The Sacred Ruins

Chapter 1263: Cao Yu

The battlefield is dead, the scalp of the evolution of all ethnic groups is numb, but it is a big saint with roots, so it was killed by Cao De!

Earlier, I wanted to intervene in the battle and save the high-ranking high-ranking people. The skin was convulsed and the accident was too sudden. They saw the vague figure of the madman appearing, thinking that they could be sturdy.

Who can expect that the young madman is indifferent and ruthless, and he simply does not take care of it. He just smashes his waste and let him go to fight. He watched him be beaten by Cao De and slaughtered the Seven Great Saints!

Not only that, what did they see? Cao De's eyes are like red-red lightning, his hair is smashed, murderous, and he wants to kill the madman?

This is amazing and unbelievable!

Chu Feng kills the madness, the body blooms with no amount of light, there are wind and thunder in the hands and feet, there is a thick lightning flying, he is like a demon Lord, terrible.

He really went to the madman, fluttering, and his hands swiping, the two grinding discs are visible in the vague, as if you can wipe out all the creatures in the world.

"Wu mad, eat a slap in the old Cao!" Chu Feng shouted.

In fact, Chu Feng is secretly preparing to reincarnate the black small wooden spears of the soil and chopsticks, and will sacrifice them at any time.

What's special, crazy! This is the thought of everyone. He dared to start with the madman and wave his fist at him.

In the end, who is a madman, how can it be transferred? This is... Cao madman!

At this moment, everyone is in the air.

Because the real madman has not been angry yet, and has not yet done it. As a result, Cao De is crazy first, and he is actively attacking.

This is almost straightforward, and at the same time it feels like a horror. If this irritates the madman, what terrible events will happen?

Should he not wash the entire battlefield? !

At this time, even some high-rises felt that the back was cold, and that Cao De was completely mad, and he was so daring.

The vague figure stood in the darkness, devours all the light, like a black hole, like the most horrible creature in the world.

Chu Feng is approaching, hands are together, as if the terrible gray grinding disc is roaring, there are many chains of order, and the scene is awkward.

Many people are exposed to different colors, this... like a sharp grinding punch!

People have more and more illusions, who is the madman?

"Grinding Pan?" Sure enough, the vague figure opened, showing a little different colors.

"Wrong, this is the worldly punch!"

Chu Feng corrected, pinched and punched, bursting with glare and attacking forward.

At the same time, his reincarnation and small wooden spears are also ready, and they will be sacrificed.

However, the shadow disappeared from the place, appeared on the other side of the earth, still black scorpion, swallowed the light, he was watching the Chu wind.

Especially when he was staring at the hands of Chu Feng, the first time he showed the same color, the black and faint eyes showed the gods, just like lightning to illuminate the entire battlefield.

Chu Feng’s heart was awkward. He had to sacrifice a wooden spear just now. He wanted to kill the madman in public. As a result, the shadow disappeared and stood in a farther direction in the other direction.

He noticed the eyes of the young madman, very horrible, with a complex look, a surprise, and doubt.

Chu Feng’s heart sinks. In an instant, he thinks a lot. Is it a horror creature that is bigger than imagination?

Did the madman once walked through that round of loops, and remembered some of the symbols on the stone plate in the dead city of the dead, thus creating a grinding disc?

This is a bit horrible. Even with the paper, safely crossing the cycle and keeping the memory, it is impossible to enlighten in the rough stone plate in the dead city!

Because, on that road, even if you have a paper, it is obscured, it is embarrassing, and you can't stay awake.

Only with the receipt of the paper, flying over the abyss, before the stone tire at the end of the circuit, will only recover.

That is to say, in addition to the Chu Feng stone pot, you can cross the body, you can also be awake in the huge rough stone grinding disc in the dead city of light, you can understand, in theory, other people are invisible, can not be realized.

However, this madman's eyes are so strange, it seems that he has also walked that way, what has been through? !

This is naturally horrible and amazing!

Originally in prehistoric times, he was an invincible creature. Now it is possible to have a past life, and it will be a long time. It is no wonder that he will be arrogant and arrogant.

"The name is reported to the surname." The figure in the darkness opened coldly, with a kind of transcendentality, and a kind of hegemony under calm.

"Want to know who I am, telling you is no problem!" Chu Feng said.

He is very proud of his head, and he is very arrogant, especially the body is contaminated with the Great Holy Blood. He has just slaughtered the Seven Great Saints, giving him a magical temperament. He is a heroic person. He shouted: "My name is Cao Yu, Cao Sanlong!"

There was silence on the battlefield. Many people were petrified, and they were like ghosts. What did he say? Cao Yu, what is the relationship between this and the prehistoric Li Wei? Deliberately say it!

Of course, some people are jealous and play drums directly, and his eyes have changed a bit.

"Wu madman, are you a boy now? Come, fight with my Cao Yu and see who can live and leave!"

Chu Feng called out and forced forward again.

