The Sacred Ruins

Chapter 475: Going to the world and looking down at the world

The huge altar, like a majestic mountain, is here!

As soon as Chu Feng approached, he realized the heavy feeling of carrying the blue sky. On the only path paved by the bluestone, his body creaked.

At this time, like a flying insect, in the face of the vast starry sky, the face is magnificent and boundless, as well as the vastness of the sky.

The battle is here, his body has to be squeezed apart, heavy, huge, magnificent pressure, a suffocating atmosphere, it is almost to tear him.

The altar is simple and sturdy, and the stone steps are the only path that leads to the top.

Chu Feng struggled hard, his mental strength emerged from the frontal bones, and he was highly concentrated. He was pushing the field and then stepped forward and walked up.

Even if it is more difficult, he has no choice but to face the difficulties!

Because, missed today, most of the time there is no chance, whether Penglai or the genius of the field has already known his purpose.

"Where to go!"

Daqi Huangzi first shot, because he stayed in this dimension space, just stopped the failure, was dragged away by Chu, and came here.

He almost felt at the same time that his fist broke out with a dragon screaming, his body was accompanied by a dragon, and his boxing was grand, just like the scorching sun, slamming toward the back of Chu Feng.

This prince is terrible, the real skill is awesome, is a super master, the general Son will be inferior to him.

When the boxing roars, let this piece tremble.

Obviously, this has caused terrible consequences. The quaint altar stone steps are shaking, shining, and the field symbols are rising, forming a horrible pressure.

Due to outside interference, the altar revived, revealing a more horrible air machine!

Chu Feng changed his position, avoiding this grand fist, and quickly shot.

Surrounding the magnets, he sheltered himself in the field and healed the pressure on the altar. He did not use the township for the first time. Good steel needed to be used on the blade.

Chu Feng worried that the black-and-white treasure could not last forever. After all, it was cracked and severely damaged.


The beam was raised on the altar, which was caused by the bombardment of Qi Yu.


Chu Feng is very agile, the rabbit has fallen, rushed up to tens of meters away, and a lot of heavy stone steps.

In the rear, Qi Yu stopped and looked gloomy. He really didn't dare to move. He didn't dare to pursue it. Because the altar glowed, he just turned back on him and retreated his shock.

"Everyone will shoot together, interfere, don't give him a chance!" Chen Rong, Chen Jia of Penglai, shouted.

They are not slow, they arrive at almost the same time. For a time, the sound of poultry, the sound of beasts, the energy beam of light, and the bluestone steps in front of them.


A huge explosion came out, and they all went backwards. After the energy hit the altar, they were counterattacked. Some people were almost injured.

The altar of the main seat glows, although it is weak, but the atmosphere of formation is too horrible, such as the resurrection of the same prehistoric beast, as if to devour all beings.

This ancient altar is not something that ordinary people can attack.

They are shocked!

However, they also showed a happy color. The situation of Chu Feng on the altar was not so good. It was worse than them. It was blocked by the rune that was erected and was injured.

In his mouth and nose, there was **** blood.

Obviously, after the altar revived and suffered their attacks, the most unfortunate thing was Chu Feng.

"Haha... It’s really a dead end, so it’s a live target to be on the altar. Everyone is shooting and killing him!” Zhu Wuque laughed.

These gods and sacred figures are very bright, like the same pair of gold lights, sharp eyes, thorough reading, know how to deal with Chu Feng.


In the next moment, Zhu Wuque turned out the body, a red-eyed murderous bird, screaming at the mouth, sweeping the grand and ancient altar of the mountain.

Yuan Kun also exposed the body, tall with the hills, became a pale gold Donkey Kong python, roaring, holding a big macadamia, violently waving forward.

The energy is raging, like the seawater that breaks the levee, drowning forward.

In a flash, several sons shot, this area is like a volcanic group resurrection, began to violently spray magma, the scene is too horrible.

The most important reaction of the altar was to be attacked like this, and suddenly a more glaring light was emitted.


Four soft sounds were emitted. Around the Chu wind, four lock dragon piles emerged, guarding him around him, and suppressing a relatively small and safe space.

If not, he must be torn, because the altar has become terrible, and a mysterious and complicated symbol flows like a wave of water.

The whole altar is crystallized and crystal clear, and it contains a murderous atmosphere!

This is where the ancestors sacrificed the heavens, and the ancient emperor participated in it. It is impossible to offend the altar!


Zhu Wuque, Yuan Kun and other offensive people also pay everyone, the first time there is an energy symbol overflow, like a metal imprinted in the void in the sky and a three-dimensional sense.


Zhu Wuque coughed up a bite of blood, red feathers withered, and the fire raged.

Yuan Kun snarled, and the wolf in his hand swayed and went straight out. His tiger's mouth was torn, and the whole person flew out, and his mouth was full of blood.

