The Sacred Ruins

Chapter 853: Back to earth

A group of people near the temple were all shocked. This Wu round looked back at the pure eyes, but also a little green. The result was actually... dare to make such remarks?

This courage is too big, right? Throughout the ages, I have never heard of anyone who dares to conceal the precedent of the goddess of the two dreams of the Pure Land and the Yaxian.

Now, Wu turns back to the lion's mouth and dares to make this statement.

Many people think that he is considering the peace of the two communities, either not swearing or swearing, and not letting one of them not come to Taiwan.

However, there are still many people with abdomen, and Wu is back to death!

The people who are watching live broadcasts all over the universe are more responsive, especially the young people who have already forgiven the Chu wind and praised him, but they are now hostile.

In the dream of the pure land, in the temple, at this time, Yingyingxian and Qin Yuyin's face are not good-looking. They have a posture of the city, and their appearance is impeccable, but now their faces are black.

"Black face, is it contagious?" Yuan Yuan's Yuan Yuan whispered, looked at the invincible, and looked at Ying Yuxian and Qin Yu pro, secretly surprised.

In fact, Ying Yinxian and Qin Yuyin have not expressed their views. The invincible next to them has been intolerable. I really want to start with Chu Feng.

With a bang, he was caught by an elder of the Yaxian, making him quiet and not impulsive.

"Little friend, you are laughing, how can my daughter of the Asian fairy marry her with her girlfriend?" The elders of the Yaxians were not salty and not too open, and they were somewhat annoyed.

The people who have a good dream of the Pure Land are also not so good-looking. Wu’s remarks are too much. They can’t accept it.

Throughout the ages, as long as you have married the Princess of the Asian Immortals, or the people of the Pure Land of the Pure Land, this person must have only the only Taoist in his life, and it is impossible or impossible to allow chaos.

"Sister husband, you can't start messing up!" Silver hair Lolita shouted, still holding the arms of Chu Feng.

"Xiao Xiao, you are coming over to me!" Ying invincible reprimanded her.

Then, people will see that Ying Yinxian and Qin Yuyin are all on the front, and Nana, looking at Chu Feng together, the black face is full of dissatisfaction.

"Hey, seeing you both, I suddenly remembered that I had a glimpse of something, and I had some memories of something in the foreign world."

Chu Feng sighed, then, he naturally walked over, came to the middle of the two, reaching out to touch their eyebrows, directly want to give empowerment, transport part of the memory.

"Well, what are you going to do?" The black face rushed over and blocked.

However, Chu Feng vacated a blazing beam of light outside the body, very embarrassing, forming a light curtain, and suddenly will invincible to the impact of the exit.

This has caused many people to be shocked. This Wu is not old enough, the strength is really unfathomable, and it has been a while since the invincible customs clearance. Everyone knows his power and the golden body is complete.

However, he was not here to defeat Wu, but the other party did not shoot, he would block him!

"Little friends, what do you want to do?" The old monsters of the Yaxian and the dreams of the dream are shocked. The forehead is very fragile and easy to penetrate the soul of the people.

At this time, Ying Yinxian and Qin Yuyin are both confrontation, there is a goddess fan, naturally it will not easily touch the forehead, so too close.

"I believe that I will not be against you." Chu Feng said calmly, his eyes conveyed the true feelings of love, he really wants to restore memories.

Otherwise, today's things are not messed up, and it is not good to end in the end. If the two men recover, they will be given to them to choose.


The two men still played against him for a short time. However, Chu Feng is really terrible now. After the combination of soul light and physical body, the strength is tyrannical, and an orderly chain of gods emerges outside the body to block the two women.

The strength of these two people can be ranked in the top of the generation in the universe, and the results have been calmly resolved by Chu Feng.


He used his hand a little, and a light did not enter into the eyebrows of the fairy, and then he regressed lightly.

"Wu reincarnation, what did you do to my sister?!" Invincible anger, very worried, rushed over again.

Then, Chu Feng turned, like the same golden Peng bird spreading wings, all of them with glaring light, spinning up, fluttering into the invincible.

"No!" The people of the Yaxian people exclaimed, thinking that Chu Feng had to be invincible and wanted to stop, but found that he could not pass Wu’s reincarnation, and could not stop it.


Ying invincible was suppressed by Chu Feng, and a divine light did not enter his eyebrows, suddenly let the invincible scream, then he completely lost, and then his face was black as the bottom of the pot.

