The Sacred Ruins

Chapter 1343: Marry one get one free

Chu Feng looked at the invincible, his eyes were fierce, sweeping and sweeping on him, like two swords crossed the void, actually emitting a slight metal vibrato!

He is really surprised, can this be done? The black-faced scorpion’s attitude today is a hundred and eighty-degree turn, which is completely different from the past!

It’s really a change of face in the invincible world today. It’s really beyond imagination.

Chu Feng looks cold and cold, and asks: "Are you sure?"

"I... ok!" Ying invincible looked up at the sky, some felt the feeling of tears, this is what he waited for #¥%...... He wanted to kill, today is so grievous.

Because, he was really afraid that Chu Feng would kill his sister, and the crystal-clear fingers had been poked on the forehead of Yingying Xianyingbai, and the blood of the red blood was smashed.

A great king!

If you continue to do so, you will directly penetrate the beautiful head and make it fragrant!

Even if the life is too big, Ying Yingxian will be killed and completely dead.

Then, invincible and look at her sister, anyway, she also likes Chu Feng, just save the sister, marry one get one!

At this moment, he also spoke, looking at his sister and sister, slightly low, said: "Sister is good again is someone else!"

Chu Feng looks strange, today is invincible, it is really a fight, and everything dares to say it from the mouth.

Soon, he felt abnormal. This invincible seems to be deliberately saying something. Is this to change the atmosphere of chilling and coldness?

That's it! Chu Feng feels that this black-faced scorpion is not stupid, more savvy than he imagined. This is intentional, and some excessive words are said.

In fact, the invincibility is mainly to reduce the killing of Chu Feng, the purpose is still mainly to save the sister.

Invincible feels that Chu Feng's murderousness is too strong, and normal dissuasion may be difficult to change anything, so I changed the style of the past.

"Chu Feng, you don't really want to... kill my sister?" Ying Xiaoxiao was also scared. Standing on the side of Chu Feng, the silver hair of the waist was shining, and his face was full of fear and worry. Hold the arm of Chu Feng and don't want him to hurt his sister.

Invincible to see his sister's eyebrows is still bloody, extraordinarily bright red and eye-catching, his face pale, called: "Chu Feng, Chu Da Devil, what do you want? I am satisfied with your heart's wishes, marry One get one free, sisters and sisters are yours!"

Chu Feng’s killing is indeed very strong. However, he does not want to kill, but only temporarily shocks and scares. He wants to see the real reaction of Ying Yuxian. Will he bow his head and pray for him to let him go.

However, Ying Yin Xian is very quiet, even if there are crystal blood drops on the forehead of the white, the red blood is so beautiful, she has no waves.

Even when she looked at Chu Feng, there was a kind of relief, and in the end there was a kind of sorrow.

"Sorry, you can do it."

Chu Feng frowned, he used to think that Ying Xiang Xian thought deeply, now this is really calm, fearless life and death, or see him will close?

He is too lazy to tempted, and does not want to see her soul light. Since there is a decision, from then on, the world is a passer-by, where you still need to do this!

He is ready to close.

"Chu Feng, what the **** are you going to do, I don't want my sister and sister, I have already retreated to the cliff, do you want to force me?!" Invincible panting, red eyes, asked loudly there Road.

Chu Feng glanced at him, did not speak, but directly looked at the name of the Yaxian, a strong female god.

"And she, come over too!" Chu Feng said so.

"?!" Invincible thoroughly petrified, eyes wide, directly to dig their ears, wondering if they are wrong?

Still, Chu Feng is indeed mad, already crazy!

Ying Xiaoxiao is also speechless, big eyes smashing round, small mouth Zhang into o-type, some cute.

It’s just that Yingyingxian is also awkward, watching Chu Feng, there is a daze.

"Birds, even my ancestors, you have not let go?!" Ying invincible yell.

The old man, the **** king of the Asian immortal, almost jumped up and slammed his head hard, convinced that he had not heard anything wrong. She wanted to kill and invincible, shouting something.

Then, she looked at Chu Feng again and found that he was really beckoning and let her go!

The old man looked like a ghost. She was a beautiful woman when she was young. Although she is white hair, she is also beautiful. However, it is too much to be tempted by a later student. It is too ugly and absolutely unacceptable.

