The Sacred Ruins

Chapter 929: Blood stained starry sky

"The infinite era, the gods fly gray, only my other shore!" Bianhua spent fiercely killing, while yelling, said: "I hope the fifth kill is a dog!"

He interfered with the old Tengu fighting with Wu Xingkun. From time to time, he provoked a few blue faint leaves, splitting the universe and targeting the old Tengu.

In fact, he is quite uneasy.

In the void, the blue leaves are dying. Under the horror of the head that cuts the universe, many branches of the other shore are broken, and the blue liquid is spilled.

At the edge of the universe, the situation is very critical.

Yak 嘶吼, Thunder Falls, fighting with black crows, but this murderous bird from the sun is too horrible, black feathers are flush, black light skyrocketing, blocking thunder, and every time you cross the air, you will stay in the yak Some terrible wounds, **** light emerged.

Tian Xing Wu Xingkun is very strong, but the old Tengu is also very terrible, the two needles on the wheat, the white heat.


Laotian shit, the height of the pale gold body is so high, so erect, with human-like shots, a pair of large claws continue to collide with the knives, Mars splashed, the spilled energy will shake the nearby asteroids into powder.


It is golden and golden, like the evil **** from the dark abyss. After a paw blocks out the knives, it leaves a few horrible scars on Wu Xingkun’s shoulders, bloody, almost splitting the neck of Wu Xingkun’s neck, blood four. splash.


The knife is rushing, white, like a star burning, condensing together, turning into an eternal light, rushing toward the old dog.


Finally, a terrible knife once again slammed the old dog, almost cut off one of its forelimbs, and the void was full of cracks.

The two killed their eyes and struggled, and they were desperate.

It’s just that the old dog has a deadbolt. This kind of card has invisibly added too much odds, making it self-sufficient and emboldened. The atmosphere in this place is suffocating.

"Wang!" The dog stunned the sky, the whole starry sky was dark, and the Tengu swallowed it. It was playing a terrible great power, and a **** mouth swallowed everything.

In an instant, the sky is dim and dark, and I can't see my fingers. The magical power is shocking. The old dog uses the strongest **** of the life, and wants to swallow the knife Wu Xingkun.

"Old knife!"

The leader sneered, holding a three-pointed two-edged knife to block his way, desperately attacking, not letting him rescue.

On the other side, the yak shouted, completely mad, and went to today with the knives Wu Xingkun, life and death together, it is all Thunder, every inch of skin is bathed with lightning, the body with chaos, to save the knife Wu Xingkun.

"Hey!" The black crow yelled, and the ruby-like eyes made a terrible light, continually culling, blocking the yak's way.


Lightning intertwined, in the mad calf-like desperate attack, the black crow was beaten with black feathers, flying in the universe, with an arc, very glaring.

"Ha ha..." The old dog laughed loudly, and the treacherous bang roared and cracked open. It swallowed Wu Xingkun and had blood on his lips.

There is Wu Xingkun, and it has its own.

"Wu!" The yak roared.


Suddenly, the blazing knife light tore the darkness, smashing the starry sky, and emanating from the body of the old dog, its smile solidified, and the dog was quickly torn apart.

Finally, with a bang, the old dog disintegrated, and the knives Wu Xingkun murdered, and the long knife in his hand was as bright as the sky, shining on the universe.

Wu Xingkun, the knives, is full of blood. There is no doubt that being suppressed by that kind of magicalism and being swallowed into the "abdominal world" of the old-day dog ​​is a terrible torture. A person may be crushed on the spot. It is bloody.

He was covered in wounds, and bones were visible in some places.


He kept slashing his knife and didn't stop for a moment. He killed the body of the old dog and wanted to kill him once more, and abolished the dead body in it.


However, the death is too extraordinary, from the hand of a **** of the Taiwu Tianzun, a moment, let the old dog's body and blood reunite together, it is wrapped in the light, the external force can not get in, and then it Restore again!

