The Sacred Ruins

Chapter 670: Putian Tongqing

It is said that they are going to put fireworks, but they are grinding and even leaving, and staying on a bustling planet.

In the words of Uncle Ming, the Xilin and Tianshen are waiting for them to go. Uncle Ming decided to take a look at the people of the tribe, and he and the eagle have a reason, tired of their bodies and tired of their gods.

"The existence of the heavens can be counted. Any one is a big man in the universe. They are precious in time. They are kept in a place to guard. It is unrealistic. It is too expensive for them. It is a kind of awkwardness. ""

Uncle Ming estimated that there may be a picture of the heavenly hegemons waiting for them to appear. Instead of this, he will sneak a sneak peek at him so that he can't stand it and they will debut again.

They descended on a planet of technological civilization and evolutionary civilization. The strange buildings, like one mushroom bag, were built with special materials, and most of them are located in the famous mountains and rivers, and the surrounding scenery is beautiful.

"Boss, is there a saint suite?!"

Chu Feng shouted that the so-called saint suite is equivalent to the presidential suite of the earth, and now he is able to speak the lingua franca of the cosmic strong family, and the tongue roll is particularly smooth.

"Yes!" A gentleman smiled slyly, and the beautiful eyes looked forward. The blue veil was set against her slim, and there were three white foxtails on her back.

This is a three-tailed fox, bright and beautiful, eyes look pure, look at the temperament and feminine.

Chu Feng felt pleasing to the eye, they stayed here, and lived for half a month, not far from the auction event under the Black Blood Arena.

In the meantime, they have been checking the territory of several ethnic groups on the light brain and choosing the target to attack.

Half a month's "熬鹰" is indeed very effective. Someone in the sky reflects the inferiority of the heavenly overlord, and it is cold and cold. On that day, many people in the star field were stunned.

The saints of the Xilin, the Tianshen, the Nether, and the Yinque were privately unwilling to wait for half a month, but they were always innocent.

These days Chu Chufeng, they successfully "step on the point", they began to enjoy the food on this planet, enjoy the beauty of the famous mountains and rivers, it is very free.

"It's almost, we should act!"

After leaving here, the young girl took the spacecraft to the sun for the first time to supplement the energy. She felt that the yang was not enough.

Along the way, the girl 曦 has plunged into many stars and drew enough energy, which is amazing.

One of them was in a more remote place, and the spacecraft absorbed the energy, so that the smaller sun was slightly dim for a moment.

"The underworld is not good, the energy is not pure, there are too many filthy impurities, need to be purified, hehe!" The girl complained.

In the end, they set off and started crazy action on this day!

After half a month of crouching, the storm broke out on this day!

The resource planet of the Tianshen family exploded twelve times in a moment, shaking the Xinghai Sea, almost simultaneously detonated, igniting the horrible nuclear energy and illuminating the starry sky.

Even if they are far apart, standing in the dark sky, looking at the star field, you can see the brilliant light.

Twelve fireworks, unusually gorgeous, vacated in the dark universe, very demon, and very beautiful, but it is fatal.

Many resources of the Tianshen people are exported from there. This is the richest place of production they occupy. When they saw this scene, some people in the family were black and angry and arrogant.

The person in charge of this zone fainted directly, and the personnel were not saved. He knew that he was finished, and the tribes would not spare him. This is a major incident of default.

Anyone who sees this scene is trembled. This is a smashing day. Someone on the planet of the gods also dares to put fireworks. The courage is too big.

However, things are not finished yet. In the depths of the stars, the Tianshen youth training base, a smaller life planet, exploded on this day and was blown up.


At this point, Uncle Ming took an umbrella into the spaceship, and then they disappeared into the sea of ​​stars.


The time is not long, a huge black foot falls, stepping on the starry sky, this creature is boundless, his toes are much larger than the stars, standing in the universe, like the same chaos demon!

The giant of the gods came, and a strong man who reflected the heavens, the ancient ancestors of the family came!

He was thoroughly involved, and he felt that there was an accident here. He was the first to kill, capture the breath of Ming’s remnants, and perform the deduction, trying to get the murderer out.


The cosmic roar, people see, the black huge body suddenly golden light, overlooking this starry sky, looking for the uncle's whereabouts.

Unfortunately, in the end he failed and could not deduct the enemy's whereabouts.

The light of the gods of the gods was dimmed, and finally there was only a black figure left here, swallowing the stars.

On that day, countless people in this galaxy shuddered, feeling that the end of the world was coming, only because of such a silhouette of the heavenly characters once appeared!

The ancient gods of the gods did not find Ming Shu.

During the deduction of the Tianshen tribe, the Netherland had eight resource stars exploding, being ignited, turning into an inexhaustible flame, illuminating this cold starry sky.


At the same time, a secret base under the rule of the Nether, the asteroid that trained the slain will soon blast, and it is still a big hand to move the sky umbrella, directly exploding!

