The Sacred Ruins

Chapter 1332: Reproduction of the king of Chu

Chu Feng was picking up the blood of the iron and blood, pulling hard, and the result was that the branches were rumbling and the small world was in turmoil, and it was about to explode.

This surprised him. The plants rooted in the cracks in the void are really special. If they are slightly moved, they will have to be destroyed with space.

He quickly let go, and then he took out the star-studded gold sword and slammed it, successfully smashing the legendary fruit.

Even so, there is no blunt pull of the vines, but there have also been amazing changes here, the void is more densely cracked, and the dangerous atmosphere erupts.

Chu Feng looked around, especially after using the eyes of the fire, and found that the people who are mostly nine-headed birds are approaching, this is really a ghost, not dare to target him again and again.

He realized that it was not the truth of the disciples of the first mountain that was to be exposed, or that the nine-headed bird family relied on it.

At the moment, Chu Feng has no psychological burden. If this group of people are buried here, then let the nine-headed bird family go to distress, and die clean.

With a bang, he hid the red fruit in the first time, drove it, and fled the area decisively.

Sure enough, with the sound of the Kagak, the last bang, the area exploded and the space disintegrated.

The nearby mappers did not see the danger, but they could not hide. They didn’t have stone cans. In such a space collapse, how could they survive under the catastrophe that blasted, and these people are hard to make it happen now. The sound of the sound evaporates and disappears completely.

Chu Feng felt a fierce bump, and the stone cans collided everywhere.

He did not care about those, but thought about the blood of the blood. According to the record, this is a world of heaven and earth, and it is only possible to bear it on a special ancient battlefield.

Moreover, this is the need to go through a long period of accumulation, to absorb the blood fog and rules of the past heroes on the battlefield.

This iron-and-blood battle can be said to be the most tempered person. It is almost impossible to use a whole battlefield to sharpen a person's fruit. Its attributes are very special.

In ancient times, the singular characters who practiced the problem, the celestial genius who took the detour, and so on, can get back to the peak if they get this fruit, and use it to interpret their own path and re-digest the fruit.

Of course, people without defects can also use it to sharpen, but the average person can't bear it and will kill himself directly.

For the world, this is not only a rare treasure, but also a poison. In the distant ancients, everyone knows that the so-called iron-and-blood battle is the murderousness of the battlefield, the concentration of blood and suffocation, which can raise people or kill people!

In the murderous, bloody, and suffocating, there are many rules of various ethnic groups, many runes and so on!

In this way, the fruit is even more precious. It is almost the killing fruit poured out by the blood of Wanling. It is used to sharpen itself, and it will make you die.

However, according to legend, in the prehistoric times, many arrogant geniuses in order to sharpen their own to the innocent and perfect level, to find the ancient battlefield, is to find this fruit, to quench the true self, can be ninety-nine People will die.

Those who can survive can be proud of the world.

For Chu Feng, the temptation is simply too big. He was originally a **** king, but when he was in the middle of the yin, he was half-way out of the house, and a modern person began to accidentally come into contact with pollen and evolved. It was not enough "professional" and went wrong. A lot of roads, plus the law of the small yin is not complete enough, so there are many flaws in that fruit.

Now, even if I can pick the legendary iron-blooded battle, he knows that the opportunity has come. If it can be used to sharpen itself, once it succeeds, the old gods and kings will be completely compensated, all defects will disappear, and his strength will skyrocket. .

In addition, the iron-and-blood battle has great benefits for him to practice the ultimate boxing. This is the fruit of the whole battlefield's **** lingering and nourishment.

The ultimate punch needs the blood of all spirits!

The outside was a little calmer. Chu Feng appeared outside the stone jar for the first time. The whole small world was not completely destroyed. Instead, it collapsed most of the time. He quickly moved to a zone where the damage was not serious.

Those who were behind him were almost dead. Only the entrance was nearby. The people who had just entered the room were stunned and survived, but they were all scared and pale, and the calves were twisted.

"What's special, the nine-headed bird family, and the twelve-winged silver dragon family harmed me, actually detonated the small world!" Chu Feng shouted, and the first time rushed out of the secret.

Outside, Chifeng and others are tremble, because the people who have just entered are really not too few, they are the strongest of the future family, but the bombing just made him cool and his heart stopped beating.

Even at a critical moment, the small world was detonated. In the plan of the nine-headed bird family, the tribes were also hiding near the exit, and they were going to retreat.

But now, he looked and saw, no family came out, no one!

In particular, who did he see now and what he heard?

He saw that Chu Feng was completely out, and he did not die. He yelled at the nine-headed bird family and the twelve-winged Silver Dragon family.

"Auntie!" Chifeng vomited blood, and the tribe died a bunch. As a result, the devil was still alive and kicking, and it was really awful and annoying.

In the distance, the people of the 12-wing Yinlong people are also green, they want to say, really, there is no time to harm you!

