The Sacred Ruins

Chapter 887: Explosion is

Chu Feng naturally with anger, the corpse is so overbearing, the last time he intercepted him has not finished, now replaced by the Yaxian people, directly humiliated, want to force him out, then as they wish!

What is the **** of the ancient golden age, the explosion is!

Therefore, he directly in the flying fairy city, the pale golden palms cover the sky, slamming down, covering the small half of the sky, with a strong hurricane.

Many people exclaimed, and many people were soft on the ground, so that a big hand fell, like Cang Yu fell, let the empty roar, violently shudder.


The corpse's people immediately blew their hair, all of them shot and blasted into the sky. The four chariots were even more splattered with a beam of runes.

However, this is useless. Those who drive, those who are accompanying guards, although they are very strong, are not weak, but now they are all suppressed, and their bodies are squeaky and slamming on the ground.

Puff puff……

Then, in an instant, the people driving, as well as those eagle-eyed wolf-gu, very overbearing guards have disintegrated one after another, and were killed by a large piece.

Many people burst directly and could not bear the energy shock.

"Retire!" There are still some people who are alive and screaming.

This is not the power that the evolutionists at this level can deal with. Only Yasheng can compete.

Some people even crawled and rolled, and the body shivered, fleeing and smashing into the distance.

As for the three great saints and the strongest gods of the corpse, they have already taken shots. It is impossible to retreat. They are still preaching their prestige. How can we avoid them now?

However, the next hit is terrible, Chu Feng is angry, urging an unusually horrible energy, and the magic is amazing!

The four chariots exploded, and all four were gray-faced. Three of them had a big mouth and coughed up blood. Although they were fighting back, they were rushed out by the golden slap.

One of them was taken into the depths of the ground, leaving a large humanoid pit with blood spots.

The gods and gods who are famous in the ancient times are also very embarrassed. This sudden one-handedly smashed their chariots into hundreds of pieces of debris, such as the same round of small sun blasting.

He was tumbling out of the earthquake and smashing a beautiful mountain in the city. This stopped, and the black metal armor broke open in many places, and it was devoid of arrogance.

This zone suddenly boils against the sky!

This is the corpse, the first few places in the universe, three Yashens, and a **** of the ancient golden age, actually being so stunned by a slap in the face, coughing blood, tumbling, rolling Is this going against the sky?

"Which, get out!" The first son of the corpse rushed up. He was not injured, and the body was indeed powerful and outrageous.

In public, he was slap in the face, and his face was stunned. In the ancient war, he was crushed by the spirit of the demon slaying. This time he came back and climbed out of the earth to find the trouble of the earth's evolutionists. .

When I thought of it, the first time he appeared in front of the public, he was slap in the face and hurt his strong image.

The three saints also rushed up, standing in the sky, each face was very ugly, even if the blood of the corner of the mouth had been wiped off, it was difficult to hide the color of the wolf.

Chu Feng got up, and his appearance turned into a teenager. He appeared in the image of Wu Lunhui, and he came to the air in the face of the harmless color of humans and animals.

"Nature is your uncle - Wu reincarnation, come in person." He self-reported his name.

Feixian City covers a vast area, including many mountain ranges, including some famous mountains, big rivers and Dongfu. Now the masters of the city are alarmed.

Many people are speechless. Isn’t Wu’s reincarnation a Chu Feng?

There are also a lot of people who are excited about playing chicken blood. Wu is back, and it’s so busy.

"Chu Feng, Devil, is actually you are attacking me, you actually dare to appear, waiting to be killed!"

An ancestral opening of the corpse, his face was indifferent, and although he was beaten, he still has no fear.

Of course, his eyes are full of shocks. This Wu reincarnation is also the age of Chu Feng, and is promoted to Yasheng? It’s beyond imagination, it’s too young!

Chu Fengdao: "Hey, you can't talk nonsense. I am Wu's reincarnation. I will open your dead body to see it clearly and carefully. Thanks to the cosmic stars, everyone is seen in the same way. It is called the Yiwu Yuntian Wu reincarnation. Don't admit the wrong person. I am not a devil!"


Many people have a belly, have not seen such a boast of their own, is it not harmful? At the same time, some people pout, who does not know that you are Chu Feng, one side two sides.

"Less special nonsense, Wu reincarnation, Chu Feng devil, you were originally a person, do not argue, do not need to say more, have already laid down the sky, today slaughtered you!"

In the distance, an old man with a golden body jumped up and pointed to it, very angry.

"A cockroach ant, dare to yell in front of me?" Chu Feng said indifferently, then slap it and pat it, and control your identity, the golden body level is not enough.


The void was blown up, and a huge golden palm print flew past, as the metal peaks fell down, blazing and terrifying.

His speed is too fast, even if there are two Yasheng shots, it is too late to stop.

With a bang, the elders of the corpse did not scream, and the scorpion was very big, instantly disintegrated, and steamed a **** fog, disappearing from there.

Chu Feng spoke very quietly and said: "I explain, I admire the king of Chu who is known for being honest and pure. I am sorry for him. I am a good friend, so whether you are insulting or targeting me, you must measure it. ""

The birds are silent, and everyone doesn’t know what to say. It’s all right, it’s really thick, and when people don’t know that you are alone? Maybe it is intentional!

