The Sacred Ruins

Chapter 516: Reunion

In the East China Sea, a certain area of ​​the sea is filled with clouds, and the yin is heavy, covering the waters ahead.

Chu Feng went all the way, and finally saw an island, the gray smog became more and more intense, and he successfully landed on the island.

This is the island where the mountain is not destroyed. The average person can't find it, and it can't be close. Chu Feng can find it smoothly because he has a stone from the mountain that can't be destroyed.

The island is too quiet, it should be said to be dead.

Along the way, there are stones and plants, but they are dry, rotten, with a strong decaying atmosphere.

He did not stop, and rushed straight toward the center of the island. There are seven large mountains, all of which are huge and boundless, towering into the sky, that is, the mountain is not destroyed.

Chu Feng came to the front of the mountain gate and saw a large number of ailing corpses again. It was not dry, it was rotten, but there was still some fire in the depths of the eye sockets. It was the soul that would be destroyed.

It is like an island of death, full of countless corpse-like creatures, man-owned, hundreds of feet of beasts, black ants of ten meters long, and nine-tailed white foxes with skinny bones...

There is a wide variety of races, with a decadent atmosphere, as if coming to the entrance to hell, a massive death creature emerges.

Chu Feng rushed to the mountain pass and saw the lettering on the brown rock. The **** cow and the northeast tiger actually came out and gave him a message, and it was dense and full of words.

"Chu Feng, we are evolving rapidly, our physical fitness is greatly improved, and our life level is in transition. This kind of entrance is even scared by ourselves, oh, oh."

Undoubtedly, this is the message of the **** cow, did not see people can feel the smug color of that face.

There are also supplements under the big old black, all kinds of publicity, telling Chu Feng, there is a magical medicine in the depths of the mountains. If you eat it, you can make people change and the strength will skyrocket.

"Unfortunately, although the medicine is good, it can't be taken out. You have no blessings. The taste is really delicious. It is a kind of purple berry. It shines like the sun. The entrance is instant, and the fragrance is more than ten miles. After taking the whole body, the pores of the whole body bloomed in purple, just like the feathers flying up, the feet fluttering away from the ground, and comfortable."

Big old black is described in detail, can feel his good mood and the face of the face.

Behind the old man’s supplement, he wrote: “Xiaochu, we are all leaps and bounds, you have to work hard, don’t fall behind, you will be surprised when you meet again.”

Chu Feng is speechless. The old cockroach of this cartilage head used to talk to him before he could call it Xiao Chu, greedy and fear of death, all kinds of cringe, but also very cumbersome.

Now the old man is so stunned. He feels that these people are sure to have a great chance and their strength is skyrocketing. Otherwise, they will not be so confident.

Chu Feng is very happy. He was still worried about the situation of several people. It seems to be far better than he thought. This is not the case. There is still a magical medicine in the mountains. It is amazing.

“It’s not a place to train the demon!”

He lamented that this place is too evil, and failure will become a living dead. Once successful, it will be destined to rise and become a saint.

Other ruins, Dongfu, etc., there are only inheritance, there are few restrictions, but here there are all kinds of terrible and demanding requirements, because here, specializes in cultivating the demon.

In the end, it will not be a saint, it will be a failure!

It’s hard to see how horrible the mountain is. It’s no wonder that even the demon has praised it. They say that they have big chances. They don’t need Chu Feng’s memory to send them peaches, Zhuguo, etc. There are everything here!

As long as the talent or perseverance is amazing enough, step by step, and survive, you can get all kinds of benefits and be rigorously cultivated.

"Brother, you can't keep up with our evolutionary speed and don't be frustrated. After that, Tiger Brother covers you. A while ago, I swallowed a relic of the blood of a black tiger from the rohan-class black tiger. It has changed all the way, and now the blood is full of the sea!" This is the message of the Northeast Tiger.

These people have a long way to go, and the message is full of optimism, joy, and confidence.

Finally, reveal their message to Dessert and see the words they are serious about. Some people are jealous, so Chu Feng must take care. If you are bullied, chased, and encounter enemies who cannot beat, you must be forbearing. Don't desperately wait for them to go out and vent their anger!

Chu Feng smiled, the heart was warm, these guys have not yet floated to the sky.

Later, they also spit up the water and tell the truth inside. A giant rock describes their fears, saying that the ox and Ouyang Feng have disappeared for some time and have not come out.

Chu Feng knew earlier that only the ox and the Ouyang Feng went deep into the mountain to test the land, and embarked on a road of life and death. After success, it must be a peerless demon, and the defeat will become a living dead.

The **** bull, the northeast tiger, the king, and the golden eagle are all self-aware, waiting outside the Jedi and not following up.

"Xiaohuang finally came out, covered in blood and wounded. We looked distressed, but we couldn't replace it. However, it became stronger."

The **** cow is really temperate, and the message is worried and gratifying.

"Brother, what are you doing outside, we don't know, don't be able to take care of yourself, wait for us to go out and help you out. We are all here, Xiao Huang brings out a lot of spoils every time, let us follow the light. That Ouyang Feng, it’s really good to touch it. The magical medicine and the magical technique are brought out. It’s very angry, that is, the mouth is too poisonous. It says that it should be spit when eating the treasure medicine. When we watch the big medicine, it says Vomiting."

Chu Feng saw here, I feel that Ouyang Feng has too many opportunities, and it is estimated that the strength has already skyrocketed, but it is really very open.

He felt that when he met again, the guy’s squinting would be more serious.

When I think of the cockroach, I will get out of it, my saliva will splash, and I will look at a group of gods and saints with my eyes. The scene is expected to be very hot, and most of them will be attacked by the group.

