The Sacred Ruins

Chapter 903: The world is invincible

At the beginning, the Tianshenzu ancestral city blocked Ming Shu and others, causing regrets to fail to overcome. Now Chu Feng 挟 挟 挟 之 , , , , , , 一 一 一 一 一 一 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚

This city is the last pure land of the gods. At the time of life and death, all important people will retreat. The field here is powerful.

It is a pity that the great master of the field of Chu Feng came here today, with the ultimate weapon of this universe, once the enchantment of the ancestors absorbed enough energy, they could attack themselves!

Therefore, the Tianshen tragedy!

In an instant, they suffered heavy losses. The ancestral city collapsed in half a city, the sky was broken, and the blood was splashed. The people who were able to practice here were all shackles, mainly old guys. If young people are definitely enchanting, they are core children.

The top of the Tianshen tribe collapsed, and the youngsters who were sent away, those seeds were killed by the Chu wind, and now the ancestral city was also conquered. Is this going to kill the family?

"Chu Feng, Devil, you are like this, and the Chaos Tenjin Palace has a real god. He is a god, will you let go of your earth?!"

There are old monsters full of blood, shouting screaming, he naturally knows that such screaming has no effect, plain and contemptuous.

However, he really has no choice. Now he is watching the tribes die one by one. His eyes are angry and burned, but they can't stop the enemy. They can only threaten and intimidate.

"It’s ridiculous. When you were blood-washing the earth in ancient times, you thought about today?" Chu Feng didn't care, and the people in the chaotic universe couldn't get through.

Otherwise, they have already arrived, and the last time the little Saint Rosie came over, it was hard work, let alone the god!

The fallen city, the collapsed streets, and one giant palace are in the process of collapse, and the runes in those fields are rapidly dimming.

On this day, the ancestral city of the gods was a scarlet, and the wind of Chu began to kill!

The ancestors of the ancestors have sunk into the ground, destroying and disintegrating large fields, and taking the energy and order of the planets to restore their bodies.

Chu Feng kills red eyes, because some old guys of the Tianshen family survived from the ancient times. Yasheng Shouyuan has a long history, and it is still a good end. It has conquered the earth that year, and the number of people in this series is not too small.

It can also be seen from the above that the natural foundation of the gods and gods is deep, and the Chu style is the most decapitated by more than 20 people. They are all ancient Sanya, and they are the executioners of the past!

Around the universe, people feel too crazy, but the gods, one of the top ten, was actually conquered and smashed the ancestral city.

Although I know that this is because of the merits of the demon ancestor, it is still shocking, and the evolutionists of all ethnic groups are stunned and can't believe it.

"This is really retribution. I want to teach my gods to teach for more than a million years. In the end, I was destroyed by the people. If I didn't go to the blood to wash the earth in ancient times, why is it here?"

Someone in the gods and gods sorrowed, standing on the ancestral city that was turned into ruins, crying.

Chu Feng and different feelings, killing and killing all the way, but the evolutionary in the ancestral city, he did not intend to let go.


Big black cows, Ouyang Feng, Huang Niu, Laojiao and others have also killed themselves. They are very powerful. Even the old man is now a star.

"Children, I can't think of my grandfather. Today, I am smashing into the ancestral city of the gods. I was originally a native of the Jiangnan Water Country, and now I am in the depths of the universe, killing and killing, which is not consistent with my temperament."

On all platforms, everyone was speechless, watched the live broadcast, actually heard the barking, and then heard him speak loudly.

As a result, the old man was given a hoof by the **** cow, and he was tempted to seduce him. Don't insult the first words of the book.

"The horse is starry, conquering the gods, sweeping out the West Forest, and smashing the scorpio, and today's battle is a success, shocking the ages!" The Northeast Tiger is so excited.

On this day, the blood of the gods flows into the river. There is a platform to capture the Chu wind. One person kills and kills thirty-six saints, shocking the universe.