"What do you want, come over to me!" Chu Fengyi beckoned, the authentic Qibao magical technique came out, the rainbow light swept, nothing was not brushed, and the sound of the cymbals would take the old cockroaches and catch them.

"Even if it is the Great King, I am not from..." The old man yelled.

"砰", Chu Feng directly gave her a slap, and instantly fainted.

"You come over too!" Chu Feng also turned invincible to start, Shen Hong sweeped out, and he was arrested in front of him.

"What?!" Ying invincible yell, including him? For a time, he was in a mess.

Chu Feng did not pay attention to him, but raised his hand on the old man's head, the beam of light, the first to her.

At the same time, he was running the breathing method of the Yaxian people, spitting white mist between his nose and mouth, and his whole body was blurred, just like a fairy god!

Before leaving the Xiaoyin Room, Chu Feng once visited the secret database of all ethnic groups. The books of the top ten races made him rot and mastered various breathing methods.

It is a pity that relative to the sun, it is a law of disability, and it is only between the reflection and the gods.

Otherwise, the breathing methods of the Taoist, Buddhism, Asian Immortal, and the First Mozu are all in one. If he practices such a practice all the year round, he can definitely walk sideways.

No one has ever been able to master so much ultimate breathing!

But now is enough. He uses the Yaxian's own breathing method to erase some of the old man's memory, but changes some of his memory, and will not leave his feet.

This is his early decision. In the case of Ying Xiaoxiao, he could not kill the people here, just want to erase some of their memories.

Because, at the moment, he must not reveal his identity. In any case, he has to wait until he leaves, and he will continue to harvest.

In an instant, the old man turned his eyes, the memory in this secret was cleared, and then changed, Chu Feng did not want her to go out and "nonsense."

Invincible suddenly understood what Chu Feng wants to do, just not to kill his sister, just to intimidate and to wipe out some memory?

Ying Xiaoxiao begged, said: "Chu Big Brother, I really don't want to lose this memory, it's hard to meet, I want to remember today, or else I have to go back to the original point, there is nothing about you in the Yang!"

Chu Fengdao: "Your memory will not be erased, but will remain in the depths of the sea. The next time you meet again, you will remember everything!"

Then, as if he had thought of something, he took out a fruit from his body, which was brilliant and dazzling, filled with seductive fragrance, and with a boulevard, lingering on it.

"This is..." The old man opened his eyes in an untimely manner. After seeing this fruit, he was completely shocked. He felt that his heart was shaking, and the whole person had to be feathered and swelled.

What did she see? The fruits related to the immortals in the blood veins are exactly the same as those recorded in the history books!

The Yaxian people, as the name suggests, are related to the immortals. It is said that the descendants of the immortals stay in the Yang Dynasty!

This kind of fruit can make the Yaxian people return to the source, reshape the blood and the soul, and say that it is a sub-class of the wilderness. In fact, some people speculate that it is changing to the blood of the ancient immortals.

Where did Chu Feng get it? I have to give Ying Xiaoxiao this fruit!

The old man was completely embarrassed and shocked. There was also the invincible Yingyingxian and the invincible. From the old man, you know what this fruit is, and the two are shocked. This fruit is really important.

"Not long ago, there were rumors that the descendants of the Wulunzi went to pick up the possessions left by Li, and they were suspected to be blood-stained. The result was gone, died overseas, and ... fell into your hands!"

The old voice shook.

"It's really troublesome, you faint me, don't wake up again in a short time!" Chu Feng gave her a slap, increased the strength, and changed his memory again.

Ying Yingxian and Ying Invincible are all inexplicable. After Chu Feng entered the Yang Dynasty, it was too strong. He had long gone to find the troubles of the martial arts descendants.

It seems that before this he successfully intercepted the descendants of the Wulunzi, a three-turner!

Chu Feng directly let Ying Xiaoxiao take it.

Ying Xiaoxiao was a little dazed, and she has not returned to God.

Chu Feng was very determined to help, stuffed her lips, touched the red lips, and began to help her into the body.

This can't be tempered on the spot. It takes at least three days and three nights to absorb the blood of the blood. It is too late in time.

