The Sacred Ruins

Chapter 908: Taste the world

One night, the chaotic gap was sealed, and the unstable small path was cut off. The people who left could no longer come back, causing fierce debates like the landslide and tsunami.

The rise of the earth is unstoppable!

In outer space, one car after another appeared, one after another chasing a wormhole, hurriedly coming, some people were anxious, some were solemn, and some were smiling.

"The newspaper, the Peacocks and the royal family visited, the four elders personally led the team, with the son of the saint and the princess, and brought a gift, asked to enter the earth!"

A bear demon's fur is called pale gold, and there is a single horn on the head, which is slandered in the Kunlun Mountains.

A group of big demons are here, everyone has a group of demon under their hands, and Kunlun Mountain is now a lot of evolution.

Now the earth can already stand out from the stars, have a strong card, no one dares to come in at will, and need to report after reaching outer space.

If you really want to come in, you must be wanted. If you don't allow it, it means fighting!

On the eve of the present, the evolutionists of any family can come at random, not paying attention to the idea of ​​"indigenous" on this "wild" planet. If they want to come, they will come, but they will be so cautious and solemn. Too big.

"Put it in!"

The **** cow waved and let people go, and the peacocks could enter the earth.

A group of big devils sit in a certain hall of Kunlun Mountain, and they are all very stable. Because too many messengers came here this day, they are all powerful races. They used to be dominated by the top 100. They have already calmed down.

In such a short time, they received a soft hand.

Now they are not receiving the messengers together, but just a big demon in a temple to deal with a family, mainly because there are too many people visiting.

"Who is going this time?" asked the **** cow.

"I will go!" Golden Wing Peng Wang got up, a long blond hair, and he was also a member of the Kunlun Grand Demon. He also went to Huashan, and the oldest and the tortoise of Dalin Temple were regarded as the earth. The early leader, the first to open the school.

When the Western Black Dragon King and the Arctic King made a big move, when they entered Kunlun, King Jinpeng Peng returned directly to stop the killing.

"Well, very good, Peng Wang and the Peacock are close relatives." Siberian tiger.

"The big king, the three elders of the undead silkworms came to outer space together with the princess of the silkworm, and they have already reported that they want to visit Kunlun!"

Another demon flew from the mountain gate and shouted loudly.

"The undead silkworms are very powerful. The top ten strong people are not weaker than the peacocks. The undead silkworms of this family have always been one of the young masters in Yuzhong. How come a princess today?"

"The princess of the undead silkworms is one of the top ten beauty of the world's universe. It is a star-studded star, and in a sense it is more famous than the undead silkworm."

Soon, they knew that after the undead silkworms entered Kunlun and were received, the euphemism proposed to come and actually wanted to marry.

"The long-awaited Chu **** Wang Dunhou is pure and good, and the thinness of the sky, the princess of my family admire the young heroes. Our royal family is interested in furthering the relationship with the earth, hope..."

At the beginning, it was a slap in the end. In the end, it was straightforward. The undead silkworms wanted to marry women and formed the closest strategic relationship with the earth and became one of the strong allies.

"This..." The big demon king who was responsible for receiving them did not dare to take the lead, and invited the **** bull, the Northeast Tiger, Wu Qifeng, the old lama and others to entertain.

As for Chu Feng himself, he did not receive any visitors in Longhushan.

He watched all kinds of classics quietly, from Feixian spear to Lushan Jianjing, and then to Huangshan bonfire refining secrets, regardless of whether he wants to study, he read it again.

It can be said that he has gained a lot. He is a native of the wild, so that he can read all kinds of righteousness on a large scale and it is of great benefit to him.

Subsequently, all the ancient books, but all the classics, whether it is the French seal or the boxing, or the law, the knife, the tripod, etc., Chu Feng all carefully read.

He is now an evolutionist of the Yasheng level, with extraordinary memory, and even if he can't fully understand it at a time, he can be forcibly remembered in his mind.

Chu Feng constantly draws nutrients. He wants to read all the scriptures, read all the books left by the ancient earth, and bypass the class to make up for the shortage of the wild path.

Of course, he has not let go of the various scriptures that have been looted from the gods, the Nether, the Ling and other places, especially the gods breathing method, the most precious picture of the Kunpeng, and the whole universe is a gem. Inheritance.

Chu Feng was immersed in it, and one after another was branded in the mind, and countless words were turned into luminous symbols, which appeared around him and revolved around him, which looked very gorgeous.

The people responsible for caring for him are shocked, Chu Feng is shining, and countless chains of order are intertwined. They are the embodiment of the various manifestations of the gods, the spirits, and the ancient earth. He is sitting like a god, holy. And hey.

Kunlun, a group of big demons are too busy to come, and soon there are hundreds of missions coming, and they are all top-ranking races, and the follow-up messengers are still on the road, have not arrived yet.

They were very excited and excited at first. The earth that has been in the forever and long years has once again ushered in the grand occasion of the Wanzu people, and it is naturally exciting.

Now, after experiencing the freshness of the earlier, they are a bit numb, and gradually feel that they are too big to be busy.

In the end, they let people call Chu Feng, let him not close, and then see the messengers of various ethnic groups, this time should be met on a large scale, can not be entertained one by one.