Because Chu Feng’s memory for him is very simple, it is the picture when he calls him as a small scorpion on weekdays, and the scene of Ying Xiaoxiao’s intimacy called Chu Feng’s brother-in-law, which is too exciting, let the invincible want to vomit blood, and then... He really spit.

"How can you be my brother-in-law?!" he yelled.

Around, a group of people looked at his eyes are strange, of course, there are many people who have been hit hard. Is it true that in another world, Chu Feng and Ying Yu Xian are really Taoists?

Chu Feng is quite decisive, rushing past, breaking the defense of the Qin dynasty, pointing out, still regarded as the empowerment, giving her some relevant memories.

Of course, the time is short, and he is not allowed to completely awaken all the memories of these people. He can only pass some fragments of the past.

Both Ying Yinxian and Qin Yuyin were shocked by the slightest ecstasy, and stood in a daze.

"I don't believe it!" Even the cold and detached Yingyingxian was slightly white in her face, and the soul was shaking. Her heart was not calm. Although she had a good impression since she saw Wu’s heart, she now has some memories. She was still surprised and the soul shivered slightly.

Chu Feng went up and whispered in secret: "I can show you the seven treasures with you."

During the speech, he grabbed the snow-white hand of Qin Qinyin, and then the souls of the two men were in harmony, so that Yingying Xian immediately realized that they could really display the seven treasures.

However, outsiders could not see it, only found that they held hands and suddenly became dazed.

Watching the live broadcast, there was a miserable ghost crying, many young men cursed Wu's reincarnation, and there were many young and heartbreaking hearts in the dream.


The two are separated and each is ecstatic.

"This is... how is it going?" The elders of the Yaxian people were surprised. Is it true that Wu Lun really returned with some memories? This is really amazing.

The few old ladies of the Dream of Pure Land are also quite shocked. Only a few people have come back with a little memory in the past generations. It seems that this Wu cycle seems amazing.

At this moment, Qin Xiaoyin's face was pale, her impact was very large, and some memories were activated. She looked at Chu Feng's eyes very complicated.

"Fake!" she whispered.

"It's all true!" Chu Feng stared at him.

"Mother, everything is true, I will give you a slap in the face and tell you all the truth!" The little priest opened his mouth and was very similar to Chu Feng. He did not hesitate when he decisively took this opportunity. He sent the past. A lot of memory.

Of course, this is very expensive for him. After all, he has not yet been born. This is why he did not act rashly before, but only tells the truth verbally.

For a time, everyone felt amazed. They always felt that Wu Lun’s return to use the magic technique seriously affected Ying Yin and Qin Yin.

Some of the old monsters in the temple are cold-eyed, staring at the Chu wind, the old monster of the corpse opens, saying: "Little friends, you come back with some memories, can you show me?"

"I can't show you that everyone has their own secrets, but I can show you some of the pictures I know." Chu Fengping's response.

"Little friends, it matters a lot. I want to know how the arrogance of my family is unexpected. You have to show us!" The elders of Baifeng were aggressive.

"I respect your predecessors, but I am not a fearful person in Wu's reincarnation!" Chu Feng responded coldly.

"Several friends, I think it is necessary to take him, ask the truth!" The elders of the Taos were all serious.

It should be noted that this is a few strong people. Twenty or thirty old monsters are guarding here. I really want to do it. They believe that even Wu will be defeated again.

They are all people who are full of golden bodies, all from the strongest races in the universe, such as Taoist, Buddhism, Corpse, Baifeng, Golden Sky, and Tianshen.

Ouyang Feng rushed into the temple and said, "You are deceiving too much!"

"You retreat, I think these predecessors are also concerned about chaos, and I am in a hurry. I will deal with it." Chu Feng said calmly, not in chaos, calm and calm.

This allowed the old monsters of the Asian immortals and the dreams of the outside world to watch the high.

In fact, Chu Feng is now the identity of Wu's reincarnation. It is not advisable to make a big move to avoid implicating the relevant people. If Chu Chufeng's identity, he would have slapped some people.

"Oh, Wu reincarnation, you are very confident, what do you mean by a person to fight against our old man?" Da Yan's father and son of the war.

"I just want to talk to you." Chu Feng shook his head.

"Less nonsense, come over, you have to show us the memory!" The old monster of the corpse was the first to take it. He was not afraid at all, because the Buddha and the Taoist people are all there, and they will definitely follow it.