Although it has long been expected to be countered, it is so intense that they are shocked.

"We step back, use the secret treasure, attack the altar and stop him from boarding!"

Some people have suggested that no matter what you say, you must not let the wind go, and you must stop him.

Because there are good things on the altar, anyone can detect that there is a five-color jade table, which is very large, like the giants prepared, and the above is a rare sacrifice.

Next, several secret treasures glowed and were sacrificed and slammed directly into the altar.

On the stone steps, Chu Feng changed his face. He was most worried about this kind of thing happening. He had to hesitate to go to the altar in the early days.

When he went to the altar, others interfered, and the riots in the field would be very dangerous.


The field symbol burst, like a layer of undulating waves, diffusing the altar, and it becomes extremely dangerous.

Although several secret treasures have regressed quickly, there are still two pieces that have been countered, submerged by the field symbols, cracked on the spot, and then exploded and turned into debris.

The faces of Yu Wenfeng, Zhu Wuque, Chen Rong, and Lishan have changed. This place is too embarrassing, and it wants to block the Chu wind, which is too expensive.

That is the secret treasure, who can make such a toss?

In the process of crossing the star road, most of the secret treasures were destroyed, and there were not many left in each person.

On the altar, the energy symbols are on the rise, the four lock dragons are crumbling, and even cracks appear, and it seems to be broken.

"Haha!" Chen Rong laughed and ordered a broken brass tower to be thrown into the altar.

This is the pagoda of the level of observation, but it was burned by the sun fire in the Chu Feng King Kong, and the melting part was now abandoned to attack.


The brass tower disintegrated on the spot and exploded.

However, even if the secret treasure of the level of consciousness is broken, it will hit a large number of counterattacks.

Sure enough, the altar on the altar spurred the brilliance, the more dangerous the Chu wind, the four locks of the dragon piles have cracks, followed by a bang, metal flies.

Chen Rong showed a happy smile. Zhu Wuque, Ziyan, Zhanhe, Bailu and others also sneered at the corner of their mouths and sat down to see the wind blowing into the dead.

However, the development of the matter was beyond their expectation. The lock pile was peeled off with a layer of copper to reveal a more radiant brass column.

Only Chu Feng is still calm, he knows that the lock dragon pile is a different treasure, it will not be so easy to break, it was like this when it was too high, and unveiled two restrictions.

This time it was more intense, actually took off a layer of brass leather!

Sure enough, this zone is temporarily stable.

Chu Feng grew a sigh of relief and put away the township seal. He originally intended to activate the seal.


When Chu Feng took a step, the four lock dragon piles followed the synchronization, and surrounded him, standing on the stone steps to keep him safe.

Below, a group of people shrink their pupils, they are all cold, and their faces are not so beautiful.

"try again!"

Someone whispered, how can I let Chu wind go up, the things on the altar are too tempting, and the peaches, Zhuguo, etc., shine, so far still fresh, really want to take, can definitely evolve quickly!

In a flash, ten secret treasures flew out, all of which spurred the light, like the ten rounds of the sun, and then loaded to the altar.


Such as the extraterrestrial fairy thunder, the sound is deafening, to tear the eardrum of the person, the altar to make up the terrible brilliance, the symbol is dense, more and more swearing.

In front of the altar, eight followers of the Son of God and the Virgin, there are dozens of people here to explode, on the spot into a **** fog.

The anti-seed of the altar was too fierce. Exceeding everyone's expectations, Chen Rong, Zhan He, Bai Yu, Zhu Wuque and others successfully escaped. Some of their followers slowed down and became a god.

On the altar, Chu Feng body, spit a big blood!

He looked back coldly and stared at the crowd.

"There are secret treasures, even if they are used!" He did not believe that these people were still offering energy.

The altar is now activated, symbolic horror, and the Chu wind is struggling.

A red-red murderous bird vacated, trying to kill the Chu wind unexpectedly, and the result jumped, and it was split in the air. The feathers were contaminated with blood and withered.

"Idiot, this is where the ancient emperor and the ancestors sacrificed the heavens. You can hold the birds frightened. This place can't fly, no one wants to move!"

Several gods and saints warned followers.

At this time, Chu Feng's eyes and eyes, with four lock dragon piles slowly moving, fortunately have this kind of eye surgery, otherwise, even if his field means, there are four brass pillars to protect the body, can not board the altar.

The eyes of the fire, can see through the real, the layout of the blue stone steps, he can penetrate, can avoid the most dangerous areas, slowly ascending.

However, the more you go up, the more heavy the heart of Chu Feng, the higher the level of bluestone, the denser and more complex the field symbols, and the four lock dragons can't stand.

Several times, the brass pillars were almost shaken out!

