The Sacred Ruins

Chapter 1317: No beginning or end

The man couldn’t get up again on the corpse of the corpse, he died for many years, and the glory of the year, the best of the past, became history.

However, his scum is trembled, but he is moving, roaring, and this moment shakes the sky and the earth!

There are still spirits in the crucifixion, and Zhong Bo sweeps across the heavens. The first mountain, the major forbidden places, and even the more mysterious alien creatures are all inexplicable.

Because, this bell is too grand and magnificent, more important is the big to the endless, how many years, how many times, not belonging to this era, can actually ring again.

Vaguely, the invincible man who is back to all beings, unbeaten in life, triumphantly and swaying all the way, is back again!

The bell roared. At this time, the sky and the earth were echoed by it. It shocked the whole place. Even the big evil spirits, fog, dark creatures from different places were shocked and could not help but shudder.

The prosperous age of the embarrassment, the era of the emperors, although they have passed away, but those who have truly witnessed the era, who have read the history books, are not trembled, some people are really shocked, ancient and modern I must be with Qin, to admire and persevere.

"Unfortunately, he still died after all, otherwise, who is fighting?" Some people sighed, this is definitely a living creature that is extremely long-lived, unimaginable!

Some people are full of tears. It is a veteran. He is physically disabled, has a traumatic injury, and cannot heal. Now his emotions are extremely excited and his voice is trembling: "The Emperor of Heaven fell in the past, and for so long, his bells sounded again... ..."

"The emperor's life is gone, and what year and month can see you again, can you return?!"

Some people sighed, they have already died shortly, but today they are alarmed by this bell, shocked and sad, and they shed tears.

At this time, the world is full of shocks. Even in this world, the creatures in Yang’s life have long been ignorant of this bell. They don’t even know this person, but now they hear a bell, there is still a sense of compassion, some kind of emotion. Was mobilized.

In the meantime, people think that it is an ancient sage that should be solemnly sacrificed, but it has been forgotten by the world and buried by the time.


There is no doubt that this bell is unmatched, although it does not attack other parts of the world, but it is in the soul of the wheel circuit.

There were a group of reincarnation hunters, all of whom were masters, all strong, but in the first time that Zhong Bo spread, they all exploded.

This is extremely embarrassing. It should be noted that it is a reincarnation of hunters who dare to visit the teachings and capture the great people who have escaped the reincarnation and reincarnate with memories.

But now, they are like scarecrows, just like ants, they are too fragile. Under this clock wave, they are smashed into powder, nothing.

A group of reincarnation hunters were extinct, and even a splash of water could not be turned up, and it was a tragic death.

There is also a strange ancient road that was broken in the first time, standing on top, and being the strongest person who shines out of the golden light. The horrible creature who wants to take the three raw medicines is now also blown open.

What is the power of this?

The water in the wheel circuit is too deep, and its origins are old and cannot be verified. This person can control and control a group of hunters. The identity and strength are naturally considerable.

But now, he has collapsed, blood splatters, and a large piece!

We must know that once such a person is born, some of the ancestors of the various priests in the Yang Dynasty must be timid and tremble, and they need to meet in person.

Now, he is blasted in the flesh, and the soul light is crushed by the impact of Zhong Bo, and then burned, will soon be turned into a gray, completely tragic death.

"You... this scum..."

At the last moment, he was in fear, he was making a soul vibrato in weakness, because he remembered the ancient books he had read and knew exactly who it was!

The big bell of that person has once resounded through the sky and the earth, and the people of the world are convinced. Who is fighting?

Actually he? !

This person is facing all beings, always moving forward, opening up the territory, and killing and **** battles with unknown aliens, pushing all enemies.

That is the legend, that is the supreme in mythology, who dares not respect, who dares to fight?

"Oh, just because you dare to smash the emperor's body, dare to let us be so arrogant in the past?!"

Sure enough, the cold beep of the black behemoth came, as the legend, it is like this, why did you not recognize it earlier?

This is the black behemoth that followed the Emperor of Heaven!

On the broken circuit of the wheel, the blood and the burning soul light came from the vibrato of remorse and fear. The strong man was frustrated and afraid. He knew that he was finished.

"Don't say it is you, that is, the people behind you will not come out! Unless the things at the end of the reincarnation jump out, it will make people jealous and alert."

The black behemoth opens.

The bell wave oscillated, and the extended wheel circuit was broken, and then it exploded and was destroyed. This is really terrible.

