The Sacred Ruins

Chapter 892: All Saints are coming

Da Yuan, dark as ink, deep and endless, can not see what is inside, even if it is repaired into the eye can not do anything.

It is like splitting the universe. There are various stars in the vicinity. They are huge stars and their size is not changed, but it is like dust compared with Da Yuan.

Chu Feng wandered around, feeling a strange power, calling him, tempting him, to swallow him into the dark black unknown area.

The sage came a lot of respect, the yin and the nine-necked into a long length, the whole body of the red haze, the **** sacred feathers, it looks very gorgeous, but it can only illuminate a limited area, all the gods will be sucked away by the great .

Beside him, the gray hair and the wrinkled old starry knight, the old scorpion, the scorpion cold, are far away from the Chu wind, follow him, but no one dares to be too close to the abyss.

According to legend, even if they are not deep, they are too close to each other, and the eight saints dare not act rashly!

Further away, the three old saints of the dream of the Pure Land have arrived, and the look is dignified. It was originally intended to break through the Eight Holy Seals. As a result, the Nether and the Ling, all of them came, and suddenly appeared four strong men, wearing cold armor. Carrying the holy devices, blocking their way, and confronting each other here.

"Three friends, even if you personally shot it is useless, we have more than a dozen saints here, the power contrast, the difference is very different, it is better to sit down and talk about it." The Netherland one smiled, surrounded by the whole body With the black mist, carrying the holy device, dialogue with the old saints of the pure dreams.

The saints who came from the spirits also opened their mouths, like the crown jade, the silver hair was scattered, calm and calm, and said: "Why should the three Taoist friends be strong for a dead person?"

He is holding a magical **** scorpion, red face and face, with all kinds of strange lines, as if to swallow the soul of the person, this person is in front.

The implication is obvious. Chu Feng is already a dead person. Whoever can come can't save it. Even if the big dreams are against them, they will not be able to change the outcome.

"How do you know if you haven't fought a battle?!" An old saint of the dream of pure dreams was sharp, even if his hair was white, his face was wrinkled, but there was also a sharp air, and he did not want to give up Chu Feng.

"Oh..." In the void, there is a horrible sword, murderous, people are like a hail, but they can't see people, and the scorpion kills the holy.

In an instant, the contrast of power changes again. Not to mention the Eight Saints that surround the Chu Feng. There are only five saints here, and three people who have stopped the Pure Dream.

"My dream is not to accept threats!" The old sage of the dream of pure land is full of white hair and dances. He reveals an unyielding war.

In his hand, a bronze geek appeared, and a cold and faint glow was drawn. The point pointed to the front. Two other old saints were also moved by his side. One person was holding a copper cymbal and one person presented a five-color tower. It is necessary to fight with them.

"Several people are really stubborn. Although the dream is pure, but it is not in the top ten, but only three of you, want to fight here?"

An old man with a golden hair came, tall and mighty, holding a golden knives, sparkling with a cold light, bursting out one of the mysterious symbols, shocking the spot.

He is from the gods, and is an ancient saint who killed the ancient world and reappeared in the world.

In the twinkling of an eye, there are six saints who are blocking the road. The three people who have to deal with the pure dreams will form a two-on-one situation.

"That's a battle!"

The old sage of the dream of pure land, Shen Bing, holding the bronze Ge, suddenly waved, splitting the darkness, shining the dazzling brilliance, the holy power.

The other two people around him also moved, stepping forward, wanting to rush, approaching Chu Feng, sheltering him from running away.

Unfortunately, although their strength is strong, they are not cheap in this place. The opposite is a very powerful saint. The ancient saints of the gods, the spirits, and the thorns are in person, and they are six to three.


The void collapses, the runes are densely woven, intertwined into pieces, and the cold weapons are stirred up. The aftermath of the cold weapons is swept away, and the steel warships that have been left in the ancient era are swept away, and they are blown up or turned into powder. Or evaporate clean.

In a moment, a few sighs came, and the three old saints in the Pure Dreams all went backwards. Some people were coughing up blood, and all hair was dyed red by blood.

Some people also have a knife, and the tall and mighty old man of the Tenjins squats in the arm, and the right arm is almost broken, with only a layer of flesh.

Another person was hit by the spirit of the spirituality of the spirits and the big sword of the scorpion, and the half body was blurred and almost disappeared. It was very miserable.

"How, today, no one can save Chu Fengxiao Devil, a few friends, I advise you not to act rashly, or stay honest and avoid mistakes."

The ancient saints of the Tianshen sneer, he does not believe that anyone else can change the battle today and save the Chu wind, because the present universe is respected by them.

