The Sacred Ruins

Chapter 894: Da Yuan Sheng Xian

"Give us!" The old fairy of the Yaxian people asked for a direct request, and their eyes were shimmering, revealing a fiery glow.

At this point, she and the two old men of the family have already begun to move forward, and they have to move forward to participate in the competition.

The three old saints of the Pure Dreams have resented from their hearts. Is this really for saving people? They know that nature is not. From the very beginning, the ancient saints of the Asian immortals were doing the show and going through a process. They were afraid of being poked afterwards.

Now the Sansheng of the Yaxian people are competing for the congenital gourd in person. This kind of behavior makes the old saints of the Pure Dreams look down.

"You are a bit too much. No matter what you say, Wu is a future lover of your saints. Is that alright?"

However, when I heard the words of the old sages of the dreams, the Sansheng of the Yaxians did not care, and the corners of their mouths were sneer, not at all.

This zone is close to the Great Plains. Whether it is the black blood platform or the original beast platform, their eyes can't clearly capture and capture the picture here, it is very vague, so the Sansheng of the Yaxian does not matter.

If it is not Chu Feng secretly, the three old saints of the Dream of Pure Land have already rushed to the past, and even want to give the three immortals to come!

At the same time, they were shocked, what is the atmosphere of Chu Feng? Actually, at the crucial moment, don't approach him. Once a shock occurs, the farther the better, the better.

At this moment, Chu Feng did not have a slight affection for the Asian immortals. The other side really disregarded his life and death and had no sincerity.

He did let the girl send a letter, saying that the Asian immortal would come over, not to shoot, just put on a gesture.

He asked for this in order to attract more saints who were hostile to him.

However, he can clearly see that the Asian immortals are only blocking the mouth, fearing that the various races of the universe will look down on them. There is really no sincerity, and they do not want to save him.

As the party sees clearly, understand clearly.

The saint who also rushed to the dream of pure land, the performance is completely different, really want to kill, want to save him.

"Oh, unfortunately, there is only one congenital gourd, and some cracks, not so perfect, who do I have to give?" Chu Feng said to himself.

He is holding a green gourd, and he has to open the lock when he touches it!

Because these saints are close enough to encircle him, it is a good opportunity to shoot.

The sacred ancient sage's skin folds are wrapped around the bones, and the whole person is skinny, like a dead body.

He opened his mouth and made people feel hairy, like a ghost in the world. He said: "Nature is for me. The old man is old and weak. I really need a congenital spirit to nourish the body. I want to live for a few more years. Daoyou, if you give me a face, I will accept the feelings, read your life for a lifetime, and promise you to wait, once you have something, a call, I will die, I will give up my life to help!"

The ancient saints of the gods are approaching, tall and mighty, full of golden hair flying, pupils with golden yellow, very sultry, said: "Old friends, anything can be allowed, only this artifact can not let, I am also very Need, you know, my body looks young, but in fact it is very bad and completely aging."

A group of people arguing, and at this time, the three ancient saints of the Asian immortals are also approaching, once again to Chu Feng.

"Wu reincarnation, there are too many enemies today, we can't help you, but please rest assured that we will protect your friends and relatives and ensure that they will not be killed."

The old lady of the Yaxian nationality opened her mouth and tried to show a gentle smile. She knew that she had not performed well before, and she was too indifferent. She once told the corpse and the Xilin people that she had no intention of shooting.

Chu Feng is not secretly voiced like her, but directly speaks and sighs: "Predecessors ask for the congenital gourd. If I wait for me to board the Yaxian clan, I will naturally send it, but now I really don't know who to give you, my Those friends and relatives have been protected by several seniors of the Pure Dream."

"Yeah?" The three immortals of the Yaxian tribe looked back, and their faces suddenly became gloomy. They felt that the old guys in the Pure Dreams had a whimsical, so that people who sheltered the Chu style could really think that Chu Feng could survive?

In this contrast, the Sansheng of the Yaxian people is ashamed.

At this time, Yin Jiuque opened, said: "You seniors, we brothers do not want to congenital objects, as long as the stolen breathing method, can you?"

He is now a body, a long and long, red body, like a Suzaku, exudes Shengwei, but he is not sanctified for a long time, can not compete with the old saints, even if it is a few brothers, a total of four star knights Not here, unable to compete with ancient saints!

He is very wise, knows how to give up, and give up to get income!