It is an ancient road that has been extended from the mysterious land. Who has been destroyed since ancient times?

However, the man whose corpse was on the shackle, he did not move, and the weapon that followed him in the past whispered, and his clock broke the ancient road.

The strong men on the ancient road were completely tragic, and the blood and the souls were wiped out by the clock, and there was no leftover.

This is terrible. This person is related to the forces on the wheel circuit, but now it is impossible to go to reincarnation.


However, at this moment, the ruined wheel circuit, there is a mist, very strange, and there is a black lacquered hole, revealing a broken scorpion.

This is a stump, it looks like a soul-stricken, very old, and the flaw is very powerful, just a short paragraph, all over the body, as if from the deepest part of hell, with a chilly atmosphere, but stunned.

"What is this thing? It is out again!"

At this time, the black behemoths in the collapsed world were very surprised, and they were all nervous. Obviously, it recognized the dark and tattered soul.


At this moment, the shards re-shocked, and Zhong Bo swept out, many times more violent than before.

In the end, silently, Zhong Bo met with the soul of the soul, annihilated in the same place, bursting out a terrible cave, the scene is terrible.

At this time, let alone other creatures, that is, Tianzun and the great energy are estimated to be steamed out in an instant and become the dust of history.

However, this attack did not spread, and it happened before the soul of the soul, and then completely disappeared.

At the end of the day, the black and broken souls of the soul did not enter the black hole, and they disappeared directly, and the heavens and the earth returned to Qingming.

"There is something suspected in the depths of the circuit. The forerunners of the year, lettering on this road, warning the descendants, indeed all of them."

The black behemoth opens.

At that time, the forerunner sat in the gongs and went across the sea alone. However, he suspected that there was still something deep in the circuit, but he had searched and searched but found nothing.

The black behemoth and its owner, as well as several Emperors, had also gone deep into the battle, but in the end, they hit the riverside of the soul, and they only found the clues, and later they broke the clues.

The dark soul of the soul may still be just the tip of the iceberg.

"No matter what, the heavens have been batted, the celestial celestials have been killed, what enemies have not seen, what kind of opponents have not fought, and again... this is not our time after all, if there is any change, it also Not so much."

Then, the black behemoth is very painful, his eyes are dim, the old eyes are dim, and the man who looks at the corpse on the cruel clock, is it sad and sad, can he save it?

That is the life of the emperor, the three raw drugs are not necessarily successful!

Moreover, just after the remnant clock vibrates, it smells the rotten smell, making it feel awkward and uncomfortable.

In the past, the stalwart of that man, the invincible world, stood in full bloom for a lifetime, who can think of it, he will fall down, die in the last battle, even the body is rotten.

This is simply unimaginable. In its impression, this man is unmatched, can never die, will always stand at the highest point of the heavens and the earth, is an unsurpassable monument.

However, the reality is very cruel, and the golden generation of the year was so dying, and several heavenly emperors were born and died.

In fact, the outside world has long been stunned, and the world is shocked. All of them are trembled and there are major earthquakes everywhere.

Many people have seen that a group of reincarnations are killed like ants and turned into ashes. The people who command them are also directly blasted. That is, the circuit has been broken and destroyed. What kind of power is this?

This is one of the ancient and modern creatures that incites the various eras. Some people guessed this.

And some of the most ancient beings, when awakened, shook their lips, silently recited a name, and then shuddered.

Some people are missing that era, sad for the owner of the cruel clock, and some people are afraid, in fear, the man once shook the days when he was alive!

At the scene, Chu Feng saw the truth, a burst of emotion, and even died, this person has such a powerful, it is terrible, really against the sky.

This is the broken wheel circuit, it is the smashing of the clock!

"I will cross you this life!" The black behemoth is in the big voice, although it is very weak, but now it is strong, and it is straightforward. It does not hesitate to sacrifice itself and try to save the man.


No one stopped, it finally brought the three raw drugs to the front, and slammed it, it put black small wooden spear into the furnace.

Inside, there are all kinds of peerless medicinal materials and minerals, etc., which have already begun to cook, and the fragrance is fragrant, which is a big medicine that can change the fate of the strongest.

These materials may no longer be in the second furnace. If some of the Emperor of the past years walked in Wanjie, they could not get together such a big medicine.

Chu Feng looked at the eye, through the projection, he could see the movement of the black behemoth, his black small wooden spear completely became a medicinal material, it is a pity.

