The Sacred Ruins

Chapter 1323: Mythology

The overlord of the southern Zhanzhou was killed, **** rain, and the vision of the heavens and the earth shocked the sun. This was terrible. Even the three gods on the battlefield fell into pieces of demon corpses, and the scene was terrifying.

Many people feel that the end of the day is coming, but if they fall into the sky, some families, some of them are devoted to the camp in the city, and they are completely tied to this chariot. But now, it is such an ending, how can they not be afraid of them? ?


There was an old man yelling, his hair screaming, his heartbreaking lungs, rushing to the sky, facing the **** rain, watching the falling body of the demon corpse, completely mad.

He is a relative of the southern Zongzhou hegemon, and he is known as a patriarch. As a result, he has witnessed the ruin of his own vein.

No one knows better than him. How big is the head of the state, and how inscrutable the strength is really the life of the gods.

But now it’s dead, and it’s dead in Jangzhou. It’s not on the battlefield. How can this happen?

"Oh no!"

There are still many people who are yelling, they are all old and old, and they don’t know how many times they have lived. They are all masters of one place.

Their family was bound to the state, but now they are defeated, even the hegemony himself is dead, it is said that the general trend has gone.

Some people are fearful inside because they faintly feel that their ancestors in the family are following the battle, because they are not far from the retreat of the overlord.

In doing so, one is to show respect, and the other is to be loyal to the law.

Sure enough, for a moment, there was a stunned light beam in the transmission field. Various news came from all over the world, and the Jangzhou camp was chaotic.

"The five ancestors fell, and one finger smashed the head, and the gods disappeared. God, the strongest ancestor of the family has gone away?!"

"Xuanhai's ancestors sat down and were covered by the spiritual field. If they didn't stand up, they would die silently in the dense soil of Jangzhou?"

The evolutionary people of all ethnic groups are crazy. The news from the southern Jangzhou is really shocking and shocking. From the family's heritage, the top ancestors have died.

What happened in the south of Zhanzhou? The overlord died tragically, and even the ancestors of the big family followed the commandments, some of which were too terrible.

After the news came, it shocked the three sides of the battlefield, making the other two camps stunned and unbelievable.

They are seriously skeptical. Is it the overlord of their own camp that launched the attack and directly destroyed the overlord in southern Xingzhou?

The news is full of people, it can be described as heart-wrenching.

Of course, there are also some people who are relatively calm. This is a lot of scattered repairs that go to the battlefield purely for the purpose of fighting for the pollen and scriptures.

They are not very concerned about who is the ultimate evolutionist after the end of the relationship between the two, and there is no sense of belonging.

What is really worried is the big family that bet on the Zongzhou hegemon!

"Impossible, the uncle of the teacher is also dead, is it going to die in our department?" There is a **** who roars and is the grandson of the southern Zongzhou hegemon.

The news that he revealed is horrifying. Who is his uncle? On the basis of the calculation of the generation, it means the master of the overlord.

The southern Zhanzhou overlord also has a pro-teacher? This is simply maddening, and this must be the existence of one of its series. Normally, the brothers and sisters join hands, and they can directly compete with the two hegemons of Hezhou and Zhangzhou.

No one thought that the water in the south of Zhanzhou was so deep, and the strength was so terrible.

However, now they are defeated, and they are all killing people. This is extremely abnormal, and it is extremely scary and makes people feel worried.

"God, the southern state of Zongzhou has two major hegemons, and the results are all dead in one day?"

The storm on the three sides of the battlefield was shocking and everyone was shocked.

It is no wonder that the visions of the early days were shocking. People realized that there are two hegemons who have fallen down. This is not an illusion, but a reality.

Only in the early days, people thought that it might be that the two hegemons had gone hand in hand, and how can they expect that it was a complete defeat of Zhanzhou.

In the battlefield of the three parties, in the camp of Zhanzhou, a group of people came like the end of the day, and they were all cold, and all kinds of mourning and crying resounded through the heavens and the earth.

Some people realize that their family is finished, especially the family that is closely tied to the chariot of the southern Zhanzhou overlord.

Because, from the news from the state, it is being cleaned, but all the forces that have participated in the deep may be washed clean.

At the same time, people guessed for the first time that it must be the two major hegemons in the western Hezhou and the eastern Zhangzhou. Otherwise, why?

Otherwise, the two brothers and sisters of the southern Zhanzhou camp will be able to scare the people in the overall situation. I think the two strong men of Ganzhou and Hezhou will get news, secretly unite and make a first step.

Some people sighed and sighed. The southern part of Zhanzhou was originally a good chess. The foundation was too deep. The news may leak, but it became the way to death.

"The Hengzu is in the southern city of Jangzhou. This is the number one family in the Yang Dynasty. What happened to them? Didn't they support the ancestors?"

Someone whispered.

The strength of the Hengzu is too strong, and the Buddha, the Ji, the Tao, and the Li are the strongest of the five, and the faint is the first.

Even some people suspect that the old guys in the inexplicable era of the Han nationality are alive and unpredictable. If they really want to fight, they will not be weaker than the dominant Zhouzhou.

"There is no news coming, I think it is also a lot of fierceness, fight, we go to Hezhou and the Cangzhou camp to kill people, to avenge the ancestors!"

There are old people roaring, even if the general trend has gone, but they still want revenge, and now red eyes.


At this time, don't say that the three sides of the battlefield, that is, the Yang is in the drama, this is the harmonization of the avenue, is the total tremor of the heavens.

Everyone is ashamed, can't help but look up, what is it?

In the south direction, a light appeared, at first, as if it had passed through the age of obscurity, appeared in this world, to the end of the world.

