The Sacred Ruins

Chapter 1309: The demon and the origin of the three seeds

Obviously, the ancestors of Yu Shang are also very promising. This family used to be very brilliant. It was passed down until later, and it was gradually stared at the guardian and hidden secrets of the family.

At this moment, Chu Feng still doesn't know what it is, nor who his enemies are.

In fact, he wants to know more about the enemy. What is the origin, the extent of horror, etc., is it stronger than the madman?

According to the known information, this must be a myth in mythology. The prehistoric power of the monsters, shoulder to shoulder, but why? !

However, Yu Shang did not say much, and even if Chu Feng repeatedly asked, he did not tell him who.

"I am worried that mentioning that family will make the presence in the dark give birth to feelings, and then I will be tired of you." Yu Shang's voice is weak, white hair is gray, his eyes are dim and muddy.

This state makes Chu Feng feel distressed, this life is too sorrowful, and only a few relatives such as daughter and eldest son have been killed, and now they are lonely and helpless.

At the same time, Chu Feng is also very scared. What kind of enemy is this level? What kind of horrible creature is it, and its name may be sensed?

Yu is still urging, let him be ready to take a secret picture!

Chu Feng a glimpse, to receive a picture to be so motivated? This is the secret weapon.

"This is the spiritual brand that was passed down in the past, hiding the clues of the secret device." Yu Shang looked very serious and let Chu Feng accept it with his heart.

It is a matter of great importance, precisely because the spirit of his ancestors is engraved in his mind, and outsiders cannot explore. If he takes it, his spiritual sea will collapse.

Chu Feng thought, if Yu Shang passed down this brand map, it is estimated that the last person's spiritual sustenance is gone, and his life may go to the end.

Chu Feng once again refused, let Yu Shang old save himself, and one day he will see the dawn and revenge.

Since this is a secret weapon, let the supreme powers be jealous. Since ancient times, if one day Yu Yu has dug out this secret weapon, it may be able to kill the enemy with this device.

"You don't worry about me, chances are rare. The reason why I want to give it to you is because this spiritual imprint does not exclude you, and there are some closeness in the vagueness. It has been rare for such people to face the blood of my family for many years. It happened."

Yu Shang actually said such a passage, and he understood the heart of Chu Feng, told him that he would not die, to work hard and to fight for the day when the dawn appeared.

Chu Feng sighed, it was so sad for him, and at the same time he was very confused. Why did the spiritual brand on Yu Shangzu not reject him?

In fact, Yu Shang also had doubts, and finally thought of a legendary possibility.

He hesitated for a while, saying: "Your family may have had an intersection with our family before, and we have received the baptism of the true blood of our family."

This makes Chu wind stunned and deeply puzzled.

Yu Shang explained that their family is very extraordinary, even their own feelings of mystery, occasionally there will be people with extremely special bloodlines in their family. Their blood can be activated to another state in the inexplicable way, becoming a supreme medicine and baptizing. Wan Ling.

When I heard this statement, Chu Feng was deeply shocked. What kind of constitution is this, what is the real blood? It’s amazing, it’s amazing!

This kind of blood is very special, it is also very legendary, and it is extremely mysterious. It can even be said that after baptizing other people's body, it can promote its mutation and follow the traits of this blood!

After Chu Feng heard it, the shock was a bit stunned. Is there such a magical blood in this world? It is too mysterious, and it makes people feel incredible.

I don’t even have to think about it. The ancestors of Yushang’s family are far more mysterious and powerful than the imagination in an extremely ancient age.

Otherwise, why is the blood of the tribes that occasionally appear in this family? !

Yu Shang sighs, in fact, even he heard this rumor is deeply doubtful, feels incredible, deeply enchanted and powerful is somewhat outrageous.

Even the family themselves feel a bit like unimaginable and bizarre legends.

But this is the fact that the family has a record and some evidence remains.

Therefore, he is skeptical that Chu Feng’s ancestors have had friendship with the family and have been baptized, resulting in a certain trait of the Chu Feng family, so that the spiritual brand feels close.

