The Sacred Ruins

Chapter 933: In the face of absolute strength

The boy's voice is soft, happy and proud. He is still young, but three or four years old, I don't know that Lei Gong is dead in the gorgeous light. This is the last time he saw his grandfather.

He is too young to understand.

His sister and parents, tears continually slipped, and finally fell to the ground.

The end of the war, the half gods from the sun are dead, and the evolutionary level of the evolutionary can not see one, only the old weasels live alive and enter the chaos.

The universe is very quiet. Everyone sees the final erosion, and then returns to the darkness. Although the Yang people are killed, the cost of the universe in the underworld is too great. Leigong, Tiandao, Bianhua, and exhibitions illuminate an era. People, all fallen, no one survived.

For a long time, the ancestral land of various places was still in the blood, and it fell on the altar where Lei Gong and Tiandao had been removed.

They thought that they had been sitting for many years, and until they re-born today, people realized that they were still there, but now they are really dead, and they are dead in the universe.

The present universe is oppressive and boring. People are reluctant to speak. It is uncomfortable to see such fierceness and the last tragic growth.

After all, it was over, and this battle came to a close, but some people could no longer appear, burning the flesh and soul light, not afraid of eternal silence, and died in this last battle.

What about gray matter?

Chu Feng, like everyone else, has a sore eyes and feels sad. Whether it is an exhibition, or a knife, a thunder, etc. are very hard, and the death is chilling.

However, he is also paying attention to another thing, where is the gray smog? When he was in the big bang, he kept staring. He saw that it was terrible. It was that the gods were infected with some of them. In the end, they were miserable and they died very hard.

How can it disappear in a blink of an eye, so many, incomparably rich, only when the beasts are rushing, screaming and screaming, the results are gone.

He realized that there was a big problem. If there was no guessing error, the strange material was really psychic. It was extracted from hundreds of gods. It has now entered chaos and has to cross the past.

Where does it want to go? Chu Feng double eyebrows deep lock, then, his heart was shocked, strange material is going to the sun?

Chu Feng’s heart is shocked. Now there is a path between Yang and Chaos. It is guaranteed that the Yangmao can come. If the strange material is against the past, then the ambition is really great, and the purpose is terrible!

He always felt that this gray smog made him uneasy, too evil, and every time he was consuming the flesh and soul of the master, this is clearly growing himself!

"I hope it goes to the sun, otherwise, the yin can't afford it!"

In fact, Chu Feng hopes that it is an ordinary gray matter. If you look terrible, you can really disperse it. It is nothing, and it will be diluted by the vast stars to be negligible.

However, it is psychic!

On the edge of the universe, after the disintegration of the ship, some fragments were left behind. In addition, there were broken weapons stained with blood. Unfortunately, the soul light was burned clean, and the so-called blood reincarnation could not be carried out.

The shards of the knives, the fragments of the Leigong **** hammer... all tell the grief of the recent war.

Suddenly, in a chaotic smog, a metal deck that the warship exploded exploded and then was pushed open. A middle-aged man with only a small half of his body climbed out. His nose and nose were bloody, his face was cold. With anger and the rest of my life, my eyes are chilly, cold and gazing at the underworld universe!

"What, some people have survived, how is it possible?!"

The people in the underworld are shocked, and then there is a loud noise.

Lei Gong, Tiandao, Bianhuahua, Zhankong and others paid their lives, all died in battle. In the end, they have not killed the Yangren, and the strong are alive?

"I am alive, but I will die soon. I will go to your **** to kill me. I can see who can stop me now!"

The man said coldly, he couldn’t recover for a while, he was always half-length, he was constantly bleeding, his face was a little gray, and he was entangled with a few strange substances. He knew he was finished.

He is not a demigod, but an evolutionary in the early days of the picture.

Not long ago, he thought he was dead, but he didn't know why, when the old weasels were wrapped in light and rushed into chaos, he was also taken out of the big ship and survived.

The evolutionary people of the genocide of the underworld heard the voice of his grievances, and they all felt cold and felt that the big things were not good.

"I will set off now and come to a big cleansing!" He yelled angrily. Because he was going to die, he was crazy. In fact, he really didn't want to die. However, he was entangled in strange material and had no chance at all.


Suddenly, the void split, and a few figures rushed out, throwing purple and shining objects against him, and then all died in the wormhole.


This morphological evolutionary entangled by a strange substance, itself is very weak, even the reaction and movement are severely slow, did not escape, directly hit.

Dazzling light, deafening sound, the universe is bombarded!

This turned out to be the three amethyst thunder of the mirror level, all hit him, so he killed him!

If it is on weekdays, for a reflection-level evolutionary person, this is not a threat at all. It is not how people of the same rank can pose a threat to them. It is like Chu Feng holding a green gourd and it is difficult to kill the old dog. same.

Now, this illuminating master has not been able to escape and was smashed!

The main reason is because he is surrounded by gray matter!

The whole universe has lost its voice. This is a sudden reversal. All parties are dumbfounded. They did not expect that such a scene would happen.

Originally thought that the underworld universe is about to have a major disaster, it will be washed by blood. After all, all the top figures are killed, no one can resist, who can expect that this murderer is directly killed!

"Haha... Great, this is retribution, a fish that slips through the net, self-satisfaction, what is the result? Calling you to install, you will be killed when you show your head!"

"It’s good to die, you will die and you will be sent to you on the road, see your grandfather!"

There was a cheer in the universe of the underworld, and people felt very incomparable. They grew a stagnation, and the tragic atmosphere of the early deaths of several strong men was diluted.