The appearance of the lamp, steamed the blood and rain between the heavens and the earth, and let the fallen body of the demon corpse disappear, and it became more and more gorgeous, and finally shined like the same day.

Reincarnation lights!

An ancient lamp belongs to the weapon of the overlord in the south of Zhanzhou. It is reported that it is actually one of the three major parts of the avenue. After the avenue is decomposed, it forms a reincarnation lamp.

Now, it appears, is this what to do, to suppress the world?

The Bazhou died, and even this singer did not have time to sacrifice it. It is conceivable that the sudden and rush of the battle ended very quickly.

This lamp is getting bigger and bigger, and it is so gorgeous that it has to cover the entire southern part of the country. It is high with the sky, and there seems to be an ancient road behind it.


Suddenly, a chaotic cockroach appeared, coming from the eastern region, coming down, directly docking on the reincarnation lights, letting it shrink and constantly twist.

Later, the area seemed to blast, and the light of the boulevard emerged, like the hundreds of millions of waterfalls falling down and drowning there.

The two weapons are in harmony, in the same!

"Damn, the people in the Zhangzhou camp shot and killed the overlord!" There was a sigh of anger and a scarlet eye.

Because, the weapon of the hegemony of Zhangzhou is this chaos!

There are rumors that when the reincarnation lights, the tens of thousands of mirrors, and the chaos are merged into one, it is the ultimate in evolution of the holders, and the birth of the invincible creatures.

At that time, the avenues of the heavens and the sounds, the 10,000 roads were one, and there were no rivals.

Now, some people are taking this road, they have already succeeded in half, and they have swallowed up the reincarnation lamp and are absorbing it.


In the end, the round of lights disappeared, and there was no chaos, but the chaos also changed, and the whole body was shining, such as the same lamp burning.

"Kill, we fight, and avenge the brothers and sisters in the family!"

Someone shouted and rushed to the direction of Zhangzhou.

At the same time, some people shouted: "Hezhou people are not good things. If they are not joined together, how can the ancestors die? Go to them to kill them. You can fight one is one!"

The battle between the three parties was chaotic.

In the account of the ten-tailed fox, Chu Feng was stunned. There were too many things happening this night. One hegemony died, and the hegemon of the Suzhou camp was the biggest benefit.

"Oh, do you want to escape? If I hand you over, I think those outside will be very happy."

Ten-tailed Tianhu Suxian smiled, did not get up, and took a look at Chu Feng.

At this time, there were strong roars outside, there were kings of the gods in the sky, and Tianzun was rushing, all of them were killed, it was a mess, very dangerous.

Chu Feng decisively wants to go away, want to use the field to leave, but the first attempt actually failed, there are extraordinary arrangements.

"It’s good to bathe together again, I have to leave." Chu Feng teased.

"You still stay, slowly tell the story of my family." Ten-tailed Tianhu Suxian big eyes, although with a smile, but also threatened.

She wants to know if Chu Feng really knows Shihu Tianzun Su Can and wants to know what it is.

"Next time, I really should go now." Chu Feng decisively got up, jumped out of the barrel and took the water.

"You're afraid you can't go." Ten-tailed fox sewed his eyes and threatened.

"I can really go!" Chu Feng replied, this time he decisively sacrificed a ... person!

He almost forgot the Yu Shangtian Zun, suffered a eater, and met the black behemoth, all kinds of chaos and tension.

Chu Feng was afraid that the eater would kill Yu Shang and send it into the stone jar until it was remembered at this moment.

"Predecessors, we havetened to go, the battle between the three sides is in chaos!" Chu Feng said.

Su Xianmu stunned, she was superb, and had a lot of cards, but she couldn’t afford to carry a monster with her father. She could only blink.

Yu Shangtian Zun was confused. He stayed in the stone jar for a long time before he woke up. He wanted to go out several times and the result failed. Until Chu Feng let him out, he saw the sky again.


With the gods, Chu Feng, their speed is too fast, the first time disappeared into the night sky.

"You, wait!" Su Xian was annoyed, standing up behind, revealing the white and sturdy innocent body, staring at the big hole that was knocked out of the tent.

"Hezhou people have to retreat, can not fight!" At this time, there is an old voice sounding through the battlefield, reminding the evolution of Hezhou not to kill.

Moreover, there is a large ray of light covering the direction of the Hezhou camp.

"The fall of the two Taoist friends in the southern state has nothing to do with my Hezhou monk." At this moment, the old voice sounded again.

For a time, people were shocked. Isn’t the brothers of Zhanzhou not killed by the two hegemons of Hezhou and Zhangzhou?

Soon, people realized that all these things seem to be done by the Zhangzhou hegemons alone?

At this time, Yu Shang came back with Chu Feng, appeared in the direction of the Luzhou camp, and a ray of light poured down from the end of the sky. It was a chaotic shovel, covering this place.

"I killed the two!"

Someone spoke and shook the sky and the earth.

Chu Feng was shocked, looked up and saw the chaotic squatting rear, as if there was a majestic man standing on the ground, looking down on the place far away.

"Who is that?" Everyone was surprised. Is he the hegemon of the state?

However, some people have seen the hegemony of Zhangzhou, but now they don’t know this person.

Soon, Chu Feng discovered a person's anomaly, that is the Qingyin fairy, she actually has extreme emotional volatility, the beauty is full of splendor, standing in the distance, whispering to himself: "Myths in mythology, I know You will take that step and go out in the mountains and swallow the mountains and rivers!"

For a moment, Chu Feng felt a little uncomfortable and a bit worried.

Then go to the second chapter.


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