The Sacred Ruins

Chapter 1319: Are you back?

The world is blasting, like the end of the world!

The celestial world collapsed and the heavy earth subsided. Just as it reached the end of the universe, at the end of the time, everything was destroyed and ceased to exist.

All of this is because the man is resurrected, he opened his throat, a pair of pupils are so demon, to wipe out all things in the sky.

When he blinked, it was the sky collapsed, the yin wind angered, the blood rain went backwards to the sky, and the heavens and the earth were dark!

This scene is too horrible, just like the resurrection of the devil's head, to kill all beings, to counter the ancient and modern future.

The black behemoth was stunned and then shuddered.

Because, the icy light beam that the twins bloom, so cruel and ruthless, is definitely not the familiar emperor.

This is like another soul!

However, it has no strength now, and the head is falling down. It can't be lifted up and watched. It just feels the bitter chill, and the gaze looks at it.

The black behemoth is desperate, it works hard, wants to stick to the moment, just to see the person it admires and is familiar with.

But now, who has it saved?

This is not its great emperor!

It hates in the heart, the fact is such a cold and cruel, does it summon the soul of the opponent, and return to the sun by the body of the Emperor?

Or is it that this creature, full of malice, full of tyranny, and with the power of infinite killing, originally lived in the body of the heavenly emperor?

Now that I have the opportunity, it has recovered and is fully alive?

The black behemoth wants to scream, but its throat is dry, and even the weakest voice is hard to come by. Its soul is about to run out, leaving only a few drops.

It hates, how many times, it and many people do their best to collect such a big medicine, and finally did not save the people it wants to save, but let the enemy recover?

The darkness shrouded the earth, and when the dark moments came, the blood and the rain rushed to the sky, which was terrible and rushed out from the ground.

Moreover, lightning and thunder, blood-colored lightning in the darkness of the intertwined, and pour, this is very horrible.

For a time, the enemies of the past, and the corpses of the ancients who were obscured in memory, all appeared in the dark **** lightning, suspended in the dark midair.

It seems to come from outside the sky and appear here.

The black behemoth is holding hard, so that the last fire of life does not go out. After seeing these creatures and visions, it is really a crack.

Many are enemies. What did it do?

Saved the opposite, and recruited the remnants of the enemy?

"Do not!"

It can only scream a word like this, and it is very weak, almost inaudible, and it is unbearable. This is an unbearable ending.

In front of it, the middle-aged man was indifferent and ruthless, but he did not start with it for a time, just looking down at it, watching it.

The boundless black fog emerged. This middle-aged man came to the world like a demon god. It was too horrible. The breath of the mouth and nose caused the sky to explode.

"No, is this the darkness of the legend... Awakening? No!"

The black behemoth is weakly shouting, angry, hateful, it is fearful, afraid of incomparable, its incomparable remorse, if so, it is better not to save the Emperor.

Did it do this, did it lead to the darkness of the Emperor, and the opposite side appeared in the world? That would be extremely horrible, and the lethality would be astonishing.

In particular, if you encounter an unknown person, it is unclear. Even if the other two or three emperors resurrected, I am afraid that they will also encounter an accident and will die in their hands.

At this moment, in the far-reaching unknown and broken universe, the Chu wind was uneasy because the projection of the black behemoth had just dimmed.

Moreover, it is so sudden that it disappears directly.

This is to throw him here, let him be self-destructive?

However, there seems to be a secret in this place. It is very weird. Looking at the starry graves and watching the huge wreckage at the end of the dark universe, he feels that it is like recording an ancient history and it is worth reading.

However, being thrown in a foreign country like this, he still has strong discomfort.

In particular, he always felt that there was an inexplicable fluctuation in the world of projection, and it stirred up again, actually causing him to numb his scalp.

What is happening there? He was thinking and thinking, a suspicion.

At this time, in the dark world, the blood-colored lightning became more and more horrible, as if it had fallen from the era of obscurity, crossed the time and space, and intertwined into this world.

The man's head was distributed, and he stood up and stood on the side of the shack. The scorpion became more and more terrible. Every time he turned his head, he changed his direction, and the dawn would pierce the void.

Every move affects the time and space of the heavens and the earth. Countless corpses emerge in midair, and rise and fall here, as if they were the only ones.

"Great Emperor, where are you?!"

The black behemoth calls, it is about to die, burning its own soul light, struggling to this moment, is already a miracle, it just does not want to die, wants to take a look, but did not expect to wait for it is not the person it is familiar with, But the enemy!

Perhaps it may be a dark man.

The middle-aged man looked down at him indifferently and steadily, then slowly raised a hand and grabbed it. It was ruthless and killing.


At this moment, the cruel clock moved, self-proclaimed, a clock wave is extremely glaring, like the ability to rewrite the destiny, cut off the ancient and the present!

Zhong Bo turned into a man and broke into the man's body.

He suddenly trembled, and in an instant, the action was stiff, and a soft clock wave rushed into the body of the black behemoth to renew its life.

At this point, the remaining soul fire of the black behemoth is going to be extinguished temporarily, leaving the last "one breath", and it raised his head with difficulty and looked at the man.

What is this about him? The eyes are actually deep purple, deep and horrible!