When things are coming, it is useless to retreat. He completely released himself.

Wu Mengzi's eyes were faint, without talking, still staring at his hands, staring at the fists that were like gray discs.

"Hey, Wu crazy, eat Cao a fist!"

Chu Feng drunk, culled again, brave and fierce, golden light, energy, like a gold lightning, to the extreme.

This kind of title makes people feel a bit messy in the wind. How old are you, and you are also self-proclaimed Lao Cao. Is it really Li Wei?

In the distance, the six-eared macaque scratched his ears.

Of course, the most shocking thing is that Cao De is not bluffing. He really rushed over and once again went to kill the madman.

Everyone agrees that he is also a madman, and what Cao Yu is called is not too much.

Surprisingly, the vague figure did not enter the void, and then appeared at the end of the earth, did not fight with Chu Feng, actually avoided.

"Wu madman, where to escape, Cao Yu is here, you are coming!" Chu Feng shouted, and opened a pair of long legs, so he chased it down.

This is very surprising. The madman is not fighting. Why? It does not meet his temperament at all.

From the beginning of his youth, he went all the way to **** battles and pushed his opponents. On the eve of his retreat, he was still killing the door and destroying the world. Now he is tempered. This is not realistic.

"The residual armor is dusty, the devil does not exist, goodbye!"

This is the words of the madman, the dark figure is divided, and finally his nephew took a deep look at the Chu style, a fine light flew out, and did not go directly to the horizon.

No one dares to chase the evolutionary of the war, including Tianzun, who is honest and responsible, and fears the madman.

Chu Feng heard it suddenly, which means that the black shadow is just a display, no fighting power? Or instilling a few remaining energy into Li Shentian?

Otherwise, even the young madman is already overbearing!

"Where is the madman, you leave me, Cao Yu is here, kill you today!"

Chu Feng opened his legs and ran all the way, so he chased it down. He really wanted to get rid of that light.

He believes that a glimpse of the devil will take away the information of this place and ventilate the letter.

He always felt that the Wulunzi was very interested in his Grinding Boxing and had a different attitude towards him. Even if it was a juvenile madman, it was far from the peak and seemed to know a lot of things!

Therefore, he pursued all the way!

People on the battlefield are petrified, this is Cao De... It’s really against the sky, not to mention other achievements. It’s just that today’s behavior will cause a huge sensation.

Millions of years, endless years, how many days of arrogance and people are outstanding, there are also amazing ancient and modern generations, want to challenge the madman, want to destroy the dark source, the result to find his retreat, to find some of his possible reclusive The earth has no return, and even the waves have not risen.

Since then, no one has dared to offend him.

Since the last few days of prehistoric annihilation disappeared, no one went looking for it and died.

Now, Cao De dare to be so embarrassed, and dare to stride the Meteor's pursuit of the madman. This is a myth in mythology, like the Arabian Nights.

"No escape, what is a madman, what is the undefeated myth, today I will break you down and kill you!"

Chu Feng drank, after the start of the gods foot, his feet glow, every time he kneels on the ground, the earth will split, and he will leap for a long distance.

His speed is very fast, and the sound of the sound is deafening.

It is a pity that this is a yang, and it is as strong as a great saint.

In the rear, people are shocked. To kill the madman, you have to first hit a scalp, how can you hear it?

Soon, they thought of a secret. Before the prehistoric Li Lili Sanlong had gone to find a black hand under the madman, he beat him down.

In the pre-historic era, the only defeat of Wu Manzi was the encounter with the **** hand Li Wei. After painstaking thoughts, he concentrated on research and wanted to crack his magic.

This led to his subsequent destruction of the Tujia, nine deaths into the famous mountains and rivers, into the wilderness of the wilderness, looking for the strongest invincible magic in the Yang.

"It’s really Cao madman, saying that it’s going to break the blood. Is this intentional, to reveal the old things?” People suspect.

"Also called Cao madman, he claimed to Cao Sanlong!" Someone corrected.

The light is too fast, and a few flashes will be separated from the vast battlefield.

"Wu madman, you give me a stop, there is a kind of left, I Cao Yu Cao Sanlong blows you with one hand!" Chu Feng screamed at the back, shaking the battlefield.

People are petrified!

In any case, the name of Cao De today must be spread throughout the various ethnic groups. Regardless of whether he has the strength to slaughter the young madman, he will detonate public opinion in his words and deeds.

"Isn't it really going to call him Cao Yu since then?" Someone sighed.

"Smelly shameless, you don't want to take the opportunity to follow it? I haven't counted the old account with you yet!" In the distance, Long Dayu looked at his teeth and his face was stunned.

On the other side, Zhou Zhou is also open, let the old servant around to help arrange, she wants to meet with Cao De, talk.

"Miss, that is a big devil, very dangerous, not close!" An old man reminded.

The girl raised her white chin and said, "I am not looking at the big devil. I don't want to talk to him. Only the big devil is qualified!"

Several old people suddenly turned black.

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