The gods are finished!

Everyone knows what it means, and the backbone of the clan's backbone is killed by Chu Feng alone.

There is no doubt that some people have escaped, and it is impossible to sit still, but even their ancestors have been killed like this, and it has not become a climate.

For a long time, as long as the Chu Feng Da De head is still in the world, as long as he can still grow up, the master of the Tian Shen family escape can only live in his shadow.

There are still many residents on the gods, but the Chu wind does not go, not as **** as the Tianshen and Nether people of the year.

Chu Feng all the way to the massacre, only for the family with the title, the big forces that participated in the conquest of the earth that year, was uprooted by him all the way, without mercy.

In the end, the gods were washed again, and the bones were like mountains. At the very least, the blood of the ancestral city was indeed flowing into the river.

This battle, Chu Feng, **** cattle they harvest huge!

Even though the gods transferred a lot of treasures, they still conquered several treasure houses and took out a large number of books, handwritings, herbs, weapons and so on.

"God, make a fortune, this time the harvest is more than the first few races in the defeat!" Even the oxen exclaimed.

Don't say holy medicine. There are two trees in the **** tree. They are hidden in a treasure house full of vitality. Unfortunately, the fruit has already been taken away. The next flowering result does not know how many years later.

As for the holy medicine, it is really rare, exudes a tempting medicinal fragrance, planted in the special tile basin, and there are more than a dozen vitality and brilliance.

Holy, not one or two, some!

Chu Feng screams, it is no wonder that those sacred sacred priests fight with him, do not hesitate to destroy, the foundation of the family is too majestic!

If he does not hold purple bamboo, he will destroy some holy devices, and now there will be more spoils!

"Get rich, and you can see the original picture, this is the original, not the engraved, the sacred martial arts!" Ouyang Feng screamed.

It is the Chu Feng movement, he has long heard of the hegemony of the gods, the family has been collecting a variety of classics, for this reason, not hesitate to wash some wild planet.

Unexpectedly, one day, he could witness the collection of the family and see the true picture of the Peng Peng!

"Haha, come on, it's developed. The ancient ancestors of the gods know that they are not vomiting blood. What do you think is this?!"

It is not like this on weekdays, and it is really exciting now.

"God's Breathing Scripture!"

"God, it looks like a complete chapter!"


Suddenly, the people were blown up here, that is, the people responsible for the shooting on the major platforms almost throw away all kinds of equipment and rushed over, but they just thought about it and did not dare to fight.

At the same time, in the fierce eyes of Chu Feng, the people of all major platforms have retired, and there have been agreements that can not reveal the harvest of Chu Feng and his party.

The gods breathing method, this kind of research and inheritance caused a huge storm, let Chu Feng both tremble, want to shout.

In the end, Chu Feng retreated, all with a smile, this time the harvest is too big, more than ever.

There are gossips circulating in the universe, and some people have revealed their harvest, which suddenly caused a storm.

The evolutionary people of all ethnic groups are jealous, and they can't wait to intercept the killing. Why can't they compete with the Chu Feng Devil? If they run over, it is estimated that they will directly lead the devil.

Now, Chu Feng is so fierce that in the universe can scare the children of all ethnic groups, because now his actions are too fierce, and they have overcome the powerful race and shocked the stars!

A very sinister planet is ahead.

The corpse, its mother star is like this all year round, the cloud is bleak, gray and gray, like a vast earth, dead, filled with bones.

It is reported that this year was a big burial star, buried in the prehistoric big man, and finally some of the bodies gradually became psychic, creating a corpse.

It has also been said that it is a half-dead guest in Yang who entered the planet and finally developed a corpse.

In any case, today the clan has also ushered in a catastrophe and is unable to resist.


A loud noise, the corpse of the corpse, also known as the place of the holy place of the family was pierced by the ancestors of the ancestors, suddenly let the various cockroaches here to smash, the body flew.