However, a sigh rang, shaking the stars, letting the chaos crack, and automatically spread out, revealing an open space.

In that chaos, an old man appeared, sitting on the lotus platform, a pair of white eyebrows are very long, more than a foot full, bent down, hair thin, not a few, almost a bald head.

There are still a few people around him, all young men and women and middle-aged people, one by one.

In addition, the old weasels are sitting on a futon next to him. Even if they escaped, the Huang Shenshi is still panicked and very unnatural.

Earlier, Huang Shenshi walked away, except for the gods and protectors, the most important reason was that the old man sitting on the lotus platform was shot!

At this moment, the evolutionary people of the various universes of the underworld closed their mouths, no one ever celebrated, and all of a sudden quiet, people's hearts showed a thick haze, completely desperate!

How can it be? There are still people in the chaos, and the old man with a long, long, almost bald eyebrow is not a general evolutionist at first glance, too calm!

"Let the yellow **** teacher be shocked." The old man with white eyebrows opened his mouth and comforted the old weasels.

"Thank you for the help of the gods and the gods." The old weasels were gifted and thanked very much. Otherwise, it was really fierce.

When this kind of discourse came out, all over the universe, everyone fell like a hail, from head to foot, what did they hear? This is a god!

Xu Hong, a god-level master, from Yang, who can be an enemy?

According to the Yang Man, under normal circumstances, the monks of this universe will not be able to confront the evolutionists of Yang unless they are in a big realm.

Lei Gong, Tiandao, and other shore flowers are so strong, can only be regarded as an example, otherwise, how can the old dog, black crow, etc. kill a lot of mapping masters in the chaotic universe?

Now, when a **** comes over, how can it be confronted? The complete heart is so gray, there is no strength to resist.

Shun Hong plate sits on the lotus platform, does not move like a mountain, does not enter the universe of the underworld, and suppresses its own energy, does not dare to reveal the energy fluctuations of the **** level, because the experiment has been done earlier, the abyss will swallow the energy of the gods.

He was as steady as a rock, once again sighed, saying: "I thought there would be a pair of mirror-level ghosts."

At this moment, people are shocked and all realize what!

The only man who had only half of the body, was the one who had to save it, and deliberately left it, let him force the universe of the underworld, hoping to lead the last big fish.

As a result, only a few famous people came in, all in the saints, and cast a map of the Amethyst Thunder.

At this time, the void rumbling, when people noticed that a space in the distance was imprisoned by the law, it is the coordinates of several places to open the wormhole.


There was a crack, and a few old men fell out. They...had not been able to escape, they were all set there, and they are now released!


These people flew backwards and rushed into chaos. They were detained by the **** man Xu Hong with inexplicable supernatural powers. He looked at it and said: "Several people are people with integrity, not afraid of life and death, dare to humble It’s worthy of respect for the evolution of the body, and I will give you a good time.

He flashed a glimmer of light, like a sword, piercing these people, can not help but pierce the secrets of their souls, and kill them, all turned into powder!

Some of the most respected places in the universe of the underworld are saints, but in front of these masculine figures, the fragile and painful heartache, and his flash of light, let a few people die!

In the face of absolute strength, all struggles are humble, futile, and powerless.

The people in the underworld completely lost their confidence, and they did not expect that even the gods in the Yangyang stage debuted, and they sat in the chaos, and there would be no suspense.

When you think about it, people can only sigh, even the chaotic universe with the gods is suppressed. How can the evolutionists in the Yang Dynasty not have the master of this series?

At this moment, Chu Feng has a sense of powerlessness, standing there silently, motionless.

"The ultimate death is a ship, too sudden, accompanied by strange materials, even I have no time to help, and unable to fully contact the big ship." Xu Hongdao.

Then he looked up and conflated that regret.

"Chu Feng, come over, I will not take your life, as long as you have one thing in your hand."

On the lotus platform, Xu Hong, a pair of white eyebrows trembled, said calmly, his eyes deep, as if to see the universe of the underworld.

Chu Feng was silent and there was no response.

At this time, the chaotic smog lingered again, so that the old man on the lotus platform was a little fuzzy, his bald head was very bright, and the quiet disk sat there and did not move.

By his side, some of the men and women who stood up spoke. A young man’s words were calm and his face was indifferent. He said: “Chu Feng, I was asked by Lin Nuyi’s sister, I will cross you after I saw you. Cheng, I will lead you into the road. But I already understand that you kill the big dog, ambush the four disciples, and repeatedly pick up the yang, I can do nothing, your sin can not be sinful."

Chu Feng heard the news of Lin Nuoyi, his heart shook, and suddenly thought of a lot. When she left from Lushan, she had no news, and she couldn’t think she had a connection with Yang!

However, soon he calmed down again, looking at the indifferent man, feeling an inexplicable meaning, it was like giving him alms, as if looking at Lin Nui’s face, to relieve the poorness of the underworld. Relatives, but... Finally, I don’t plan to be relieved.

"Chu Feng, since the people of Hongshen are here, have already opened the mouth to forgive your death, you should come over as soon as possible, don't make mistakes." The young man with a look of indifference opened again.

"Chu Feng Come, let's talk, I said that you will do it without killing you." Xu Hong looked gentle. .

At this time, a young woman also said, "In the face of absolute strength, all grief, grief, or means and unrealistic hopes, etc., will be very ridiculous. Chu Feng, and everyone in the underworld, you should Some points, actual, know how to cooperate, this is the best choice!"

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