The Sacred Ruins

Chapter 875: Rolling

Luo Yan's back punches, the front chest is followed by bulging, and a fist mark appears, almost penetrated, even though his back is **** and splashing, he is swooping out like a comet.

This is a tremendous force that cannot be swayed. His body is more than a shoulder, but he still ate such a big loss. The internal organs burned up, and the energy flames beat.

No need to think about it, the evolutionary person who is replaced by the golden body will definitely burst under this boxing, and even the body of Luo Shengmei Ya can't stand it.


He smashed a mountain, of course, limited to the foothills, and there were mysterious magnets in the deeper layers of the soil.

The reversal of the war situation has made all parties move, and people’s faces are full of surprises. Chu Feng actually turned around and took the upper hand!

Luo Yan stood on the top of a divided mountain, and the spurred rays of the sun, like the active volcanic gushing golden magma, and like an inexhaustible furnace, energy burning, very strong.

His breath skyrocketed, using the god's breathing method to repair the wounded body, his eyes staring at the Chu wind like a hungry wolf, and the person he suppressed in the downwind actually wounded him.

What scared him the most was that this was the king of the human body. In the past, there were several celebrities, and so few people had been unable to lift their heads.

He will not forget the legend, that few people have sneaked into the chaotic universe from the underworld universe, it is terrible!

"Chu Feng, the scum in my eyes, you actually have this potential, activate this blood, but even so, you have to die!" Luo Yu with a haze, ordinary appearance is no longer detached temperament But it is full of killings.

Then, his body surface evoked a piece of golden grain, like a metal man, the various symbols inscribed on it were extremely dazzling.

At the same time, the atmosphere also makes the people and the people uncomfortable, with the fluctuations that make people feel tremble, like a tide sweeping in all directions.

"This is the **** of heaven, he practiced!" In the distance, a little Saint from the chaotic universe was surprised. This is a kind of magical skill, very strong, but it is difficult to practice, the entry is difficult, but the power is also Very big.

Chu Feng is very quiet. He is silently aware of his own changes. The body's cockroaches are actually compensated for by activating some blue blood. They are tough and stand shoulder to shoulder.

It is precisely because of this that he has no scruples, colliding with Luo Min, and no fear.


Chu Feng began to attack, took the initiative to attack, was in the sky, swooping down, the whole body is red sunshine, he is running the breath of the undead bird, one after another like a red order chain Ringing, blooming around him, spurting out.

At the same time, his fists are red, like smelting the void, breaking the thunder, driving lightning, and surpassing common sense.

Lightning punch, masculine hegemony, there is speed beyond all boxing!


The little Saint Rosie rises up and jumps up to the high heavens. The gods of the gods are punched out and the whole body shines, especially in the fists.

It can even be said that his fist is too glaring, more scary than the collapsed cosmic star, the golden energy is boiling, and there is a crack in the void around the fist, which shocked the evolution of the various races.

"The power of a punch can be like this!" In the pure land, there are old monsters horrified. If they slam on this punch, don’t even think about it. Even if the golden body is full, go to the end of this level, you have to be beaten. Explosion, there will be no suspense.


In the heavens and the earth, there is a nuclear explosion, a red fist, with the sound of the feathers of the undead bird, colliding with the golden fist, the hollow crack is terrible, to devour the red fist and smash everything.

I have to say that the most powerful genius of the Chaos Tenjin Palace and the one of the nine little sacred priests of the outer universe are so terrible that the Chu style at this moment is moving.

His feelings are very painful. The horrible thing is not the golden fist of the other side, but the many cracks around the punch, with the power of part of the space to destroy various substances, including the body of the evolutionist.


Chu Feng urged the undead bird's breathing method, the red fist burst into lightning, and in a flash hundreds of thousands of people broke out in the void, colliding with the other's golden fist.

At the same time, around him, the feathers of the non-dead birds were one after another, and the sound of the order chain swayed, all rushing, encountering the crack around the golden fist and violently colliding.


In the end, in the violent big bang, in the energy flame of burning half of the sky, both of them quickly flew out.

Chu Feng bowed his head and looked at some blood marks on his fist, but it was not very deep. There was light blue blood mixed with bright red blood flowing out.

Splitting the empty fist, can use the power of space to smash the opponent, belonging to the secret of the Chaos Tenjin Palace, and it is really amazing!

On the other hand, Luo Xiao’s hands trembled, his skin was fleshy, with black scars, and blood was falling out. He was not hurt by the lightning of Chu Feng.

He was furious and actually fell to the bottom again, especially to his unwillingness, in his most powerful body, he actually suffered.

He walked the path of sanctification in the flesh and wanted to be the most powerful saint. As a result, he was now wounded by the flesh of the king's body, which made him feel frustrated.


Luo Wei moved again, his hands were like a knife, and at the same time, a huge golden knife really appeared on his side, the energy was turned, and the family was shocked.

This knife is a thousand feet long, Luo Hao itself is in the sky, with such a knife, the giant knife instantly towers into the clouds, sharp murderous explosion, sweeping the sky and underground!


When this knife came forward, it was not like a blade falling, but like a golden mountain slamming down, the energy cloud stirred, and the sound of flash floods was deafening.

Chu Feng's eyebrows glow, directly stimulating the celestial and precious materials that condense with the soul light, and exerting the yin and yang, as the celestial light emerges, sweeping this to the side.

At the same time, his boxing spirit changed again, and the big thunder breathing method stirred up in the body, using the big day to come to the boxing and rushing forward.

The light of yin and yang shook open the long knife, and it was driving for him, and he himself dive to the front, it was suffocating, and the golden fist slammed down.

Luo Hao roared and fought fiercely.

