although there is a fire burning in his heart, the fighting spirit is motivated, but this huge change has exhausted him, and his friends and relatives die one by one. How can it not be painful? How can it not be awkward?

Outside the Great Plains is endless darkness. He calmed down after a long time. The soul light shook many times, and the blood was shining, but he could not reproduce the flesh.

Too hurt, not just the heart, but also the body, a dead robbery, endless sadness, he squatting toward the distance, squatting.

"Look for a place, resurrect the old black, oxen." Chu Feng whispered, he was very embarrassed, but also very nervous, for fear that after opening the ancestors, those people will never be.

At this time, the demon ancestor also fell into a deep sleep, it was covered with scars, almost penetrated.

This campaign, this time the disaster, both humans and weapons have experienced the greatest suffering, can survive, exist in the world, it is really not easy.

Blood on the wall of the tripod, but dim, no life luster, who is it? The heart of Chu Feng is shaking, and he is strongly uneasy.

A little distance from the Abyss, in a quiet place, Chu Feng will have to open the lid, his hand is shaking, and there is fear in his heart.

This is totally different from his former decisive decision, just because he cares too much.

"Don't move, my body is a self-contained, can temporarily protect the current state, you and I are seriously injured, and now unable to return to heaven."

The demon ancestor was awakened, so reminded.

It is in Nirvana, it is brewing vitality, the Xilin Star, the **** of the day was pierced, and swallowed the endless essence, it contains a lot of mountains and rivers.

Everything stops worsening in the special life field in it.

Chu Feng’s hand stopped, he really did not dare to uncover the **** cover. Now he feels relieved, and hope is better than despair.

In this short moment, he was very struggling, and even the soul light was a little dim, and he was weak, and he had suffered too much pressure just now.

"Come back home."

For the first time in the most exhausted body and heart, he had a sense of loneliness and helplessness. He wanted to go back and wanted to go back to the place where there was a lot of laughter and laughter.

Earth, Kunlun, your own small courtyard, and the immortal mountain, these are the places where he can recall the warmth.

He was really weak and almost died here. Although he survived, there was only a faint soul light and some blood, and the bones were all beaten.

Looking at the faint stars at the end of the darkness, Chu Feng stood quietly here, using the spirit to run the breathing method, stabilizing the soul, the fire of the soul beating, and gradually flourishing.

In a short time, he did not want to trade with Tongtian Wodong Company to open the wormhole, and he was very alert. At this stage, he can only believe in himself.


Someone came in the cold void, the voice was tender, with a crying, sobbing, looking for it in this area outside the Great Plains.

She is Ying Xiaoxiao, a small silver lori from the Yaxian with an old servant on the road, hurriedly rushed here, she is anxiously crying, constantly searching in this area.

"Brother, where are you?"

The darkness of the first forbidden land in the underworld, the unchanging coldness of the ancient times, isolated from the world, the living creatures can not be seen all the year round, and only in the near future.

Ying Xiaoxiao cried, because she couldn't find it, she found nothing, only her voice was floating, sobbing softly.

After a while, the body of the Great Plains was affected, and some people came to the area with a few super wormholes.

However, the great abyss is very vast and the area is borderless. The average person who comes here is very small, even if it is sensed by the sense of God, it is relatively insufficient to see.

Some people walked silently, driving the secrets of space, and the speed was very fast. In this aspect of the great abyss, the mirror was held in the hand, and a beam of light was emitted to shine forward.

Among them are ancient surviving monasteries, people who have been covered in large black cloaks, and evolutionists with special imperceptible masks.

There are many people coming here, and the purpose is different.

Some people are worried about Chu Feng, I really want to know if he is alive.

There are also people who want to leave behind the secrets of the sun after the death of Tian Zun.

Some people even heard the words of Yangren people, knowing that there is a treasure in Chu Feng, so that Taiwu Tianzun is tempted, and he does not hesitate to come personally. Many people have moved their minds. What kind of thing is it?

The outside of the Great Plains is quiet, but the hearts of the people are not static.

There are many people who have a good history and bring their friends around. They come for Chu Feng and want to find him and participate in the rescue.

Such a big robbery, a big earthquake in the sky, and finally ended like this. Many people have a good impression on Chu Fengsheng and strongly hope that he will still be alive.

However, after all, there are also some evolutionists who come with bad goals and are complicated and unpredictable.

Taiwu was swallowed up, and even several god-level evolutionists who followed him died here. The **** was calm and the external pressure disappeared directly.

Normally, Chu Feng is alive even if he is still alive.

Some people think that they are not pure, and they want to find stone boxes by any means. That is what even Tian Tian is craving. How can some greed of the underworld universe live?

In the quiet place, Chu Feng soul swaying, and gradually flourished a lot, he opened his eyes slyly, and a purple gold bamboo in his hand, and the ancestor of the ancestors also recovered.

"A lot of people have come." The demon ancestor told him that even if it is weak again, it can be regarded as one of the strong weapons in this starry sky.

Others saw it covered with cracks and had been abolished, but it supported!