All the saints are dispatched together. If you still can't kill a young man, it will be a joke!

At the edge of the Great Plains, Chu Feng used the eyes of the fire, and looked at everything in his eyes. He immediately said, "Three seniors, good intentions, you should not shoot again. Not a death, rest assured, even if I die, I will drag on. When I am on the road, I really appreciate you coming to rescue me!"

The three old saints are not reconciled, armed with weapons, one by one, not retreating, confronting these six masters!


At this time, the void splits, the three figures come out, all with the ethereal white mist, and accompanied by the chaotic chaos, these people are extraordinarily powerful, are rare masters among the saints.

The people of the Yaxian people came to the horse, and an old man and two old men whose hair was falling are coming, very calm.

"Several Taoist friends will join me and join us and kill the past to save Wu's reincarnation!" an old saint of the Pure Dreams shouted, and saw the arrival of the Asian Immortals, and he had a slight expectation.

However, the three saints of the Asian immortal did not move, only a little bit of their sigh.

Whether it is the gods, the spirits, the thorns, the mechanical family, etc., they feel that their hearts are sinking. They are still somewhat taboo for the Asian immortals.

After all, this group is too strong, even if this master has done it, has gone to the chaotic universe, but it is not something that ordinary people can provoke, and it is really hostile. What should be done by the family after the liquidation?

"It’s all acquaintances, don’t kill it, let’s talk about it.” The old lady of the Asian immigrants opened with a gentle smile.

This made the three old sages of the big dreams stunned. Then, the face suddenly seemed difficult to see. They realized that the plan of the Yaxian people was not working, but just went through the game!

At this time, the void broke open again, and three people came out and joined together.

For the first time, the skinny bones, the eye sockets are deep, and the eyes are like a wildfire, but he has exposed this horrible atmosphere, and the general saints are shuddering.

"It turned out to be an old friend, and some of the old people of the corpse came." The old immortal of the Yaxian people greeted, with a smile, and no hostility.

After the old saints of the Pure Dreams heard the news, their hearts were cold, and they realized that the Yaxians could not count on them.

"Haha, a few old friends, haven't seen it for many years, the style is still the same. It's not easy to say that we can live to this age. It is a blessing to be alive when you are my age." The corpse is skinny. The ancient saints say hello, and they are very enthusiastic, like a good relationship.

At this time, the void was split again. The Xilin people also had two saints coming. After greeting the parties, they also paid tribute to the saints of the Yaxian people. They were not strangers to each other.

On the edge of the Great Plains, Chu Feng frowns, whether it is the corpse, the Tianshen or the Xilin are the deadly enemies of the Earth, but the three saints of the Asian Immortal are not very concerned, but in the old, no Shoot to save him.

"Well, today are all old people, all friends, don't have to fight and kill, just talk about it here." An old man of the Yaxian nationality said openly, his head was bare, only a few dozen hairs were left. The face is also like the dried orange peel, which is a pleat.

All the parties nodded, they all showed their different colors, and they understood their minds. It’s just that they’re “righteous” and they won’t shoot, so it’s better!

The various tribes understand what they mean. If the Chu Feng is difficult, the Asian immortals will not be looked down upon by the evolutionary people in the universe, but now they are coming, but they will not be killed.

The three old saints in the Pure Dreams were very disappointed, and they armed with weapons.


The corpse, the gods and the Xilins joined forces to distribute the holy prestige. It is not difficult for the eleven saints to suppress the three of them.

"Why are the three friends of the big dreams pure land, how can you change the overall situation, I think it's like this, the old husband brings some good tea, why don't we sit down and drink tea and talk about the old?"

The old man of the corpse opened his mouth and smiled. Everything was in the middle of control. Even the Asian immortals didn’t have the meaning of shooting. It’s expected that there would be no wind and waves in the dream!

"Oh, there are some inconvenient guys in the distance, I will warn them!" The ancient saints of the corpse opened, and then looked at the three people of the Asian immortal, saying: "Three old friends, I will first be with you, and then I will Tell the old!"

The three old men of the Yaxian nodded and smiled. An old man said: "Old friends, go, have a good chat!"

Next to it, the three old sages of the Dream of Pure Land are stunned. They know that the Asian Immortals will not be shot, but they are just doing it.

However, they also have a thought in their hearts. If today, Chu Feng can survive and survive this robbery, then there is really only one Chu wind in the world, there will be no Wu reincarnation that is too close to the Asian immortals!

For a time, they had some expectations in their hearts. Today, we must try our best to save the Chu wind and let him live. In the future, it may completely change a certain pattern.

However, they sighed again, it was too difficult, even if they died three times, they could not succeed.

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