"Happy!" Chu Feng shouted, even the fireworks are not as good as the direct smashing of a planet.

On that day, the Netherland was furious, and the training dead man’s secret was actually exposed. There were many masters in it, including two Yasheng, so they were beaten into powder and all destroyed!

The ancient ancestors of the Nether are coming, the horrible figure, the oppressed galaxies are trembled, and the huge body is like standing on the river of time, appearing in all ages, everywhere!

During the opening of the scorpion, his eyeballs were much larger than the sun. He searched the world and stared at the cosmic starry sea, but he could not find the person to shoot.


The Xilin people, the ten resource stars blasted, and a smaller life planet that was secretly occupied by them and completely developed into their own territory was also smashed by a palm fan!

This planet was originally indigenous, but since it was occupied by the Xilin people, it has been solved in the dark, and the Xilin people are immigrating and occupying it.

Today, the planet exploded and was smashed by Uncle Ming, and the Xilin people suffered heavy losses.

The head of the Xilin national army, the man who betrayed the ancient earth, Wei Xilin, rose to the sky in the first time. He felt on the Xilin Star and killed him.

Today, he has already reflected the heavens!

Then, in the history of the ninth Wei Heng also followed.

Unfortunately, when they arrived, Ming Shuu was in awesome and could not give a result.

The three tribes were attacked, but they were slow to speak, but they all happened in a limited time. Ming Shuma did not stop, and the three tribes in the territory of the tribes began to kill.

The Xinghai, which is ruled by the three tribes, is adjacent to each other. Ming Shu is equal to coming out of one place and entering another, so the time spent is not very long.

On this day, a major earthquake occurred in the entire universe. The impact of a series of events was too great. Some people were taking the three major groups!

In particular, there are actually the top ten gods in the top ten, which is a big event that shocked the stars!

How crazy it is, dozens of planets of the three ethnic groups have been fired, and bloomed in succession, shining in the dark universe, and unusually eye-catching.

"Insane, too crazy, some people have a shot, deafening, almost scared the old man, sitting for three hundred years, practicing will not move the king's heart, the result is almost scared."

"Is this the demon that ran out of chaos? Dare to start with the gods and gods, and also provoke the Nether and the Xilin, which is equal to the scale of pulling the dragon by hand!"

In the stars, some old monsters are screaming and being scared.

For a time, the original beast platform, the live broadcast platform of the Black Blood Arena, and so on, responded to the first time, followed up with reports, and the whole starry sky was boiling.

"Which is this big slap? A slap in the face, smashing dozens of resource planets of the three ethnic groups, this is not only destroying their territory, but also slap the tribe!"

The evolutionary people from all over the world, all of them were shocked to the point where they were undoubtedly attached. Many people did not believe it when the news first came out.

However, some people have captured the picture and filmed it. Moreover, many people have witnessed it and confirmed it, and suddenly the people are very incomparable.

"God man, so fierce, the ancient ancestors of the gods were alarmed, and the first time they killed the past, but the result was empty."

"We are also angered by the ancient ancestor of the Nether and the ancient army leader of the Xilin nationality, Wei Xilin. They caused their galaxy to tremble. Everyone was hairy. The result was futile, nothing to discover!"

On the same day, more detailed news came and there was a lot of discussion around the world.

The gods and gods should vomit blood, because their youth training base, on the planet that cultivated the master, some good seedlings, called the seed-level master.

The bases of these people were an asteroid, and they were directly drawn into fly ash by Ming Shu’s Tiandao umbrella. All of them died.

Among them, including the shackles, some are the children of the saints, so terrible!

"Ah..." Some saints of the gods, waiting for Ming Shu for many days, opened their pockets everywhere, waiting for him to appear, but the result was such a terrible result.

The saints of the gods are going crazy.

The same is true of the Nether and the Xilin. The two saints roar and shatter some asteroids. They are almost mad.

Not to mention the resource star, only the Nether's death warrior training secret, and an immigrant planet of the Xilin people, it was destroyed, and the number of dead and wounded masters is not over.

"Uncle Ming, Chang Ming, I want to live you, and you will be the sky lantern!" Wei Heng is in the big bang, shaking the stars.

The saints of all ethnic groups sensed the remnant atmosphere of Ming Shu in the incident, but they could not find him. The strongest people who even reflected the heavens could not be deduced. They were angry and helpless.

"Take you to see the meteor shower..."

A remote star field, close to the universe, is approaching the chaotic zone. Chu Feng is singing a small tune in the spaceship, leisurely and comfortable.

Uncle Ming is drinking, every time he drinks himself a cup, then falls to the starry sky, he is toasting for the old friends who died.

The sorrow and anger in Uncle Ming’s heart were released and lightened in this shocking attack.

The girl is writing a diary: the Emperor's calendar, nine hundred and seventy-seven thousand three hundred and fifty-two years, in February, the fireworks bloom in the earth, the meteor shower is empty, reflecting the heavenly figures dancing, the ghost holy long, the general celebration .

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