"It's not dark, it shouldn't be black, but... there are big problems!" It trembled, because there was nothing but dark energy, dark matter, and so on.

At that time, they encountered too many surprises!


The shards re-shocked, and the **** lightning of this sky was broken, and the boundless darkness was torn apart.

The most striking thing is that this middle-aged man, the deep purple in his nephew is retreating, and his body is shaking vigorously, and his body is like resisting.

There is also a rotten smell that has not completely recovered. However, this body is like a spirit, resisting, and blocking something.

The remnant clock re-shocked, and the last moment turned into a light, connected with the middle-aged man, blending with each other, and roaring.

At this time, the middle-aged man took back the big hand that had been explored, and did not take the last bit of the black beast.

Moreover, he slowly raised his hand and grabbed it toward his heart. A black blood came out, and then a purple blood with blue light splashed.


A breath of ruined land emerged, and the Tianyu big bang was caused by the middle-aged man moving. His body seemed to have an instinct to destroy things that were not in his body.

In the twinkling of an eye, that hand glows, is that the reincarnation of the past? After the black behemoth saw it, the tears rolled down, as if returning to that period of time.

The pale palms suddenly trembled, and a terrible blue smoke emerged from the man, accompanied by a horrible horror, like a degrading creature, something that was obliterated and obliterated.

In the end, the man slowly fell down and stared back at the black behemoth, crouching on the dead bell that was gradually quiet.

A rotten smell once again spread, and the middle-aged man’s body had all disappeared because of the absorption of the three raw medicines.

The black behemoth yelled, and it knew that this time it failed, and did not save the middle-aged man.

But soon, it gave birth to a hope in desperation, and the trembling voice opened.

"In the past, it has been recorded that the flesh is as important as the soul. The flesh may also have some original instinct. It can replace the soul to control the true self. Just... are you coming back?"

However, no one responded to it.

At this point, it really can't hold on, the vitality given by the shards is dying, and the remaining souls are disappearing.

However, the squad re-shocked, and the body of the man was still shaking, I don’t know if it was caused by Zhong Bo, or he moved.

At the same time, the smoldering clock glowed and resonated with the man. Both of them were trembled. It is hard to say that the old weapon was urging, or the man’s body was pulsating on his own.

At the end of the day, the bell was long, the man's body ignited the fire, as if it was tempered, a drop of liquid slowly floated up.

"My breath, my soul light energy?" The black behemoth was so shocked before his death that he whispered.

The liquid was silently immersed in its mouth and disappeared into its body. It felt the soul light of its own burning, and the original material that was smelted out was back.

Not only that, but also a drop of liquid medicine, immersed in its body, nourishing it has long been dry, will be turned into a dusty body.

It was a Sansheng medicine, it was all poured into the man, worried that the amount of medicine was not enough, but now it is actually back to some.

"Is it you, the cruel clock and the spirit, helping me?" The black behemoth was rescued at the last moment of the dying, and it looked suspiciously at the scum.

One whispered, the scum was silent.

However, the black behemoth found that the man’s body had finally moved twice.

"Great Emperor!"

It yelled, and it was like tears in the rain. It felt that the emperor had returned!

"It's you, you must have come back, but why are you still not awake, come alive!" It shakes the body that exudes a rotten atmosphere.

"You saved me, don't let me die like this?"

"Or, is this just your physical instinct, and once again sheltered me?"

The black monster cried, and it knew that, in any case, this time it was a failure. The man did not really return to the world.

However, at the juncture of desperation, there is also a big wave in the heart, the emperor's life is suspected to be re-emerged, or the instinct of the former emperor is in the flesh.

This is hope, it firmly believes that one day this man will reappear and will come back!

"This is just a Sansheng medicine. It is not a Sansheng Emperor. It seems that the vintage and materials are not enough. I have to find the Sansheng Emperor!"

When it comes to this, it stands up in the body, projecting into the broken primitive universe where Chu Feng is located, making a sound.

"I will give you a mission, or I will curse you forever!"

Chu Feng is looking for, is exploring, and hears the words, he saw that the black behemoth appeared again, clear.

However, what the other party is saying, give him a task, or else curse him?

What is this called, this unfortunate black monster, let him go to work, and threaten him like this?

"Why?" He groaned.

"If you don't do it, you will be miserable!" The black behemoth showed a broken but white tooth.

"Do you belong to a dog? If you turn your face, you will turn your face?" Chu Feng wanted to say this, but he suddenly found out that after reading this real thing, it was really a **** dog.

Then he shut up.

"First, you are going to find me a Sansheng Emperor!"

Still first, is there still a second one? Chu Feng looked at it with squinting eyes and whispered it out.

"Well, thank you for reminding me that there is indeed a second one." The **** dog shook his head, squatting, and carrying his two claws.

Hey! Chu Feng belly, want a curse.

"Give you a clue, go to the female emperor!" At this moment, the **** dog is extremely solemn and extremely serious, like a big event that can rewrite this ancient history of heaven and earth.


Suddenly, the **** dog felt like his side, and the man’s body seemed to move again.

What's wrong, is there a strange change?

It has a burst of hair, and then it opens the space coordinate position somewhere, and it seems to see a bronze ancient dragonfly floating.

"The evil spirits!" It was scorned first, then shouted.

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