"Kill me again, do you feel very fulfilled? I deliberately do this, can swallow you better, can't swallow you and let you get rid of half life, I see how you will fight against me next!" With a cold smile, a pair of scorpions are no longer vicissitudes, but deep and terrible.

In a critical situation, Wu Xingkun, the knives, appeared in a downturn, killing the old dog twice, but the other side was resurrected and returned to the peak state, leaving him helpless.

In this universe, he has reached this stage is extremely embarrassing, after all, is not a god, and the old dog is also in this series, and the body nourished by yang is tough and powerful, it is difficult to kill.

Now that this has changed, Wu Xingkun has become more and more difficult.

On the other hand, the yak is also in danger. Even if the Thunder breaks out hundreds of millions of scorpions, it can't kill the old crows, only to hurt the other side several times.

However, its own injuries are heavier.

The situation of the other side of the flower is also very bad, in addition to dealing with the leader, but also need to guard against the surrounding map-level powerhouse, those people attacked him.

At this point, the juice splashed, the blue leaves fluttered, and it continued to fall, and he was not hurt.

The situation is very serious, and the fighting power in the sun is desperate.


At this time, Wu Xingkun, the knives, roared, and the burly body erupted into a striking rune. The whole person became a knife, blending with his own bright long knife, and the scene was terrible.

Like a white practice, he inscribed a complex and profound rune, criss-crossing the void, almost squatting the old dog, leaving a terrible wound, the dog's blood splashed.

Wu Xingkun, the knives of the knives, took the knives and smashed the sky, killing them to the other side of the flower, and shooting against other squad-like powerhouses, it was also a solution for the other side.


One of them was directly passed through by the knives, and then exploded, and the gods disappeared.


The other person blocked, and the result was broken by the knives, and the man was also shackled into two halves, and the soul light was also killed and completely died.

call out!

The third person was also penetrated by the knives. At this time, Wu Xingkun, the knives, could hardly keep the shape of the knife body. It showed the real body, gasping for a big breath, pale face like snow, and the hands of the knife were trembled. There is no doubt that this consumption is very large.

Behind him, the illuminating master who was penetrated through the body, despite his anger and unwillingness, eventually disintegrated, and the knife that was left in his body collapsed and he did his best!

The dog stunned, the old dog was angry and chased.

At the same time, the black crows and the heads of the war against the other side of the bank were also angry, together with this side, violently rushed, and wanted to take the opportunity to kill the knives Wu Xingkun.

The yak licks, the other side of the flower is crazy, fight with them.

This area is terrible, murderous, and chaos is shaking.

The universe in the underworld is silent, and the atmosphere is extremely depressed.

People know that the knives Wu Xingkun and the other side of the flowers are not good prospects, after all, the other three main forces have replaced the dead, they are constantly consuming their own source, constantly injured, will become increasingly weak.

For a time, people feel heavy and can't see hope.


Sure enough, the knives Wu Xingkun was almost pulled out of the heart by a pale golden claw. The chest was cut open and the sternum was broken. The whole person flew out.

His situation is not good, the battle of this series is a life-and-death fight, and it consumes too much.

On the other hand, the yak was once torn by the black crow once, and the blood splashed on the starry sky. If the knives Wu Xingkun died and rescued, the soul of the yak was killed.

"Ah..." The other side was raging, and when he was entangled with the leader, he was attacked by several activist-level evolutionists. His body was hit hard and his roots had to be broken.

The situation is critical, one person and one ride and one other shore flower will be bombarded!

"Who else can save them?!"

In the Xinghai, some people’s hearts refer to the eyes of the blind, too worried, and really do not want them to die and die.

"The **** is really not as good as the sun, just come over some people, it is necessary to destroy our highest fighting power here, it really makes people feel sad and desperate!"

In the universe, some famous sighs, with sorrow.

They all rushed to the sky and wanted to help, but in the end they stopped and clenched their fists. The people in their ranks were not qualified to appear there. They were not enough to suppress the claws of the old dog. broken.