Several star knights nodded. They were full of gray hair, old-fashioned, strong, standing together and guarding.

"Yes, you are very smart. You can take a copy of the stolen breathing method and retreat aside." The ancient saint of the corpse nodded with a smile.

The depths of Chu Feng’s eyes are endlessly cold. These people really think that he is the meat of the chopping board. He does not put him in his eyes. Now he has begun to discuss and divide the spoils.

He is sneer, these people think that the congenital gourd can warm their bodies and help them to continue their lives? This is dying, who wants who will die!

After all, even hundreds of gods have been destroyed, let alone nineteen saints!

The small congenital gourd seems to have only a long thumb, but the collection of a large amount of gray and strange material is collected from the powerful gods of four or five hundred dead.

Who can block so many different substances?

Chu Feng is also deeply jealous. The last time he tried in a foreign knives, he only released a gray material. It turned into a humanoid creature, too embarrassing and terrible, killing Yasheng.

Now if all is released, it will be massive, it will flood this area, what will happen, even he does not know, who can escape?

At this time, the Xilin saints made a statement, saying: "You seniors, I think it is best to kill the Chu Feng first, this little devil does not need to keep, let him come to God Bao, and then step on death!"

"It makes sense. We are here for him, killing the so-called genius of the first day of the world, killing it first!" The people of the Ling family nodded, holding the gods and blood, with a cold and ruthless face. Smile.

"Well, Wu reincarnation, want to let your friends live, walk over on their own, leave the edge of the Great Depth, offer all your sacred things, come and lead to death!"

The people of the mechanical family shouted that they were more interested in the star gold bracelet, and if they were integrated into the body, the benefits would be unimaginable!

Chu Feng took a step, as if he had accepted his life, he would approach them step by step.

In the distance, there are many people watching the war. People who are close to the Chu style feel uncomfortable in their hearts. Some of them are blocked, so that Chu Feng himself has died in the past. This kind of end is too bad.

"Oh, this is right, hurry up and lead yourself to death. Right, I want your friends and relatives to live better, better and better, crouch down!"

"Very good, let's die after you offer the gods!"

There are saints in the Xilin and Star Knights, laughing and laughing.

In the distance, many people are very worried. The little Taoist smothered the lungs. He didn't know what cards he had. He only saw that Chu Feng was about to be humiliated and felt uncomfortable.

Qin Yuyin also pinched his fingers, standing there, his body trembled slightly, while pulling the little priest hard, not letting him rush.

"Everyone, do you want to know the current state of Chu Feng's devil's head? Haha, the humiliation is about to die, I am nearby, I am watching, sitting and watching the devil's head will be smashed and leading to death! Well, even if it is the scene, I With the light brain, only part of the picture can be captured. The interference source is too strong, and the signal is interrupted at any time. There is no way to broadcast it for you."

Some people are laughing, they are on the scene, the group of people who are hostile to Chu Feng, want to take pictures of the humiliation before the Chu wind dying, and then put them on the platforms.

"Everyone, the time has come to witness the miracle. I am shooting. I am trying to send out some photos. You are taking the signal and there is no interruption. Look carefully!"

The universe is boiling!

The last moment comes, everyone is close to the attention of the Chu Feng or hate him, all waiting for the final result.

"It's over, Chu Feng, you can die!" The sage of the Xilin people smiled coldly and saw that the Chu wind was approaching. He was filled with pleasure from his heart.

The Xilin people fled from the earth and have been afraid of being liquidated.

Yin Jiuque also opened, said: "Well, let me kill, my star knight is the main force of the descendants of the big man who destroyed the earth, good beginning and end, today draws a full stop, kills the last wizard, kills King blood!"

Chu Feng will pull out the gourd plug, half of it, it is necessary to slam the bottom of the gourd, want to fight all the gray matter, which is the flood after the death of his death, or the star burst, kill the group first.

A rare opportunity, a group of saints gathered together to contain him!

Suddenly, when Chu Feng came to the best position, it was about to completely pull up the gourd plug and blast the gray matter, and the shock occurred.

In the Great Plains, there is a strange wave of volatility that breaks the tranquility of the ancient times, like the spread of cockroaches, and immediately slams the people on the edge.

"What is the situation? My soul... I will blow up!"

Don't say that the new sage of the Yinjiu is the ancient saint of the corpse. The ancient sacred sages of the gods with the golden knives are also horrified. It feels that the soul is going to collapse, it is terrible, and it is terrible. The breath is stirring, spreading in the air, shrouded this place!