Chu Feng thought that the first time he met with it, its saliva was like a downpour, almost licking him.

However, Ouyang Feng is not a beast, it is indeed powerful, has been very fierce with Chu Feng, and finally was suppressed, really want to rise here, presumably the strength will be more terrible.

As for the scalper, he is even less worried. There is Huigen, the talent is superb, and the Chu Feng will be all of them.

The young ox, who showed great fighting power at the beginning!

Then, Chu Feng saw another message on the stone wall.

"We learned the demon's fascination, but unfortunately, the blood swearing to the demon ancestor, can not be passed to the creatures outside the demon family, Chu Xiaozi, can not pass you for the time being, and later."

"Amazing, the ox has changed its breathing method, and there is a huge harvest in the depths of the Jedi. It has been rehabilitated by the demon ancestors. It tells us that the article passed to you now seems to be crippled, and there is no follow-up chapter. ""

There are many words on this stone wall, very dense. In the early stage, they were the **** cows. They were told for the yellow cattle. Later, the yellow cattle came out by themselves. They told me in detail that they were more worried about the evolution of Chu Feng.

Obviously, it is not easy for the ox and Ouyang Feng to come out, so there are very few messages, and they stay in the Jedi for a long time.

"Chu Feng, your breathing method should be the ultimate breathing method on the earth, but after it is scattered into the stars, there are a lot of missing. You have to try it yourself, look carefully outside, or it will be difficult to support the evolution behind you. In addition, the big thunder breathing method is also a ruin. I am getting a supreme law now, but it is of great importance. I dare not leave it on the stone wall. If it leaks, it will be big. If I see each other later, I can think about it. The way to pass you, I think the devotion of the vows is not very restrictive."

This is the words of the ox, so that the Chu wind is very warm, he carefully wrote, responded, told the ox, do not worry about him, he has found a follow-up chapter of the piracy.

At the same time, he is delighted and happy for the ox, and the ox and the Ouyang are destined to become the strong terrorists. If they are reproduced, they will definitely sweep one side!

The **** bull, the northeast tiger, the old man and so on have also skyrocketed in strength. The yellow cattle and Ouyang Feng not only brought out the anti-Japanese things from the Jedi, but also various secret techniques.

"Chu Feng, you can't find the medicine in the outside, so don't rush into the distance, it is best to use the holy medicine to assist you, tearing the whole body shackles. This is the message of the ancestors, which is mentioned several times when cultivating the sage. ""

The ox is very serious about the message.

At this point, Chu Feng grew a sigh of relief, it seems that the mountain is not like the demon said, nothing is lacking, a lot of creation, can make the talents of the devils and other descendants grow up.

Chu Feng’s message, let them rest assured, told him to drop the Taishan altar, no shortage of magic medicine, and now there are no peaches and Zhu Guo in the hands.

At the same time, he told them about some of the insights about evolution that the demon said.

"Chu Feng, when you meet again, the Lord will take you as a mount, ride you to see the world, the goddess, and show the grandfather of the Lord!"

Such a naked provocation, naturally left by Ouyang Feng, can imagine its squinting posture, really... owe!

Later, Chu Feng saw their last message and mentioned things, which surprised him!

In the mountains, there is an ancient energy tower, with its own complete will, can perceive the changes of the world and the earth, telling the cattle, Ouyang Feng, the Earth has recently undergone drastic changes, perhaps they can let them go to the real world to test the evolution.

"The energy tower tells us that the so-called trial land is not limited to the mountain. When the time is ripe, the whole space of the earth is the main space! A long time ago, the mountain was chosen to be the earth, because it felt that it would be turbulent in the morning and evening. There is a family of arrogance and arrogance, and there is a prosperous world. It is an ideal trial site."

Chu Feng is naturally excited, which indicates that the ox, the **** cow, the old man, the Ouyang style will come out at any time, and they will be able to gather again.

Chu Feng decisively told the story about what happened recently, such as kidnapping the Son and selling the saint.

"Come out, I have a goddess and a saint open every time I travel, and in the evening, the red sleeves are fragrant, you come early!"

At the same time, he also told him to fight against the saints on the original beast platform, and also with the gods of the gods and the gods of the Xilin.

In the great era of the storm, Chu Feng told in detail which enemies and which ones were right, and avoided them when they came out.

Then, Chu Feng took out a crystal and sealed a drop of golden liquid inside, which is the **** god liquid.

He squeezed the crystal and swallowed the **** of heaven.

Because, the ox, Ouyang Feng, they are leaps and bounds, will come out at any time, the brothers will gather again, to conquer those enemies, he naturally wants to further strengthen.

In a flash, Chu Feng was soaring in golden light, and another golden light in the body, shrouded him. For a moment, he was like a round of sun shining, very glaring.

At this point, he even turned the hair into gold, hanging to the waist, and then violently dancing, as for the pupil, not to mention, it is also golden.

Chu Feng is all golden and dazzling.

Tianshen Liquid has a miraculous effect. It regulates his body, heals the dark wounds, removes all kinds of hidden dangers, and makes his body become flawless and crystal clear.

Chu Feng felt that the whole person was empty, and the sequelae left by Taishan’s suffocation of dozens of shackles disappeared. At that time, his blood was dry and he almost died in Taishan, even after returning to the Dragon and Tiger Mountain to eat the star nuclear turtle eggs. After making up, there are still some minor problems, and it takes time to slowly adjust.

Now, he is golden, his life is full and the spirit is pure and incomparable!

Chu Feng reveals a smile, he knows that he can evolve again, don't worry about the unstable foundation, Tianshen solution solves all troubles!

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