Chu Feng was struggling and moved slowly. During this period, he was shocked by the energy of the field several times, and his mouth and nose were bleeding and almost robbed.

He sighed softly, took out the township seal, and put away four lock piles, not afraid to take risks.

Because the black lithograph is out, the surrounding field will temporarily fail, leaving the brass column useless.

The black lithograph glows, covering the Chu wind, and sheltering him, the black light spreads, and isolates a calm and peaceful area.

However, there is only a small piece in this area, and the black light is suppressed and cannot be expanded outwards, showing how terrible the altar is.

Of course, from another point of view, the town area is amazingly printed, and it can be effective here, resisting the erosion of the energy symbols of the ancient altar!

At this time, Chu Feng has reached a high position, a successful half, and then walked a small distance to get to the magnificent altar.

Below, a group of people look cold and most unwilling to see this happen.

Chen Rong is gnashing his teeth and staring at the black lithograph in the hands of Chu Feng. This is the thing of Penglai. The reason why they expect Chu Feng to come here is because he guessed that he would use the township to obtain the creation.

Penglai has also had such plans, and even acted, but unfortunately failed, still can not get up!

Chu Feng holds a black lithograph, and his eyes are full of fire. He is shocked and stunned. If the field is already over-excited, and the eyes can see the real thing, even if the hand-held town is printed, it will die!

"You want to take away those rare sacrifices, you can do as you wish!" Chen Rong looks extraordinary, but now it shows a cruel sneer, a little cold.

She took out a simple stone arch bridge, but the palm of the hand was long, said: "You, I will give you a good fortune, together with the sacrifices on the altar, and kill the Chu wind!"

This is a crossover bridge!

It can span the field, avoid murder, and be called a rare treasure.

Of course, this thing is rare, it is usually a replica. When Chu Feng first came here, the grandfather of the problem girl, the old priest with the dog’s snoring, took out a similar treasure and wanted to go to the altar. But it failed.

"Imitation?" Li Feng reveals a different color.

Chen Rong sneered, saying: "Yes, it is a replica, but it should be able to go directly to Chu Feng. We will go up unexpectedly, kill or control him, win the township, and successfully climb the altar."

She has been waiting for the opportunity. Seeing that the Chu wind climbs almost, I have to use this crossover bridge.

Because Chu Feng climbs again, it is beyond the scope of this imitation cross-border bridge.

"Oh, very good!"

"It's feasible, go up and kill him!"

Yu Wenfeng, Zhu Wuque, Da Xia Zizi Qi Yu and other first stance, to board the altar, to kill the Chu wind.


The next moment, the cross-border bridge glows and directly penetrates to form a safe energy channel. Zhu Wuque and others ordered the followers to rush up first. They saw no problem, followed by directly killing.

"Miss, how can we let them go up, the creations on the altar will fall into their hands!" Several old men of Penglai smashed their chests.

"Otherwise, those sacrifices are likely to fall into the hands of Chu Feng!" Chen Rong said coldly.

"Not necessarily, he may not be able to go up, you can watch it for a while!" An old man was heartbroken, Penglai had been remembering these sacrifices for a long time.

"Oh, no big deal, as long as it doesn't fall into the hands of Chu Feng." Chen Rong said coldly: "Ning don't give friends, don't give a slave!"

At this time, she no longer suppressed the words, and did not hide it, because Zhu Wuque killed a few people, and came to Chu Feng.

At this time, Chu Feng stunned, saw an energy beam coming here, the first time to defend, a large clock appeared in vitro, branded with complex energy symbols.

Moreover, he heard Chen Rong’s words, Huo’s turn back, cold channel: “You are a girl’s thing!”

He is really angry, what kind of mentality is Chen Rong? He wants to catch her and slowly kills him.


At the crucial moment, Chu Feng sacrificed six black mysterious magnets. This is his back hand. He was taken from Li Lin and used to fight against him for a while.

Of course, he sacrificed directly, blocked the energy channel, and did not dare to directly activate it in the near future, fearing that it would be suppressed by the town.


Below, the energy is stirring and the road is blocked.

Then, Chu Fengtou did not return, holding the town to print fast Pan Teng, fire eyes, all the holes, choose the safest path to rush.

Finally, he finally reached the top of the altar and stepped across.


Chu Feng succeeded in going up, for a moment, overlooking the bottom, as if on the scorpio, staring at the human world.

"Become, baptism with the magical medicine, holy medicine, tearing all the shackles in one breath, condensing my way, you all wash your neck, waiting to kill!" Chu Feng whispered.

He strode forward and went to the five-color stone table. It was sultry and sacred, and there was a terrible pressure.

Chu Feng has a clear goal, and staring at the bright red crystal peach is coming for this magical medicine!

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