The Yinlong people naturally want to get rid of Chu Feng, but they have never had a chance to start.

"Check, find out for me, who is instigating, what is the situation!"

At the same time, the former girl, now Zhou Wei, is also telling the tribe to question the nine-headed bird family. In fact, she can estimate what the situation is. The speculation is that Chu Feng himself has caused the "curse" because he knows him too well.

"You must give me a statement!" Chu Feng shouted angrily, then slammed into another secret, and then explored.

In fact, he really couldn't wait, and he couldn't wait to immediately use the iron and blood to fight the fruits of the predecessors and make him stronger.

Outside, Chifeng’s side, the young man shrouded in smog, said faintly: “Why need to say more, kill him directly, if the first mountain really comes out to ask sin, we will help you!”

However, Chifeng hesitated, still difficult to make a decision, mainly on the 9th of the day really frightened them, coupled with the subsequent passage of Tian Jianguang, so that the four robbers have suffered a fatal blow, the sun is shaking, who is not Scared? He has a psychological shadow.

At the same time, the young people accompanied by Yingxianxian also spoke, saying: "The man who called Cao De just had a doorway. He called him over and asked him to wait in front of me to accompany me into the secret. Well, I I want to accept this person to follow me around, what do you think, how is this person, will you obey?"

After Xiao Xiaoxiao heard it, it was suddenly raging!

However, her brother secretly grasped her wrist and prevented her from offending.

Because this young man is a **** king, the most important thing is from outside the domain, is the person outside the boundary, the fruit of the king is too strong!

Chu Feng once again entered the secret environment. When he came in, he felt the boundless sense of coldness. It was too cold. What is this place?

Even if he came from Xiaoyin, he was a little uncomfortable, let alone other people. The creatures in Yang were even more uncomfortable. Some people who followed him, the soul light was almost frozen, and then screamed and retired.


Chu Feng took a step forward and saw a black cold pool in the deepest place, and saw the record on the stone monument here. This is a Yintan that is intentionally concise, in the extreme environment of the interpretation of the Great Yin!

The fourth forbidden land of the year was really extraordinary.

Even this kind of environment can be interpreted?

This cold pool is not only cold, but also the rules of the Great Yin!

Chu Feng looked at the records on the edge of the cold pool, and gradually realized that there were some rare and strange materials in the cold pool. It was suspected that it came from the Great Yin, otherwise it would be difficult to interpret even the fourth forbidden land in the past.

Chu Feng’s look is changing rapidly. This may be an opportunity for him. Can the fruits he cultivated in Xiaoyin be able to use this to sharpen it?

"No matter what, take the iron and blood to make up for the defects!"

Chu Feng is also completely out of the box, the so-called iron-blooded war is very special, the internal murderous, bloody, suffocating, as if a cage, internal time chaos, look at a short period of time.

Moreover, it is said that it is taking it. In fact, it disintegrates itself, and it will cover the eater, just like forming a small world.

"Well, maybe, it doesn't affect my yang body, or directly absorb it with the gods and gods of Xiaoyin."

Chu Feng puts the king of the king and the center of the stone pot, and puts the iron and blood battle fruit into it. If it is elsewhere, the king of the king will be locked by the sky.

In this world, it seems that his Xiaoyin Daoguo does not appear normally, unless he can resist the most powerful gods!

Now that the opportunity has come, if it is finished, he will be able to walk in the sun between the gods.


Sure enough, after the king of the king absorbed the blood of the blood, he was covered by blood, and was covered by a small heaven and earth, where he became a **** space.

This is not like eating the fruit, but it is like being swallowed by the fruit and covered by it.


A grand battlefield appeared, endless creatures came, drowning the gods and kings of Chu Feng, tempering and quenching began, iron and blood battles, killing countless.

This is a special **** world. At first glance, it may be like a period of chaos.

The king of Chu Feng’s fruit is highly alert. In a moment, he has experienced a lot. He has seen countless creatures, all of them are evolutionary strongmen of various ethnic groups, and they have seen various symbols and rules, etc., circulating in the blood. Appeared on the vast battlefield.

He is very dangerous, and he may be smashed by the blood of the war at any time, and he will die.

If he can persist and be able to survive, he will be able to perform the full God King!

"Too dangerous!" The outside world, Chu Feng's great sage is sighing. He and the gods and kings are connected with each other and can perceive the changes in the **** small world in the stone can.

It feels like a moment, but the **** little world seems to have passed for many years, and countless honing has already arrived.

On several occasions, Chu Feng felt that his **** and kingdom had to be destroyed, and it would collapse and be completely dying.

But in the end he fell again and again.

"Must be successful!" He gritted his teeth.

He has a feeling that he has to hold on, or he may die even in the Great.

"Put up, I want to be the great king!"

Although it is very difficult and difficult, but Chu Feng has a feeling that the king of the king is recovering, he really may become the king of the gods.

This will be a life transition, constantly honing, he is changing!

"My Chu God King is coming back!"

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