"This should not be possible." Chu Feng shook his head, because he was not a man in the middle of the room, and there was no intersection between the family and the family.

He did not evade, did not cover up, and directly said that he came from Xiaoyin, because he did not avoid the old man of Yushang when he talked with Qingyin.

Recently, Yu Shang has been sheltering him and keeping him safe. He has nothing to hide.

In addition to the earlier surprise, Yu Shang has calmed down. The evolutionist who has no secret of his own? Especially the creatures that can become great saints are naturally extraordinary.

Yushang is in the middle of the sun, a goddess, and his ancestors are extremely mysterious. Naturally, he knows many secrets. The recurrence of his remarks is no stranger to him.

"Maybe your ancestors are people in the past?" Yu Shang said.

Chu Feng shook his head, this is unlikely.

There is a saying that the creatures in Xiaoyin are the remains of the yang, and they are resurrected.

The creatures in the sun have been very proud. It is said that Xiaoyin is the burial post left by Yang in the past, and some dead bodies are psychic and gradually recover, thus giving birth to some ethnic groups.

This kind of statement makes the people in Xiaoyin naturally feel humiliated.

At this moment, Chu Feng’s heart moved, and some thoughts were suddenly raised in his heart.

"Predecessors, you are convinced that your family will be left with you? Are there blood relatives, and future generations, have you ever entered the small underworld?"

When it comes to this, he jumps in his heart, because when he thinks of some possibilities, he may be able to give birth to hope in the heart of life.

"No, I am left alone. Everyone is dead, not an accident, but it is inexplicable, like my daughter and my eldest son."

Yu is still heartbroken, and the family is extremely brilliant and has a lot to come. Nowadays, it is completely extinct, and the blood is passed down. There is no longer a descendant!

"Predecessors, maybe you don't know, if any of the descendants have left blood outside, it happened to be met by me, I was infected with his real blood."

At this time, Yu was hesitant for a while because he thought of something, heard some cruel truths, and suspected that there were future generations.

"My only grandson, it is reported that there may be a posthumous child..." Yu Shang mentioned this matter, the turbid old tears almost fell, very sad.

When he went looking for it, he went after it, but he was blocked by the hostile family. His grandson’s priest was robbed, and the unborn child had disappeared.

However, Yu Shang heard that the leftover was raised, and there were descendants who were kept away.

However, the final outcome was very miserable. The enemy not only slandered the secrets of their family, but also wanted to study the rare blood that occasionally appeared in their families.

"I was made all kinds of experiments, very cruel, very sad, and I heard that I finally died." Yu Shang’s old eyes were turbid, his heart was blocked, and he could not return to the sky and could not change anything.

Everything is too strong because of the enemy and the enemy!

Chu Feng couldn't bear to reveal the scars in the heart of the old man, but for some reason, he still wanted to ask what the descendants who were raised were experienced because he felt that something might be true.

"For example, use their lively flesh to warm the evil blood left by the body of the evil spirits, causing their own decay and turning into a pool of pus."

"For example, because I know the kind of blood that is occasionally born out of my family, I have various kinds of stimulation in my body, and even planted the mother seed, I want to cultivate the mother gold that is supernatural..."

"Stop!" After Chu Feng heard this, a shock, finally on the number, his conjecture came true!

"Predecessors, you still have descendants, I... have seen them!" Chu Feng excitedly opened, wanting to tell the truth of Yu Shang.

In Xiaoyin, on the earth, the demon's grandfather is like this, and there is mother gold growth in the body, which was the seed planted by the people that year.

The most important thing is that the demon's grandfather came from the sun and fled to Xiaoyin.

Yu Shang is too poor, too lonely and bitter. If he is told that there are descendants in Xiaoyin, the blood of their family is not cut off, he will be extremely excited and happy.

However, for a moment, when I thought of the demon's end, Chu Feng was somewhat silent, very embarrassed, heart-wrenching and painful.

Because, he and the demon are the last one, in the abyss, she sinks, never come up!

On that day, Chu Feng’s body was disintegrated, leaving only the soul and blood, and the demon was sent out from the depths of the darkness, and she herself fell.