Chu Feng directly seals the efficacy of this fruit into its flesh and blood. This is an abnormal absorption. In the following months to a year, the efficacy will gradually release, let her slowly change, not too intense, ignorant Complete without knowing.

"Where is the messenger?"

At this time, shouts came from afar, and some people were approaching quickly. An old **** of the nine-headed bird family came in and looked for the messenger from above the sky.

Earlier, Chifeng ran, because the heart was strongly disturbed, fled the place in advance, and he went to report after he went out, saying that there might be a crisis in the secret.

As a result, the old king of the family greeted all the people, including the Yinlong and the Golden-winged Nightshade, and came in, and wanted to behave in front of the messenger.

Now, they still don't know that the messenger is dead!

"Well, what's the situation?!" Someone was very keen, saw the collapsed mountain peaks, and saw the blood on the ground, feeling stunned.

These people are masters. After all, there are no weak people who dare to enter the secret world of the gods. Most of them are **** kings, and there are one or twenty people.

This is considered to be the older generation of the various ethnic groups. It belongs to the famous places and is a person with very high status and status.

Tianzun is devoted to practice, and Shouyuan is not very full, and the power is more and more closed all year round, rarely born.

Only the king of the gods is more active, it is already a high-end combat power.

At the same time, these people also saw the old man of the Asian immortal fell to the ground, like the corpse at the foot of the Chu wind.

"Cao De, what have you done?!" Someone drank, it was a silver dragon king.

"No, this Cao De is very dangerous. Is there a king of breath?!"

"Well, how did he fall down the thunderfall on his head, God, what kind of thunder is that, it’s too big!"

Some people exclaimed.

The old king of the nine-headed bird family shouted: "This Cao De is weird. He has a killing effect on us. We are fighting against the enemy. I guess the messenger was killed. This is not a great holy, but a special root. No matter what, let's join forces to kill him for self-protection!"


However, Wang Fa, who did not wait for the nine-headed bird family, said more, a silver metal ring flew in the void, it was the vajra, lingering on the avenue symbol, just like splitting time and space, and it came.

The old **** king of the nine-headed bird family quickly evaded, and as a result, King Kong was like a silver flash, and the speed was too fast. He could not avoid it.

"Do you dare to challenge us so many gods?!" Someone shouted.

However, at this moment, the screams of the old king of the nine-headed bird family also rang, the blood splattered, and was instantly hit by the vajra, and the blasted on the spot, the gods disappeared.

Then, the vajra twirling, not returning, but rushing to another god.

boom! boom! boom!

The **** of the scene was terrified. Because of the time, three successive kings of the gods were hit, and all of them were turned into a group of blood fog, and they died completely.


"This is... what realm is it, or is it the king of God?"

"It won't be the Great King!"

Some people called.

At the same time, they are embarrassed, is Cao De not a great saint, how to become a great king?


Chu Feng shouted.

The snow-white Donkey Kong glows, zooms in quickly, and then covers the heavens and the earth, covering all the people who rushed in all directions, and put them in.

Then, it suddenly shrank, a total of eighteen strong, most of them are kings of God, one did not escape, all were hugged by King Kong.

As Chu Feng waved his hand, King Kong curled up to its normal size, and the group of people screamed. In the glaring silver light, all the bones between the symbols of the avenues were broken and then broken, and the blood and bones were broken. Then the spirits are all over.

Invincible shocked, witnessed this scene with his own eyes, he is really heart-wrenching, the whole person is stiff, Chu Feng shake hands to worship the vajra, directly destroy all the gods? !

Next to it, Ying Yingxian also made a fuss. From a few moments, Chu Feng was so powerful?

He intercepted the descendants of the madman, robbed him of his creation, took away all the blood and gave it to her sister, and now it only ignited a bracelet and killed a group of gods!

Does this King Kong have to become the ultimate?

However, Ying Xiaoxian is convinced that the more powerful is Chu Feng himself.

At this time, Chu Feng was surprised, Chifeng did not follow up? Escaped again!

"Well, the two messengers are opposite, and their decisive battle has caused this secret to collapse, so many people are following the death, just like this." Chu Feng spoke, characterizing the incident.

He was in a hurry, ready to go to the shot, to grab all the secrets on this battlefield, he hopes to visit in the shortest possible time.

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