"Then let me teach you the predecessors of the school!" Chu Feng said plainly.


In the temple, a big battle broke out. In a flash, the golden day spider spun silk, the white phoenix spread its wings, the corpse old ghosts swallowed the dark fog, and the Buddha’s golden body was full of people’s true verses.

For a time, the energy here is boiling, and it’s like a pot. It’s terrible.

These people have the possibility to break through to the sub-saint. It is natural and amazing to join forces. If it is in the past, the younger generation will not be able to beat one of them.

But now, Chu Feng is not the same as before, the strength has skyrocketed, becoming the strongest voice of this generation.


He ignited the lightning boxing, the whole person glowed, and used the immortal bird breathing method, which is the incomplete breathing method that the girl taught him to give him the magical skills of the sun and the poultry.

Earth-shattering, the energy is swept here, and there is a faint chain of gods intertwined, rushing out of the body of Chu Feng and sweeping across the square.

This temple is unique and very strong, otherwise it is impossible to withstand the power of space vortex.


In the end, a group of old men flew out, and all the people who were beaten by Chu Feng vomited blood and slammed into the walls of the temple, all falling to the ground.

The Chu Feng youth's capital, smashed, standing alone in the field, very calm, without any wolverine.

"You are offended by your predecessors." He calmly said that if they were in the universe, these people had already been hunted by him to sell, but now they are different, live broadcast.

After saying these words, Chu Feng went straight out of the temple, and after the cherished dreams of the Pure Land and the Yaxian people, they left.

Wu's reincarnation went straight away, leaving the dream of pure land, leaving everyone stunned, just left?

"This goods ran too fast, forgot to bring me, sister, I have to run my own way!" Ouyang Feng curse.

The two should not leave at the same time.

"In any case, I have already awakened some of their memories. I should leave." Chu Feng whispered, and the field of the pure dreams could not stop him.

In fact, no one started the field and let him leave.

Chu Feng knows that the Yaxian and the dreams are too strong, and it is impossible to allow the so-called two women to marry one person. He does not want them to be guilty.

Everything can be expected.

Then, Chu Feng is non-stop, and now he is a master of the field. No one can walk in the mountains, and then he enters a field that is charged and can cross the galaxy and leave the planet.

First, he found the stone box, the vajra, etc. in a piece of the sea of ​​stars, and then he changed his identity, changed his position several times, and traversed many transmission fields to the earth.

The time is not long, just a few days, Chu Feng rushed back to Earth, recovered the true body, returned to the home again, and completely relaxed.

He directly contacted the **** cow, the ox, the old man and so on, and asked there.

"Go to Kunlun, we are in Kunlun, the demon princess is also!" The **** cow told him.

Then, Chu Feng rushed to Kunlun. When he saw this group of big demon, he suddenly felt close. Of course, he thought that this group of people had forgotten the foreign things. In fact, after these people put together memories, they are not much worse than him.

The Kunlun grass is verdant, the aura is awkward, and the silver waterfall is like a dragon. It is very magnificent.

Not only did the demon go out, but the girl also ran.

"Oh, it's really not simple. In the pure dream, you actually hooked up two and wanted to marry two white and beautiful, it was enough!" The girl sneered at him.

Chu Feng took a shot and said: "I am such a person, obviously not, right, girl, do you forget the experience in the foreign world? In fact, we have had many things happening there, all kinds of entanglement, you may not have an impression. At that time, you were affectionate about me..."

The Chu wind is full of words, and the girl is stunned.

A group of big demon in Kunlun was also stunned. They realized that the goods really thought they didn't know what happened in the foreign country. They opened the river in the letter.

Then, the demon is going out, and the light spirit is coming. The real style is more and more unpredictable, just like a queen.

"Oh, yes, you remember?" The demon smiled.

"Demon, can you see me again, I am so happy, you know, we are both in a foreign country, life and death, and together, flying together, the gods of war..."

Chu Feng Zhangkou came, constantly lyrical, his face full of friendship, very excited look.

The **** bull was stunned. He realized that the goods had to be unlucky, and he dared to take the opportunity to demon the demon. Do you think that the demon does not know the foreign things?

The oxen grabbed one of his eyes with his hand and mourned for Chu Feng. He also blushed him, too shameless, and actually squatted here.

"This is awkward, so pitiful." The old man did not dare to call the children, but a sympathetic color, could not bear to look down, was turned away.

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