It asks Chu Feng, whether to see some people, or to kill! ?

"Go back to Earth, to save the oxen." Chu Feng does not want to make extra-budgets, time is too precious, he has too many regrets this day, hoping to remedy.

When the demon ancestor glowed, Ying Xiaoxiao finally found this area and found them, crying and running, very worried.

It’s not that the family is better than the family. It’s been a hundred years away. A group of people have suffered together and live together.

She was extremely scared, worried that Chu Feng had died here, suddenly saw his soul light, so familiar, suddenly burst into tears and laughed.

Chu Feng stopped and watched her run.

"Sister, this is the big Dan made from the leaves of some magical medicines. I stole them from the pharmacy of Tianzi No.1. You can take it quickly."

She is like a treasure, with tears on her face, carefully holding a jade can, handing it forward, and there are other medicines scattered.

Chu Fengxin has a warmth, a stream of heat flows in his heart, raising his hand and touching her head, but he is now in the state of soul light, feeling different after touching.

Moreover, he is now unable to eat the drug and so on.

"There are special medicines for treating the soul light. You can heal the wounds quickly." Ying Xiaoxiao was full of sorrowful eyes, and saw that the Chu Feng is now swaying in the soul, and his heart is uneasy.

"I'm fine." Chu Feng opened up and told her that it was not flat here, and quickly returned to the Yaxian.

"I want to protect you!" She called the old servant and asked him to come along with him to protect the law. I hope that Chu Feng can recover earlier.

"My sister will come later, my brother is coming, I am looking for you, even though the saints in the family used to be..." When she said this, she did not say it, and did not want to mention those unhappy, the three ancient saints had done before. Out of the decision, she was unable to refute.

"Well, the saints of your family have arrived, Xiaoxiao, go back first, goodbye."

Chu Feng left, the ancestors of the ancestors pierced the void, took him directly away, and rushed to the earth.

This tripod can be restored to this step, let Chu Feng breathe a sigh of relief, otherwise, he may have to face some crises, the current state is really bad.

Save your parents, save the oxen, and then go to the sun, desperate practice, kill Taiwu!

This is the thought in Chu Feng’s heart, the prayer is smooth, the desire is miraculous, and all the people in Ding are alive, full of hope and obsession.

There are many people coming out of the Great Plains, and they are getting more and more lively. The evolutionists of all parties, the heads of the family, etc. have arrived, looking for the whereabouts of Chu Feng.

They are awed by Abyss and come for different purposes.

"I hope you can live!" A few people, accompanied by the tribes, have been here for a long time.

Yuan Shicheng, Yuan Yuan, Ying Invincible, etc. also arrived, and the undead silkworm sons whose ethnic groups were destroyed were sighing, and some people burned paper and paid homage.

Not everyone thinks that Chu Feng can survive, and finally the Great Abyss swallows everything, and even the far-sightedness of the heavens disappears.

Some people who come with bad goals are very low-key and show no difference, but they can't find anything at a time.

Ying Xiaoxiao’s mouth is very strict. No one has told him. He did not say that Chu Feng is still alive.

However, the paper can not hold the fire, some people found a few blood in the wind in the stars, as well as activity, as well as vitality, this is blood, to determine that he may not die.

The disturbances here have nothing to do with Chu Feng. He returned to Earth. He buried himself and his ancestors in the mountains and rivers, laid down the amazing fields, resurrected himself, and repaired Dading.

Now, all things are reviving, the aura is strong, the earth is nourished by the vast amount of exotic soil collected by Chu Feng, and it is completely activated. The mountains and rivers everywhere are like the great waterfalls. Everything is psychic, even some stones are born with consciousness, even some old trees can be I spoke up.

The demon is shining, and there is a strange space inside. In this special life field, some blood fog is lingering, floating, and nourished by strong vital energy.

"You must all be alive!"

Chu Feng is praying every day. He will not do this in the past, but now he is too concerned and afraid that he will never see them again.

He is using the famous mountain, using some special fields left by the sage in the past, to restore the ancestral home of the ancestors and himself, to have a field of maintenance, and to have a large body.

Even he went to the moon and went to the sanctuary's palace.

Later, Chu Feng pale, his flesh and blood emerged, difficult to reshape, he is still alive, and can other people reproduce in the world?

In the last place, Chu Feng is going to the East China Sea and enters the Dragon Cave. It is a place where you can take advantage of the sea and mountains to support it.

In the hand of the field researcher, I mentioned the phoenix nest. When I mentioned the dragon's point, if it can be really arranged and used well, the monk sits in the middle, others can swallow the fruit, and the strong field can swallow the mountain spirit. pure.

In the plan of Chu Feng, once he entered the Yang Dynasty, he would use this super means to find the ancient fairy caves, ancestral veins, etc., so that he might rise violently, otherwise why is it too martial? !

It’s just that he is very upset and has a deep heart. He has already penetrated into the East China Sea. I don’t know if those people are still there. Can people in Dingzhong still see this life?

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