Unexpectedly, several Yashengs did not rush to start, that is, the ancient gods of the corpse were restrained, and the eyes were shining and shining, hiding the murder.

Chu Feng realized that this was delaying time, and they must have united with other people.

"Wu reincarnation, you are so overbearing, killing my elders, attacking me, etc., too mad!"

"You guys are going to the Yaxian people to kiss, want to humiliate me, actually said that I am overbearing, mad, you kill yourself, but also deliberately give me a hat, is it sick?"

After Chu Feng finished, he went straight out and slammed it again. This time, he directly directed at the corporal owners, including those guards, to kill them first.

This land has a lot of corpse evolutionists, and there are many people in the golden body, and even the masters of the golden body are the guards of the family.

Yasheng does not need the guards of this series, but this is a symbol of identity. There are golden slaves in the journey, showing the master's honor and power.

Now, hundreds of guards yell, the souls are shaking, and the slap of the Chu winds, they can't bear it, and they are cracked.

"you dare!"

The three saints who want to delay the time, as well as the ancient gods and gods, have to take shots. This time they also have some big heads. How can they expect that Wu’s reincarnation is also the Chu Feng’s promotion to the Yasheng level, which is simply not in line with Chang Li, how long he has been practicing, is too subversive!


The emptiness of the void has been broken.

Although the sacred Azov is doing everything he can to stop it, it still doesn't help!

Under the pressure of terror, hundreds of guards were all blasted. They were all powerful evolutionists, but they died in the end, and there was nothing left.

The level of Chu Feng’s control power is absolutely perfect, there is no wave and other people and buildings, so that these corpse elites can be disintegrated without any difference.


The blood of the four heavens rushed up, with a wave of waves like Wang Yang, the ancient **** of the corpse, and the three Yasheng, together with a counterattack, angered the crown.

Today they are too passive, and they are very wrong. When they first appeared, they were slap in the face and rolled out. They were so arrogant.

Now the followers are also killed, and none of them are left. This is equivalent to taking their faces and stepping on them!

"I came here to kill and wait!"

Chu Feng attacked, did not give them the opportunity to delay the time, decisively, the golden fist punched, as fast as lightning, and aimed at the four masters.

This punch is so amazing that it is so devastating that they are incomparably embarrassed, and the vast energy is squeezed. Except for the holy saint, nothing reappears and the void is cracked.


After successive collisions, Qiankun flew out, his head was scattered, and his mouth was filled with blood. He and Chu Feng smashed a hundred blows in one breath, and he was slightly hurt, making him look ugly.

He came from the ancient times, and he recovered in the world, but he still lost to the people of the earth? !

"I am not willing!" He roared. For him, this was a shameful shame, and the scars of that year were uncovered.

"I don't want to give it to me!" Chu Feng shouted, and took a foot out of the air, forcing the other party to have to go backwards.

Chu Feng instantly turned around, his real goal is the three Yasheng, killing them first, is relatively easier.

The pale gold punches cover the front, and Chu Feng breaks up the secrets of the three Yashengs, and directly suppresses them below.

"What is this situation? One person presses Sanya holy?" The spectators trembled, and they had long fled to the sky, and they were shocked to see this scene.

How old is Wu’s reincarnation, and is there such an achievement? Whether it is an enemy or an evolutionary watcher, all the winds are messy and unbelievable.

Puff puff!

The three Asians had a big mouth and coughed up blood, and they tried their best to stop them. One person was fractured under the golden fists, his arms were broken, and then the body also slammed into the ground, and finally could not withstand the erosion of that energy. With a bang, his body was bombarded with a punch.

Of course, this person is not dead, quickly reorganizing the body.

The Chu wind is the path of sanctification of the flesh, and the spirit is also highly concise. This kind of physical shock, terrible and outrageous, is to deal with the old Yasheng.

The other two Yashengkou also coughed up blood and were blasted into the ground and buried deep in the soil.

The ancient gods of the corpse of the ancient gods shouted and shouted, holding the holy device from not far away, wanting to kill the Chu wind and save the three.


However, the Chu wind is faster, and the hand-held whip is hand-held. This is made from the purple bamboo growing near the chaotic thunder, and it is powerful.

With a bang, he blocked the weapon of the corpse of the corpse and blasted it to the scorpio. At the same time, he spurred his own sanctuary, wrapped in three sacred priests and rushed outside the domain.


The three saints have real saints in their hands, and suddenly they have a hard time, wanting to kill the Chu wind.


Chu Feng waved the purple bamboo in his hand, giving a fascinating glow, and directly cutting off their holy spears. This is the top level of the holy weapon.

"Go on the road!" Chu Feng killed!


An Yasheng roared and broke away from the sanctuary. However, he was still drawn on the body by the Chu-style purple bamboo, and he was blasted on the spot. This time, he was unable to reorganize and disappear.

"And you two!"

In the snoring, the purple bamboo shines, and the Chu wind swings, killing both of them!

The ancient **** of the corpse was shocked and angry, and finally forbearance, turned and left, because facing the Chu wind, he felt as if he had met the demon of the year, and his heart was cold.

"I still want to go?!"

Chu Feng shakes his hand, throwing out the purple bamboo, like a spear, and with his majestic spirit, injects his strongest attack energy.


Zizhu will wear the body of Qiankun and bring a large piece of blood!

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