The two trembled, like two lightnings moving, and like two gods smashing, shaking the clouds.


Luo Hao flew out and was severely wounded. His mouth was full of blood, his hands were like blood, his arms were squatting, his eyes were back, his eyes were filled with coldness and anger, he was a small universe. One of the saints was actually seriously injured and severely injured.

"The strongest god, blood recovery, suppress everything!"

Luo Wei, he was really angry. He originally came to the underworld to think that he could sweep all the geniuses. In his eyes, these people are all chickens and dogs. As a result, they are restrained today and they are constantly injured.


There was a golden light around him, very soft and thin, like water waves, with inexplicable fluctuations.

He directly rushed to Chu Feng, where the golden light passed, all the energy was suppressed, let Chu wind smash, when the fists were killed, he found that his energy was sharply reduced.

"God gods are down, all creatures are mortal in front of my family!" Luo Wei whispered, his face full of crazy colors, his eyes blazing, to kill the Chu wind in this hit.

Chu Feng realized what happened to him.

He seems to be suppressed, his own path and so on, such as a sharp reduction, just like a mortal, this is quite terrible and dangerous, which is equal to the neck.

Chu Feng knows that this is a kind of domain application, generally appearing in the realm of the holy level. Only a few geniuses can run this ability ahead of time, surpassing the same level too much, can be killed by an enemy and without difference.

This ability can be called the sanctuary!


At this moment, Chu Feng took the spirit as the pigment and the blood gas as the paper, and broke out his own picture, because he had a special sentiment when he had previously realized.

Even when I used the spirit body to fight against the gods of the gods in the Kunlun Tianteng, I used this to touch the use of the domain in advance.

Now that he broke out, one big star after another emerged, and the sky was banned, and it was like a quiet place!

At the same time, Chu Feng wrote field symbols on one star after another to deepen the imprisonment.


Finally, he once again realized the feeling that after the strength was strong enough, the sanctuary initially emerged, and the addition of the field, broke out, unparalleled.

"Ah..." Luo screamed, his heart was agitated, and he was very uneasy. He used the taboos of the family to cooperate with his own cultivation and displayed a terrible sanctuary. As a result, he did not turn the other into a mortal, and the other party could display this. The demon-like means of countering him?

The other side also used the sanctuary, which made Luo Wei feel shocked at the same time, because his body was imprisoned and it was very difficult to make some moves.


Chu Feng swooped over, directly as a yin and yang light, this is a killer, a slamming sound, in the blood splash almost will be Luo Li.

At the most critical moment, Luo Wei got rid of the imprisonment and broke free, but he was still degraded by an arm, which was very miserable.


At the same time, Chu Feng’s fists have arrived, and the combination of lightning boxing and the big day is like a fist. It’s just fierce and overbearing. It’s like lightning, with magic, and slamming down.


Luo Hao roared, struggling to fight, but only one arm, how can you resist?

With a bang, he was beaten out and bleed.

Chu Feng shot again and smashed it down.

In the collision, Luo's body was full of cracks, and only the remaining arm was almost torn down, blood flow as a note.

The most terrible thing is that his right leg is missing, and his knees are missing. He is cut off by the yin and yang of Chu Feng and falls to the sky.


At the lakeside, the core members of the Chaos Tenjin Palace, the surviving screaming, can't believe their eyes, but they are the strongest descendants of their family, and the universe is difficult to find opponents. It is known as the generation of the chaotic universe. Xiaosheng, only nine people have this honor, high above.

But what did he see now? Luo Yi, one of the nine little saints, lost!

Moreover, Luo Wei was very miserable.


In a flash, Chu Feng shot again, and the smashing Luo Xiao almost burst into the body and flew out eight hundred feet away, sneezing nose and nose, and the body was weak.


During the thunderstorm, Chu Feng volleyed and slammed into the mountain. He hit a mountain with a fist, and slammed it, letting Luo’s chest blast a large blood hole in the bowl, bright and transparent. For example, the body of the Holy Spirit can't stand it.


At the same time, the yin and yang light of Chu Feng swept again, and Luo Xiaoran shouted, and his golden blood was rushing. He was very angry. He hasn’t been so embarrassed in this life. It’s really a shame to be killed.


This time, Chu Feng’s yin and yang light did not break him apart, because a strange slap in the body of Luo Wei emerged.

"Go to death!" Luo Hao roared, feeling shame, he was defeated after all, lost to the other side, and finally needed to use the family to prepare a big killer to destroy the enemy.

When Chu Feng had abnormal fluctuations in his body, he had already left and left.

Then he saw a light burst out and flew to him.

"Use foreign objects? That directly destroys you!" Chu Feng shouted.

He has more than six hundred strokes in battle with the little Saint Rosie. Now he has already angered, and the hidden killings in his heart have exploded. There is nothing to delay. It has already measured the evolution of the generation of the universe.


The mountains and rivers glow, the big dreams are trembled, and the flying whip is floating in a ray of light, but now it is inexplicably blasted out.

At the same time, Chu Feng shouted, a field of runes broke out, gathered from the beauty of the mountains in all directions, drowning that Luo Luo.


Luo Hao roared and struggled, but it was useless. In an instant, he was torn by this domain rune. First, only the remaining arm was broken.

Then he was cut off from the waist.


Finally, Chu Feng stood in the sky, slamming a punch down, exploding him, his body blasted on a mountain peak, **** rain, and dyed Honglingshan!

Chu Feng was ready a few days ago, and he did not hesitate to lay down the large Tusheng field. Now the part is detonated, and the natural power is endless.

There is no doubt that this will be a huge storm!

In particular, the issue of Chu Feng identity will also cause waves.

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