He sighed in his heart, this is his weapon for self-defense.

"Hey, man, where have you gone, I want to see the life of the three-year-old medicine." The black behemoth, while purifying the medicine, spurred a strange fire, looking for it, projecting it. Look for Chu Feng.

Then, it opened again: "Come out, I believe that you must be still nearby. If you don't come out, I will dig three feet and let the forager look for an inch of land."

The Chu wind was silent for a while, and he was really at the scene. The stone cans hidden in the body were indeed extremely against the sky, and even the gods of the black behemoths were shielded.

However, the shape of the stone can is too special. If you want the hunger to go to the ground to find it, you can find him.

Seeing that the eater had moved, Chu Feng had no choice but to appear on the surface. Of course, the stone can was collected for the first time.

"Recently, my eyes are a bit flowery, I can't see the scenery, you are close to the point!" The black behemoth stared at the Chu wind, the more gazing, the more strange it looked.

At the same time, it threatens Chu Feng, and quickly reveals the truth and makes it look real.

"You just come over to me!"

In the end, it reluctantly used its own means, inscribed the void symbol, and used the transmission technique to bring Chu Feng to its own proximity.

Moreover, it is very popular and directly put into action.

"This is where?"

The next moment, Chu Feng was in doubt, and he was inexplicably transmitted to a dim universe, not the world where the black behemoth was.

"Hey, I haven’t shot for a long time, I’m a little born, rest assured, you will appear in front of me in the next moment. After all, I was a very deep and unparalleled empire!”

The black behemoth said, and then it shot again.

But in the next moment, Chu Feng was awkward, and he found that he came to a hazy world of smog, feeling farther away from the black behemoth.

He can still see the other's projection, but the two seem to be separated by billions of miles.

"Where is this again?"

"Hey, mistakes, how many deviations? I made a mistake again. I sent a question at a critical moment, and I was in the middle of it!" The black behemoth said to himself, he did not realize it at all, and once again began to drum up, Chu Chufeng Give yourself to your eyes.

However, the next moment, Chu Feng is speechless, this time even more outrageous, the projection of the black behemoth is more and more blurred, and it is almost impossible to see the real cut, obviously the two are farther away.

"God man, the emperor, where are you going to send me?"

"Don't be noisy!" The black behemoth was impatient, but it was a bit blushing, and there was a mistake in it.


In a flash, Chu Feng disappeared again and appeared in an inexplicable ancient land. He was crying. The black behemoth was too unreliable. If he continued this way, he would not lose his transmission.

How will he go back when? Is a person wandering in the boundless universe where the boundless silence and destruction are broken?

"My array has long been invincible, the Emperor is the first in the sky, how can it go wrong?!" The black behemoth opened, a little dissatisfied, to conceal his embarrassment.

Next, after two passes, Chu Feng looked pale and he found that he had to lose the final connection with the original coordinates. I really don't know where to go.

"Or, you should wait there first, let me save the Emperor!" The black behemoth finally stopped, gave up, and threw Chu Feng alone in the unknown dead dark universe, and began to concentrate on refining.

Chu Feng's face is blue and white, I really don't know if it is fortunate that it finally stopped, or should cry, what is this, he was inexplicably exiled in a foreign country? !

I don't know how long it took. He saw the fuzzy projection of the black behemoth. After the refining of the medicine, he trembled and walked toward the man on the cruel clock. The black behemoth was standing like a human being, but it was serious. Humpback, holding a medicine stove, to save the man.

It has to sacrifice itself to change the man's resurrection, but it does not know whether the man can really live after his death.


As it approached, the shards screamed, extremely grand, but without hostility, apparently familiar with the black behemoth, like old friends greeted, and once again shocked the sky.

Even if the Chu wind is far apart, I can hear the bell wave vibrato.

At this time, he felt that time is boundless, no beginning and no end, the man's avenue is unfathomable, grand and boundless, it is too horrible!

"You must...resurrection, I will cross you back in this world!" The black behemoth shivered, and his body was trembled, afraid of failure, and hard to lift the man up and pour a big medicine into his mouth.

If it is someone else, it is impossible to approach this man. Even if he is dead, he will be shocked by his breath. However, this black behemoth is raised by him, and his breath is not attacked. Been obliterated.

"I beg you, must be resurrected!" It was crying, praying, muttering, rolling down the turbid tears.

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