"Small nephew, you dare to come, really thought that my corpse is gone? Destroy you is now!"

Unexpectedly, everyone in the corpse of the corpse rushed out of a figure, like a ghost, white hair, blood, face pale, actually a corpse.

This not only surprised Chu Feng, but also shocked all the stars in the sky.

Not long ago, Chu Feng killed the four great saints in Da Yuan, and as a result, the family can still send one. Now they share the five saints and let everyone tremble.

What a horrible force? !

"Afraid you are a ghost!"

Big black cow shouts!

With a bang, he and the ox and other people hid in the ancestors of the ancestors, banged into the past, directly want to go to the hard.

However, this old man is like a ghost, and a slamming sound disappears from the place, rushing to the sky, to cull the Chu wind.

Chu Feng’s nephew is cold and still fearless, ready to use the killer.

Suddenly, a spaceship appeared on the Scorpio, and a light suddenly flew out from there, turning into a large umbrella, and the bang of the corpse exploded and smashed into a corpse rain.

The young girl came and sacrificed the heavenly umbrella. This is a blend of some congenital creatures. It is infinitely powerful and can kill the saints.

At the beginning, when she and Chu Feng were not strong enough, they could sneak into the Yinjiu, Yuwen Chengkong and other people. They relied on this umbrella to see how terrible Wei was.

Everyone is speechless. The corpse hides a saint. To destroy the Chu wind, the result is so dead?

In the end, the corpse is very sad, the master and all kinds of old monsters have been killed, Chu Feng they grow away.

Unfortunately, many of the corpses of the corpse are not good, with a smell of corpse, they are very disgusting.

"Mad, you are finally here!"

When Chu Feng appeared in the Nether Star, the tribes collapsed. Even the genocide wars brought pigeons. This Chu Feng Devil is simply not a human being, and it is too wicked for them to suffer.

However, this also provided a favorable time for them to send away some ethnic groups.

"Well, don't think about it, the people you sent away, I know where it is, located in Alan, I have sent people to chase, you will die!"

Chu Feng just a word, let the family collapse further.

Almost at the same time, the girl sent a picture back and used the heavenly umbrella to kill the group!

"Ah... Chu Feng big devil, grandfather fights with you!" Someone roared.

There is no suspense in this battle. The Nether's corpse, which was killed by Chu Feng, was everywhere. The various saints of the gods were sacrificed. Unfortunately, they all became the tonic of the ancestors.

After the First World War, some of the most famous families of the Netherland, the families that killed the earth in the past were killed and killed!

The secluded star, the black cloud tumbling, the family is close to the corpse, they all like darkness, do not want to live in the sun, and now the **** smell on the whole planet.

"Outside, outside the number, the Netherland is also defeated, the most prestigious family is blood washed, and the slaughter is clean!"

In the sky, a piece of boiling.

At the same time, Chu Feng Han Mao upside down, a burst of horror, he stood in the secluded star field, could not help but look back, he saw a pair of huge scorpion closed, slowly disappeared.

Who is that? !

The ox replied: "Don't worry, that is the person I invited. He has always suspected that the Nether and perhaps an old guy is alive, so he followed. Now it seems that the old guy is not dead, it is into the chaotic universe. ""

"Who is this person?" Chu Feng looked at the huge scorpion that disappeared, and it seemed that it was not necessarily weaker than the strong ones.

"The person who told me to steal the breathing method, he can't live for a long time, and he will die soon." The scalper sighed slightly, but he was not willing to say anything more.

Next, Chu Feng went to conquer several ethnic groups. They all followed the Tianzu and the Nether in the ancient times to attack the earth. Now they pay the price of blood in one day.

Finally, the world is still, and the wind is over!

At this time, all the hostile groups were visited by him, and the earth was stained with blood.

Everything has come to a close, Chu Feng suddenly felt a emptiness, there is no decent enemy in the underworld universe...

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