In the black abyss, the white light is a little bit, and the figure rises silently, beautiful and moving, and at the same time very strange, terrible, with a breath of energy.

Perhaps, it is not energy fluctuations, it is more like a breathing rhythm, very regular, when it is resounding in the hearts of the people, it is like a thunderstorm in the bombing, let the saints have a mouth and nose!

Finally, she came out!

This is a white woman, with her back to the crowd, self-concerned to run the breathing method, emerged from the undetectable abyss of darkness, and came to the sky.

She did not turn around, as if she had no special consciousness, she did not pay attention to the people here, but only swallowed all kinds of free energy in the universe.

"This is the rhythm of stealing breathing. Who is she? How can it be in the Great Plains?!" The saints of the Xilin people were shocked, their hearts were shaking, and the flesh was shaking.

Pirates breathing, famous earthquake universe.

The ancient saints can perceive their unique festivals, not too strange, after all, it has swayed the world, but the people can not resolve the deeper things.

The Xilin people had mastered a small part of the stolen breathing method in the past. They knew the first time when the terrible white woman was working.

All the sacred struggles, want to escape, leave this dangerous zone, but the ancient saints who are the oldest, including the corpse, are shuddering and find that they can’t get rid of it, as if they were imprisoned in this void, and they are suppressed by inexplicable.

Moreover, they are all vomiting blood, all of them shivering, uncontrollable, and resonate in the breathing rhythm of the mysterious white woman, hehe.

"How can there be a living person in the Great Plains? This is the Jedi of life. How can there be a woman? Is this a true immortal? Do you want to lift the sky today?!"

Chu Feng is also instigated, but also excited, but also shaking, he is practicing stealing breathing, how can he not understand this rhythm, master the most profound and quaint meaning.

He is also shocked. Who is this, and who can practice the stolen breathing method can actually live in the Great Plains?

Unfortunately, the distance is too far, only to see that figure is a woman, white wins snow, back to them.

At first, Chu Feng was also very uncomfortable. Not only did the seven bleeds, but the body was cracked, and it was about to collapse. He was shocked by the strength of the woman. It was terrible. This is an unbeatable power!

Then, as he runs the stolen breathing method and maintains that rhythm, Chu Feng discovers that his pressure is instantly reduced. Although the body is still uncomfortable, he can already support and act.

Then, he saw the presence of the saint population in the nose, and all were struggling. Although they were able to move, the movements were too slow. The suppressed ones almost crouched here, and the whole body shook and the spirits were blasted!

"Well?!" After seeing this scene, Chu Feng decisively pushed back the half-plugged cockroach, sealed it, and then collected the congenital gourd.

Then, he took out the purple bamboo with a little innate aura, and suddenly rushed out, like a humanoid tyrannosaurus with the same head!

In the distance, far away, those who came to watch the battle also realized a big horror, body squatting, shaking violently, and the soul was afraid.

If they are not far enough, they will explode.

Those who are shooting and want to spread photos out are even more uncomfortable, and their fingers are shaking.

"Everyone, the situation is not right here... A dozen sages gathered together to spread the holy prestige, even I was scared to tremble, you see the Chufeng devil... how terrible it is!"

His words are inconsistent, and the scalp is insisting on shooting, and the signal is good to spread outward.

Then, he was stunned, and then from the head to the feet, a burst of horror, what is his picture of capturing and transmitting? How did the style of painting suddenly change? !

He and a group of people have seen that Chu Feng is holding a purple golden bamboo. If the same Peng bird is in the sky, the whole body emits the most dazzling light, and the purple bamboo is rotated and pulled forward.


For a moment, a star knight was blown out of his head, like a rotten watermelon.

At the same time, the Yinjiu was also implicated in this hit, hit by the purple bamboo, half of the body directly disappeared, turned into a **** fog.

However, Chu Feng did not focus on him, but stared at the ancient saints of the corpse and the gods, and swooped over, with a shocking beam.


Then, people saw that the ancient saints of the corpse were half-headed!

"Everyone, have you seen the horror of Chu Feng’s devil? The death is very bad..."

There are other people shooting, and also spreading the picture outwards. The brain has not reacted yet. It is talking like this, mainly because the speed of Chu Feng is too fast!

Then, he was embarrassed, terrible!

"We... see it!" There was feedback from the universe, but the sight was completely different from the one who hated Chu Feng!

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