"Chu Feng, your daughter-in-law is coming, not fast to pick up!" Ouyang Feng shouted outside Longhushan, the smile was always inconspicuous, lest the world is not chaotic.

At this time, the universe was chaotic, and all the families were surprised. Many people were amazed.

Because, as the news came, all parties were sucking up the air, and there were too many strong families visiting the Earth. At least half of the top 500 races rushed.

In addition, there are more ethnic groups after the 500 strong, and they have also sent messengers, which is just like a pilgrimage.

"Well, when the ancient world was the most glorious in the past, it was almost necessary to take the gods and wait for it, and almost broke into the top ten, but that’s it."

"Who can think that the fallen earth has become a wild land, and there will be a recovery day in the end. Nowadays, it is difficult for the people to see each other."

Around the universe, the evolutionists of all parties lamented.

Because, with the news from the earth, the mission is growing, the scale is growing rapidly, and there are all kinds of amazing news.

"What, undead silkworms want to marry the earth, marry the princess silkworm to the Chu Devil?!"

"Outside the number, outside the number, after hearing about the situation of the Peacock King, you will not be behind the people, you must marry the Princess Peacock to Chu Feng!"

This caused a great shock. These two ethnic groups have always been famous for the universe, and they have a long history. With the big dreams in a series, they have the potential of the top ten.

The black blood platform and the original beast platform were still in the abdomen. They felt that the Chu wind was too abominable. They deceived them to open the super wormhole and sent him back to Earth. The result was no "big move".

Now they have no resentment. They can carry out all kinds of explosives outside the earth, stick to it here, and witness the people to congratulate them. They are all scared.

At the same time, although they have a celestial eye, none of them dare to explore the situation on the earth, fearing that they will be bombarded, because Chu Feng’s demon head personally confessed, and from now on, without permission, anyone dares to offend and spy on the earth, It means going to war!

Although a little uncomfortable, but the major platforms are honestly obeying the rules, do not dare to take the red line, Chu Feng is murderous when saying these words, definitely not a joke.

However, if you think about it carefully, no matter whether it is the Yaxian, or the former Tianshen and the great strong people, no one dares to explore. This is majesty.

In fact, there are provisions in the universe. It is not allowed to explore the privacy of other civilized races. Only the weak people have no right to speak. Only strong people can shock and let people follow the rules.

"Outside, outside the number, the Taoist and the Buddhism also came, and sent a large-scale mission, led by the family and led the team into the earth!"

This news came out, and the stars in the sea were shocked.

Since the long years, the Taoists and the Buddhism have always been the most powerful two races in the universe of the Underworld. Their status is transcendent, overlooking the universe of all things. Now they can't even sit still?

Chu Feng came to Kunlun and met with the various ethnic groups. They looked at them and were very dense. They were all strong people in the stars, and some people had already confronted them, but they have come today.

Most of the top ten actually came, not to mention other ethnic groups. Unexpectedly, everyone expects that even the gods and corpses will bow their heads and shock the stars.

When the news spread, the Xinghai was in a state of paralysis, and the two families turned down completely? !

"The king of Chu, the past things are caused by my ancestors. Let the past go on old things. We promise that we will never be enemies with the earth again. If there is hostility, we will be destroyed!"

This is the old top ten old people, now bowing, here swearing in front of everyone, the attitude is very low, and even humility.

Everyone understands that they are afraid of being destroyed, the chaos and gaps are closed, and the strongest of their families will never come back. They are going to the last "thinking."

In today's big world, the earth is strong and rises, no one can stop it.

Now that the Chu wind has become a big force, it is able to sweep the starry sky and kill the saints, the highest fighting power of the moment. What can the two groups fight to fight? Lose your courage completely!

Chu Feng nodded, did not degenerate, did not ridicule, but looked at them calmly and calmly, calmly, told them that if it is true, it does not violate the oath, it can be revealed.

"If you are not in the right place, you can't blame me for being ruthless, killing you and other whole people!" In the end, Chu Feng shouted with a shuddering arrogant breath and shook Kunlun Mountain.

On this day, the stars and the earthquakes smashed, the gods and the corpses competed for the waist, and went to show them well. They asked Chu Feng’s big devil to raise his hands. It was really shocking. After many old names of various ethnic groups learned, they have been silent for a long time.

They know that a new era has come, this world belongs to the Chu style, no one can kill his way, his way, his growth trajectory!

Although it has not yet reached the extremes of the individual, but everyone has already seen that the Chu Feng Da De Wang has to be the first to come to the world!

The first ten Dalian Taoists and Buddhism came, and even the gods and the corpses bowed their heads. It is obvious that the impact is huge, and the impact is strong.

The Asian immortals can no longer sit still, and they will be secretly discussed for the first time. Then, the ancient saints will personally lead the team and rush to the earth to improve their relationship.

They regretted it. It was originally a good game. How did it become like this?

"It’s not too late to make up for it, Xiaoxiao, invincible, and immortal. See if you can save it all..."

At the same time, Chu Feng called the black blood platform and the original beast platform to Kunlun, allowing them to broadcast live to him at this time. He wanted to release an important news!

Around the Xinghai, countless people are paying attention and want to know what he is going to do.

Some old readers should be familiar with this chapter name.

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