"Taiwu old chop!"

When I think of this, Chu Feng’s heart is hateful and painful. A Taoist martial artist’s body came to Xiaoyin, which caused it all.

Is the demon still there?

Can she still survive?

At the same time, Chu Feng also understood why the brand in Yu Shang’s body felt close to him because he was contaminated with the blood of the demon.

At the beginning, when the demon sent him out of the Great Abyss, he continued to cough up blood and was contaminated by his soul light and blood.

In this way, the demon is born with such a very special blood, it is for the blood of the supreme, if it is to grow up in the sun, how powerful? !

Chu Feng also understands why the demon is undisputed in the ancient underworld called the first under the stars!

This is not without reason, she is a true heavenly posture!

In a world that is incomplete, the rules are imperfect, and the lack of it is powerful, but it can fight Taiwu, killing the wicked people in the Yang, can be so bad, and it makes sense.

"You said that I have descendants, where are they...!"

Yu is still shaking and his lips are groaning. The biggest regret of his life is that he can't protect his daughter, the eldest son and the only grandson.

A few of the descendants are the capital of the sky, but they are all dead, being harmed by others, making him unhappy in this life, spending in self-blame, suffering in boring, the sky of life is not radiant, the whole world is It is gray, and it is sad in my heart.

Now, when I hear this news, how can he not be excited?

Chu Feng was slightly hesitant, or told the truth, telling the details.

Finally, he carefully considered that the demon is not necessarily dead in the Great Plains, and perhaps another encounter.

"I believe she is still alive. One day, one day, she will reappear in the world! If she does not appear, I will definitely go to see her. I will enter Dayuan and save her!" Chu Feng made a **** oath.

Whenever he thinks of the demon, he has a tremor and pain in his heart, and she must not be allowed to disappear from the world forever.

At the same time, he told the old man of Yu Shang, the grandfather of the demon is absolutely alive.

At that time, Chu Feng personally hid the lost grandfather's grandfather in the depths of a planet.

However, after the demon accident, her grandfather broke free from the seal and killed him. He was as stunned as an injured beast.

Chu Feng seriously suspected that the demon's grandfather recovered a few senses, and may be mixed in the "inferior species", and the people in the Yang Dynasty came to the sun!

Yu is still shaking, he may have descendants, **** inheritance, he makes a deep snoring, old tears, sad and happy.

He almost yelled out, but he was forced to exercise restraint and tears!

"It is said that our family has a lot to come. Our pulse is only the weakest one. The really powerful ones have disappeared and went to war."

Yu Shang murmured and told a more old thing.

Their family, because of their relative Confucianism, is responsible for guarding the artifact.

Even so, it is actually very powerful compared to other races.

However, if the other ancestors are still there, the terrible creatures who want to come to the coffin of their family will never dare to start, how far can they hide.

Unfortunately, the history of the family is too long, and almost no one believes that there are other, and there are old things that were so brilliant.

Today, only Yu is still the one, and it is necessary to destroy the family.

Yu Shang believes that people like the demon who occasionally reproduce the blood of the sky, the true blood reflects the glory of the ancestors, that is what they should have.

"You are ready, I will pass your brand map." Yu Shang said, to send Chu Feng gift.

"I don't want to wait for the demon to come back!" Chu Feng shook his head.

"You should accept it first, I will be lucky, I will have an accident at any time. If I interrupt this branding in my hand, I will be a sinner!" Yu Shang said, "If you have the heart, if one day, the demon will reappear." You can learn with her."

"it is good!"

In the end, Chu Feng Zheng focused.

And he once again inspired Yu Shang, so that he must live, waiting to see the demon one day.


Yu Shang's eyebrows glow, some kind of spiritual branding blooms, and a sly pattern emerges, and it is necessary to fly to Chu.

What did he see? !

In that secret picture, there is a mysterious yellow gas emerging from a piece of artifacts, there is chaos, but the pattern of the secret device is too vague and ambiguous, not really cut.

However, in the process, he saw other familiar things!

He saw three blood-stained seeds being shaken off the artifact...

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