On the edge of the universe, the other side of the flower disintegrated, turned into a piece of blue light rain, that is his blood!

However, he did not die, dripping blood and reborn, and quickly condensed the real body, but the breath was obviously weak, and it was not allowed to be in the past.

"The other side of the small king, you still can't do it, huh, huh, there is not enough outstanding awesome evolutionary in the underworld, how many kills, how many people come?" The leader shouted with a smile.

"Oh, come, who will dare to come? Dare to appear, all kill a clean!" The old dog also laughed, scarlet blood basin mouth, snow white teeth exposed, eyes are very cold, make it look very embarrassing.

"Hey, dare to kill and clean up!" The black crow is also cold, and the red eyes are flashing cold.

They rely on the dead, full of enthusiasm, and Wu Xingkun, yak, and other flowers are weaker and will be killed at any time.

"Damn, who can kill them?!" In the stars, many people are not jealous, especially some young people are yelling.

The universe, a piece of starry sky, an unnamed planet of life.

There are several hunters in a mountain range.

On a large bluestone, an old man sits there and keeps inhaling. He is very thin and his body is dry, but he constantly swallows the mysterious beam of light from the void.

"Grandpa, what's wrong with you?" next to a beautiful little boy asking.

"Grandpa is old, no strength, trying to absorb some of the essence of the universe, hope that time is too late, to fight the bad guys." The old man opened.

At this time, more beams of light poured into his body.

The nearby people are unaware, but if they are standing in outer space, they will be surprised, because they find that the energy is rapidly decreasing, and they are gathering toward a mountain on the planet. The rich energy is turned into a small beam of light.

"Grandpa, you are so weird today, how is it different from the past?" The beautiful little boy was only three or four years old, with incomprehensible and fox questioning.

"Grandpa is old, I will leave soon. I will never come back later. Your younger brother and sister will listen to their parents in the future." The old man swallowed his beam and touched his head, full of love.

"Grandpa, what are you talking about, you are physically tough, you can live a few hundred years old!" A white girl came, her eyes were pure, and she was worried. She was aware of it, kneeling down and holding the old man's arm.

The old man also touched her head with a loved one. He said: "The life of a person is just a reincarnation. Seventy and one hundred years old are no different from 10,000 years old. The experience has gone through, and the experience has experienced. , sweet and sour, bitter taste, sorrow and sorrow, hope and despair, have tasted it, there is nothing to put it down, I am standing to the end, it is easy to leave. You are all good children, happy later ""


His dry body shimmered and became brighter, as if it had been ignited.

"Good boy, you have to live well, hope to grow up without worry."

Suddenly, the old man disappeared, and after that, he turned into a beam of sky, tearing the universe and rushing to the edge of the universe.

At this time, a couple of hunters came back, threw away the prey in their hands, and rushed here, their strengths were actually very strong, but they were far less than the old ones.

They were orphans adopted by the old people since childhood. They were accused of practicing and growing up, but they never saw the old man's shot. Last time, they saw it, but it was only the last farewell.

"Father, mother, where did Grandpa go?" the little boy asked innocently.

"Grandpa is gone!" The Orion couple has tears in their eyes, telling the two children, because they know that this life should never see the old man coming back.

They have a hunch, this is a farewell.

Another place in the universe, a silent starry sky.

On a lonely planet, a middle-aged man coughs and pales his face. "I am sick of a sick person? Is it too hot? I can only use blood to splash the stars, I hope my death, can Pull on a person of the same class and go!"


He turned into a light and disappeared, rushing to the edge of the universe.

At this moment, there are several people on the road. The last illuminator of the universe in the underworld is out, knowing that he must die, and killing it to the edge of the universe!

On New Year's Day, I will give you a good year, good luck, great luck, all kinds of happy and happy to entangle you, Happy Chinese New Year!

In addition, if you say the next update, it will not break even more, but it will be more every day in the past few days. During the Chinese New Year, I also took the opportunity to adjust and stay with my family. thanks for your support.

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